Package has 3 documents
ISO 14120 / ISO 13857 / ISO 13854 - Machine Safety Package
ISO 14120 / ISO 13857 / ISO 13854 - Machine Safety Package
ISO 14120 / ISO 13857 / ISO 13854 - Machine Safety Package provides suggested safety measures to protect people from machine safety hazards. The suggested safety measures are applicable to the design, construction, and selection of fixed and movable guards. The ISO 14120 / ISO 13857 / ISO 13854 - Machine Safety Package also establishes the safety distances required to protect the human body from machine safety hazard zones in industrial and non industrial environments. The package details the horizontal safety distance in comparison to the hazard zone. ISO 14120 / ISO 13857 / ISO 13854 - Machine Safety Package includes:
- ISO 14120:2015
- ISO 13857:2019
- ISO 13854:2017
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Package has 3 documents
General Information
ISO 13854:2017 - Safety of machinery -- Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body
English language
5 pages
ISO 13857:2019 - Safety of machinery -- Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs
English language
20 pages
ISO 14120:2015 - Safety of machinery -- Guards -- General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
English language
35 pages