Standard Guide for Specifying and Evaluating Performance of Single Family Attached and Detached Dwellings-Durability

1.1 This guide gives examples of performance statements for durable in-place materials, products, components, subsystems, and systems for single family attached and detached dwellings, considering the effects of normal degradation factors to which they are anticipated to be subjected over their service lives. provides a listing of the sections of this Guide that address durability including the performance statements.
1.2 Damage from extreme acts of nature, vandalism, or intentional destructive acts by dwelling inhabitants are not considered as normal degradation factors affecting durability in this guide.
Note 1--Performance statements regarding the performance of single family attached and detached dwellings under extreme acts of nature are addressed in the Guide on Structural Safety and Serviceability.
1.3 This document also addresses site planning in so far as it affects the durability of single family attached and detached dwellings.
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values in parentheses are for information.
1.5 This guide is not intended to be used as a prescriptive regulatory document.

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ASTM E2136-01 - Standard Guide for Specifying and Evaluating Performance of Single Family Attached and Detached Dwellings-Durability
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An American National Standard
Designation: E 2136 – 01
Standard Guide for
Specifying and Evaluating Performance of Single Family
Attached and Detached Dwellings—Durability
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2136; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard guide is part of a set which together presents a complete performance standard guide
for specifying and evaluating single family attached and detached dwellings. The complete set in the
series, when finished, is to include the attributes given in Fig. 1.
The series provides a framework for specifying and evaluating qualities of building products and
systems to meet user needs without limiting ways and means. The format for this standard guide
includes performance statements that consist of four components (Objectives-Criteria-Evaluation-
Commentary) which together provide a systematic performance based approach for the intended
purpose. These performance statements are presented in Section 8 against a Hierarchy of Building
Elements as tabulated in Fig. 2.
The purpose of these standard guides is to provide a standardized methodology for describing
performance parameters of single-family attached or detached dwellings. This methodology standard-
izes the descriptions of performance of a single-family dwelling, attached or detached, that can be
expressed as performance statements (O-C-E-C) for a particular attribute, degradation factor, and user
These standard guides are intended for use by those who need to prescribe required levels of
performance and those who need to rate a product which forms a single-family dwelling or part
thereof. The standard guides include examples of performance statements that may be used for the
specification and evaluation of design, materials, products, components, subsystems, and systems.
1. Scope 1.3 This document also addresses site planning in so far as
it affects the durability of single family attached and detached
1.1 This guide gives examples of performance statements
for durable in-place materials, products, components, sub-
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
systems, and systems for single family attached and detached
standard. The values in parentheses are for information.
dwellings, considering the effects of normal degradation fac-
1.5 This guide is not intended to be used as a prescriptive
tors to which they are anticipated to be subjected over their
regulatory document.
service lives. Table 1 provides a listing of the sections of this
Guide that address durability including the performance state-
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.2 Damage from extreme acts of nature, vandalism, or
B 117 Salt Spray (Fog) Testing
intentional destructive acts by dwelling inhabitants are not
C 1036 Flat Glass
considered as normal degradation factors affecting durability in
C 1048 Heat-Treated Flat Glass--Kind HS, Kind FT Coated
this guide.
and Uncoated Glass
NOTE 1—Performance statements regarding the performance of single
C 1172 Laminated Architectural Flat Glass
family attached and detached dwellings under extreme acts of nature are
C 1349 Architectural Flat Glass Clad Polycarbonate
addressed in the Guide on Structural Safety and Serviceability.
D 225 Asphalt Shingles (Organic Felt) Surfaced With Min-
eral Granules
D 256 Test Methods for Determining the Izod Pendulum
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on Performance
of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.66 on Perfor-
Impact Resistance of Plastics
mance Standards for Dwellings.
Current edition approved March 10, 2001. Published July 2001.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
FIG. 1 Attributes Addressed in the Series of Performance Standards
D 1729 Visual Evaluation of Color Differences of Opaque E 997 Structural Performance of Glass in Windows, Curtain
Materials Walls, and Doors Under the Influence of Uniform Static
D 2444 Determination of the Impact Resistance of Thermo- Loads by Destructive Method
plastic Pipe and Fitting by Means of a Tup (Falling
E 998 Structural Performance of Glass in Windows, Curtain
Walls, and Doors Under the Influence of Uniform Static
D 2486 Scrub Resistance of Wall Paints
Loads by Non-destructive Method
D 3363 Film Hardness by Pencil Test
E 1017 Generic Requirements for Exterior Residential Win-
D 3462 Asphalt Shingles Made from Glass Felt and Sur-
dow Assemblies
faced with Mineral Granules
E 1233 Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Cur-
D 3746 Test Method for Impact Resistance of Bituminous
tain Walls, and Doors by Cyclic Static Air Pressure
Roofing Systems
D 4226 Test Methods for Impact Resistance of Rigid Poly-
E 1825 Evaluation of Exterior Building Wall Materials,
(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Building Products
Products, and Systems
D 4449 Visual Evaluation of Gloss Differences Between
E 2025 Test Method for Evaluating Fenestration Compo-
Surfaces of Similar Appearance
nents and Assemblies for Resistance to Impact Energies
D 4812 Test Method for Unnotched Cantilever Beam Im-
F 925 Resistance to Chemicals of Resilient Flooring
pact Strength of Plastics
F 1265 Test Method for Resistance to Impact for Resilient
D 5178 Mar Resistance of Organic Coatings
Floor Tile
D 5420 Test Method for Impact Resistance of Flat, Rigid
G 116 Conducting Wire-on Bolt Test for Atmospheric Gal-
Plastic Specimen by Means of a Striker Impacted by a
vanic Corrosion
Falling Weight (Gardner Impact)
G 149 Conducting the Washer Test for Atmospheric Gal-
D 6110 Test Methods for Determining the Charpy Impact
vanic Corrosion
Resistance of Notched Specimens of Plastics
G 151 Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test
E 632 Developing Accelerated Tests to Aid Prediction of the
Devices that Use Laboratory Light Sources
Service Life of Building Materials and Components
G 152 Operating Open-Flame Carbon Arc Light Apparatus
E 695 Method for Measuring Relative Resistance of Wall,
for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials
Floor, and Roof Construction to Impact Loading
G 153 Operating Enclosed Carbon Arc Light Apparatus for
E 773 Accelerated Weathering of Sealed Insulating Glass
Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials
G 154 Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Ex-
E 774 Specification for the Classification of the Durability
posure of Non-Metallic Materials
of Sealed Insulating Glass Units
G 155 Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure
E 822 Practice for Determining Resistance of Solar Collec-
on Non-Metallic Materials
tor Covers to Hail by Impact With Propelled Ice Balls
E 917 Measuring Life-Cycle Costs of Buildings and Build- 2.2 American Architectural Manufacturers Association and
ing Systems Window and Door Manufacturers Association:
FIG. 2 Hierarchy of Building Elements Included in the Series of Performance Standards
FIG. 2 Hierarchy of Building Elements Included in the Series of Performance Standards (continued)
ANSI/AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S. 2-97 Voluntary Specifica- ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Con-
tions for Aluminum, Vinyl (PVC) And Wood Windows crete, Part 3
and Glass Doors
ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 Building Code Requirements
AAMA/WDMA 1600/I.S. 7-2000 Voluntary Specifications
for Masonry Structures
for Skylights
2.4 American Forest & Paper Association:
AAMA 910–93 Voluntary “Life Cycle” Specifications and
AF&PA Technical Report No. 7 The Permanent Wood
Test Methods for Architectural Grade Windows and Slid-
Foundation System
ing Glass Doors
2.5 Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA):
AAMA 2603.8 Voluntary Performance Requirements and
Residential Asphalt Roofing Manual
Test Procedures for Pigmented Organic Coatings. on
2.6 Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC):
Extruded Aluminum
FMRC 4450 Approval Standard for Class 1 Insulated Steel
AAMA 2604.2 Voluntary Specification for Residential
Deck Roofs
Color Anodic Finishes
FMRC 4470 Approval Standard for Class 1 Roof Covers
AAMA 2605.2 Voluntary Specification for High Perfor-
2.7 International Council Code:
mance Organic Coatings on Architectural Extrusion and
International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family
AAMA 2606.1 Voluntary Guide Specifications and Inspec-
2.8 Underwriters Laboratories (UL):
tion Methods for Integral Color Anodic Finishes for
UL 2218 Impact Resistance Testing of Prepared Roof Cov-
Architectural Aluminum
ering Material
AAMA 2607.1 Voluntary Guide Specification and Inspec-
tion Methods for Clear Anodic Finishes for Architectural
3. Terminology
AAMA 2608.1 Voluntary Guide Specification and Inspec- 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this Stan-
tion Methods for Electrolytically Deposited Color Anodic dard Guide refer to Terminology E 631.
Finishes for Architectural Aluminum 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
AAMA 2611 Voluntary Standards for Anodized Architec- 3.2.1 durability—the capability of a building, assembly,
tural Aluminum component, product, or construction to maintain serviceability
2.3 American Concrete Institute: over at least a specified time.
TABLE 1 Sections of this Practice Addressing Durability
3.2.2 dwelling unit—a unit providing complete independent range of performance necessary to meet an objective or, where
living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent such a level or range cannot be established, the units of
provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. measurement of the performance. attached dwelling—two or more dwelling units, evaluation—the third part of a performance state-
each with an independent means of entry and means of egress, ment, consisting of the method(s) of assessing conformance of
that are connected to each other at a common wall, but not by the element being addressed to the criteria.
a common floor/ceiling. Discussion—The evaluation states the standards, inspection detached dwelling—a dwelling unit standing by methods, review procedures, historical documentation, test
itself. methods, in-use performance, engineering analyses, models, or
3.2.3 performance statement—an essential part of a perfor- other means to be used in assessing whether or not a criterion
mance standard that addresses a specific attribute in terms of an has been satisfied.
element in a hierarchy of built elements, and consists of four commentary—the fourth part of a performance state-
related parts: objective, criteria, evaluation, and commentary. ment, consisting of an informative narrative explaining aspects objective—the first part of a performance statement, of the performance statement.
consisting of a qualitative statement of the performance to be Discussion—A commentary may include one or more of the
provided by the built element being addressed in order to following: an explanation of how the objective relates to user
satisfy a particular user need. needs in fields such as physiology, psychology, and culture or criteria—the second part of a performance state- tradition; an explanation of how the criteria are established
ment, consisting of quantitative statements defining the level or including guides for setting different levels of performance to
meet various user needs; a discussion of the reliability of the bility issues related to single family attached and detached
evaluation method; and example solutions that are deemed to dwellings. Such applications can require that the performance
comply with the performance statement. statement examples be written in mandatory language.
3.2.4 provider—the individual or organization providing 4.5 The performance statement examples given in this
specific designs, materials, products, components, subsystems, standard guide are intended to complement the durability
or buildings for acceptance by the specifier. requirements implied in prescriptive provisions of codes such
3.2.5 serviceability—the capability of a building, assembly, as the International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family
component, product, or construction to perform the function(s) Dwellings (IRC).
for which it is designed and used. 4.6 Limitations on Performance Prediction:
3.2.6 service life (of a building component or material)— 4.6.1 The traditional approach to evaluating the durability in
the period of time after installation during which all properties building materials, components, and systems has been related
meet or exceed the minimum acceptable values when routinely to specific materials, and their reaction over time to specific
maintained. degradation factors. This is useful for establishing standards
3.2.7 specifier—the individual or organization using the for the quality control and use of specific materials. However,
standard guides to create specifications and ultimately accept it is not much help in making comparisons across a variety of
dwelling designs, materials, products, components, sub- traditional materials intended for the same use, in evaluating
systems, or buildings to be provided by providers. systems comprised of a number of specific materials (for
3.2.8 systems integrator—the individual or organization example, walls), or in developing performance specifications
within a provider who is responsible for responding to perfor- and performance standards needed for innovative materials.
mance statements at the highest level of the hierarchy of built Little research has considered the generic analysis of degrada-
elements and for assigning the responsibility for responding to tion factors acting upon building elements in residential
performance statements at lower levels to others, such as application. Moreover, insufficient work has been done in the
subcontractors, suppliers, or product manufacturers. development of accelerated weathering tests in which the
3.2.9 user need—a statement of the activities and behavior degradation processes simulate those occurring in practice.
to be carried out in relation to the dwelling by its residents, or Also, much more material science studies of degradation
other users, defined in terms of motor, kinetic, physiological, mechanisms and rates are needed to form a strong f

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