ASTM D6526-00
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Analysis of Toluene by Capillary Column Gas Chromatography
Standard Test Method for Analysis of Toluene by Capillary Column Gas Chromatography
1.1 This test method covers the determination of hydrocarbon impurities typically found in, and the purity of, samples containing 98 wt % and greater toluene. This test method is applicable to impurity concentrations in the range of 0.0010 to 0.500 wt %.
1.2 Monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons containing 6 through 8 carbon atoms, cumene, 1,4-dioxane, and nonaromatic aliphatic hydrocarbons containing up to 12 carbon atoms can be detected by this test method. The nonaromatic compounds are determined as a composite.
1.3 The following applies to all specified limits in this test method: for purposes of determining conformance with this test method, an observed value or a calculated value shall be rounded off "to the nearest unit" in the last right-hand digit used in expressing the specification limit, in accordance with the rounding-off method of Practice E 29.
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard statements, see Section .
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: D 6526 – 00
Standard Test Method for
Analysis of Toluene by Capillary Column Gas
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6526; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope E 1510 Practice for Installing Fused Silica Open Tubular
Capillary Columns in Gas Chromatographs
1.1 This test method covers the determination of hydrocar-
2.2 Other Document:
bon impurities typically found in, and the purity of, samples
OSHA Regulations, 29 CFR, paragraphs 1910.1000 and
containing 98 wt % and greater toluene. This test method is
applicable to impurity concentrations in the range of 0.0010 to
0.500 wt %.
3. Terminology
1.2 Monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons containing 6
3.1 See Terminology D 4790 for definitions of terms used in
through 8 carbon atoms, cumene, 1,4–dioxane, and nonaro-
this test method.
matic aliphatic hydrocarbons containing up to 12 carbon atoms
can be detected by this test method. The nonaromatic com-
4. Summary of Test Method
pounds are determined as a composite.
4.1 A portion of the sample is injected into a gas chromato-
1.3 The following applies to all specified limits in this test
graph using a microlitre syringe at the specified conditions of
method: for purposes of determining conformance with this
the test method. The toluene and other components are
test method, an observed value or a calculated value shall be
separated as they are transported through the column by an
rounded off “to the nearest unit” in the last right-hand digit
inert carrier gas. The components in the effluent are measured
used in expressing the specification limit, in accordance with
by a flame ionization detector (FID). The area of the impurity
the rounding-off method of Practice E 29.
peaks and toluene are electronically integrated. The peak areas
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
are corrected with effective carbon number (ECN) response
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
factors and normalized to 100.0000 %.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
5. Significance and Use
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard
5.1 This test method is suitable for determining the concen-
statements, see Section 9.
trations of known impurities in refined toluene and for use as
an integral quality control tool where toluene is produced or
2. Referenced Documents
used in manufacturing.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
5.2 Toluene purity is reported, but a chromatographic analy-
D 3437 Practice for Sampling and Handling Liquid Cyclic
2 sis cannot determine absolute purity if unknown or undetected
components are present in the sample.
D 4790 Terminology of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Re-
lated Chemicals
6. Interferences
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
6.1 If present, nonaromatic hydrocarbons of 13 carbons or
Determine Conformance with Specifications
greater, alcohols, ethers, and other similar organic compounds
E 355 Practice for Gas Chromatography Terms and Rela-
can interfere with this test method by co-eluting with the
aromatic hydrocarbons.
E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
6.2 Compounds not detected by a FID are not determined by
Determine the Precision of a Test Method
this test method.
6.3 Nonvolatile material is not determined.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D16 on
Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D16.01 on Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Cyclohexane, and Their Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Derivatives. Office, Washington, DC 20402.
Current edition approved Feb. 10, 2000. Published April 2000. Scanlon, J. T., and Willis, D. E., “Calculation of Ionization Detector Relative
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.04. Response Factors Using the Effective Carbon Number Concept”, Journal of
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 014.02. Chromatographic Science, Vol 35, August, 1985, pp. 333-339.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 6526
7. Apparatus Safety Data Sheets, and local regulations for all materials used
in this test method.
7.1 Gas Chromatograph (GC)—any GC built for capillary
column chromatography. The system shall have sufficient
10. Sample Handling
sensitivity, linearity, and range to obtain a minimum peak
10.1 Collect the samples in accordance with Practice
height response for 0.0010 wt % impurity of twice the height
D 3437.
of the signal background noise, while not exceeding the full
10.2 To preserve sample integrity (consistency) and prevent
scale of either the detector or the electronic integration for the
the loss of volatile components, which may be in some
major component. It shall have a split injection system that will
samples, do not uncover samples any longer than necessary.
not discriminate over the boiling range of the samples ana-
lyzed. The system should be capable of operating at conditions
11. Preparation of Apparatus
given in Table 1.
11.1 Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mounting
TABLE 1 Typical Instrumental Parameters and conditioning the column in the chromatograph.
11.2 Adjust the instrument to the conditions as described in
Detector: Flame ionization
Detector temperature, °C 150°C
Table 1 to give the proper separations. Allow sufficient time for
Column: 50 m by 0.25 mm
the instrument to reach equilibrium as indicated by a stable
Tubing Fused silica
baseline. See Practices E 355 and E 1510 for additional infor-
Stationary phase TCEP
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