Standard Test Method for Smoke Obscuration of Insulating Materials Contained in Electrical or Optical Fiber Cables When Burning in a Vertical Cable Tray Configuration

1.1 This is a fire-test-response standard.
1.2 This test method provides a means to measure the smoke obscuration resulting from burning electrical insulating materials contained in electrical or optical fiber cables when the cable specimens, excluding accessories, are subjected to a specified flaming ignition source and burn freely under well ventilated conditions.
1.3 This standard provides two different protocols for exposing the materials, when made into cable specimens, to an ignition source (approximately 20 kW), for a 20 min test duration. Use it to determine the flame propagation and smoke release characteristics of the materials contained in single and multiconductor electrical or optical fiber cables designed for use in cable trays.
1.4 This test method does not provide information on the fire performance of electrical or optical fiber cables in fire conditions other than the ones specifically used in this standard nor does it measure the contribution of the cables to a developing fire condition.
1.5 Data describing the burning behavior from ignition to the end of the test are obtained.
1.6 The production of light obscuring smoke is measured.
1.7 The burning behavior is documented visually, by photographic or video recordings, or both.
1.8 The test equipment is suitable for making other, optional, measurements, including the rate of heat release of the burning specimen, by an oxygen consumption technique and weight loss.
1.9 Another set of optional measurements are the concentrations of certain toxic gas species in the combustion gases.
1.10 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard (see Practice E380).
1.11 This standard should be used to measure and describe the response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under controlled conditions and should not be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard or fire risk of materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions. However, results of this test may be used as elements of a fire-hazard or fire-risk assessment which takes into account all of the factors which are pertinent to an assessment of the fire hazard or fire risk of a particular end use.  
1.12 Fire testing of products and materials is inherently hazardous. Employ adequate safeguards for personnel and property in conducting these tests.
1.13 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D5424-99 - Standard Test Method for Smoke Obscuration of Insulating Materials Contained in Electrical or Optical Fiber Cables When Burning in a Vertical Cable Tray Configuration
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Designation: D 5424 – 99
Standard Test Method for
Smoke Obscuration of Insulating Materials Contained in
Electrical or Optical Fiber Cables When Burning in a Vertical
Cable Tray Configuration
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5424; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the
materials, products or assemblies under actual fire conditions.
1.1 This is a fire-test-response standard.
1.12 Fire testing of products and materials is inherently
1.2 This test method provides a means to measure the
hazardous. Employ adequate safeguards for personnel and
smoke obscuration resulting from burning electrical insulating
property in conducting these tests.
materials contained in electrical or optical fiber cables when
1.13 This standard does not purport to address all of the
the cable specimens, excluding accessories, are subjected to a
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
specified flaming ignition source and burn freely under well
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
ventilated conditions.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.3 This test method provides two different protocols for
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
exposing the materials, when made into cable specimens, to an
ignition source (approximately 20 kW), for a 20 min test
2. Referenced Documents
duration. Use it to determine the flame propagation and smoke
2.1 ASTM Standards:
release characteristics of the materials contained in single and
D1835 Specification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases
multiconductor electrical or optical fiber cables designed for
E84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of
use in cable trays.
Building Materials
1.4 This test method does not provide information on the
E176 Terminology of Fire Standards
fire performance of electrical or optical fiber cables in fire
E800 Guide for Measurement of Gases Present or Gener-
conditions other than the ones specifically used in this test
ated During Fires
method nor does it measure the contribution of the cables to a
E1354 Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release
developing fire condition.
Rates for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Con-
1.5 Data describing the burning behavior from ignition to
sumption Calorimeter
the end of the test are obtained.
IEEE/ASTM SI 10 Standard for Use of the International
1.6 The production of light obscuring smoke is measured.
System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System
1.7 The burning behavior is documented visually, by pho-
2.2 NFPA Standard:
tographic or video recordings, or both.
ANSI/NFPA70-1990, NationalElectricalCode—1990,Na-
1.8 The test equipment is suitable for making other, op-
tional Fire Protection Association
tional, measurements, including the rate of heat release of the
2.3 Underwriters Laboratories Standards:
burning specimen, by an oxygen consumption technique and
UL 1056: Fire Test of Upholstered Furniture, Underwriters
weight loss.
Laboratories, 1989
1.9 Another set of optional measurements are the concen-
UL 1581: Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables,
trations of certain toxic gas species in the combustion gases.
and Flexible Cords, March 6, 1987, Underwriters Labo-
1.10 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
ratories, Inc., ANSI/UL 1581-1985
standard (see IEEE/ASTM SI 10).
UL 1685: Standard Vertical Tray Fire Propagation and
1.11 This standard measures and describes the response of
materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under
controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
1 4
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-9 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials and is the direct responsibility of Available from National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park,
Subcommittee D09.21 on Fire Performance Standards. Quincy, MA 02269.
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 1999. Published December 1999. Originally AvailablefromUnderwritersLaboratories,Inc.,333PfingstenRd.,Northbrook,
published as D5424–93. Last previous edition D5424–98. IL 60062.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Smoke Release Test for Electrical and Optical Fiber 5. Significance and Use
Cables, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., January 27, 1992
5.1 This test method provides a means to measure a variety
2.4 Canadian Standards Association Standards:
of fire-test-response characteristics associated with smoke
CSA Standard FT-4, Vertical Flame Tests: Cables in Cable
Trays, Section 4.11.4 in C22.2 No. 0.3-M1985, Test
materials contained in electrical or optical fiber cables. The
Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables
specimens are allowed to burn freely under well ventilated
2.5 IEEE Standards:
conditions after ignition by means of a propane gas burner.
IEEE 1202-1991: Standard for Flame Testing of Cables for
5.2 Smoke obscuration quantifies the visibility in fires.
Use in Cable Tray in Industrial and Commercial Occu-
5.3 This test method is also suitable for measuring the rate
pancies, May 29, 1991.
of heat release as an optional measurement. The rate of heat
2.6 Other Standards:
release often serves as an indication of the intensity of the fire
CATechnicalBulletin133, FlammabilityTestProcedurefor
Seating Furniture for Use in Public Occupancies, January,
5.4 Other optional fire-test-response characteristics that are
Nordtest Method NT Fire 032, Upholstered Furniture:
fire safety. The most important gaseous components of smoke
Burning Behavior—Full Scale Test
are the carbon oxides, present in all fires. They are major
indicators of the toxicity of the atmosphere and of the
3. Terminology
completeness of combustion and are often used as part of fire
3.1 For definitions of terms used in this test method and
hazard assessment calculations and to improve the accuracy of
associated with fire issues, refer to Terminology E176.
heat release measurements. Other toxic gases, which are
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
specific to certain materials, are less crucial for determining
3.2.1 sample, n—an amount of the cable type and construc-
combustion completeness.
5.5 Test Limitations:
3.2.2 specimen, n—the individual length of cable, or cable
5.5.1 The fire-test-response characteristics measured in this
bundle, to be placed in the cable tray, which is representative
test method are a representation of the manner in which the
of the product to be tested.
specimens tested behave under certain specific conditions. Do
4. Summary of Test Method not assume they are representative of a generic fire perfor-
mance of the materials tested when made into cables of the
4.1 This fire-test-response standard determines a number of
construction under consideration.
fire-test-response characteristics associated with smoke obscu-
5.5.2 In particular, it is unlikely that this test method is an
adequate representation of the fire behavior of cables in
specimens of electrical or optical fiber cables located in a
confined spaces, without abundant circulation of air.
vertical cable tray and ignited with a propane gas burner. This
5.5.3 This is an intermediate-scale test, and the predictabil-
test method is also suitable for making other, optional mea-
ity of its results to large scale fires has not been determined.
Some information exists to suggest that it has been validated
released, rates and concentrations of carbon oxides released
against some large-scale scenarios.
and rates and amounts of mass of the specimen lost (see
Appendix X2). Further optional measurements are also pos-
6. Apparatus
4.2 Theverticalcabletraythatholdsthespecimenislocated
6.1 Enclosure:
in an enclosure of specified dimensions.
6.1.1 The enclosure in which the specimen is tested is
4.3 A hood, connected to a duct, is located above the fire
shown in Fig. 1.
6.1.2 The enclosure has a floor area of 2.44 m 6 25 mm by
2.44 m 6 25 mm, with a height of 3.35 m 6 25 mm (8 ft 6
placed in the duct.
1 in. by 8 ft 6 1 in. by 11 ft 6 1 in. high). On top of the walls
4.4 Two different test procedures are specified, which differ
there is a pyramidal collection hood with a collection box.
in the burner used and in the electrical or optical fiber cable Otherenclosuresizes,suchas2.4by2.4by2.4m(8
by 8 by 8 ft) or the 3 m cube are permitted, provided that the
1581 (protocol A) and CSA Standard FT-4 in C22.2 No.
internal volume of the enclosure, exclusive of the pyramidal
0.3-M1985 or IEEE 1202 (protocol B) and UL 1685 (both 3 3 3 3
hood,rangesbetween14.5m (512ft )and36m (1272ft ),the
2 2 2 2
floorarearangesbetween6m (64ft )and9m (97ft ),andthe
maximum air movement within the enclosure complies with
6.1.10 (Note 1).
Available from Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd., Rexdale,
Ontario, Canada, M9W 1R3.
8 NOTE 1—Thereis,asyet,notenoughinformationastotheequivalence
Available from Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 345 East 47th
on smoke release between the various facilities. Further work needs to be
St., New York, NY 10017.
done to confirm this.
Available from Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, State of
California, Department of Consumer Affairs, 3485 Orange Grove Ave., North In case of disputes, the referee method are the tests
Highlands, CA 95660-5595.
Available from Nordtest, P.O. Box 22, SF-00341, Helsingfore, Finland, 1987. conducted using the enclosure in 6.1.2.
FIG. 1 Cable Test Enclosure
6.1.3 Walls—Themaximumconductiveheatfluxlossofthe heat flux loss no greater than that of the walls, that is, 6.8
2 2 2 2
walls of the structure is 6.8 W/(m K) (30 Btu/h-ft ), based W/(m K) (30 Btu/h-ft ). A steel framed wired glass door will
upon an inside wall temperature of 38°C (100°F) and an meet these requirements.Adequately seal the sides and the top
outside air temperature of 24°C (75°F). Paint the interior of the door to prevent drafts.
surface of the walls flat black. Any materials of construction
6.1.6 Construct a truncated pyramid stainless steel hood,
that meet the preceding requirements are acceptable. Two
examples of acceptable construction materials are nominally
152 mm (6 in.) thick concrete masonry blocks (density: 1700
between the hood and the walls; a compressible inorganic
−3 −3
kg m (106 lb ft ) and thermal conductivity nominally k
batting as gasket is suitable.
=1.75 W/(m K), at 21°C; 12.13 Btu in./ft h°F, at 70°F) or
6.1.7 Insulate the exterior of the hood to make an overall
nominally13mm(0.5in.)gypsumboard,with89 66mm(3.5
conductive heat loss no greater than that of the walls.
60.25in.)ofstandardfiberglassinsulation,withan Rvalueof
6.1.8 Locate a cubical stainless steel collection box (914 6
1.94 m K/W (which corresponds in practical units to an R
25 mm (36 6 1 in.) per side) on top of the exhaust hood, with
valueof11hft °F/Btu.Windowsforobservationofthefiretest
a nominal 406 6 25 mm (16 6 1 in.) diameter stainless steel
are allowed in the walls; ensure that the total area of the
pipe exhaust duct centered in one side.
2 2
windows does not exceed 1.86 m (20 ft ).
6.1.9 Install the exhaust duct horizontally and connect it to Selectmaterialsofconstructionwhichcanwithstand
the plenum of the hood.
the high temperatures and presence of open flame within the
6.1.10 Ensure that the maximum air movement within the
test enclosure and duct.
enclosure, with only the intake and exhaust openings open, the
6.1.4 Provide air intakes at the base of two opposite walls,
exhaust fan on, and the burner off, does not exceed 1 m/s (3.3
one of which contains the access door. Ensure that the total
ft/s), as measured by a vane-type anemometer in the following
crosssectionalareaoftheairintakesis1.45 60.03m (22506
areas: (1) at the floor level where the burner is positioned
50 in. ), and that the intake areas are divided approximately
during the test, and (2) at 1.50 6 0.05 m (4.9 ft 6 2 in.) above
the enclosure floor, where the cable tray is positioned during
the walls. Air intakes are not permitted in either of the other
the test.
two walls.
6.1.5 Construct a door with wired glass and locate it as 6.1.11 Constructasquare610 625-mm(24 61-in.)baffle,
showninFig.1.Thedooris900 625mmwideand2100625 centeredoverthecabletray.Anacceptableheightis300to400
mmhigh(35 61in.by83 61in.),withanoverallconductive mm (12 to 15 in.) above the tray.
FIG. 2 Bidirectional Probe
FIG. 3 Optical System
6.1.12 Constructacollection-exhaustsystemconsistingofa bendandtheprobeisatleast8timestheinsidediameterofthe
blower, steel hood, duct, bidirectional probe, thermocouple(s), duct. If the system is positioned at a different location,
oxygen measurement system (optional), smoke obscuration demonstrate the achievement of equivalent results.
measurement system, and gas analysis system (optional). 6.3.4 Build the probe of a short stainless steel cylinder
Ensure that the system for collecting the combustion products
44-mm (1.75-in.) long and 22-mm (0.875-in.) inside diameter
has the capacity and is designed in such a way that all of the with a solid diaphragm in the center. The pressure taps on
combustion products leaving the burning specimen are col-
either side of the diaphragm are also the support for the probe.
3 −1
lected. Make the exhaust system capacity at least 2.7 m s at Position the axis of the probe along the centerline of the duct.
normal pressure and at a temperature of 25 6 2°C. Construct
Connect the taps to a pressure transducer able to resolve
the co

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