Standard Specification for Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings

This specification establishes requirements for sand castings produced from copper-base alloys having the alloy numbers, commercial designations, and nominal compositions. The alloys the classified according to their nominal compositions: UNS No. C95200; UNS No. C95300; UNS No. C95400; UNS No. C95410; UNS No. C95500; UNS No. C95520; UNS No. C95600; UNS No. C95700; UNS No. C95800; UNS No. C95820; and UNS No. C95900. The castings shall conform to the chemical requirements specified. Mechanical properties shall be determined from separately cast test bar castings and shall meet the requirements. Brineel and Rockwell hardness readings shall be taken on the grip end of the tension test bar and shall be made in accordance with the specified requirements.
1.1 This specification establishes requirements for sand castings produced from copper-base alloys having the alloy numbers, commercial designations, and nominal compositions shown in Table 1.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
TABLE 1 Nominal Compositions  Copper Alloy
UNS No.Old Desig-
DesignationNominal Composition, % CopperNickelIronAluminumSiliconManganese  C952009AGrade A88.0. . .3.09.0. . .. . .  C95300A9BGrade B89.0. . .1.010.0. . .. . .  C95400A9CGrade C85.0. . .4.011.0. . .. . .  C95410A. . .. . . 10.0. . .. . .  C95500A9DGrade D81. . .. . .  C95520A. . .. . . . .. . .  C956009EGrade E91.0. . .. . .7.02.0. . .  C957009FGrade F75. . .12.0  C95800. . .. . . . .1.2  C95820. . .. . . . .1.0  C95900. . .. . .87.5. . .4.513.0. . .. . .
A These grades respond to heat treatment.

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ASTM B148-97(2009) - Standard Specification for Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation:B148 −97(Reapproved 2009)
Standard Specification for
Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B148; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope 4. Ordering Information
1.1 This specification establishes requirements for sand 4.1 Orders for castings under this specification shall include
castings produced from copper-base alloys having the alloy the following information:
numbers, commercialdesignations,andnominalcompositions 4.1.1 Quality of castings required,
shown in Table 1. 4.1.2 Copper alloy number (Table 1) and temper (as-cast,
heat treated, and so forth),
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
4.1.3 Specification title, number, and year of issue,
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
4.1.4 Pattern or drawing number and condition (cast,
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only
machined, and so forth),
and are not considered standard.
4.1.5 Analysis of residual elements, if specified in the
purchase order (Specification B824),
2. Referenced Documents
4.1.6 Pressure test requirements, if specified in the purchase
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date
order (Specification B824),
of material purchase form a part of this specification to the
4.1.7 Soundness requirements, if specified in the purchase
extent referenced herein:
order (Specification B824),
2.2 ASTM Standards:
4.1.8 Certification, if specified in the purchase order (Speci-
B208 Practice for Preparing Tension Test Specimens for
fication B824),
Copper Alloy Sand, Permanent Mold, Centrifugal, and
4.1.9 Test report, if specified in the purchase order (Speci-
Continuous Castings
fication B824),
B824 Specification for General Requirements for Copper
4.1.10 Witness inspection, if specified in the purchase order
Alloy Castings
(Specification B824),
E10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials
4.1.11 Approval of weld procedure and records of repairs, if
E18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Ma-
specified in the purchase order (Section 8),
4.1.12 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code application
E527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the
(9.2 and Section 11),
Unified Numbering System (UNS)
4.1.13 Castings for seawater service (5.3), and
4.1.14 Product marking, if specified in the purchase order
3. General Requirements
(Specification B824).
3.1 Material furnished under this specification shall con-
4.2 When material is purchased for agencies of the U.S.
form to the applicable requirements of Specification B824.
Government, the Supplementary Requirements of this specifi-
cation may be specified.
5. Materials and Manufacture
and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.05 on
Castings and Ingots for Remelting.
5.1 For better corrosion resistance in seawater applications,
Current edition approved April 1, 2009. Published May 2009. Originally
castings in Copper Alloy UNS No. C95800 shall be given a
approved in 1941. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as B148 – 97 (2003) .
DOI: 10.1520/B0148-97R09.
temper anneal heat treatment at 1250 6 50°F (675 6 10°C) for
The UNS system for copper and copper alloys (see Practice E527) is a simple
6 h minimum. Cooling shall be by the fastest means possible
expansion of the former standard designation system accomplished by the addition
that will not cause excessive distortion or cracking. Propeller
of a prefix “C” and a suffix “00.” The suffix can be used to accommodate
castings shall be exempt from this requirement.
composition variations of the base alloy.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park
the ASTM website. Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
B148−97 (2009)
TABLE 1 Nominal Compositions
Nominal Composition, %
Copper Alloy Old Desig- Commercial
UNS No. nation Designation
Copper Nickel Iron Aluminum Silicon Manganese
C95200 9A Grade A 88.0 . . . 3.0 9.0 . . . . . .
C95300 9B Grade B 89.0 . . . 1.0 10.0 . . . . . .
C95400 9C Grade C 85.0 . . . 4.0 11.0 . . . . . .
C95410 . . 84.0 2.0 4.0 10.0 . .
C95500 9D Grade D 81.0 4.0 4.0 11.0 . . . . . .
C95520 . . 78.5 5.5 5.0 11.0 . .
C95600 9E Grade E 91.0 . . . . . . 7.0 2.0 . . .
C95700 9F Grade F 75.0 2.0 3.0 8.0 . . . 12.0
C95800 . . . . . . 81.3 4.5 4.0 9.0 . . . 1.2
C95820 . . . . . . 79.0 5.2 4.5 9.5 . . . 1.0
C95900 . . . . . . 87.5 . . . 4.5 13.0 . . . . . .
These grades respond to heat treatment.
TABLE 2 Chemical Requirements
Silicon Nickel
Nickel Aluminum
Classification Aluminum Bronze Nickel Aluminum Bronze Aluminum Aluminum
Aluminum Bronze
Bronze Bronze
Copper Alloy C95200 C95300 C95400 C95410 C95500 C95520 C95600 C95700 C95800 C95820 C95900
Composition, %
Copper 86.0 min 86.0 min 83.0 min 83.0 min 78.0 min 74.5 min 88.0 min 71.0 min 79.0 min 77.5 min remainder
Aluminum 8.5–9.5 9.0–11.0 10.0–11.5 10.0–11.5 10.0–11.5 10.5–11.5 6.0–8.0 7.0–8.5 8.5–9.5 9.0–10.0 12.0–13.5
Iron 2.5–4.0 0.8–1.5 3.0–5.0 3.0–5.0 3.0–5.0 4.0–5.5 . . . 2.0–4.0 3.5–4.5 4.0–5.0 3.0–5.0
Manganese . . . . . . 0.50 max 0.50 max 3.5 max 1.5 max . . . 11.0–14.0 0.8–1.5 1.5 max 1.5 max
Nickel (incl . . . . . . 1.5 max 1.5–2.5 3.0–5.5 4.2–6.0 0.25 max 1.5–3.0 4.0–5.0 4.5–5.8 0.5 max
Silicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15 max 1.8–3.2 0.10 max 0.10 max 0.10 max . . .
Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03 max . . . 0.03 max 0.03 max 0.02 max . . .
Chromium shall be 0.05 max, cobalt 0.20 max, tin 0.25 max, and zinc 0.30 max.
Zinc shall be 0.2 max and tin 0.02 max.
Iron content shall not exceed the nickel content.
5.2 CopperAlloy UNS Nos. C95300, C95400, C95410, and 6.2 These specification limits do not preclude the presence
C95500 may be supplied in the heat-treated condition to obtain of other elements. Limits may be established by agreement
the higher mechanical properties shown in Table 3. Suggested between manufacturer or supplier and purchaser for these
heat treatments for these alloys and Copper Alloy UNS No. unnamed elements. Copper may be given as remainder and
C95520 are given in Table 4. Actual practice may vary by may be taken as the difference between the sum of all elements
manufacturer. analyzed and 100 %. When all the elements in the table are
analyzed, their sum shall be as specified in the following table:
5.3 Copper Alloy UNS No. C95520 is used in the heat-
Copper Plus Named Elements,
treated condition only.
Copper Alloy UNS Number min, %
5.4 Copper Alloy UNS No. C95900 is normally supplied
C95200 99.0
annealed between 1100°F (595°C) and 1300°F (705°C) fol-
C95300 99.0
lowed by air cooling.
C95400 99.5
C95410 99.5
5.5 Copper Alloy UNS No. C95820 is supplied in the
C95500 99.5
as-cast condition.
C95520 99.5
C95600 99.0
5.6 Separately cast test bar coupons representing castings
C95700 99.5
made in Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C95300HT, C95400HT, C95800 99.5
C95820 99.2
C95410HT, C95500HT, C95520HT, C95800 temper annealed,
C95900 99.5
and C95900 annealed shall be heat treated with the castings.
7. Mechanical Properties
6. Chemical Composition
7.1 Mechanical properties shall be determined from sepa-
6.1 Thecastingsshallconformtothechemicalrequirements rately cast test bar castings and shall meet the requirements
shown in Table 2.
shown in Table 3.
B148−97 (2009)
TABLE 3 Mechanical Requirements
Aluminum Bronze Nickel Aluminum Bronze Nickel
Silicon Aluminum Nickel Aluminum
Classification Aluminum
Bronze Aluminum Bronze
As-Cast As-Cast Bronze
C95400 and
Copper Alloy UNS No. C95200 C95300 C95500 C95820 C95600 C95700 C95800 C95900
Tensile strength, min, 65 65 75 90 94 60 90 85 .
ksi (MPa ) (450) (450) (515) (620) (650) (415) (620) (585) .
Yield strength, min, 25 25 30 40 39 28 40 35 .
ksi (MPa ) (270)
(170) (170) (205) (275) (195) (275) (240) .
Elongation in 2 in. 20 20 12 6 13 10 20 15 . . .
(50.8 mm), %
Brinell hardness No. 110 110 150 190 . . . . .
(3000-kg load)
C95400 and
Copper Alloy UNS No. C95300 C95500 C95520
Tensile strength, min, . 80 90 110 125 . . . .
ksi (MPa) . (550) (620) (760) (862) . . . .
Yield strength, min, . 40 45 60 95 . . . .
ksi (MPa) (655)
... (275) (310) (415) ... ... ... ...
Elongation in 2 in. . 12 6 5 2 . . . .
(50.8 min), %
Brinell hardness No. . . . 160 190 200 255 . . . 241min
(3000-kg load)
As cas

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