Test Method for Finish Content of Woven Glass Fabric, Cleaned and After-Finished with Amino-Silane-Type Finishes, for Plastic Laminates (Withdrawn 1988)

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ASTM D2408-82 - Test Method for Finish Content of Woven Glass Fabric, Cleaned and After-Finished with Amino-Silane-Type Finishes, for Plastic Laminates (Withdrawn 1988)
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Standards Content (Sample)

Designation: D 2408 - 82
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next dition.
Standard Test Method for
This standard is issued under the fixed designationD 2408; the number immediateIy following the designationindicates thé
year oforiginaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revisi0n.A number in parentheses indicates theyear of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope uations, and quality control.
4.2 The amho-silane finish enhances the
1.1 This method covers the measurement of
handleability of the fabric and improves the
the amount of amino-silane finish applied to
mechanid properties of the glass fabric when
various styles of woven glass fabrics that have
used as a reinforcement in epoxy or phenolic
been suitably cleaned to remove the oils and
binders present on the yarn to make them
suitable for use in plastic laminates.
5. Apparatus
1.2 Glass fabrics with this finish can be used
5.1 Anabfical Balance, sensitive to 10.1 mg.
with epoxy and phenolic resin systems to pro-
5.2 Nickel Crucible, J. Lawrence Smith, 17-
duce laminates with a wide variefy of properties
mL capacity.
for general use and for use under conditions of
5.3 Test Tube, high-silica glass, 75-mL ca-
high physical stress and high temperature.
pacity, 25 by 200-mm.
Nom I-Typical amino-silane finishes are known
5.4 Rubber Sìopper, No. 4, with two holes.
as A-1100 and soft A-1100.
5.5 Kjeldahl Connecting Bulb, 52-mm diam-
NOTE 2-The modified Kjeldahl method is used
in this method.
5.6 Tubing, Glass, inside diameter less than
2. Applicable Document
5 mm.
2.1 ASTM Standard 5.7 Tubing, Vinyl.
D $029 -Specification for Finished Woven 5.8 Crucible Furnace, Fieldner.
Glass Fabrics2
5.9 Variable Transformer,
5.10 Asbestos or Transite Collar.
3. Summary of Method
6. Reagents and Materials
3.1 Specimens are subjected fo a cyclical
heating-purging-distilling procedure, The ni- 6.1 Puri9 of Reagents-Reagent grade
trogen content of the material .is measured, chemicals shall be used in ali tests. Unless
which is a reliable indication of the amount of
otherwise indicated, it is intended that all re-
amino-silane finish on the glass fabric. agents shall conform to the specifications of the
Committee on Analytical Reagents of the
4. Significance and Use
American Chemical Society, where such spec-
4.1 The purpose of this method is to provide
* This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
a means for determining the amount of amino-
mittee D-20 on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of
silane finish on glass fabrics that have met the
Subcommittee D2O. 18 on Reinforced Themasetting Plastics.
Currenf edition approved July 30, 1982. Published Octo-
requirements of Specification D 4025 and
ber 1982. Originally published as D 2408 - 65 T. Last pre-
whether it has been correctly applied. It is
vio*~ edition D 2408 - 8 i.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 33.
intended for use in specifications, product eval-

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
D 2408
pressed air on the rubber stopper to keep it
$cations are a~ailable.~ Other grades may be
used, provided it is first ascertained that the from becoming too hot. Switch on the trans-
reagent is of sufficiently high purity to permit former and increase the voltage over a period
of 20 min (slowly at first) until the temperature
its use without lessening the accuracy of the
determination. of the furnace is around 500°C. Temperature
should not exceed 600”C, as some carryover of
6.2 Purity of Water-Unless otherwise indi-
potassium may occur. The KOH will be react-
cated, references to water shall be understood
ing vigorously with the sample. After 30 min
to mean distilled water or water of equal purity.
6.3 Asbestos, ignited. the boric acid solution should be yellow.
7.5 Titrate the ammonium borate in the Er-
6.4 Boric Acid Solution (10 g/L)-Dilute 10
mL of a saturated boric acid solution to ap- lenmeyer flask to a faint pink with 0.01 N HC1,
proximately 50 mL. keeping the system connected all the while.
Continue the heating-purging-distilling opera-
6.5 Hydrochloric Acid (0.01 N)-Prepare
tion for 5 min more. If the reaction is complete,
and standardize a 0.01 N solution of hydro-
the solution wiü remain p”k, if it is not com-
chloric acid (HC1).
plete, the more ammonia WU distill over and
6.6 Methyl Red Indicator Solution (O. 1 g/100
mL)-Dissolve 0.1 g of methyl red in 100 mL the solution WU turn yellow again. Run a blank
on the untreated substrate.
of 60 % ethanol.
6.7 Nitrogen or Argo

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