ASTM D276-12
(Test Method)Standard Test Methods for Identification of Fibers in Textiles (Withdrawn 2021)
Standard Test Methods for Identification of Fibers in Textiles (Withdrawn 2021)
These test methods are a generally reliable means of identifying the generic types of fibers present in a sample of textile material of unknown composition. The methods are generally not useful for distinguishing fibers of the same generic class from different manufacturers or for distinguishing different fiber types of the same generic class from one producer.
Many fibers are chemically modified by their producers in various ways so as to alter their properties. It is possible for such modifications to interfere seriously with the analyses used in these test methods. Considerable experience and diligence of the analyst may be necessary to resolve satisfactorily these difficulties.
Dyes, lubricants, and delustrants are not present normally in amounts large enough to interfere with the analyses.
These test methods are not recommended for acceptance testing of commercial shipments because of the qualitative nature of the results and because of the limitations previously noted.
Note 2—For statements on precision and bias of the standard quantitative test methods for determining physical properties for confirmation of fiber identification refer to the cited test method. The precision and bias of the nonstandard quantitative test methods described are strongly influenced by the skill of the operator. The limited use of the test methods for qualitative identification cannot justify the effort that would be necessary to determine the precision and bias of the techniques.
5.5 Qualitative and quantitative fiber identification is actively pursued by Committee RA24 (Fiber Identification) of AATCC and presented in AATCC Test Method 20 and Test Method 20A. Since precision and bias development is also part of the AATCC test methods, both AATCC and ASTM D13 have agreed that new development will take place in RA24. However, because there is valuable information still present in the ASTM standards, Test Methods D276 and D629 will be maintained as active standards by ASTM.
1.1 These test methods cover the identification of the following textile fibers used commercially in the United States:
Acetate (secondary)Nylon Acrylic Nytril Anidex Olefin Aramid Polycarbonate AsbestosPolyester Cotton Ramie Cuprammonium rayonRayon (viscose) Flax Saran FluorocarbonSilk Glass Spandex Hemp Triacetate Jute Vinal LycocellVinyon ModacrylicWool Novoloid
1.2 Man-made fibers are listed in 1.1 under the generic names approved by the Federal Trade Commission and listed in Terminology D123, Annex A1 (except for fluorocarbon and polycarbonate). Many of the generic classes of man-made fibers are produced by several manufacturers and sold under various trademark names as follows (Note 1):
Acetate Acele®, Aviscon®, Celanese®, Chromspun®, Estron® Acrylic Acrilan®, Courtelle®, Creslan®, Dralon®, Orlon®, Zefran® Anidex Anim/8® Aramid Kevlar®, Nomex®, Technora®, TeijinConex®, Twaron® CuprammoniumBemberg® FluorocarbonTeflon® Glass Fiberglas®, Garan®, Modiglass®, PPG®, Ultrastrand® Lyocell Tencel® ModacrylicDynel®, Kanecaron®, Monsanto SEF®, Verel® NovoloidKynol® Polyamide (Nylon) 6Caprolan®,Enka®, Perlon®, Zefran®, Enkalon® Polyamide (Nylon) 6, 6Antron®, Blue C®, Cantrece®, Celanese Phillips®, Enka®Nylon Polyamide (Nylon) (other)Rilsan®(nylon 11), Qiana®, StanylEnka®,(Nylon 4,6) Nytril Darvan® Olefin Durel®, Herculon®, Marvess®, Polycrest® PolyesterAvlin®, Beaunit®, Blue C®, Dacron®, Encron®, Fortrel®, Kodel®, Quintess®, Spectran®, Trevira®, Vyoron®, Zephran®, Diolen®, Vectran® Rayon Avril®, Avisco®, Dynacor®, Enka®, Fiber 700®, Fibro®, Nupron®, Rayflex®, Suprenka®, Tyrex®, Tyron®, Cordenka® Saran Enjay®, Saran® Spandex Glospun®, Lycra®, Numa®, Unel® TriacetateArnel® Vinyon Avisco®, Clevyl®, Rhovyl®, Thermovyl®, Volpex®
Note 1—The list of trademarks in 1.2 contains only examples and does not include all brands produced in the United States or abroad and imported for sale in the United States. The list does not i...
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation:D276 −12
Standard Test Methods for
Identification of Fibers in Textiles
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D276; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
Methods D276 – 62 T, Identification of Fibers in Textiles were discontinued in 1969 because the
responsible subcommittee failed to recommend adoption as standard after several years publication as
a tentative. The subcommittee action was based on the members’ knowledge that the standard did not
include several fiber types introduced to the textile trade after the methods were published, and that
the techniques required to identify these fibers were lacking in the text, so that the text had become
the listed procedures were reliable and the text was considered to be the best available, though not
all-inclusive. Extensive editorial changes were made in various sections in 1972, and the methods
were reinstated as D276 – 72.
The methods have been revised completely, emphasizing infrared spectroscopic techniques for
identifying man-made fiber types. Methods for determining several physical properties and solubility
data useful for confirming infrared spectral identifications have been included. The longitudinal and
cross-section photographs of the various fibers have been omitted since they are published elsewhere
the text.
AATCCTest Method 20 was first published in 1947 and has been revised or reaffirmed on a regular
basis since that time. The most current version is AATCC “Test Method 20–2011” .
1. Scope
1.1 These test methods cover the identification of the
1.2 Man-made fibers are listed in 1.1 under the generic
Terminology D123, Annex A1 (except for fluorocarbon and
Acetate (secondary) Nylon
Acrylic Nytril
polycarbonate). Many of the generic classes of man-made
Anidex Olefin
fibers are produced by several manufacturers and sold under
Aramid Polycarbonate
Asbestos Polyester various trademark names as follows (Note 1):
Cotton Ramie
Acetate Acele®, Aviscon®, Celanese®, Chromspun®, Estron®
Cuprammonium rayon Rayon (viscose)
Acrylic Acrilan®, Courtelle®, Creslan®, Dralon®, Orlon®,
Flax Saran
Fluorocarbon Silk
Anidex Anim/8®
Glass Spandex
Aramid Kevlar®, Nomex®, Technora®, TeijinConex®, Twaron®
Hemp Triacetate
Cuprammonium Bemberg®
Jute Vinal
Fluorocarbon Teflon®
Lycocell Vinyon
Glass Fiberglas®, Garan®, Modiglass®, PPG®, Ultrastrand®
Modacrylic Wool
Lyocell Tencel®
Modacrylic Dynel®, Kanecaron®, Monsanto SEF®, Verel®
Novoloid Kynol®
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 on Polyamide
Textiles and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.51 on Conditioning, (Nylon) 6 Caprolan®,Enka®, Perlon®, Zefran®, Enkalon®
Chemical and Thermal Properties.
(Nylon) 6, 6 Antron®, Blue C®, Cantrece®, Celanese Phillips®,
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2012. Published March 2012. Originally
approved in 1927. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D276 – 00a(2008).
DOI: 10.1520/D0276-12.
2 (Nylon) (other) Rilsan®(nylon 11), Qiana®, StanylEnka®,(Nylon 4,6)
AATCC Technical Manual, available from theAmericanAssociation of Textile
Nytril Darvan®
Chemists and Colorists, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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Olefin Durel®, Herculon®, Marvess®, Polycrest® Section
Polyester Avlin®, Beaunit®, Blue C®, Dacron®, Encron®, Fortrel®, Refractive Indices
Kodel®, Quintess®, Spectran®, Trevira®, Vyoron®,
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
Zephran®, Diolen®, Vectran®
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
Rayon Avril®, Avisco®, Dynacor®, Enka®, Fiber 700®, Fibro®,
Nupron®, Rayflex®, Suprenka®, Tyrex®, Tyron®,
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
Saran Enjay®, Saran®
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. See Note 3.
Spandex Glospun®, Lycra®, Numa®, Unel®
Triacetate Arnel®
Vinyon Avisco®, Clevyl®, Rhovyl®, Thermovyl®, Volpex®
2. Referenced Documents
NOTE 1—The
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