Method of Test for Flow Ratings of Organic Coatings Using the Shell Flow Comparator (Withdrawn 1990)

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ASTM D2353-83 - Method of Test for Flow Ratings of Organic Coatings Using the Shell Flow Comparator (Withdrawn 1990)
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ASTM D2353 83 .I 0757530 0025223 2 .I .
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Designation: D 2353 - 83
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.
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Standard Test Method for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2353: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last rehion or reapproval.
1. Scope film applied to a substrate, If the surface is very
as a mirror and
smooth and plane it behaves
1.1 This method covers the determination of
reflects undistorted images. Conversely, if the
the flow rating, in terms of flow-outcharacteris-
film is wavy because of "orange peel" or other
tics or degree of film smoothness, of an organic
irregularities it will reflect distorted images. The
film applied to a flat substrate.
degree of distortion of a relected image from a
1.2 The method is applicable to all organic
paint panel is the basis for the flow determination
coatings capable of providing a recognizable re-
described. It is an important factor used in deter-
flected image when applied to a plane substrate.
mining whether the coating is suitable for the
2. Applicable Documents
application determined by both the producer and
the user.
2.1 ASTMSrandards:
. . . D 823 Methods for Producing Films of Uni-
5. Interference
form Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer,
.. .
5.1 Gloss describes the property of a surface
and Related Products on Test Panels2
to reflect light specularly and may be responsible
D 1005 Method for Measurement of Dry Film
for influencing an observer's judgment of flow.
Thickness of Organic Coatings2
High gloss coatings give bright reflected images.
D 1 186 Method for Measurement of Dry Film
The observer should disregard glossiness and
Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings Ap
look only for distortion of the reflected image.
plied to a Ferrous Base, Nondestructive2
3. Summary of Method
6. Apparatus
3.1 This test method is based on a compara-
6.1 Shell Flow Comparator (Figs. 1, 2, and 3)
tive visual observation between a sample panel
(Notes 1 and 2), equipped with a set of ten fixed
and a series of standard flow panels which vary
flow standards and a light source over a series of
in film smoothness.
letter "E"'s of various sizes arranged to project
3.2 The coating to be evaluated is sprayed on
onto the standard flow panels. The flow stand-
a 6 by 12411, (150 by 300-mm) glass panel and
ards consist of nine lacquered panels and one
dried. In the case of clear coatings, such as un-
clear glass panel representing gradations in flow
pigmented varnishes, shellacs, and lacquers, the
from 1, which represents very poor flow, to 10,
coating is applied to a blackbacked glass test
which represents perfect flow (plate giass, black
panel to provide a reflective surface. The coated
lacquered on back). The flow standards are
test panel is then compared with a set of ten flow
standards numbered from 1 to 10 and is given
'This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
the numencal rating that corresponds most
mittee D-1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and is
closely to one of the flow standards.
the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W1.55 on Factory-
Applied Coatings on Preformed Products,
4. Significance and Use
Current edition approved Oct. 28, 1983. Published December
1983. Onginally published as D 2353 - 65 T. Last previous edi-
4.1 How, or film smoothness, can be de-
tion D 2353 - 68 (1978).
Anniral Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.0 I.
scribed as the degree of levelness of an organic

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
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ASTM D2353 83 M 07
D 2353
. Table automatic spray table
spaced to allow a test panel to be placed between
Gun air-operated industrial spray gun
each standard (Fig. I).
Air cap ,765‘
. .
’* fluid tip FX‘
NOTE I-The type of apparatus that successfully
Atomization 60 psig (410 kPa)
conforms to the conditions required by this test method
Pot 1 I psig (80 kPa)
is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 4 is a working diagram
of the component parts. Suitable materials for the con-
Passes 2
struction of the Shell Flow Comparator include galvan-
Distance 9 in. (230 mm)
ized steel, plate glass, frosted plastic or frosted giass,
Fan width 12 in. (300 mm)
wood stripping, light sockets, and electrical switch and
Fluid opening 30 detents
light source (75-W bulbs). The characters (Fig. 5) may
Gun sp

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