ASTM D1668-97a(2006)
(Specification)Standard Specification for Glass Fabrics (Woven and Treated) for Roofing and Waterproofing
Standard Specification for Glass Fabrics (Woven and Treated) for Roofing and Waterproofing
This specification covers finished and treated, woven glass fabrics coated with either asphalt, coal-tar pitch, or an organic resin compatible with the roofing, waterproofing, or other usage as specified by the purchaser. Asphalt treated Type I glass fabrics are suitable for use with all asphalts and asphalt based compounds. Coal tar pitch treated Type II glass fabrics, are suitable for use with all coal tar pitches and coal tar pitch based compounds. And finally, for organic resin treated Type III glass fabrics, the purchaser and supplier shall agree on an organic resin that is compatible with and/or suitable for the plying liquid plying materials either specified or to be used. This organic resin shall not be water soluble. Fabric specimens shall be appropriately sampled and tested, and consequently adhere to the following properties: thread count for both warp and filling threads; organic resin mass, width, length, area coverage, and mass; moisture present; and tensile strength.
1.1 This specification covers finished treated (coated) woven-glass fabrics coated with either asphalt, coal-tar pitch or an organic resin compatible with the roofing, waterproofing, or other usage as specified by the purchaser.
1.2 The values stated within this document are in inch-pound units with the metre equivalent in parentheses. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation:D1668 −97a(Reapproved 2006)
Standard Specification for
Glass Fabrics (Woven and Treated) for Roofing and
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1668; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
This specification replaces Federal Specification HH-C-466.
1. Scope 4.2 Type II, Coal Tar Pitch Treated—Type II is suitable for
1.1 This specification covers finished treated (coated)
(Note 1).
an organic resin compatible with the roofing, waterproofing, or
4.3 Type III, Organic Resin Treated—The purchaser and
other usage as specified by the purchaser.
supplier shall agree on an organic resin that is compatible with
or is suitable for, or both, the plying liquid plying materials
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
either specified or to be used. This organic resin shall not be
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information
water soluble.
NOTE 1—In some instances the purchaser may specify the use of Types
2. Referenced Documents
I or II for systems using other than coal tar bitumens or asphalt.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
5. Materials and Manufacture
D146 Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Bitumen-
5.1 The untreated (greige) scrim (open basket weave) or
Saturated Felts and Woven Fabrics for Roofing and
leno (locked weave) fabrics shall conform to the requirements
as specified in Table 1.
D579 Specification for Greige Woven Glass Fabrics
D1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing and Waterproofing
5.2 In the process of manufacture, the fibers of the untreated
D3775 Test Method forWarp (End) and Filling (Pick) Count
glass fabric shall be thoroughly and uniformly coated using
of Woven Fabrics
equipment which, in combination, handles the fabric and uses
D3776 Test Methods for Mass Per Unit Area (Weight) of
a machine speed in a total process that will not injure or distort
the weave of the fabric.
3. Terminology 5.3 Glass fabric is usually woven in nominal widths of 0.91,
1.83 and 2.74 m (36, 72 and 108 in.) by the weaving mills.
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this
Extra warp (the length of the fabric) threads are included in
specification, refer to Terminology D123 or D1079.
1.83 and 2.74-m (72 and 108-in.) wide fabrics to obtain
incremental fabric roll widths of 0.91 m (36 in.). These extra
4. Classification of Fabric Treatments with Generally
warp threads with a slitting space between each set (a set of
Applicable Usage
two) of bunched warp threads create a duplicate or “dupe”
4.1 Type I, Asphalt Treated—Type I is suitable for use with
selvedge with a “brush” edge created by the cut fill threads
all asphalts and asphalt based compounds.
instead of the usually wrapped fill threads seen in a smooth
selvedge.This type of fabric selvedge edge is, and has been, an
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D08 on acceptable fabric design (pattern) in both the weaving and
Roofing and Waterproofing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D08.04
construction industry.
on Felts, Fabrics and Bituminous Sheet Materials.
Current edition approved Jan. 15, 2006. Published January 2006. Originally
5.4 Brush edge of the “dupe” selvedge is not to be included
approved in 1959. Last previous edition approved in 1997 as D1668 – 97a. DOI:
in the measurement of the finished roll width.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
5.5 The purchaser may specify widths of more than or less
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
than 0.91 m (36 in.). These widths can be furnished at the
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. manufacturer’s option.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D1668−97a (2006)
TABLE 1 Requirements of Untreated Woven Glass Fabrics Types
Style Scrim Leno
20 by 20 Thread Type 20 by 10 Thread Type 10 by 10 Thread Type
2 2
Average dry mass, g/m (oz/yd ): 47 (1.4) 47 (1.4) 47 (1.4)
Thread count per 25.4 mm (1 in.):
Warp Threads: 20 ± 2 150 1/0 20 ± 2 150 1/0 20 ± 2 150 1/0
Filling Threads: 20 ± 2 150 1/0 10 ± 1 75 1/0 10 ± 1 75 1/0
“Style” (that is, 20 by 10) as stated as a caption in Table 1 is a weave count of the threads (yarns) present in both the warp and the fill. “Style” is mentioned here for
use as a quick, generic cross reference to the manufacturer’s own fabric numbers.
A scrim type fabric is an open weave (basket or screen) type pattern.
The style called “leno” has the same thread count as the 20 by 10. The change in the weave pattern is due to the doubling of the 150 1/0 warp threads (yarns) to
produce mesh copenings double the size of the 20 by 20 weave patern. As a greige goods, it is a very stable (locked) weave which continues after the applicationofthe
coating materials.
Warp threads (yarns) run the length of the fabric. The warp thread count is measured across the width of the fabric and is expressed in number of threads per lineal
inch or per lineal millimetre (mm).
Fill (woof) are the threads (yarns) that run at right angles (perpendicular) to the warp yarns of the fabric. The fill thread count is measured across the length of the fabric
and is expressed in number of threads per lineal inch or per lineal millimetre (mm).
6. Physical Properties 7.2 Finish of the Fabric—The fabric finish shall be uni-
formly free of tears, cracks, folds, ragged or untrue edges. If a
6.1 Coated Fabric—The coated fabric shall conform to the
release compound is used to prevent sticking in the rolls, it
must be barely visible and not of a composition or amount that
flake at 0°C (32°F) when flexed 180° over 25 mm (1 in.)
will interfere with adhesion or composition of the liquid plying
outside diameter mandrel and then immediately reversed.
6.2 Finished Fabric—Thefinishedfabricshallbecapableof
retaining its original shape and shall consist of a right angle
7.3 Selvage—The selvage of the fab
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