Standard Guide for Application of Engineering Controls to Facilitate Use or Redevelopment of Chemical-Affected Properties

1.1 This guide presents general considerations for application of engineering controls to facilitate continued use or redevelopment of properties containing chemical-affected soil, groundwater, or other environmental media, due either to chemical releases or naturally-occurring conditions. This guide is not meant to be prescriptive but rather to present considerations for evaluating technologies capable of addressing potential human exposures associated with chemical-affected environmental media.
1.2 Table 1 lists the considerations that should be taken into account when developing an engineering control in accordance with this guide.
1.3 This guide is intended for use by real estate developers, civil/structural designers, environmental regulators, industrial parties, environmental consultants, and other persons concerned with residential, commercial, or industrial development of real properties where chemical-affected environmental media are present. The design process should involve the individuals and firms working on various aspects of the specifications for construction, operation, and maintenance. If the site is located on public property, then public participation should be considered during the design process.
1.4 This guide is directed toward properties where chemical-affected environmental media, associated with either human-influenced activities or naturally-occurring conditions, will remain in place and where active or passive engineering controls will be used to reduce or eliminate exposures that may otherwise pose an unacceptable risk to property users.
1.5 This guide identifies the exposure concerns associated with chemical-affected properties that may affect the property development plan, both in the construction phase and during the proposed use of the property; defines performance standards for control of applicable exposure pathways; and, for each exposure pathway, provides examples of engineering controls that may be applied for new or existing construction.
1.6 This guide will assist in identification of the optimal property development plan for a property with chemical-affected environmental media. Such a plan will address both short-term construction issues and long-term exposures of property users.
1.7 This guide does not address the broader range of environmental concerns that are not directly affected by construction measures and engineering controls (e.g., protection of water resources or ecological receptors).
1.8 Detailed specifications for site-specific application of engineering controls are not addressed in this guide. The user is referred to other related ASTM standards and technical guidelines regarding the implementation of the site evaluation and corrective action process, as well as the detailed design, installation, operation, and maintenance of these engineering controls.
1.9 The overall strategy for addressing unacceptable risks may employ either remedial actions or activity and use limitations, or both. Engineering controls are a subset of remedial actions given that (1) remedial actions involve cutting off the exposure pathway or reducing the concentration of COCs, or both and ( 2) that engineering controls only involve cutting off the exposure pathway. Engineering controls are briefly described in Guide E 2091, which describes a broad range of options for managing risk. This guide covers implementation of engineering controls in a detailed manner, thereby providing a needed complement to the information provided in Guide E 2091.
1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM E2435-05 - Standard Guide for Application of Engineering Controls to Facilitate Use or Redevelopment of Chemical-Affected Properties
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Designation: E2435 – 05
Standard Guide for
Application of Engineering Controls to Facilitate Use or
Redevelopment of Chemical-Affected Properties
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2435; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Environmental media, such as soil, groundwater, or air, are susceptible to impact by chemical
releases associated with past property-use activities; or they may be affected by naturally occurring
conditions. Previously developed properties may have been impacted by chemical releases associated
with historical operations, chemical spill incidents, waste management practices, or other related
sources of COCs. In some cases, such chemicals may remain in soil, groundwater, or other
environmental media; and, depending on their toxicity, concentration, location, and migration
potential in the environment, they can pose a potential health risk in the event of exposure of current
or future property users. Similarly, in the absence of a chemical release caused by human activity,
COCs that are naturally present in soils, groundwater, soil vapors, or other environmental media can
pose an unacceptable risk to human health, depending on the chemical toxicity and exposure (e.g.,
radon gas emanation into indoor air space of overlying buildings). Under certain conditions, in the
absence of exposure controls, human exposure to chemical-affected environmental media at
residential, commercial, or industrial properties could occur via various exposure pathways, including
but not limited to (1) surface soil direct contact, (2) ambient or indoor air vapor exposure, or (3)
affected groundwater impact on subsurface structures or utilities. Other pathways or exposure
mechanisms may exist, and if so, should be addressed in a similar manner to those addressed in the
1. Scope 1.3 This guide is intended for use by real estate developers,
civil/structural designers, environmental regulators, industrial
1.1 This guide presents general considerations for applica-
parties, environmental consultants, and other persons con-
tion of engineering controls to facilitate continued use or
cerned with residential, commercial, or industrial development
redevelopment of properties containing chemical-affected soil,
of real properties where chemical-affected environmental me-
groundwater, or other environmental media, due either to
dia are present. The design process should involve the indi-
chemical releases or naturally-occurring conditions.This guide
viduals and firms working on various aspects of the specifica-
is not meant to be prescriptive but rather to present consider-
ations for evaluating technologies capable of addressing po-
located on public property, then public participation should be
tential human exposures associated with chemical-affected
considered during the design process.
environmental media.
1.4 This guide is directed toward properties where
1.2 Table 1 lists the considerations that should be taken into
chemical-affected environmental media, associated with either
human-influenced activities or naturally-occurring conditions,
with this guide.
will remain in place and where active or passive engineering
otherwise pose an unacceptable risk to property users.
Assessment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E50.04 on Corrective
1.5 This guide identifies the exposure concerns associated
with chemical-affected properties that may affect the property
Current edition approved May 1, 2005. Published July 2005. DOI: 10.1520/
E2435-05. development plan, both in the construction phase and during
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
E2435 – 05
the proposed use of the property; defines performance stan- E2091 Guide for Use of Activity and Use Limitations,
dards for control of applicable exposure pathways; and, for Including Institutional and Engineering Controls
each exposure pathway, provides examples of engineering E2121 Practice for Installing Radon Mitigation Systems in
controls that may be applied for new or existing construction. Existing Low-Rise Residential Buildings
1.6 This guide will assist in identification of the optimal
3. Terminology
property development plan for a pro

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