ASTM E621-94(1999)e1
(Practice)Standard Practice for the Use of Metric (SI) Units in Building Design and Construction (Committee E-6 Supplement to E380) (Withdrawn 2008)
Standard Practice for the Use of Metric (SI) Units in Building Design and Construction (Committee E-6 Supplement to E380) (Withdrawn 2008)
1.1 This standard outlines a selection of SI units, with multiples and submultiples, for general use in building design and construction.
1.2 In addition, rules and recommendations are given for the presentation of SI units and symbols, and for numerical values shown in conjunction with SI.
1.3 A selection of conversion factors appropriate for use within the construction community is given in Appendix X1.
1.4 The SI units included in this document comply with and augment the ASTM Standard for Metric Practice E380 - 82 and are generally consistent with International Standards Organization (ISO) 1000 - 1981 SI Units and Recommendations for the Use of Their Multiples and Certain Other Units, and the ISO/31 Series of Standards, Quantities, and Units of SI.
Formerly under the jurisdiction of Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings, this practice was withdrawn in January 2008 in accordance with section of the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, which requires that standards shall be updated by the end of the eighth year since the last approval date.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation:E621–94 (Reapproved 1999)
Standard Practice for Use of
Metric (SI) Units in Building Design and Construction
(Committee E-6 Supplement to E380)
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E621; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
e NOTE—Section 11 was added editorially in April 1999.
The International System of Units (SI) was developed by the General Conference on Weights and
Measures (CGPM), which is an international treaty organization. The abbreviation SI, derived from
the French “Système International d’Unités,” is used in all languages.
SI is a rational, coherent, international, and preferred measurement system which is derived from
earlier decimal metric systems but supersedes all of them.
The use of the metric system in the United States was legalized by anAct of Congress in 1866, but
was not made obligatory.
The Meric Conversion Act of 1975, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of
1988, established the modernized metric system (SI) as the preferred system of measurement in the
business-related activities. Executive Order 12770 of July 25, 1991, Metric Usage in Federal
Government Programs, mandated that federal agencies prepare metric transition plans, add metric
units to their publications, and work with other governmental, trade, professional, and private sector
metric organizations on metric implementation.
In the building design and construction community the application of SI units, together with
preferred numerical values, will simplify and speed up calculations and facilitate all measurement
intensive activity.
SI units to be used in building design, product manufacture, and construction applications.
Scope 1
Definitions 2
The Concept of SI 3
SI Units 4
Non-SI Units for Use with SI 5
SI Unit Prefixes 6
Rules and Recommendations for the Use of SI 7
SI Units for Use in Design and Construction 8
Special Considerations in the Use of SI Units in Building Design and Construction 9
Linear Measurement (Length) 9.1
Area 9.2
Volume and Fluid Capacity 9.3
Geometrical Cross-Sectional Properties 9.4
Plane Angle 9.5
Time Interval 9.6
Temperature and Temperature Interval 9.7
Mass, Weight, and Force 9.8
Pressure, Stress, and Elastic Modulus 9.9
Energy, Work, and Quantity of Heat 9.10
Power and Heat Flow Rate 9.11
Electrical Units 9.12
Lighting Units 9.13
Dimensionless Quantities 9.14
Constants for Use in Building Design Calculations 9.15
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E621–94 (1999)
Conversion and Rounding 10
1. Units in the International System—SI
2. Other Units Whose Use is Permitted with SI
3. Preferred Multiples and Submultiples
4. Other Multiples for Limited Application
5. Rules and Recommendations for the Presentation of SI Units and Symbols
6. Rules and Recommendations for the Presentation of Numerical Values with SI
7. Space and Time: Geometry, Kinematics, and Periodic Phenomena
8. Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics
9. Heat, Thermal Effects, Heat Transfer
10. Moisture Movement
11. Electricity and Magnetism
12. Lighting
13. Acoustics
14. Units for Volume and Fluid Capacity and Their Relationships
15. Constants for Use on Building Design Calculations
Conversion Factors for the Most Common Units Used in Building Design and Construction X1
Superseded Metric Units Not Recommended for Use with SI X2
SI Units and Relationships Chart X3
References X4
This practice is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee E-6 on Performance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.62 on Coordination
of Dimensions for Building Materials and Systems.
Current edition approved Nov. 15, 1994. Published February 1995. Originally published as E621–78. Last previous edition E621–84(1991)e .
1. Scope tary units for two quantities upon which units for all other
quantities are founded.
1.1 This standard outlines a selection of SI units, with
2.1.3 unit—reference value of a given quantity as defined
multiples and submultiples, for general use in building design
by CGPM Resolution or ISO Standards.There is only one unit
and construction.
for each quantity in SI.
1.2 Inaddition,rulesandrecommendationsaregivenforthe
2.1.4 coherent unit system—system in which relations be-
presentation of SI units and symbols, and for numerical values
tween units contain as numerical factor only the number “one”
shown in conjunction with SI.
1.3 A selection of conversion factors appropriate for use
the constituent base and supplementary units.
within the construction community is given in Appendix X1.
2.1.5 numerical value of a quantity—magnitude of a quan-
1.4 TheSIunitsincludedinthisdocumentcomplywithand
augment the ASTM Standard for Metric Practice E380– 82
the quantity is measured.
and are generally consistent with International Standards
Organization (ISO) 1000 – 1981 SI Units and Recommenda-
3. The Concept of SI
tions for the Use of Their Multiples and Certain Other Units,
3.1 TheInternationalSystemofUnits(SI)wasdevelopedto
provide a universal, coherent, and preferred system of mea-
2. Terminology
surement for world-wide use and appropriate to the needs of
2.1 Definitions: modern science and technology.
2.1.1 SI—The International System of Units (abbreviation 3.2 The principal features of SI are:
for “le Système International d’Unités) as defined by the 3.2.1 There is only one recognized unit for each physical
General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM)— quantity.
based upon seven base units, two supplementary units, and 3.2.2 The system is fully coherent; this means that all units
derived units, which together form a coherent system. in the system relate to each other on a unity (one-to-one) basis.
2.1.2 quantity—measurable attribute of a physical phenom- 3.2.3 Asetofinternationallyagreedprefixescanbeattached
enon.There are base units for seven quantities and supplemen- to units to form preferred multiples and submultiples of 10
E621–94 (1999)
raised to a power that is a multiple of 3. This provides for 5. Non-SI Units for Use with SI
convenient numerical values when the magnitude of a quantity
5.1 There is an additional group of acceptable, but non-
is stated.
coherent traditional units retained in association with SI,
3.2.4 Units and their prefixes are represented by a set of
because of their practical significance in general applications.
standardized and internationally recognized symbols.
5.2 Non-SI units of significance to design and construction
3.3 Because of their practical significance, the use of
are shown in Table 2, under two categories:
additional non-SI units in conjunction with SI is permitted for
5.2.1 Units for general use, and
some quantities.
5.2.2 Units for limited application only.
3.4 SI units, permissible non-SI units, and prefixes are
5.3 Appendix X3 shows a group of superseded metric units
discussed in Sections 4, 5, and 6.
not recommended for use with SI in design and construction
3.5 The diagram below shows graphically the types of units
within SI or associated with SI:
4. SI Units
6. SI Unit Prefixes
4.1 The International System of Units (SI) has three classes
6.1 SI is based on the decimal system of multiples and
of units:
submultiples, and therefore the use of common fractions is
4.1.1 Base units for independent quantities,
minimized. Multiples are formed by attaching standard pre-
4.1.2 Supplementary units for plane angle and solid angle,
fixes to SI units.
6.2 Preferred multiples range in geometric steps of 1000
3 18
4.1.3 Derived units.
(10)upto10 ; submultiples range in geometric steps of
4.2 The seven base units and two supplementary units are −3 −18
1/1000 (10 ) down to 10 .
unique units which, except for the kilogram (Note 1), are
6.3 Preferred Multiples and Submultiples—The preferred
defined in terms of reproducible phenomena.
prefixes shown in Table 3 are relevant in design and construc-
−6 6
NOTE 1—The primary standard for mass is the international prototype tion.Prefixesoutsidetherange10 (micro)to10 (mega)will
kilogram maintained under specified conditions at the International
occur only in rare instances.
Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) near Paris in France.
6.4 Other Multiples for Limited Application—SI includes a
4.3 Derived units can all be defined in terms of their
number of additional historically used multiples and submul-
derivation from base and supplementary units. They are listed
tiples, shown in Table 4, but these should be avoided as far as
in two categories:
4.3.1 Derived units with special names and symbols, and
4.3.2 Derived units with generic or complex names.
7. Rules and Recommendations for the Use of SI
4.4 A chart, indicating diagrammatically the relationship
7.1 Two tables of rules and recommendations have been
between the base units, supplementary units, and derived units
prepared to facilitate the correct application of SI units and
that have been given special names, is shown inAppendix X2.
symbols and the correct presentation of units, symbols, and
4.5 Table 1 contains base, supplementary, and derived units
of significance in design and construction, listing:
7.2 Table 5 gives “Rules and Recommendations for the
4.5.1 Quantity,
Presentation of SI Units and Symbols.”
4.5.2 Unit name,
7.3 Table 6 gives guidance on “Presentation of Numerical
4.5.3 Unit symbol,
Values with SI.”
4.5.4 Unit formula,
4.5.5 Unit derivation (in terms of base and supplementary 7.4 The tables provide a convenient reference guide for the
units), and editorial checking of metric documents to ensure that the
4.5.6 Remarks. presentation of data is in line with accepted practice.
E621–94 (1999)
8. SI Units for Use in Design and Construction
Table 8 Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics
Table 9 Heat, Thermal Effects, Heat Transfer
8.1 Correct selection of units for use in building design
Table 10 Moisture Movement
calculations and in documentation is essential to minimize
Table 11 Electricity and Magnetism
Table 12 Lighting
errors and to optimize the coordination between the various
Table 13 Acoustics
sectors and groups within the construction community.
8.2 Tables 7-13 list SI units, and other units acceptable with 8.4 Preferred Range of Values—The use of an appropriate
SI as recommended, for use in building design and construc-
unit or multiple of a unit depends upon the context in which it
tion related activities. Where appropriate, working ranges are is used.
indicated for selected units, and typical examples of their
8.4.1 In printed or typed material it is preferable to use
field(s) of application provided. In addition, explanatory re-
numbers between 1 and 1000, wherever possible, by selecting
marks are provided to briefly deal with special considerations.
8.3 The following subdivision has been adopted:
km or 725 000 mm.
Table 7 Space and Time: Geometry, Kinematics, and Periodic Phenomena
TABLE 1 Units in the International System—SI
Unit Group Quantity Unit Symbol Formula Unit Remarks
Name Derivation
Base Units:
Length metre m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s Already in common use
Electric current ampere A Already in common use
Thermodynamic temperature kelvin K The customary unit for temperature is
the degree Celsius (°C).
Amount of substance mole mol The “mol” has no application in
Luminous intensity candela cd Already in common use
Supplementary Units:
Plane angle radian rad Already in common use
Solid angle steradian sr Already in common use
Derived Units with Special Names:
Frequency (of a periodic phenomenon) hertz Hz l/s s The hertz replaces “cycle per
2 −2
Force newton N kg·m/s m·kg·s
2 −1 −2
Pressure, stress, elastic modulus pascal Pa N/m m ·kg·s
2 −2
Energy, work, quantity of heat joule J N·m m ·kg·s
2 −3
Power, radiant flux watt W J/s m ·kg·s Already in common use
Quantity of electricity, electric charge coulomb C A·s s·A Already in common use
2 −3 −1
Electric potential, potential difference, volt V J/C or W/A m ·kg·s ·A Already in common use
electromotive force
−2 −1 4 2
Electric capacitance farad F C/V m ·kg ·s ·A Already in common use
2 −3 −2
Electric resistance ohm V V/A m ·kg·s ·A Already in common use
−2 −1 3 2
Electric conductance siemens S A/V or l/V m ·kg ·s ·A The 8siemens’ was formerly re-
ferred to as “mho.”
2 −2 −1
Magnetic flux weber Wb V·s m ·kg·s ·A Already in common use
2 −2 −1
Magnetic flux density tesla T Wb/m kg·s ·A Already in common use
2 −2 −2
Electric inductance henry H Wb/A m ·kg·s ·A Already in common use
Celsius temperature degree Celsius °C K See 9.7
Luminous flux lumen lm cd·sr cd·sr Already in common use
2 −2
Illuminance lux lx lm/m m ·cd·sr
Activity (of a radionuclide) becquerel Bq l/s s No application in construction.
2 −2
Absorbed dose gray Gy J/kg m ·s (*) (*) kg is canceled out. No application
in construction.
Derived Units with Generic Names:
a. Units Expressed in Terms of One Base Unit:
2 2
Area square metre m m
3 3 3
Volume, capacity cubic metre m m (1 m = 1000 L)
3 3
Section modulus metre to third power m m
4 4
Second moment of area metre to fourth power m m
Curvature reciprocal (of) metre l/m m Revolution per second (r/s) is
Rotational frequency reciprocal (of) second l/s s used in specifications for
rotating machinery.
Coefficient of linear ther- reciprocal (of) kelvin l/K K
mal expansion
E621–94 (1999)
TABLE 1 Continued
Unit Group Quantity Unit Symbol Formula Unit Remarks
Name Derivation
b. Units Expressed in Terms of Two or More Base Units:
Linear velocity metre per second m/s m·s
2 −2
Linear acceleration metre per second squared m/s m·s
2 2 −1
Kinematic viscosity square metre per second m /s m ·s
3 3 −1
Volume rate of flow cubic metre per second m /s m ·s
3 3 −1
Specific volume cubic metre per kilogram m /kg m ·kg
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