Standard Test Method for Silver Migration for Membrane Switch Circuitry

1.1 This test method is used to determine the susceptibility of a membrane switch to the migration of the silver between circuit traces under dc voltage potential.
1.2 Silver migration will occur when special conditions of moisture and electrical energy are present.

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ASTM F1996-01 - Standard Test Method for Silver Migration for Membrane Switch Circuitry
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Standard Test Method for
Silver Migration for Membrane Switch Circuitry
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1996; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 5.1.3 Electrical Load (that is, current and voltage).
5.1.4 Test surface.
1.1 This test method is used to determine the susceptibility
5.1.5 Connector area may be susceptible to silver migration.
of a membrane switch to the migration of the silver between
5.1.6 Post test handling may damage or destroy silver
circuit traces under dc voltage potential.
1.2 Silver migration will occur when special conditions of
5.1.7 Dendrites normally grow from the cathode conductor
moisture and electrical energy are present.
to the anode.To test both electrodes of a switch design connect
2. Referenced Documents replicate specimens so that current flows through them in
opposite directions.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
5.1.8 Without limited current, the migration could occur,
F 1596 Practice for Exposure of Membrane Switches to
causing a short and a dramatic current surge, which then
Temperature and Relative Humidity
destroys the short and returns the circuit to a nonstandard, but
F 1689 Test Method for Determining the Insulation Resis-
functional condition. If an observer was not present (or the
tance of a Membrane Switch
details were not continuously recorded) this most dramatic
3. Terminology
failure might go unnoticed.
3.1 Definitions:
6. Apparatus
3.1.1 silver migration—A process by which silver, when in
6.1 Closed Environmental System, with temperature and
contact with insulating materials under electrical potential, is
humidity control (see Practice F 1596).
removed ionically from its original location, and is redeposit as
6.2 Current-Limiting DC Power Source. (Series current
a metal (silver dendrite) at some other location.
limiting resistor may be used with dc power supply).
4. Significance and Use
6.3 Milliamp Meter (see Test Method F 1689).
6.4 Megohm Meter.
4.1 The effects of silver migration are short circuiting or
6.5 Test Surface, flat, smooth, unyielding, nonporous, and
reduction in insulation resistance. It is evidenced by staining or
larger than switch under test.
dicoloration between the cathode and anode conductive traces.
4.2 Accelerated testing may be accomplished by increasing
7. Procedure
the voltage over the specified voltages. (Atypical starting point
7.1 Pretest Setup:
would be 5Vdc 50mA).
7.1.1 Testspecimen(s)shallbepermittedtostabilizeat20to
5. Interferences
25°C and 40 to 60 % relative humidity (RH) for a minimum of
24 h.
5.1 The following parameters may affect the results of this
7.2 Test Setup (Fig. 1):
7.2.1 Secure switch on test surface and measure initial
5.1.1 Temperature.
insulation resistance between test points and record results.
5.1.2 Relative Humidity.
7.2.2 Place switch at a 90 6 15° to horizontal (unless
otherwise specified) in the test chamber to prevent condensate
This test method is un

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