Test Methods for Cold Crushing Strength and Modulus of Rupture of Insulating Firebrick (Withdrawn 1992)

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ASTM C93-84 - Test Methods for Cold Crushing Strength and Modulus of Rupture of Insulating Firebrick (Withdrawn 1992)
English language
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Designaiion: C 93 - 84
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 49103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASW Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in-the current combid index, will appear' in the next eúition.
Standard Test Methods for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 93; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change sinœ the last revision or reapproval.
the range from O to 15 O00 Ibf (67 kN) shall be
1. Scope
1.1 These test methods cover the determina-
NOTE 1-The use-of a hydraulic testing machine is
tion of the cold crushing strength and modulus
recommended in preference to the mechanical type.
of rupture of insulating firebrick.
3.2 Spherical Bearing Block-The plane sur-
1.2 The test methods appear in the following
face of the spherical bearing block (Fig. 1) shall
have an area that will cover the 4% by 4%in.
(1 14 by 1 14-mm) surface of the test specimen.
3 to 7
Cold Crushing Strength
8 to I2
Modulus of Rupture
4. Test Specimens
1.3 This standard may involve hazardous ma-
4.1 The test specimens shall consist of ten
terials, operations, and equipment. This standard
pieces measuring approximately 4'h by 4% by 2%
does not purport to address all of the safety prob-
or 3 in. (1 14 by 1 14 by 64 or 76 mm) taken from
lems associated with its use. It is the responsibil-
ten different brick. It is permissible to use the
ity of whoever uses this standard to consult and
half-brick resulting from the modulus of rupture
establish appropriate safety and health practices
test (Sections 8 to 12). The test surfaces of the
and determine the applicability of regulatory limi-
specimens shall be approximately parallel planes.
tations prior to use.
5. Procedure
2, Significance and Use
5.1 Apply the load to the 4% by 4lh-in. (1 14
2.1 Measuring the modulus of rupture and
by 1 14-mm) surface of the test specimen.
crushing strength of refractories at room temper-
5.2 Use the bearing block on top of the test
ature has traditionally been a widely accepted
specimen and place it so that the center of the
means of evaluating insulating firebrick. Many
sphere is in alignment with the vertical axis of
users have specifications based on this type of
the specimen (Fig. i). Keep the spherical bearing
test. The high porosity of insulating firebrick
block thoroughly lubricated to ensure accurate
requires a test that differs from the procedure
adjustment, which may be made by hand under
used for dense refractory brick. This test incor-
a small initial load.
porates sample sizes and loading rates applicable
5.3 Adjust the testing machine to apply the
to insulating firebrick.
load at either of the following rates:
Hydraulic machine 7000lbf(31 kN)/minf 10%
Mechanical machine 0.05 in. (1.3 mm)/min f 10 %
'These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM
3. Apparatus
Committee C-8 on Refractories and are the direct responsibility
of Subcommittee C08.01 on Strength.
3.1 Testing Machine-A standard mechanical
Current edition approved April 27. 1984. Published Novem-
or hydraulic compression testing machine (Note
ber 1984. Originally published as C 93 - 33. Last previous edi-
i) with a sensitivity of at least 20 lbf (89 N) in tion C 93 - 83.

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5.4 During the test, keep the beam of the Note 1) with a sensitivity of at least 20 Ibf (89 N)
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mechanically actuated testing machine con- in the range from O to 2000 Ibf (8.90 kN) shall
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stantly in a floating position. be used.
- 8.2 Bearing Cylinders-The bearing cylinders
6. Calculation and Report
shall be rounded to a %-in. (16-mm) radius or
6.1 Calculate the cold crushing strength as shall be cylindrical pieces 1% in. (32 mm) in
a length
follows: diameter. They shall be straight and of
at least equal to the width of the test specimen.
The supporting members for the lower bearing
cylinders shall be constructed so as to provide a
S = cold crushing strength, psi (or MPa),
means for the alignment of the cylinder with the
P = total maximum load at 3 % deformation
under surface of the test specimen because the
(Note 2) or at visible failure, whichever is
test brick may have a longitudinal twist. Appa-
smaller, Ibf (or N), and
ratus of the design shown in Fig. 2 is recom-
A = average of the gross areas of the two
mended, although other types may be used, pro-
4'/2 by 4'/2-in' (' l4 by ' 14-mm)
of vided they A

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