ASTM D2260-01
(Guide)Standard Tables of Conversion Factors and Equivalent Yarn Numbers Measured in Various Numbering Systems
Standard Tables of Conversion Factors and Equivalent Yarn Numbers Measured in Various Numbering Systems
1.1 These tables include (1) a series of conversion factors required to convert the number of a yarn measured in a specific system to the equivalent number measured in various other systems (see Table 1), and (2) specific equivalent numbers for yarns measured in various systems (see Table 2).
1.2 The content is basically consistent with recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 2947.
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Designation: D 2260 – 01
Standard Tables of
Conversion Factors and Equivalent Yarn Numbers Measured
in Various Numbering Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2260; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope for yarns spun on the cotton system (syn. English cotton
1.1 These tables include (1) a series of conversion factors
3.1.3 cut, n—in asbestos and glass yarns, the number of
required to convert the number of a yarn measured in a specific
100-yd lengths of yarn per pound; an indirect yarn numbering
system to the equivalent number measured in various other
systems (see Table 1), and (2) specific equivalent numbers for
3.1.4 cut, n—in wool yarns, the number of 300-yd lengths
yarns measured in various systems (see Table 2).
of yarn per pound; an indirect yarn numbering system.
1.2 The content is basically consistent with recommenda-
3.1.5 denier, n—a direct yarn numbering system for ex-
tions of the International Organization for Standardization
pressing linear density, equal to the mass in grams per 9000 m
(ISO) Standard 2947.
of yarn, filament, fiber, or other textile strand.
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.6 direct yarn numbering system, n—a system that ex-
presses the linear density of yarn in mass per unit length.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
2 Discussion—The preferred units of measurements
D 123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
for the direct yarn measuring system are grams and meters. Tex
D 861 Practice for Use of the Tex System to Designate
(weight in grams for 1000 metres) and Denier (weight in grams
Linear Density of Fibers, Yarn Intermediates, and Yarns
for 9000 metres) are recommended to show linear density in
E 380 Practice for Use of the International System of Units
the direct numbering system. These can be calculated by
(SI) (the Modernized Metric System)
dividing the mass of a yarn by its length. Conversion factors to
2.2 ISO Standard:
convert between direct and indirect numbering systems can be
ISO 2947, Textiles–Integrated Conversion Table for Replac-
found in Standard Tables D 2260.
ing Traditional Yarn Numbers by Rounded Numbers in the
3.1.7 grain, n—a direct yarn numbering system sometimes
Tex System
used for expressing linear density in which the yarn number is
2.3 NIST Standard:
equal to the mass in grains of 120 yd of sliver, top, or roving.
NBS–M–121–January, 1936
3.1.8 grain, n—in measuring mass, 1/7000 lb avoirdupois.
3. Terminology
3.1.9 grex, n—an obsolete direct numbering system for
expressing linear density, equal to the mass in grams per
3.1 Definitions:
10 000 m of yarn, filament, fiber, or other textile strand.
3.1.1 American grain count—a direct yarn numbering sys-
3.1.10 indirect yarn numbering system, n—a system that
tem for expressing linear density, equal to the mass in grains
expresses the linear density of yarn in length per unit mass.
per 120 yd of sliver or roving. Discussion—The preferred units of measurements
3.1.2 cotton count, n—the number of 840-yd lengths of yarn
for the indirect yarn measuring system are yards and pounds.
per pound; an indirect yarn numbering system generally used
Cotton count (number of 840 yard lengths per pound), worsted
count (number of 560 yard lengths per pound), metric count
These tables are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 on Textiles,
(number of 1000 metre lengths per kilogram), woolen run
and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.58 on Yarn and Fiber Test
(number of 1600 yard lengths per pound) and number of yards
Current edition approved September 10, 2001. Published November 2001.
per pound are commonly used in the indirect numbering
Originally published as D2260 – 64. Last previous edition D2260 – 96.
system. These can be calculated by dividing the number of
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 07.01.
3 specified lengths of a yarn by its unit of mass. Conversion
Excerpts from E380, Standard for Metric Practice, can be found in the Annual
Book of ASTM Standards, Vols 07.01 and 07.02. The standard is available as a factors to convert between indirect and direct numbering
separate publication and appears in its entirety in Vol 14.02.
systems can be found in Standard Tables D 2260.
American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New
3.1.11 linear density, nfor fiber and yarn,—mass per unit
York, NY 10036.
Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg,
MD 20899.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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