ASTM B458-83a(1995)e1
(Specification)Standard Specification for Sintered Nickel Silver Structural Parts (Withdrawn 2000)
Standard Specification for Sintered Nickel Silver Structural Parts (Withdrawn 2000)
1.1 This specification covers nickel silver sintered metal powder structural parts of two copper-nickel-zinc compositions and of two types depending on density.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only. Note 1-Definitions of powder metallurgy terms can be found in Terminology B243 and additional useful information is available in the Related Material section of Vol 02.05 of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards .
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ASTM B458 REV*A 83 m 07595lJo 0580765 896 m
Designation: B 458 - 83a (Reapproved 1995)”
100 Barr Harbor Dr. West Conshohocken. PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined Index. will appear I” the next edition
Standard Specification for
Sintered Nickel Silver Structural Parts’
This standard is issued under the Axed designation B 458: the number immediately following the designakw indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of Ias1 reapprowl. A
superscript epsilon (c) indicates an editorial change since the lasl revision or rcopproval.
(1 Now-Keywords were added editorially in October 1995.
Book t$ilSTM Standards, or by any other approved method
1. Scope
agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
1.1 This specification covers nickel silver sintered metal
powder structural parts of two copper-nickel-zinc composi-
6. Physical Properties
tions and of two types depending on density.
6. I Density.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be
6.1.1 If the density does not vary more than 0.3 g/cm”
regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are
from one section of the structural part to any other section,
for information only.
the overall density shall be within the limits prescribed in
NOTE l-Definitions of powder metallurgy terms can be found in
Table 2.
Terminology B 243 and additional useful information is available in the
6.1.2 If the density varies more than 0.3 g/cm3 from one
Related Material section of Vol 02.05 of the Annuul Book o~AS734
Siandards. section of the part to any other, the manufacturer and the
purchaser shall agree upon the critical section of the part
2. Referenced Documents
where the stresses are highest. The density of this critical
section, rather than the average density, shall be a minimum
2.1 ASTM Standards.
of 7.5 g/cm3 for Type 1, and shall be a minimum of 8.0
B 243 Terminology of Powder Metallurgy*
g/cm2 for Type II.
B 328 Test Method for Density, Oil Content, and Inter-
6.1.3 Density shall be determined in accordance with Test
connected Porosity of Sintered Powder Metal Structural
Method B 328.
Parts and Oil-Impregnated Bearings2
E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Mate-
7. Mechanical Properties
7.1 The manufacturer and the purchaser shall agree on
3. Ordering Information
qualification tests for the determination of mechanical
3.1 Orders for parts under this specification shall include
7.2 These tests shall be performed on production parts.
the following information:
7.3 The tests shall be determined after consideration of
3.1.1 Dimensions (see Section 8),
3.1.2 Chemical composition (see Section 5 and Table l), the function of the part.
3.1.3 Density (see 6.1 and Table 2), 7.4 The limits shall be agreed upon between the manufac-
3.1.4 Mechanical properties (see Section 7), and turer and purchaser.
7.5 All shipments of parts subsequent to the establishment
3.1.5 Certification (see Section 13).
of testing conditions shall conform to the limits agreed upon.
4. Materials and Manufacture
NOTE 2-The mechanical properties in tension and compression that
4.1 Structural parts shall be made by molding and
may be expected from standard specimens molded to size are given in
sintering metal powders followed by repressing and the Appendix to this specification.
resintering, if necessary, to produce finished parts con-
8. Permissible Variations in Dimensions
forming to the requirements of this specification.
8.1 Permissible variations in dimensions shall be within
5. Chemical Composition
the limits specified on the drawings describing the structural
5.1 The material shall conform to the requirements of
parts accompanying the order or shall be within the limits
Table 1 as to chemical composition.
specified in the order.
5.2 The chemical analysis shall be made in accordance
9. Workmanship
with the methods prescribed in Vol 03.05 in the Annul
9.1 Structural parts shall be uniform in composition.
9.2 When parts are cut or fractured, the exposed surface
’ This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B-9 on Metal
shall be of uniform appearance.
Powders and Metal Powder Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
mittcc BOY.05 on Structural Pans.
Current edition approved Jan. 28, and March 25. 1983. Published May 1983. 10. Sampling
Originally published as B 458- 67. Last previous edition B 458 - 70 (1976).
10.1 Lot-Unless otherwise specified, a lot shall consist of
2 /IIINIW/ /hl,Jk O~/lS7’M S/crnt/rrdv. Vol 02.05.
3 ;f//Jffd Nod of 4.V’A1 .~/crrrt/rrclr. Vol 03.01. parts of the same form and dimensions, made from powder
ASTM 8458 REVrA 83 - 0759510 0580766 722 m
dm B 458
TABLE 1 Chemical Reauirements
11. Inspection
Composition, %
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