ASTM D4522-04
(Specification)Standard Performance Specification for Feather and Down Fillings for Textile Products
Standard Performance Specification for Feather and Down Fillings for Textile Products
1.1 This performance specification covers requirements for fillings for industry products such as wearing apparel, sleeping bags, and comforters containing down, feathers, down and feather blends, or combinations of the above with other natural or synthetic materials.
1.2 These requirements apply only to the filling material.
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Designation: D4522 – 04
Standard Performance Specification for
Feather and Down Fillings for Textile Products
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4522; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope and Furniture Law Officials) and the American Down and
Feather Section of HFPA (Home Fashion Products Associa-
1.1 This performance specification covers requirements for
tion). See Table 1.
fillings for industry products such as wearing apparel, sleeping
4.2 The wording of claims on the percentage of down
bags, and comforters containing down, feathers, down and
present shall not misrepresent the facts directly or indirectly.
feather blends, or combinations of the above with other natural
For example:
or synthetic materials.
4.2.1 Aproductshouldnotbedesignatedas“100 %Down,”
1.2 These requirements apply only to the filling material.
“All Down,” “Pure Down,” or by other terms of similar import
2. Referenced Documents
unless it in fact contains only down.
4.2.2 A product should not be represented to contain a
2.1 ASTM Standards:
certain percentage of feathers or down unless it in fact contains
D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
the stated percentage as set forth in this standard.
D4523 Terminology Relating to Feather-Filled and Down-
4.3 A product shall not be designated by the name of a
Filled Products
waterfowlspeciesunlessaminimumof90 %ofthatwaterfowl
D4524 Test Method for Composition of Plumage
plumage contained therein is of that species.
2.2 IDFB Testing Regulations:
Part 3 Determination of Composition
5. Significance and Use
Part 7 Determination of Oxygen Number
5.1 Feather and down filling material intended for this end
Part 10 Volume Measurement (Fill Power)
use should meet all requirements listed in Table 1 of this
Part 11a,b Determination of Turbidity
Part 12 Determination of Feather and Down Specie
5.2 The uses and significance of particular properties and
3. Terminology test methods are discussed in the appropriate sections of the
specified test methods.
3.1 Definitions—For the definitions of textile terms used in
this standard, refer to Terminology D4523.
6. Sampling
4. Specification Requirements
6.1 Tests shall be performed on the feather and down filling
materials as they will reach the consumer.
4.1 The properties of feather and down filling materials of
6.2 Use the number of specimens directed in each of the
textile products shall conform to the specification requirements
applicable test methods.
as set forth by IABFLO (International Association of Bedding
6.2.1 If the number of specimens is not specified, use a
number of specimens per unit in the laboratory sample, such
that the user may expect at the 95 % probability level that the
This performance specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee
test result is not more than 5 % of the average above or below
the true value for the unit in the laboratory sample.
Current edition approved March 1, 2004. Published April 2004. Originally
approved in 1986. Last previous edition approved in 1993 as D4522 – 86 (1993) .
DOI: 10.1520/D4522-04. 7. Test Methods
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, w
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