Standard Practice for Evaluating the Performance Characteristics of Qualitative Chemical Spot Test Kits for Lead in Paint

1.1 This practice describes an evaluation procedure for the determination of performance characteristics of qualitative chemical spot test kits for lead, as applied to dry paint films, for a given dry paint film matrix on a given substrate.
1.2 This practice may be used to determine the performance characteristics of a given lead spot test kit for a given synthetic or field dry paint film matrix, independent of substrate effects.
1.3 To allow for comparisons of different spot test kits on an identical matrix, this practice covers the determination of test kit performance characteristics on a synthetically prepared standard white lead-containing paint film. The ingredients for the preparation of a standard synthetic leaded paint film based on basic lead carbonate are described.
1.4 This practice is not intended for the evaluation of performance parameters of chemical spot test kits on all types of paint or paint conditions that may be encountered during field use (as described in E 1753). Rather, this practice addresses the evaluation of the response of a chemical spot test kit for lead as a function of lead concentration for a limited set of paint films. Evaluating the performance of a chemical spot test kit for a given application requires tests on a representative sample of paints and substrates found at the location(s) to be tested.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM E1828-96 - Standard Practice for Evaluating the Performance Characteristics of Qualitative Chemical Spot Test Kits for Lead in Paint
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Designation: E 1828 – 96 An American National Standard
Standard Guide for
Evaluating the Performance Characteristics of Qualitative
Chemical Spot Test Kits for Lead in Paint
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1828; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope E 1605 Terminology Relating to Abatement of Hazards
from Lead-Based Paint in Buildings and Related Struc-
1.1 This guide describes an evaluation procedure for the
determination of performance characteristics of qualitative
E 1613 Test Method for Analysis of Digested Samples for
chemical spot test kits for lead, as applied to dry paint films, for
Lead by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission
a given dry paint film matrix on a given substrate.
Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Flame Atomic Absorption
1.2 This guide may be used to determine the performance
(FAAS), or Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption (GFAAS)
characteristics of a given lead spot test kit for a given synthetic
or real-world dry paint film matrix, independent of substrate
E 1645 Practice for the Preparation of Dried Paint Samples
for Subsequent Lead Analysis by Atomic Spectrometry
1.3 To allow for comparisons of different spot test kits on an
E 1729 Practice for Field Collection of Dried Paint Samples
identical matrix, this guide covers the determination of test kit
for Lead Determination by Atomic Spectrometry Tech-
performance characteristics on a synthetically prepared stan-
dard white lead-containing paint film. The ingredients for the
PS 18 Practice for Use of Qualitative Chemical Spot Test
preparation of a standard synthetic leaded paint film based on
Kits for Detection of Lead in Dry Paint Films
basic lead carbonate are described.
2.2 Federal Specifications:
1.4 This guide is not intended for the evaluation of perfor-
Federal Specification TTP 19 Paint, Latex (Acrylic Emul-
mance parameters of chemical spot test kits on all types of
sion, Exterior Wood, and Masonry)
paint or paint conditions that may be encountered during field
Federal Specification TTP 102 Paint, Oil (Alkyd Modified,
use (as described in PS 18). Rather, this guide addresses the
Exterior, White, and Tints)
evaluation of the response of a chemical spot test kit for lead
as a function of lead concentration for a limited set of paint
3. Terminology
films. Evaluating the performance of a chemical spot test kit
3.1 For definitions of terms not listed here, see Terminology
for a given application requires tests on a representative sample
E 1605.
of paints and substrates found at the location(s) to be tested.
3.2 identification limit, n—for a qualitative chemical spot
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
test kit, this is the lead content that yields a 50 % chance of
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
either a positive or negative test result for a given sample
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
matrix (1).
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
3.3 performance curve, n—for a qualitative chemical spot
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
test kit, this is a plot of the test kit response (positive or
2. Referenced Documents negative) versus the lead content in a given sample matrix as
determined by quantitative analysis (2).
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.3.1 Discussion—The performance curve may be statisti-
D 81 Specification for Basic Carbonate White Lead Pig-
2 cally modeled to yield qualitative test kit performance param-
eters for lead detection.
D 823 Practices for Producing Films of Uniform Thickness
3 3.4 performance parameter—for a particular spot test kit
of Paint, Varnish, and Related Products on Test Panels
and a particular sample matrix, this is the lead content that
D 1005 Test Method for Measurement of Dry-Film Thick-
3 yields a known degree of confidence in detecting lead.
ness of Organic Coatings Using Micrometres
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-6 on Performance
of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.23 on Lead Paint Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.11.
Abatement. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
Current edition approved Sept. 10, 1996. Published November 1996. Available from U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
2 7
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.03. The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01. this guide.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1828
3.4.1 Discussion—Examples of qualitative test kit perfor- 6.3.1 Sample Collection—Supplies and equipment for
mance parameters include the identification limit and the sample collection are described in Practice E 1729.
amounts of lead in a given sample matrix that yield a desired 6.3.2 Sample Preparation—Supplies and equipment for
confidence (for example, 95 %) of a negative and positive test sample preparation are described in Practice E 1645.
result, respectively. 6.3.3 Analysis—Supplies and equipment for laboratory
analysis of extracted lead samples are described in Test Method
4. Summary of Practice
E 1613.
4.1 Samples of paint are collected using an ASTM practice.
7. Procedure
Alternatively, samples may consist of referenced materials (or
7.1 Sample Collection or Artificial Sample Preparation—
mixtures thereof) or may be prepared artificially in the labo-
ratory (3). Synthetic standard paint films may be prepared Real-world dry paint samples may be collected using Practice
E 1729. Alternatively, samples may consist of reference mate-
using basic white lead carbonate over an applicable range of
lead concentrations. rials or mixtures thereof or may be prepared artificially in the
NOTE 1—Other types of paint films may be prepared from other
materials to yield data that are supplemental to this guide. For example,
NOTE 3—Examples of suitable reference materials include those pro-
chromate paints of varied lead concentration could be fabricated to
mulgated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
investigate performance curves of chemical spot test kits.
7.1.1 Real-World Samples—Dry Paint Film Sample
4.2 Paint samples are treated with a qualitative chemical
Collection—Collect paint samples in accordance with Practice
spot test kit for lead using an ASTM provisional standard, and
E 1729.
test kit results are recorded as positive or negative for lead
7.1.2 Concentration Range of Real-World Samples—It is
necessary to collect or prepare samples of a particular matrix
4.3 Tested paint samples are prepared and analyzed for
over a wide range of lead concentrations (at least two,
quantitative lead content using ASTM standards.
preferably three or more orders of magnitude).
4.4 The quantitative lead content data from chemical analy- The lead content in the sample matrix of interest
sis are compared to the qualitative lead spot test kit results.
must extend from a concentration of at least one order of
4.5 The comparative data are statistically modeled in order
magnitude below the anticipated identification limit of the spot
to determine the performance parameters of a particular spot
test kit to a lead content at least five times above the expected
test kit for a particular paint matrix.
identification limit.
NOTE 4—In general, until samples are analyzed quantitatively (espe-
5. Significance and Use
cially field samples), it will not be possible to know exactly the range of
5.1 This guide is to be used to evaluate the performance of
sample lead concentrations.
commercially available or laboratory prepared qualitative
7.2 Synthetic Samples:
chemical spot test kits for lead in dry paint films.
7.2.1 Preparation of Standard Synthetic Dry Paint Films:
5.2 This guide is generic in the respect that the protocol is Leaded Paint Components—The paste-in-oil form
applicable to any desired combination of spot test kit and paint
of basic white lead carbonate, meeting the requirements
sample matrix.
described in Specification D 81, shall be used in the prepara-
5.3 Performance parameters of interest in the evaluation
tion of standard leaded paint films for spot testing. This paste
include the identification limit of a particular test kit for a
is to be dispersed and diluted in white alkyd paint that meets
particular paint matrix and the lead content in paint that gives
the requirements of Fed. Spec. TTP 102.
a known degree of confidence for a negative or positive test
result. NOTE 5—Paint drying procedures are in Fed. Spec. TTP 102. General
requirements are for the paint film to be dried for two weeks at room
temperature with the film being dry to the touch.
6. Apparatus
6.1 Qualitative Chemical Spot Test Kit, for lead detection, Substrate—Prepared synthetic paints shall be spread
either commercially available or prepared in the laboratory. uniformly on an unleaded glass or poly(methylmethacrylate)
(PMMA or lucite) surface. The film may consist of one or more
NOTE 2—Most spot test kits for lead are based on the use of rhodizon-
coats of lead-containing paint.
ate, sulfide, or dithizone (1,4). Spot test kits for lead based on each of these
chemistries are commercially available. Laboratory procedures describing
NOTE 6—For assistance in preparing films of uniform thickness, see
the preparation of lead spot test kits are outside the scope of this standard.
Practices D 823.
However, these protocols are given in Refs (1) and (4). Overlayer—A nonleaded overlayer consisting of
6.2 Sealable Hard-Walled Sample Containers, plastic or
two coats of latex paint, meeting the requirements of Fed.
glass, for containment of dry paint samples following spot
Spec. TTP 19, shall be spread atop the leaded paint layer.
testing but prior to laboratory analysis. Thickness—The thickness of each paint layer within
6.3 Laboratory and Field Supplies and Equipment,as
the films shall be 35 to 50 μm.
needed for sample collection, sample preparation, and analysis.
NOTE 7—For assistance in measuring film thickness, see Test Method
Necessary laboratory and field supplies for particular sample
D 1005.
matrices of concern are described in the pertinent ASTM
standards listed in 2.1. 7.2.2 Concentration Ranges of Synthetic Paint Samples:
E 1828 The range of lead concentrations in synthetically experiment is designed so a targeted number of additional
prepared leaded paint films shall extend from #0.001 % Pb to samples may be tested experimentally, and the data fitted using
approximately 5 % Pb by weight or #0.01 mg Pb/cm to a statistical model that generates the performance parameters
approximately 2 mg Pb/cm by surface area. of interest. For initial screening modeling based on few data
7.3 Number of Samples—The number of samples required
for the evaluation may differ for different matrices. However, points, use the model of X3.1. Use results from this model and
the aid of a statistician, if necessary, to gain knowledge on 1)
as a general rule, hundreds of samples spanning the lead
concentration range of interest must be obtained for each the final number of samples needed and 2) the needed range of
lead contents, for more detailed statistical fitting of the experi-
combination of spot test kit and sample matrix that is to be
tested. mental data. Obtain additional experimental data as needed (7.4-
NOTE 8—In general, the greater the number of samples over a wide lead
7.6) and model the performance curve using an appropriate
concentration range, the lesser the overlap between negative and positive
statistical model. An example of a suitable statistical model for
test kit readings (the modeled performance curve). To reduce the standard
data following a sigmoidal curve is given in X3.2 (5).
deviation about a given performance parameter by one-half, the sample
size must be increased by a factor of four (see Appendix X1).
NOTE 9—Commercial software is available that can be used in statis-
tical computations of the kind outlined here.
7.4 Application of Spot Test Kit:
7.4.1 Commercial Kits—Following instructions given in Performance parameters of interest include the iden-
Practice PS 18, apply the spot test kit to each sample individu-
tification limit of the test kit and lead contents at which one
ally. Use only one spot test per sample.
may be 95 % confident (or other desired probability, 90 %) of If a positive control is provided by the manufacturer,
either a negative or a positive test kit reading (see Appendix
apply the spot test kit to the positive control according to the
X3) (5).
manufacturer’s instructions and record the result. If a negative
result is found, the kit must be discarded. A negative result on
8. Report
a positive control indicates that the ingredients of the kit are no
8.1 Report the following information concerning the sample
longer usable.
matrix and analytical procedures used:
7.4.2 Laboratory-Prepared Kits—Following protocols out-
8.1.1 Type of sample matrix, dry paint,
lined in Refs (3) and (5), apply the spot test to each sample
8.1.2 Form of sample matrix, intact, ground, cut,
individually. Use only one spot test per sample.
8.1.3 Color of dry paint sample,
7.4.3 Record results as either positive for lead detection or
8.1.4 Sample collection and preparation procedures used
negative for no lead detection.
prior to testing with the spot test kit,
7.5 Sample Containment after Spot Testing—After testing
8.1.5 Type of spot test kit used (rhodizonate or sulfide) with
with the chemical spot test kit, place the sample and all test kit
information concerning manufacturer and model no. (if appli-
components that contacted the sample during conduction of the
cable); if a laboratory prepared kit is used, provide all details
spot test into a sealable hard-walled sample container and close
concerning its composition and use,
the container.
8.1.6 Sample preparation procedure(s) used following test-
7.6 Sample Preparation for Subsequent Lead
ing with the test kit and prior to laboratory analysis,
Determination—Samples are to be prepared for subsequent
8.1.7 Laboratory analysis procedure(s) used,
lead determination in accordance with Practice E 1645.
8.1.8 Date sample collected,
7.7 Determination of Lead in Extracted Samples—
8.1.9 Date sample tested with spot test kit,
Determine the lead content in each paint

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