Standard Terminology Relating to Protective Clothing

1.1 This standard defines the specialized terms used in standards developed by Committee F-23 on Protective Clothing.  
1.2 Descriptions of Terms, which were drafted for use only in a single standard, are also included for convenient reference. Under ASTM rules they may become full definitions in the future, if they are used in additional standards.  
1.3 Additional terminology relevant to protective clothing and to the components of protective clothing can be found in Terminology D123, D1566, and D4805.

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ASTM F1494-99 - Standard Terminology Relating to Protective Clothing
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Designation: F 1494 – 99 An American National Standard
Standard Terminology Relating to
Protective Clothing
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1494; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope F 1154 Practices for Qualitatively Evaluating the Comfort,
Fit, Function, and Integrity of Chemical Protective Suit
1.1 This standard defines the specialized terms used in
standards developed by Committee F-23 on Protective Cloth-
F 1291 Test Method for Measuring the Thermal Insulation
of Clothing Using a Heated Manikin
1.2 Definitions of Terms, which were drafted for use only in
F 1358 Test Method for Effects of Flame Impingement on
a single standard, are also included for convenient reference.
Materials Used in Protective Clothing Not Designated
Under ASTM rules they may become full definitions in the
Primarily for Flame Resistance
future, if they are used in additional standards.
F 1359 Test Method for Liquid Penetration Resistance of
1.3 Additional terminology relevant to protective clothing
Protective Clothing or Protective Ensembles Under a
and to the components of protective clothing can be found in
Shower Spray While on a Mannequin
Terminology D 123, D 1566, and D 4805.
F 1383 Test Method for Resistance of Protective Clothing
2. Referenced Documents
Materials to Permeation by Liquids or Gases Under Con-
ditions of Intermittent Contact
2.1 ASTM Standards:
F 1407 Test Method for Resistance of Chemical Protective
D 123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
Clothing Materials to Liquid Permeation-Permeation Cup
D 1566 Terminology Relating to Rubber
D 4805 Terminology for Plastics Standards
F 1414 Test Method for Measurement of Cut Resistance to
F 739 Test Method for Resistance of Protective Clothing
Chain Saw in Lower Body (Legs) Protective Clothing
Materials to Permeation by Liquids or Gases Under Con-
F 1449 Guide for Care and Maintenance of Flame Resistant
ditions of Continuous Contact
and Thermally Protective Clothing
F 955 Test Method for Evaluating Heat Transfer Through
F 1458 Test Method for Measurement of Cut Resistance to
Materials for Protective Clothing Upon Contact With
Chain Saw of Foot Protective Devices
Molten Substances
F 1461 Practice for a Chemical Protective Clothing Pro-
F 1001 Guide for Selection of Chemicals to Evaluate Pro-
tective Clothing Materials
F 1670 Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in
F 1002 Performance Specification for Protective Clothing
Protective Clothing to Penetration by Synthetic Blood
for Use by Workers Exposed to Specific Molten Substances
F 1671 Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in
and Related Thermal Hazards
Protective Clothing to Penetration by Blood-Borne Patho-
F 1060 Test Method for Thermal Protective Performance of
gens Using Phi-X174 Bacteriophage Penetration as a Test
Materials for Protective Clothing for Hot Surface Contact
F 1001 Guide for Selection of Chemicals to Evaluate Pro-
F 1731 Practice for Body Measurements and Sizing of Fire
tective Clothing Materials
and Rescue Services Uniforms and Other Thermal Hazard
F 1002 Performance Specification for Protective Clothing
Protective Clothing
for Use by Workers Exposed to Specific Molten Substances
and Related Thermal Hazards
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-23 on
after-flame time, n—the length of time for which a material
Protective Clothing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F23.91 on
continues to flame after the ignition source has been re-
moved. (F23.20) F 1358
Current edition approved August 10, 1999. Published August 1999. Originally
published as F 1494 – 93. Last previous edition F 1494 – 94 .
afterglow, n—a glow in a material after the removal of an
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 07.01.
external ignition source or after the cessation (natural or
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01.
induced) of flaming of the material (see also glow).
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.03.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.03.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 1494
(F23.20) F 1358 that prompt assistance can be rendered in the case of any
agar, n—a semisolid culture medium used to support the emergency. (F23.70) F 1461
growth of bacteria and other micro-organisms. (F23.40) burn distance, n—the measurement from the bottom edge of
F 1671 the specimen to the farthest point that shows evidence of
analytical detection limit, n—a number, expressed in units of damage due to combustion. (F23.20) F 1358
concentration (or amount), that describes the lowest concen- burning behavior, n—all the changes that take place when
tration level (or amount) that an analyst can determine to be materials or products are exposed to a specified ignition
different from an analytical blank (background level). source. (F23.20) F 1358
(F23.70) F 1461 bust girth, n—in body measurement, the circumference of the
analytical technique, n—a procedure whereby the concentra- body over the fullest part of the breasts and parallel to the
tion of the test chemical in a collection medium is quantita- floor. (See chest girth.) (F23.60) F 1731
tively determined. (F23.30) F 739 care and maintenance, n—effective cleaning to remove soil
anisotropic, adj—having different values for a specific prop- and maximize use life of garments while maintaining (not
erty in different directions. (F23.20) F 1358 removing) protective properties. (F23.80) F 1449
armhole, n—in garment construction, the area of a garment centerline, n—in foot protective devices, a line which extends
through which the arm passes or into which a sleeve is fitted. from the toe of the footwear horizontally along the sole to
(See armscye.) (F23.60) F 1731 the heel vertically to the top of the footwear, and diagonally
armscye, n—in garment construction, the opening in a gar- to the point of intersection at the toe. (F23.20)
ment for the attachment of a fitted sleeve. (See armhole.) F 1458
(F23.60) F 1731 certification, n—a system whereby an organization determines
aseptic, adj—sterile, free from viable microbiological con- that a manufacturer has demonstrated the ability to make a
tamination. (F23.40) F 1671 product that complies with the requirements of the specifi-
assay, n—analysis of a mixture to determine the presence or cation, authorizes the manufacturer to use a label on prod-
concentration of a particular component. (F23.40) F 1671 ucts that comply with the requirements of the specification,
assay fluid, n—a sterile liquid used to wash the test specimen and conducts a follow-up program to verify the methods the
surface to determine microbiological penetration. (F23.40) manufacturer uses to determine compliance with the require-
F 1671 ments of this specification. (F23.20)
authority having jurisdiction, n— the organization, office, or F 1818
individual responsible for approving any equipment, instal- certification organization, n—an independent, third party
lation, or procedure. (F23.20) F 1818 organization that determines product compliance with the
back waist length, n— in body measurements, the vertical requirements of the specification with a labeling and listing
distance along the spine from the cervical to the waist. follow-up program. (F23.20) F 1818
(F23.60) F 1731 cervical, n—in body measurements, the most prominent bone
bacteriophage, n—a type of virus which infects bacteria. at the base of the neck. (F23.60) F 1731
(F23.40) F 1671 chain saw, n—a portable power operated tool used for cutting
bartack, n—in garment construction, a reinforcement at points wood which has cutters linked in a chain. (F23.20)
of strain. (F23.60) F 1731 F 1414, F 1458
biological monitoring, n—the chemical analysis of chemicals chain speed, n—the velocity of synchronized movement of
or metabolites, or both, from a worker’s blood, urine, linked cutters around a bar and sprocket. (F23.20)
fingernails, sweat, breath, and so forth. (F23.70) F 1461 F 1414, F 1458
body dimension, n— in garment construction, a body mea- chainstop, n—for chainsaw cut resistance, the resulting action
surement which can be used to build a sizing system or to when a material clogs (jams) the drive sprocket or slows the
select an appropriately sized garment. (F23.60) F 1731 speed sufficiently to prevent advancement of the chain saw.
body fluid simulant, n—a liquid which is used to act as a (F23.20) F 1414, F 1458, F 1818
model for human body liquids. (F23.40) F 1670, F 1671 challenge chemical—a chemical used to contact a protective
body measurement, n— in anthropometry, a standardized clothing material sample to determine chemical/protective
distance between two specified points on the human clothing material interactions or compatibility. (F23.30)
anatomy. (F23.60) F 1731 F 1001
break-open—in testing thermal protective material, a response challenge suspension, n—a liquid containing an agent that is
evidenced by the formation of a hole in the material which used to test the penetration resistance of materials.
allows the molten substance to pass through the material. (F23.40) F 1671
(F23.80) F 955 charring—the formation of a carbonaceous residue as the
breakthrough detection time, n—the elapsed time measured result of pyrolysis or incomplete combustion. (F23.80)
from the start of the test to the sampling time that immedi- F 1060
ately precedes the sampling time at which the test chemical chemical protective clothing (CPC), n— any material or
is first detected. (F23.30) F 739, F 1383 combination of materials used in an item of clothing for the
buddy system, n—a means of organizing employee work purpose of isolating parts of the body from direct contact
groups whereby each participant is matched with another so
F 1494
with a potentially hazardous chemical. (F23.70) taminants from the surface or matrix, or both, of CPC to the
F 1461 extent necessary for its next intended action (for example,
chemical-protective suit ensemble—the combination of a reuse and disposal). (F23.70) F 1461
chemical-protective suit (totally encapsulating, splash- dripping—in testing thermal protective material, a response
protective) with the wearer’s respiratory protective equip- evidenced by flowing of the fiber polymer. (F23.80) F 955
ment, gloves, boots, communications system, and cooling ease, n—in garment construction, the difference between
device, or some combination of those. (F23.50) F 1154, garment measurement and body measurement. (F23.60)
F 1359 F 1731
chest, n—in garment construction, a measurement taken from elastomer, n—a term often used for rubber and polymers that
below each armhole seam straight across the garment while have properties similar to rubber. (F23.70) F 1461
it is laid flat. (F23.60) F 1731 elbow, n—in anatomy, the joint that articulates between the
chest girth, n— in body measurements, the circumference of upper arm and the lower arm. (F23.60) F 1731
the body over the shoulder blades, under the arms and across embrittlement—the formation of a brittle residue as a result of
the upper chest. (See bust girth.) (F23.60) F 1731 pyrolysis or incomplete combustion. (F23.80) F 955,
clo, n—a unit of thermal resistance (insulation) equal to 0.155 F 1060, F 1358
K-m /W. (F23.60) F 1291 end user, n—for the purpose of this guide, this term is used to
identify specifically the party requiring protective clothing
DISCUSSION—The value of the clo was selected as roughly the
(for example, the employer of the person wearing the
insulation value of typical indoor clothing, which should keep a resting
garment). (F23.80) F 1449
man (producing heat at the rate of 58 W/m ) comfortable in an
Fick’s laws of diffusion, n—mathematical descriptions of the
environment at 21°C, air movement 0.1 m/s.
movement of one type of molecule through another.
closed-loop, adj—refers to a testing mode in which the
(F23.70) F 1461
collection medium volume is fixed. (F23.30) F 739,
finish, n—a chemical or mechanical modification, or both, of
F 1383
the fabric for a specific performance result. (F23.80)
clothing ensemble, n—a group of garments worn together on
F 1449
the body at the same time. (F23.60) F 1291
finishing technique, n— as applies to laundry and dry
collection medium, n—a liquid or gas that does not affect the
cleaning procedures, the mechanical means by which the
measured permeation and in which the test chemical is freely
garment is put in its final state (for example, pressing,
soluble or adsorbed to a saturation concentration greater than
drying, wrinkle removal, and so forth). (F23.80) F 1449
0.5 weight or volume percent. (F23.30)
fit, n—the quality, state or manner in which the length and
F 1383
closeness of clothing, when worn, relates to the human body.
combustion, n—a chemical process of oxidation that occurs at
(F23.60) F 1731
a rate fast enough to produce heat and usually light either as
flame, n—as related to ignition of textiles, a controlled hot
glow or flames. (F23.20) F 1358
luminous zone of gas or matter in gaseous suspension, or
contact time, n— in an intermittent contact test, the duration
both, of constant size and shape that is undergoing combus-
during each cycle that the challenge side chamber of the
tion as evidenced by a low-intensity heat source of less than
permeation cell is filled with the test chemical. (F23.30)
5 kW, such as a burner flame on a gas stove. (F23.20)
F 1383
F 1358
crotch, n—in anatomy, the body area adjacent to the vertex of
flame impingement, n—direct contact between a flame and a
the included angle between the legs. (F23.60) F 1731
material. (F23.20) F 1358
cuff, n—in garment construction, a finished edge at the end of
flammability, n—those characteristics of a material that per-
either a garment sleeve or trouser leg created by turning back
tain to its ignition and support of combustion. (F23.20)
or rolling up and stitching the fabric. (F23.60) F 1731
F 1358
cumulative permeation, n—the total mass of chemical that
follow-up program, n—the sampling, inspection, tests, or
permeates during a specified time from when the material is
other measures conducted by the certification organization
first contacted. (F23.30) F 1383, F 1407
on a periodic basis to determine the continued compliance of
cut resistance, n— in chainsaw testing, the ability of a
products that are being made by the manufacturer to the
material, while in contact with the linked cutters

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