ASTM D5882-00
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Low Strain Integrity Testing of Piles
Standard Test Method for Low Strain Integrity Testing of Piles
1.1 This test method covers the procedure for determining the integrity of individual vertical or inclined piles by measuring and analyzing the velocity (required) and force (optional) response of the pile induced by an (hand held hammer or other similar type) impact device applied axially to the pile normally at the pile head. This test method is applicable to long structural elements that function in a manner similar to foundation piles, regardless of their method of installation provided that they are receptive to low strain impact testing.
1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Fig. 1
General Information
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Standard Test Method for
Low Strain Integrity Testing of Piles
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5882; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the procedure for determining
the integrity of individual vertical or inclined piles by measur-
ing and analyzing the velocity (required) and force (optional)
response of the pile induced by an (hand held hammer or other
at the pile head. This test method is applicable to long
structural elements that function in a manner similar to
foundation piles, regardless of their method of installation
provided that they are receptive to low strain impact testing.
1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials, opera-
tions, and equipment. This standard does not purport to
address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its
use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to
FIG. 1 Typical Velocity Traces Generated by the Apparatus for
establish appropriate safety and health practices and deter-
Obtaining Dynamic Measurements
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Fig. 1
3.2.1 pile integrity, n—the qualitative evaluation of the
2. Referenced Documents physical dimensions, continuity of a pile, and consistency of
the pile material.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.2.2 pile impedance, n—the dynamic Young’s modulus of
C469 Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and
the pile material multiplied by the applicable cross sectional
Poisson’s Ratio of Concrete in Compression
area of the pile and divided by the strain wave speed.
D198 Methods of Static Tests of Timbers in Structural
3.2.3 pulse echo method, n—test in which measurements of
the pile head velocity and force (force measurement optional)
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
are evaluated as a function of time.
3.2.4 transient response method, n—test in which the ratio
D1143 Method of Testing Piles Under Static Axial Com-
of velocity transform to force transform (force measurement
pressive Load
required) are evaluated as a function of frequency.
D4945 Test Method for High Strain Dynamic Testing of
4. Significance and Use
3. Terminology 4.1 Low strain integrity testing provides velocity and force
(optional) data on structural elements (that is, structural col-
3.1 Except as defined in 3.2, the terminology used in this
umns, driven concrete piles, cast in place concrete piles,
test method conforms with Terminology D653.
concrete filled steel pipe piles, timber piles, etc.). This data
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
(that is, cross-sectional area, length), continuity, and consis-
tency of the pile material. This test method will not give
information regarding the pile bearing capacity.
4.1.1 Methods of Testing
Current edition approved November 10, 2000. Published November 2000. Pulse Echo Method (PEM)—The pile head motion
Originally published as D5882–95. Last previous edition D5882–95.
Low-strain dynamic testing is a nondestructive method using lightweight
is measured as a function of time. The time domain record is
equipment to assess only the integrity of the pile shaft.
then evaluated for pile integrity.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02. Transient Response Method (TRM)—The pile head
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.10.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.08. motionandforce(measuredwithaninstrumentedhammer)are
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
measured as a function of time.The data are evaluated usually the fourrier transform of the measured force shall have a
in the frequency domain. smooth spectrum, without any local peaks.
5.2.3 Placement of Transducers—Themotionsensorshould
5. Apparatus
5.1 Apparatus for Applying Impact
bonding material (that is, wax, vaseline, etc.) so that it is
5.1.1 Impact Force Application—The impact may be deliv-
assured that it correctly measures the axial pile motion (trans-
produce an input force pulse of generally less than 1 ms
locations should be considered for piles with diameters greater
impact. A hammer with a very hard plastic tip can induce a
than 500 mm. The low strain impact should be applied to the
short input force pulse without causing local pile damage. The
pile head within a distance of 300 mm from the motion sensor.
impact should be applied axially to the pile (normally on the
If the pile head is not accessible, as when already integral with
pile head).
the structure, the sensor(s) may be attached to the side of the
5.2 Apparatus for Obtaining Measurements
pile shaft.
5.2.1 Velocity Measurement—Obtain velocity data with
5.3 Signal Transmission—The signals from the sensors
(one or more) accelerometers, provided the acceleration sig-
nal(s) can be integrated to velocity in the apparatus for
displaying the data, see 5.4, by a low noise shielded cable or
reducing data. The accelerometer(s) should be placed at (or
near) the pile head and shall have their sensitive axis parallel
with the pile axis.Accelerometers shall be linear to at least 50
5.4 Apparatus for Recording, Reducing and Displaying
g. Either A/C or D/C accelerometers can be used. If A/C
devices are used, the time constant shall be greater than 0.5 s
5.4.1 General—The signals from the motion and force
and the resonant frequency shall be at least 30000 Hz. If D/C
(optional) sensors, see 5.2, shall be conveyed to an apparatus
devices are used, they shall have frequency response up to
for recording, reducing, and displaying data as a function of
5000 Hz with less than−3 dB reduction of content. Alterna-
time. The apparatus shall include a graphic display of velocity
tively, velocity or displacement transducers may be used to
obtain velocity data, provided they are equivalent in perfor-
averaging data of several blows to reinforce the repetitive
to an accuracy of 5% throughout the applicable measurement
information from soil and pile effects while reducing random
noise effects. The apparatus shall be able to apply increasing
the accelerometer.
intensity amplification of the motion signal with time after the
5.2.2 Force Measurement (optional)—The impact device
impact to enhance the interpretation of the measured motions
shall be capable of measuring the impact force as a function of
that are reduced by soil and pile material damping. The
time. The hammer may have a force load cell between the tip
apparatus must have filtering capability with variable fre-
and hammer body. Alternatively, the hammer may have an
accelerometer attached and the measured acceleration may be
converted to force using the hammer mass. The force calibra- signal components, or both. The apparatus shall be capable of
tion shall be within 5%. The hammer must be tuned such that transferring all data to a permanent storage medium. The
FIG. 2 Schematic Diagram of Apparatus for Integrity Testing
apparatus shall allow for a permanent graphical output of the Ensure that the pile head surface is accessible, above water,
records. A typical schematic arrangement for this apparatus is and clean of loose concrete, soil or other foreign materials
illustrated in Fig. 2. resulting from construction. If the pile head is contaminated,
5.4.2 Recording Apparatus—Analog signals from the mo- remove a sufficient pile section to reach sound concrete. If
tionsensormustbedirectlydigitizedusingananalogtodigital necessary, prepare small areas by a hand grinder to provide a
convertor with at least 12 bit resolution such that signal smooth surface for motion sensor attachment and impact.
components having a low pass cut-off frequency of 15000 Hz Attach the motion sensor firmly with appropriate material at
(−3dB) are retained. When digitizing, the sample frequency, selected locations away from the edge of the pile head. For
therefore,shallbeatleast30000Hzeachforthemotionsensor piles with diameters larger than 500 mm, attach the acceler-
andtheoptionalinstrumentedhammer,ifused.Theuniformity ometer at a minimum of three locations so that an integrity
and accuracy of the digital sampling frequency is critical; the evaluation near the pile head may be made for each localized
clock jitter (sampling frequency accuracy) must be within section of pile. Position the apparatus for applying the impact
0.01%. Analog data acquisition systems are specifically pro- force so that the impact is applied axially with the pile and at
hibited.Attachedtoeverydigitizedeventshouldbeidentifying a distance no larger than 300 mm from the accelerometer. Set
information names and descriptions, signal processing en- uptheapparatusforrecording,reducing,anddisplayingdataso
hancement parameters, and date and time stamps. that it is operational and the force and velocity signals are
5.4.3 Apparatus for Reducing Data—The apparatus for zeroed.
reducing signals from the transducers shall be a digital com-
6.3 Field Notes—Include the following information in de-
puter or microprocessor capable of at least the following
tailed records, as available, for each pile tested.
6.3.1 Pile identification, nominal and actual pile head diam- Velocity Data—If accelerometers are used (see
eter and length;
5.2.2), the apparatus shall provide signal conditioning and
6.3.2 Date and method of concrete placement;
calibration and integrate acceleration to obtain velocity. The
6.3.3 As-built geometry that is, total concrete volume,
apparatus shall balance the velocity signal to zero between
nominal or actual diameter versus length, permanent or tem-
impact events.
porary casing, steel reinforcement, etc.; Force Measurements—The apparatus shall provide
6.3.4 Soil stratigraphy;
6.3.5 Any specific observation related to each pile tested
measurements. The force output shall be balanced to zero
that affects the pile construction, excavation, integrity, etc.;
between impact events.
6.3.6 Location of transducers at pile head and correspond- Signal Conditioning—The signal conditioning for
ing measurements; and,
force and velocity shall have equal frequency response curves
6.3.7 Date pile is tested.
to avoid relative phase shifts and amplitude differences.
6.4 Taking Measurements—Apply several impacts and
5.4.4 Display Apparatus—Ensure that the signals from the
record each individual impact or the average, if required, or
both. If only the individual impacts are recorded, ensure that
of an apparatus, such as an LCD graphic display, such that the
the apparatus for recording, reducing, and displaying data is
velocity and force (optional) can be observed as a function of
capable of averaging up to 10 individual records. Record the
time for each hammer blow. This apparatus may receive the
signals after they have been processed by the apparatus for
and display a series of velocity and force (optional) measure-
of the impact event or upon recall by the user of the digitally
6.5 Data Quality Checks—For confirmation of data quality,
storedevent.Adjustthe apparatus to reproduce a signalhaving
the operator shall monitor the velocity and force (optional)
a range of duration between 2 ms and 30 ms. Ensure that the
from several impact events for consistency. Ensure that the
apparatus for recording, reducing, and displaying data is
blow for a minimum period of 30 s.
capable of determining the measurement device overload
6. Procedure
threshold. Do not use the records of impacts that cause the
measurement device to overload. Consistent records are the
6.1 General—Record applicable project information into
result of uniform impacts on sound concrete, transducer
the apparatus when appropriate (Section 7). Attach the appro-
systems that are properly functioning, motion sensors that are
priate motion sensor (see 5.2) to the pile head, and record the
firmly attached, and the apparatus for recording, reducing, and
measurements from several impacts. Average the suitable
displaying data properly functioning. If records are not repeat-
able, do not use the data. If the cause of poor data is not a
the averaged record. The records from the individual impacts
motion sensor attachment problem but rather is found to be a
or the averaged record, or both, should then be stored (see
transducer malfunction, repair or recalibrate it before further
5.4.2). The averaged, amplified record then can be evaluated
for integrity.
6.2 Preparation—For cast-in-place concrete piles or con-
NOTE 1—It is generally recommended that all components of the
crete filled pipe piles, perform the integrity testing no sooner
apparatus for obtaining dynamic measurements and the apparatus for
than 7 days after casting or after concrete strength achieves at
recording, reducing, and displaying data be calibrated if any signs of
least 75% of its design strength, whichever occurs earlier. system malfunctions become apparent.
6.6 Analysis of Measurements
6.6.1 With the Pulse Echo Method (PEM), measured pile
head velocity is analyzed as a function of time. Often, this
method gives sufficient information for integrity evaluation.
Alternately, the pile head force can be measured
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