ASTM E1925-99
(Specification)Specifiction for Engineering and Design Criteria for Rigid Wall Relocatable Structures
Specifiction for Engineering and Design Criteria for Rigid Wall Relocatable Structures
1.1 This specification covers engineering and design criteria required for the development of rigid wall relocatable structures (RWRS) and shall be applied to the design of expandable and non-expandable RWRSs. This specification applies to present engineering and design requirements for effective RWRSs which are operable in a variety of environments without degradation and are capable of all specified transport modes. This specification shall be applied to the design of expandable and non-expandable RWRSs. This specification is a conversion of a military standard that was approved by all departments and agencies of the Department of Defense.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parenthesis are for information only.
1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test required portion, Section 10, of this specification. This specification does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this specification to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: E 1925 – 99
Specification for
Engineering and Design Criteria for Rigid Wall Relocatable
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1925; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope ISO 1496-2, Series 1 Freight Containers Specification and
Testing Document - Part 2, 1993
1.1 This specification covers engineering and design criteria
2.3 Military Standards:
required for the development of rigid wall relocatable struc-
MIL-STD-1472D, Notice 3, Human Engineering Design
tures (RWRS) and shall be applied to the design of expandable
Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities
and nonexpandable RWRSs. This specification applies to
MIL-M-8090F, General Requirements for Towed Aerospace
present engineering and design requirements for effective
Ground Equipment Mobility
RWRSs that are operable in a variety of environments without
MIL-F-14072D, Finishes for Ground Electronic Equip-
degradation and are capable of all specified transport modes.
This specification shall be applied to the design of expandable
MIL-C-22992E, Amend 5, Connector, Plugs and Recep-
and nonexpandable RWRSs. This specification is a conversion
tacles, Electrical, Waterproof, Quick Disconnect, Heavy
of a military standard that was approved by all departments and
Duty Type General Specification for
agencies of the Department of Defense.
MIL-STD-810E, Notice 3, Environmental Test Methods
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
and Engineering Guidelines
as the standard. The values given in parenthesis are for
MIL-STD-1791, Notice 1, Designing for Internal Aerial
information only.
Delivery in Fixed Wing Aircraft
1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the
test required portion, Section 10, of this specification. This
3. Terminology
specification does not purport to address all of the safety
3.1 Definitions:
concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
3.1.1 degradation—damage by the weakening or loss of
of the user of this specification to establish appropriate safety
some property, quality, or capability.
and health practices and determine the applicability of regu-
3.1.2 delamination—separation into constituent layers.
latory limitations prior to use.
3.1.3 galvanic corrosion—the corrosion of metallic objects
2. Referenced Documents in the presence of moisture, caused by electrolytic action.
3.1.4 special tools—tools other than common hand tools or
2.1 ASTM Standards:
those designed specifically for use with a delivered product.
E 1851 Test Method for Electromagnetic Shielding Effec-
tiveness of Durable Rigid Wall Relocatable Structures
4. Materials and Manufacture
G 21 Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic
3 4.1 Materials and Workmanship—All materials and work-
Polymeric Materials to Fungi
manship shall be in accordance with good commercial practice.
2.2 ISO Standards:
All materials shall be recovered materials to the maximum
ISO 668-1995, Series 1 Freight Containers - Classification,
4 extent possible consistent with quality and performance. All
Dimensions and Ratings, 5th Edition
materials shall be free of defects that would affect the perfor-
ISO 1161-1990, Series 1 Freight Containers - Corner Fit-
4 mance or maintainability of individual components or the
overall assembly adversely.
ISO 1496-1, Series 1 Freight Containers Specification and
4 4.2 Dissimilar Materials—The intimate contact of dissimi-
Testing Document - Part 1, 1993
lar materials, which can be expected to cause galvanic corro-
sion, shall be prevented. When such contact cannot be pre-
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-6 on
vented, an insulating material shall be provided to minimize
Performance of Buildings and is under the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
E06.53 on Materials and Processes for Durable Rigid Wall Relocatable Structures. the corrosive effect.
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 1999. Published December 1999. Originally
4.3 Corrosion—All RWRS components shall be adequately
published as E 1925 – 97. Last previous edition E 1925 – 97.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.11.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
4 5
Available from American National Standards Institute, W 42nd St., 13th Floor, Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4, Section D,
New York, NY 10036. 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1925
protected from corrosion per MIL-F-14072D. The use of lightning protection shall be designed for the RWRS.
dissimilar metal combinations shall be avoided whenever 6.9 Human Engineering and Safety—The provisions of
possible. The selection of permissible couples shall be in MIL-STD-1472D applicable to RWRSs shall be implemented.
accordance with the compatible couples table of MIL-F-
7. Performance Requirements
14072D. If, due to special conditions of service or design, the
7.1 Air Transportability—The air transportability of all
contractor considers that finishes, processes, or materials other
RWRS shall comply with the guidelines of MIL-STD-1791.
than those specified herein are necessary or more suitable, such
See 10.2 for verification test.
finishes, processes, or materials may be used.
7.2 Ground Mobility—The RWRS shall be capable of
4.4 Toxicity—The materials (in their cured state) used shall
withstanding the shocks and vibrations induced by ground
cause no skin irritations or other injury to personnel handling
transport equipment over the mobility courses described for
the material during transportation, operation, or maintenance of
Type V mobility in MIL-M-8090F. See 10.3 for verification
the equipment. Exposure of personnel to toxic substances shall
not be in excess of the threshold values contained in the
7.3 Rail Transportability—The RWRS shall be capable of
American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists
withstanding the shocks induced by rail transport without
Threshold Limit Values.
damage. See 10.4 for verification test.
5. General Requirements
7.4 Forklift Handling—The RWRS shall be capable of
withstanding the stresses of forklift movements or shall be
5.1 Objectives—The RWRS shall be designed and built to
marked “DO NOT FORKLIFT.” See 10.5 for verification test.
withstand a variety of environments while providing an effec-
7.5 Erecting and Striking—Erecting and striking expand-
tive and reliable facility for system equipment. The design
able and nonexpandable RWRS shall be accomplished within
shall also be directed toward minimizing the man-hours
2 2
two man-hours per 150 square feet (ft ) (14 m ) of floor space.
required to strike or erect RWRSs using common hand tools.
The RWRS shall be capable of being erected and struck on a
5.2 Standardization—The design and engineering require-
surface that has up to a 24-in. (610-mm) differential in grade to
ments specified herein are designed to encourage standardiza-
the diagonal dimension of the RWRS floor. See 10.6 for
tion of RWRSs. Existing performance and test criteria have
verification test.
been used to the maximum extent possible.
7.6 Weather Seals—Weather seals shall be designed to be an
5.3 Simplicity of Design—The RWRS shall represent the
simplest design consistent with functional and performance integral part of the RWRS and shall be designed to be readily
replaceable by user in the field without the use of special tools.
requirements, expected service conditions, and structure life.
5.4 RWRS Life, Reliability and Maintainability—The design This requirement shall be verified by demonstration.
7.7 Airtightness—The RWRS shall not permit air leakage in
life for a typical structure shall be 15 years.
either the shipping or operational configuration, as specified in
6. Physical Properties Requirements
10.7 and 10.8 verification test.
6.1 Interchangeability of Parts—Like units, assemblies, 7.8 Blackout—The RWRS shall not permit light emission
sub-assemblies, and replaceable parts shall be physically and with the doors closed, in an operational mode. See 10.9 for
functionally interchangeable without modification of either verification test.
such items or the unit. Demonstration of the interchangeability 7.9 Ice—The RWRS design shall not permit water accumu-
of selected panels and hardware shall be conducted. lation in pockets, creases, fissures, etc., which could cause
6.2 Special Tools—There shall be no special tools or equip- structural damage upon freezing. The operation of moveable
ment required to erect or strike RWRSs. Standard hand tools RWRS components shall not be impaired unduly by the
may be provided as required. formation of ice anywhere on the RWRS structure. This
6.3 Physical Security—A means shall be provided to secure requirement shall be validated by analysis.
all openings, folding panels, and removable components in 7.10 Wind Velocities (Load)—When tied down, the RWRS
order to prevent unauthorized entry. shall withstand winds up to 100 mph (160 km/h) steady state,
6.4 Lighting Provision—If lighting is installed as part of the with gusts up to 120 mph (190 km/h). This requirement shall be
basic RWRS, all RWRS tests shall be conducted with such validated by analysis.
provisions installed. 7.11 Altitude (Low Pressure)—The RWRS shall use devices
6.5 Electrical Grounding—The RWRS electrical system permitting air passage and allowing pressure equalization to
shall be grounded through electrical input cable back to the preclude damage to the RWRS. At least a total of 12 in. of
power source ground. vent area for each 10 ft length (2500 mm of vent area for each
6.6 Input-Output Panels and Openings—All RWRS tests metre length), or fraction thereof, or RWRS shall be provided.
shall be conducted with the panels and openings installed if This requirement shall be verified by analysis.
input-output panels and openings are installed as part of the 7.12 Humidity Resistance—The RWRS shall withstand
basic RWRS. daily exposure of up to 97 % relative humidity for 20 h and
6.7 Electrical Power Connector—When an electrical power exposure of 100 % relative humidity (with condensation) for 4
connector is provided as part of the basic design of a h. See 10.10 for verification test.
nonexpandable or expandable RWRS, that connector shall be a 7.13 Marine Corrosion Resistance—The RWRS shall be
class L connector in accordance with MIL-C-22992E. fully serviceable when exposed to a salt environment as
6.8 Lightning Protection—A separate grounding system for specified in 10.11. All hardware including fasteners, jacks, and
E 1925
seals shall show no evidence of corrosion or degradation 7.24 Roof Loads—The roof assembly of the RWRS shall
2 2
following 96 h of exposure to this simulated environment. See withstand a snow load of 40 lb/ft (200 kg/m ) and a personnel
2 2
10.11 for verification test. load of 660 lb (300 kg) static over 2 ft (0.2 m ). See 10.22 for
verification test.
7.14 Temperature Range—In storage, the RWRSs shall be
capable of withstanding exposure to temperatures of –70 to 7.25 Floor Loads—The RWRS floor shall be capable of
2 2
160°F (–57 to 71°C). In transit, the RWRSs shall be capable of supporting a uniform load of 65 lb/ft (320 kg/m ). The RWRS
withstanding exposure to temperatures of –65 to 160°F (–54 to floor shall be capable of supporting a concentrated load of
2 2
71°C) with personnel access at low end of range. Operational 2,000 lb (900 kg) over a 4-ft (0.4-m ) area at the center of the
temperature of RWRS shall be –40 to 120°F (–40 to 49°C). See floor. The floor shall also be capable of supporting a point load
10.12 for verification test. of 125 lb over a 1 in. square area (57 kg over a 650-mm area).
The loads shall not cause any permanent deformation of the
7.15 Solar Loads Assembled RWRS—The RWRS shall
withstand a simulated solar load outer skin temperature of floors or cause any deflection that interferes with proper RWRS
operation. See 10.23 for verification test.
205°F (96°C) while internal temperature is maintained at 85°F
(29°C). See 10.13 for verification test. 7.26 Door Loads—Doors shall be tested to withstand the
following loads without deformation or impairment of func-
7.16 Temperature Shock—RWRS panels, windows, and
tion. These requirements are for vertically hinged doors. See
other components shall withstand a temperature shock from
10.24 for verification test.
160 to –70°F (71 to –57°C) without separation, delamination
cracks, or degradation. See 10.14 for verification test. 7.26.1 Static Door (Hinge) Load—The doors, frames, and
hardware shall be capable of supporting 200 lb (90 kg) applied
7.17 Heat Transfer—The RWRS shall have an overall heat
to the door at the edge opposite the hinge pivot line with the
transfer coefficient less than or equal to 0.35 Btu/(h*ft *°F)
door open to approximately 90 degrees. See 10.24.1 for
(2.0W/(m *°K)), in the operational configuration. Heat transfer
verification test.
coefficient for nonexpandable shelters shall be less than or
equal to 0.35 Btu/hr-ft *°F in the transport configuration. See 7.26.2 Wind Gust Door (Stop) Load—The door frames and
10.15 for verification test. hardware shall withstand a wind gust of 60 mph (100 km/h) in
any direction when the door is secured in its open position(s)
7.18 Blowing Sand—The external moving parts of the
by its door stop device(s). See 10.24.2 for verification test.
RWRS in transport or operational mode shall be designed to
resist the effects of blowing sand. External moving parts shall 7.27 Panel Attachment Points—Panel attachment points
be designed to operate and withstand particle concentrations of shall have a minimum torque of 100 in.-lb and a minimum
–4 3 3
1.32 3 10 lb/ft (2.19 g/m ) with a wind velocity of 1750 6 pull-out resistance (tension) of 2,000 lb (900 kg) for panel
250 ft/min (8.9 6 1.3 m/sec) without degradation. Such thickness equal to or greater than 2 in. (50 mm) and 1,000 lb
particles shall range in size from 6 3 10 in. (150 μm) to 4 3 (450 kg) for panel thickness under 2 in. (50 mm). Panel
10 in. (1000 μm). Relative humidity shall be less than 23 %. attachment points of less than ⁄4 in. (6 mm) thread size shall
See 10.16 for verification test. withstand a minimum torque of 100 in.-lb (11 Nm) and shall
have a minimum pullout strength of 800 lb (360 kg). See 10.25
7.19 Sunshine (Ultraviolet Effects)—Ultraviolet effects
for verification test.
shall neithe
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