ASTM G172-03
(Guide)Standard Guide for Statistical Analysis of Accelerated Service Life Data
Standard Guide for Statistical Analysis of Accelerated Service Life Data
The nature of accelerated service life estimation normally requires that stresses higher than those experienced during service conditions are applied to the material being evaluated. For non-constant use stress, such as experienced by time varying weather outdoors, it may in fact be useful to choose an accelerated stress fixed at a level slightly lower than (say 90 % of) the maximum experienced outdoors. By controlling all variables other than the one used for accelerating degradation, one may model the expected effect of that variable at normal, or usage conditions. If laboratory accelerated test devices are used, it is essential to provide precise control of the variables used in order to obtain useful information for service life prediction. It is assumed that the same failure mechanism operating at the higher stress is also the life determining mechanism at the usage stress. It must be noted that the validity of this assumption is crucial to the validity of the final estimate.
Accelerated service life test data often show different distribution shapes than many other types of data. This is due to the effects of measurement error (typically normally distributed), combined with those unique effects which skew service life data towards early failure time (infant mortality failures) or late failure times (aging or wear-out failures). Applications of the principles in this guide can be helpful in allowing investigators to interpret such data.
The choice and use of a particular acceleration model and life distribution model should be based primarily on how well it fits the data and whether it leads to reasonable projections when extrapolating beyond the range of data. Further justification for selecting models should be based on theoretical considerations.
Note 2—Accelerated service life or reliability data analysis packages are becoming more readily available in common computer software packages. This makes data reduction and analyses more directly accessible ...
1.1 This guide briefly presents some generally accepted methods of statistical analyses that are useful in the interpretation of accelerated service life data. It is intended to produce a common terminology as well as developing a common methodology and quantitative expressions relating to service life estimation.
1.2 This guide covers the application of the Arrhenius equation to service life data. It serves as a general model for determining rates at usage conditions, such as temperature. It serves as a general guide for determining service life distribution at usage condition. It also covers applications where more than one variable act simultaneously to affect the service life. For the purposes of this guide, the acceleration model used for multiple stress variables is the Eyring Model. This model was derived from the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and has been shown to be useful for modeling some two variable accelerated service life data. It can be extended to more than two variables.
1.3 Only those statistical methods that have found wide acceptance in service life data analyses have been considered in this guide.
1.4 The Weibull life distribution is emphasized in this guide and example calculations of situations commonly encountered in analysis of service life data are covered in detail. It is the intention of this guide that it be used in conjunction with Guide G 166.
1.5 The accuracy of the model becomes more critical as the number of variables increases and/or the extent of extrapolation from the accelerated stress levels to the usage level increases. The models and methodology used in this guide are shown for the purpose of data analysis techniques only. The fundamental requirements of proper variable selection and measurement must still be met for a meaningful model to result.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Standard Guide for
Statistical Analysis of Accelerated Service Life Data
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G172; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents
1.1 This guide briefly presents some generally accepted 2.1 ASTM Standards:
methods of statistical analyses that are useful in the interpre- G166 Guide for Statistical Analysis of Service Life Data
tation of accelerated service life data. It is intended to produce G169 Guide forApplication of Basic Statistical Methods to
a common terminology as well as developing a common Weathering Tests
methodology and quantitative expressions relating to service
3. Terminology
life estimation.
1.2 This guide covers the application of the Arrhenius 3.1 Terms Commonly Used in Service Life Estimation:
3.1.1 accelerated stress—that experimental variable, such
equation to service life data. It serves as a general model for
determining rates at usage conditions, such as temperature. It as temperature, which is applied to the test material at levels
higher than encountered in normal use.
serves as a general guide for determining service life distribu-
tion at usage condition. It also covers applications where more 3.1.2 beginning of life—this is usually determined to be the
than one variable act simultaneously to affect the service life.
For the purposes of this guide, the acceleration model used for Exceptionsmayincludetimeofmanufacture,timeofrepair,or
other agreed upon time.
multiple stress variables is the Eyring Model. This model was
derivedfromthefundamentallawsofthermodynamicsandhas 3.1.3 cdf—the cumulative distribution function (cdf), de-
noted by F (t), represents the probability of failure (or the
been shown to be useful for modeling some two variable
accelerated service life data. It can be extended to more than population fraction failing) by time = (t). See 3.1.7.
3.1.4 completedata—acompletedatasetisonewhereallof
two variables.
1.3 Only those statistical methods that have found wide thespecimensplacedontestfailbytheendoftheallocatedtest
acceptance in service life data analyses have been considered
3.1.5 end of life—occasionally this is simple and obvious,
in this guide.
1.4 TheWeibulllifedistributionisemphasizedinthisguide such as the breaking of a chain or burning out of a light bulb
filament. In other instances, the end of life may not be so
and example calculations of situations commonly encountered
in analysis of service life data are covered in detail. It is the catastrophicorobvious.Examplesmayincludefading,yellow-
ing, cracking, crazing, etc. Such cases need quantitative
G166. measurements and agreement between evaluator and user as to
the precise definition of failure. For example, when some
1.5 The accuracy of the model becomes more critical as the
number of variables increases and/or the extent of extrapola- critical physical parameter (such as yellowing) reaches a
pre-defined level. It is also possible to model more than one
tion from the accelerated stress levels to the usage level
increases. The models and methodology used in this guide are failure mode for the same specimen (that is, the time to reach
a specified level of yellowing may be measured on the same
shown for the purpose of data analysis techniques only. The
fundamental requirements of proper variable selection and specimen that is also tested for cracking).
3.1.6 f(t)—the probability density function (pdf), equals the
measurement must still be met for a meaningful model to
result. probability of failure between any two points of time t and
t ;f(t)=dF~t! dt.Forthenormaldistribution,thepdfisthe
“bell shape” curve.
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G03 on Weathering
and Durability and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G03.08 on Service For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Life Prediction. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 2003. Published February 2003. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/G0172-03. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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3.1.7 F(t)—the probability that a random unit drawn from
the population will fail by
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