ASTM F682-82a(1998)
(Specification)Standard Specification for Wrought Carbon Steel Sleeve-Type Pipe Couplings
Standard Specification for Wrought Carbon Steel Sleeve-Type Pipe Couplings
1.1 This specification covers wrought carbon steel sleeve type pipe couplings suitable for joining carbon steel pipes.
1.2 Type I couplings are intended for use on all schedules of pipe where the pipe wall thickness does not exceed the wall thickness of standard weight pipe. Type II couplings are intended for use on all schedules of pipe where the pipe wall thickness does not exceed the wall thickness of extra strong pipe.
1.3 This specification does not cover cast steel couplings. Note 1-The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. Note 2-See Appendix X1 for rationale used to develop this specification.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation:F 682–82a (Reapproved 1998) An American National Standard
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Specification for
Wrought Carbon Steel Sleeve-Type Pipe Couplings
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 682; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope Section VIII Unfired Pressure Vessels
Section IX Welding Qualifications
1.1 This specification covers wrought carbon steel sleeve-
2.4 Federal Regulations:
type pipe couplings suitable for joining carbon steel pipes.
Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Shipping,
1.2 TypeIcouplingsareintendedforuseonallschedulesof
Parts 41 to 69
pipe in which the pipe wall thickness does not exceed the wall
2.5 ANSI Standards:
thickness of standard weight pipe. Type II couplings are
B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings
thickness does not exceed the wall thickness of extra strong
3. Classification
3.1 Couplings are furnished in two types as follows:
1.3 This specification does not cover cast steel couplings.
3.1.1 Type I—Couplings (see 1.2).
NOTE 1—Thevaluesstatedininch-poundunitsaretoberegardedasthe
3.1.2 Type II—Couplings (see 1.2).
NOTE 3—Type II couplings may be used in place of Type I couplings
NOTE 2—See Appendix X1 for rationale used to develop this specifi-
for all schedules of pipe in which the pipe wall thickness does not exceed
2. Referenced Documents piping through 16 in.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
4. Ordering Information
A53/A53M Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-
2 4.1 Ordersformaterialunderthisspecificationshallinclude
Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless
the following information:
A106 Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for
4.1.1 Quantity (number of couplings of each size and type),
High-Temperature Service
4.1.2 Name of material (sleeve-type pipe couplings),
A234/A234M Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought
4.1.3 Size (nominal, see Table 1 and Table 2 and Fig. 1),
Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High
2 4.1.4 Type (see 3.1),
Temperature Service
4.1.5 ASTM designation and date of issue.
A370 TestMethodsandDefinitionsforMechanicalTesting
of Steel Products
5. Materials and Manufacture
E59 PracticeforSamplingSteelandIronforDetermination
4 5.1 Materials—The couplings shall be manufactured from
of Chemical Composition
material having a chemical composition conforming to the
2.2 Manufacturer’s Standardization Society of the Valve
requirements of 7.1 and with the mechanical properties of
and Fittings Industry Standard:
Section 9.
MSS SP-25 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings,
5.2 Manufacture—Theinitialformoftherawmaterialshall
Flanges and Unions
be at the discretion of the manufacturer except couplings shall
2.3 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
not be machined from unformed plate. The material shall be
such that the finished couplings conform to all of the specified
requirements (see Appendix X2).
5.3 Couplings fabricated by welding shall be (a) made by
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F-25 on Ships
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.13 on
welders, welding operators, and welding procedures qualified
Piping Systems.
Current edition approved July 30, 1982. Published October 1982. Originally
published as F682–80. Last previous edition F682–82.
2 Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 E. 47th St.,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01.
3 New York, NY 10017.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
4 AvailablefromStandardizationDocumentsOrderDesk,Bldg.4SectionD,700
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05.
5 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Industry, 1815 N. Fort Myer Dr., Arlington, Va 22209.
Floor, New York, NY 10036.
F 682
TABLE 1 Dimensions for Type I Couplings (See Fig. 1)
Dimension A, Inside Dimension B, Outside Dimension C, Thick- Dimension D,
Nominal Size, in.
Diameter, in. (mm) Diameter, in. (mm) ness, min, in. (mm) Length, in. (mm)
⁄4 0.589 (15.0) 0.875 (22.2) 0.143 (3.6) 1 (25)
3 1
⁄8 0.724 (18.4) 0.992 (25.2) 0.134 (3.4) 1 ⁄4 (32)
1 1
⁄2 0.889 (22.6) 1.201 (30.5) 0.156 (4.0) 1 ⁄4 (32)
3 1
⁄4 1.099 (27.9) 1.401 (35.6) 0.151 (3.8) 1 ⁄2 (38)
1 1.364 (34.6) 1.710 (43.4) 0.173 (4.4) 1 ⁄2 (38)
1 1
1 ⁄4 1.709 (43.4) 2.057 (52.2) 0.174 (4.4) 1 ⁄2 (38)
1 1
1 ⁄2 1.949 (49.5) 2.306 (58.6) 0.179 (4.5) 1 ⁄2 (38)
2 2.424 (61.6) 2.807 (71.3) 0.192 (4.9) 1 ⁄2 (38)
1 1
2 ⁄2 2.924 (74.3) 3.444 (87.5) 0.260 (6.6) 1 ⁄2 (38)
3 3.545 (90.0) 4.105 (104.3) 0.280 (7.1) 1 ⁄2 (38)
3 ⁄2 4.070 (103.4) 4.633 (117.7) 0.282 (7.2) 2 (51)
4 4.570 (116.1) 5.164 (131.2) 0.297 (7.5) 2 (51)
5 5.660 (143.8) 6.286 (159.7) 0.313 (8.0) 2 (51)
6 6.720 (170.7) 7.409 (188.2) 0.345 (8.8) 2 (51)
8 8.720 (221.5) 9.527 (242.0) 0.404 (10.3) 2 ⁄2 (64)
10 10.880 (276.4) 11.875 (301.6) 0.498 (12.6) 2 ⁄2 (64)
12 12.880 (327.2) 13.800 (350.5) 0.460 (11.7) 2 ⁄2 (64)
14 14.140 (359.2) 15.050 (382.3) 0.455 (11.6) 2 ⁄2 (64)
16 16.160 (410.5) 17.050 (433.1) 0.445 (11.3) 2 ⁄2 (64)
18 18.180 (461.8) 19.050 (483.9) 0.435 (11.0) 2 ⁄2 (64)
A 1
Tolerances shall be (1) Sizes through 3 in. incl: +0.000,−0.010 in. (+0.000,−0.254 mm); (2) Sizes 3 ⁄2through 10 in. incl: +0.030,−0.000 in. (+0.762,−0.000 mm); and
(3) Sizes above 10 in.: +0.060, −0.000 in. (+1.524, −0.000 mm).
Tolerances shall be (1) Sizes through 10 in. incl: +0.125, −0.000 in. (+3.175, −0.000 mm) and (2) Sizes above 10 in.: +1.000, −0.000 in. (+25.4, −0.000 mm).
Tolerances for all sizes shall be +0.250, −0.000 in. (+6.4, −0.000 mm).
TABLE 2 Dimensions for Type II Couplings (See Fig. 1)
Dimension A, Inside Dimension B, Outside Dimension C, Thick- Dimension D,
Nominal Size, in.
Diameter, in. (mm) Diameter, in. (mm) ness, min, in. (mm) Length, in. (mm)
⁄4 0.589 (15.0) 1.055 (26.8) 0.233 (5.9) 1 (25)
3 1
⁄8 0.724 (18.4) 1.156 (29.4) 0.216 (5.5) 1 ⁄4 (32)
1 1
⁄2 0.889 (22.6) 1.369 (34.8) 0.240 (6.1) 1 ⁄4 (32)
3 1
⁄4 1.099 (27.9) 1.557 (39.5) 0.229 (5.8) 1 ⁄2 (38)
1 1.364 (34.6) 1.876 (47.7)† 0.256 (6.5)† 1 ⁄2 (38)
1 1
1 ⁄4 1.709 (43.4) 2.221 (56.4)† 0.256 (6.5)† 1 ⁄2 (38)
1 1
1 ⁄2 1.949 (49.5) 2.469 (62.7)† 0.260 (6.6)† 1 ⁄2 (38)
2 2.424 61.6) 2.986 (75.8)† 0.281 (7.1)† 1 ⁄2 (38)
1 1
2 ⁄2 2.924 (74.3) 3.648 (92.7)† 0.362 (9.2)† 1 ⁄2 (38)
3 3.545 (90.0) 4.340 (110.2)† 0.398 (10.1)† 1 ⁄2 (38)
3 ⁄2 4.070 (103.4) 4.891 (124.2)† 0.411 (10.4)† 2 (51)
4 4.570 (116.1) 5.444 (138.3) 0.437 (11.1) 2 (51)
5 5.660 (143.8) 6.613 (168.0) 0.477 (12.1) 2 (51)
6 6.720 (170.7) 7.875 (200.0) 0.578 (14.7) 2 (51)
8 8.720 (221.5) 10.125 (257.2) 0.703 (17.8) 2 ⁄2 (64)
10 10.880 (276.4) 12.150 (308.6) 0.635 (16.1) 2 ⁄2 (64)
12 12.880 (327.2) 14.150 (359.4) 0.635 (16.1) 2 ⁄2 (64)
14 14.140 (359.2) 15.400 (391.2) 0.630 (16.0) 2 ⁄2 (64)
16 16.160 (410.5) 17.400 (442.0) 0.620 (15.7) 2 ⁄2 (64)
18 18.180 (461.8) 19.400 (492.8) 0.610 (15.5) 2 ⁄2 (64)
A 1
Tolerances shall be (1) Sizes through 3 in. incl: +0.000,−0.010 in. (+0.000,−0.254 mm); (2) Sizes 3 ⁄2through 10 in. incl: +0.030,−0.000 in. (+0.762,−0.000 mm); and
(3) Sizes above 10 in.: +0.060, −0.000 in. (+1.524, −0.000 mm).
Tolerances shall be (1) Sizes through 10 in. incl: +0.125, −0.000 in. (+3.175, −0.000 mm) and (2) Sizes above 10 in.: +1.000, −0.000 in. (+25.4, −0.000 mm).
Tolerances for all sizes shall be +0.250, −0.000 in. (+6.4, −0.000 mm).
† Editorially corrected.
under the provisions of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 5.3.3 Sizes 18-in. NPS and Above—Any method of nonde-
Code, Section IX; (b) heat treated in accordance with Section structive testing may be used provided the tests are conducted
6 of this specification; and (c) nondestructively tested as in accordance with the applicable parts of ASME Code,
follows: Section VIII.
5.3.1 Sizes 3-in. NPS and Below—Radiographically exam-
6. Heat Treatment
ined throughout the entire length of each fabricated weld in
accordance with Paragraph UW-51 of ASME Code, Section 6.1 Couplings Made from Plate or Tubular Products:
VIII. 6.1.1 Couplings machined from tubular products need not
5.3.2 Sizes 3 ⁄2-in. NPS Through 16-in. NPS— No nonde- be heat treated.
structive tests required, and 6.1.2 Hot-formed couplings upon which the final forming
F 682
chemical composition prescribed in Table 3.
7.2 Weld metal used in the construction of the couplings
shall be mild steel analysis No. Al of Table QW-442, Section
IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
8. ProductAnalysis
8.1 Product analyses may be made by the purchaser from
finished products representing each lot. The chemical compo-
sition thus determined shall conform to the requirements
specified in Table 3.
8.2 In the event the couplings do not conform to the
requirements specified in Table 3, referee analyses shall be
made on additional couplings from the same lot i
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