ASTM D7712-11
(Terminology)Standard Terminology for Sampling and Analysis of Asbestos
Standard Terminology for Sampling and Analysis of Asbestos
1.1 This terminology standard is a collective vocabulary relating to sampling and analysis of asbestos. As a convenience to general interest, it contains most of the standard terms, definitions, and nomenclature under the jurisdiction of Committee D22.
1.2 Many of the entries in this terminology are copied (with attribution) from the standards of origin referenced in Section 2. The standards of origin are noted in bold type at the right margin of the applicable definition.
1.3 Certain terms in the common language that comprise multiple concepts are included herein with the definition specific to standards and practices of Committee D22. Alternative definitions for starred terms may be found in the USGS Tabulation of Asbestos-Related Terminology, Open-File Report 02-458.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation: D7712 − 11
StandardTerminology for
Sampling and Analysis of Asbestos
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7712; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope D7200 Practice for Sampling and CountingAirborne Fibers,
Including Asbestos Fibers, in Mines and Quarries, by
1.1 This terminology standard is a collective vocabulary
Phase Contrast Microscopy and Transmission Electron
to general interest, it contains most of the standard terms,
D7201 Practice for Sampling and CountingAirborne Fibers,
definitions, and nomenclature under the jurisdiction of Com-
Including Asbestos Fibers, in the Workplace, by Phase
mittee D22.
Contrast Microscopy (with an Option of Transmission
1.2 Many of the entries in this terminology are copied (with
Electron Microscopy)
attribution) from the standards of origin referenced in Section
D7390 Guide for Evaluating Asbestos in Dust on Surfaces
2. The standards of origin are noted in bold type at the right
by Comparison Between Two Environments
margin of the applicable definition.
2.2 Government Standards:
USGS Open-File Report 02-458 Tabulation of Asbestos-
1.3 Certain terms in the common language that comprise
multiple concepts are included herein with the definition Related Terminology
specific to standards and practices of Committee D22. Alter-
3. Terminology
native definitions for starred terms may be found in the USGS
Tabulation of Asbestos-Related Terminology, Open-File Re-
port 02-458.
with cross-sectional dimensions that are small relative to its
length, that is, needle-like. D6281
2. Referenced Documents
actinolite asbestos, n—asbestiform variety of the monoclinic
2.1 ASTM Standards:
amphibole silicate minerals of the tremolite-actinolite series.
D1356 Terminology Relating to Sampling and Analysis of
activity generated aerosol, n—a dispersion of particles in air
D2946 Terminology for Asbestos and Asbestos–Cement
that have become airborne due to physical disturbances such
as human activity, sweeping, airflow, etc. D7390
D5755 TestMethodforMicrovacuumSamplingandIndirect
Analysis of Dust by Transmission Electron Microscopy
amosite, n—the acronym assigned to grunerite asbestos, and
for Asbestos Structure Number Surface Loading
derived from the name of the first developers of a major
D5756 TestMethodforMicrovacuumSamplingandIndirect
deposit of this mineral. D2946
Analysis of Dust by Transmission Electron Microscopy
for Asbestos Mass Surface Loading amphibole, n—a group of more than 60 different silicate
D6281 Test Method for Airborne Asbestos Concentration in minerals with similar crystal structures and complex com-
Ambient and Indoor Atmospheres as Determined by positions that conform to the nominal formula:
~ !
021 2 5 8 22
D6480 Test Method forWipe Sampling of Surfaces, Indirect
Preparation, and Analysis for Asbestos Structure Number
A = K, Na, Ca;
Surface Loading by Transmission Electron Microscopy
B =Fe , Mn, Mg, Ca, Na;
D6620 Practice for Asbestos Detection Limit Based on
3+ 2+
C = Al, Cr, Ti, Fe , Mg, Fe ;and
Mn and T = Si, Al, Cr, Fe ,Ti.
In some varieties of amphibole, these elements can be
This terminology standard is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D22
partially substituted by Li, Pb, Zn, Be, Ba, or Ni. Amphiboles
are characterized by a complex monoclinic or orthorhombic
and Analysis of Asbestos.
structure that includes a double chain of T-O tetrahedra with a
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2011. Published October 2011. DOI:10.1520/
D7712-11. T:O ratio of approximately 4:11; a variable morphology that
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D7712 − 11
ranges from columnar to prismatic to acicular to fibrous; and , adj—a specific type of fibrous mineral growth habit in
good prismatic cleavage at angles of about 56 and 124°. The which the fibers and fibrils exhibit a polyfilamentous growth
cleavagemaynotbereadilyexhibitedbysmallcrystalsthatare habit and possess high tensile strength and flexibility. All
bound by irregular growth and fracture surfaces. D6281 materials regulated as asbestos are asbestiform, but not all
asbestiform minerals are classified as asbestos. Characteristics
amphibole asbestos, n—asbestiform amphibole silicate min-
such as tensile strength and flexibility cannot be ascertained
erals including the orthorhombic anthophyllite series and the
from microscopic evaluation. D7200
monoclinic cummingtonite (grunerite asbestos [amosite])
series, the tremolite-actinolite series, and the alkali amphi-
asbestos,n—the generic term for naturally occurring inorganic
bole (riebeckite asbestos [crocidolite]) series, among others.
hydrated silicates, occurring in layered structures composed
DISCUSSION—The amphiboles contain essential (OH) groups in the
of chains of silicon and oxygen tetrahedra, that can subdi-
structure, and the Si:O ratio is 4:11. A considerable amount of
elemental substitution can take place in these varieties of asbestos. The
vide into flexible fibers. D2946
,n—a collective term that describes a group of naturally
that join to form fibrils. The individual strips are made up from three
occurring, inorganic, highly fibrous, silicate dominated
components; these are two double chains of linked (Si, Al)O4 tetrahe-
minerals, which are easily separated into long, thin, flexible
dra and a strip of linked MgO , FeO or AlO octahedra. D2946
6 6, 6
fibers when crushed or processed.
,n—amphibole in an asbestiform habit. D6281
DISCUSSION—Included in the definition are the asbestiform varieties
of: serpentine (chrysotile); riebeckite (crocidolite); grunerite (grunerite
asbestos); anthophyllite (anthophyllite asbestos); tremolite (tremolite
analytical sensitivity, n—the calculated airborne asbestos
asbestos); and actinolite (actinolite asbestos). The amphibole mineral
structure concentration in asbestos structures/L, equivalent
compositions are defined in accordance with the nomenclature of the
to the counting of one asbestos structure in the analysis.
International Mineralogical Association. D5755
,n—a collective term that describes a group of naturally
,n—the calculated airborne asbestos structure concentration
occurring, inorganic, highly fibrous, silicate minerals, which
in asbestos structures/square centimeter, equivalent to counting areeasilyseparatedintolong,thin,flexiblefiberswhencrushed
of one asbestos structure in the analysis calculated using Eq. 2
or processed.
in D6480. D6480 DISCUSSION—Included in the definition are the asbestiform varieties
of: serpentine (chrysotile); riebeckite (crocidolite); grunerite (amosite);
anthophyllite asbestos, n—asbestiform variety of the ortho-
anthophyllite (anthophyllite asbestos); tremolite (tremolite asbestos);
and actinolite (actinolite asbestos). The amphibole mineral composi-
rhombic amphibole silicate minerals of the anthophyllite
tions are defined according to nomenclature of the International
Mineralogical Association. D5756
DISCUSSION—Its empirical formula is Mg Si O (OH) . Its Chemical
7 8 22 2
Abstracts number is 77536-67-5. D2946 ,n—a collective term that describes a group of naturally
occurring, inorganic, highly-fibrous, silicate minerals, that are
area sample, n—an air sample collected so as to represent the
easily separated into long, thin, flexible, strong fibers when
concentration of airborne dust in a specific mine location, or
crushed or processed.
area, or room of a workplace. D7200
DISCUSSION—Included in the definition are the asbestiform varieties
of serpentine (chrysotile); riebeckite (crocidolite); grunerite (grunerite
,n—an air sample collected so as to represent the concen-
asbestos [Amosite]); anthophyllite (anthophyllite asbestos); tremolite
tration of airborne dust in a specific area or room, which, in the
(tremolite asbestos); and actinolite (actinolite asbestos).The amphibole
case of this practice, refers to an area or room of a workplace.
mineral compositions are defined according to the nomenclature of the
International Mineralogical Association. D6281
asbestiform, adj—having an inherent fine-textured
,n—a term applied to six specific silicate minerals belong-
morphology, resulting from unequal relative development of
ing to the serpentine and amphibole groups, which have
the principal crystal axes in a silicate mineral, that predeter-
crystallized in the asbestiform habit, causing them to be easily
mines subdivision into strong flexible fibers having micro-
separated into long, thin, flexible, strong fibers when crushed
scopic to submicroscopic thickness and a high length to
or processed. The Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Num-
width ratio when the mineral is subjected to comminution.
bers of the most common asbestos varieties are: chrysotile
DISCUSSION—Term derived from “asbestos.” D2946
(12001-29-5), riebeckite asbestos (crocidolite) (12001-28-4),
, adj—a special type of fibrous habit in which the fibers are
grunerite asbestos (Amosite) (12172-73-5), anthophyllite as-
separable into thinner fibers and ultimately into fibrils. This
bestos (77536-67-5), tremolite asbestos (77536-68-6) and ac-
habit accounts for greater flexibility and higher tensile strength
tinolite asbestos (77536-66-4). The precise chemical composi-
than other habits of the same mineral. D5755
tion of each species varies with the location from which it was
mined. Other amphibole minerals which exhibit the character-
, adj—a specific type of fibrous habit in which the fibers are istics of asbestos have also been observed. The nominal
separable into thinner fibers and ultimately into fibrils. This compositions of the most common asbestos varieties are:
habit accounts for greater flexibility and higher tensile strength Chrysotile Mg Si O (OH) , Crocidolite
3 2 5 4
2+ 3+
than other habits of the same mineral. D6281 Na Fe Fe Si O (OH) , Amosite (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2,
2 3 2 8 22 2
D7712 − 11
Anthophyllite (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2, Tremolite Ca (Mg, blank,n—a structure count made onTEM specimens prepared
Fe) Si O (OH) [Mg/(Mg+Fe ) 0.9-1.0],Actinolite Ca (Mg, from an unused filter to determine the background
5 8 22 2 2
measurement. D6281
Fe) Si O (OH) [Mg/(Mg+Fe ) 0.5-0.9].
5 8 22 2
,n—a filter that has not been used to collect asbestos from
NOTE1—ActinolitecompositionsinwhichMg/(Mg+Fe )isbetween0
the target environment. D6620
and 0.5 are referred to as ferroactinolite.
DISCUSSION—Blanks are used in this practice to determine the degree
of asbestos contamination that is reflected in asbestos measurements.
asbestos fiber, n—acicular silicate mineral, with a structure
Contamination may be on the virgin filter or introduced in handling the
based upon silicon-oxygen tetrahedra, that fits the definition
filter in the field or when preparing it for inspection with a microscope.
of a fiber, and is composed of single crystals in predomi-
The data required to determine the degree of contamination consists,
nately parallel orientation.
therefore, of measurements of field blanks that have experienced the
DISCUSSION—Common usage also designates a collectivity of asbes-
full preparation process.
tos fibers as asbestos fiber. D2946
bundle, n—an assemblage of asbestos in which the fibers
,n—a fiber of asbestos that meets the criteria specified
remain entirely in their original close packed parallel con-
below for “fiber.” Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) does not
figuration (or not appreciably displaced therefrom) and
identify fibers unequivocally as asbestos. Under the light
having a transverse dimension typically between 2 and 8
microscope, a population of asbestos fibers may appear as a
mm. D2946
mixture of fiber agglomerates, fiber bundles (polyfilamentous
,n—a structure composed of three or more fibers in a
growth, unique to asbestiform fibers), fibers with split ends,
parallel arrangement with the fibers closer than one fiber
and single fibers, the relative occurrence and frequency of each
diameter to each other. D5755
type depending on the situation. D7200
asbestos structure, n—a term applied to isolated fibers or to
camera length, n—the equivalent projection length between
any connected or overlapping grouping of asbestos fibers or
the specimen and its electron 195 diffraction pattern, in the
bundles, with or without other nonasbestos particles. D6281 absence of lens action. D6281
,n—a term applied to isolated fibers or to any connected or
overlapping grouping of asbestos fibers or bundles, with or
chrysotile, n—an asbestos mineral belonging to the serpentine
without other nonasbestos particles. D6480 group, having a chemical composition close to
Mg SiO (OH) .
3 5 4
aspect ratio, n—the ratio of the length of a fibrous particle to
DISCUSSION—Moderate amounts of aluminum may substitute for
its average width. D5755
silicon and moderate amounts of iron may substitute for magnesium.
Small amounts of MnO, CaO, K O, and Na O are also reported in the
2 2
chemical analysis. The crystal structure of chrysotile asbestos consists
,n—the ratio of length to width of a particle. D6281
of double layers, each consisting of a layer of linked SiO tetrahedra
that is coordinated to a second layer of linked MgO (OH) octahedra
2 4
,n—the ratio of the length of a fiber to its width. D7200
rolls up, like a scroll to form long hollow tubes. The outer diameters of
the individual tubes are in the order of 25 nm; the length-to-diameter
ratio can vary from 20 to well over 10 000. Chrysotile is characterized
background, n—a statistical distribution of structures intro-
by a combination of distinctive morphology, a chemical composition
duced by (i) analyst counting errors and (ii) contamination
close to Mg Si O (OH) , and characteristic X-ray and electron diffrac-
3 2 5 4
on an unused filter or contamination as a consequence of the
tion patterns. Its Chemical Abstracts number is 12001-29-5. D2946
sample collection and sample preparation steps.
,n—a group of fibrous minerals of the serpentine group that
DISCUSSION—This definition of background is specific to this prac-
have the nomina
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