Thermal and/ or sound insulating products in building construction - Bound EPS ballastings - Part 2: Processing of the factory premixed EPS dry plaster

This European Standard specifies the requirements for in-situ formed bound EPS products (BEPS) for the thermal insulation of buildings when applied to walls, ceilings, roofs and floors.
This document is a specification for the installed insulation products.
This document describes, when taken together with EN 16025-1, the product characteristics that are linked to the essential requirements of the EU Construction Products Directive. It also specifies the checks and tests to be used for the declaration made by the installer of the products.
This document does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This document does not cover factory made bound EPS insulation products.

Wärmedämmstoffe für den Wärme- und/oder Schallschutz im Hochbau - Gebundene EPS-Schüttungen - Teil 2: Verarbeitung des werkmäßig vorgemischten EPS-Trockenmörtels

Diese Europäische Norm legt die Anforderungen an an der Verwendungsstelle hergestellte Produkte aus gebundenem EPS (BEPS) für die Wärmedämmung von Gebäuden fest, wenn sie an Wänden, Decken, Dächern und Fußböden eingesetzt werden.
Der vorliegende Teil 2 von EN 16025 ist eine Spezifikation für die eingebauten Dämmprodukte.
Der vorliegende Teil 2 von EN 16025 beschreibt in Verbindung mit EN 16025-1 die mit den wesentlichen Anforderungen der EU-Bauproduktenrichtlinie verbundenen Produkteigenschaften. Er legt außerdem die Überprüfungen und Prüfungen fest, die für die durch den Installateur der Produkte abzugebende Erklärung anzuwenden sind.
Diese Europäische Norm legt keine geforderten Stufen für die Eigenschaften fest, die ein Produkt erreichen muss, um für eine bestimmte Verwendung geeignet zu sein. Die geforderten Stufen sind Regelwerken oder nicht entgegenstehenden Normen zu entnehmen.
Das vorliegende Dokument behandelt keine werkmäßig hergestellten Dämmstoffe aus gebundenem EPS.

Produits isolants thermiques et/ou acoustiques utilisés dans la construction des bâtiments - Empierrements en PSE lié - Partie 2: Fabrication du pré-mélange plâtre sec PSE

La présente Norme européenne spécifie les exigences relatives aux produits en PSE lié formés in-situ (BPSE) pour l’isolation thermique des bâtiments, lorsqu’ils sont appliqués aux murs, plafonds, toitures et planchers.
Le présent document est une spécification pour les produits isolants mis en œuvre.
Le présent document, pris en conjonction avec l'EN 16025-1, décrit les caractéristiques du produit qui sont liées aux exigences essentielles de la Directive européenne sur les produits de constructions. Il spécifie également les vérifications et essais à effectuer pour la déclaration rédigée par l’installateur du produit.
Le présent document ne spécifie pas de niveau à atteindre par le produit pour une propriété donnée, pour démontrer son aptitude à l’usage dans une application particulière. Les niveaux requis figurent dans les réglementations ou les normes non-contradictoires.
Le présent document ne couvre pas les produits isolants manufacturés en PSE lié.

Toplotno- in/ali zvočnoizolacijski proizvodi v gradbeništvu - Vezano EPS-nasutje - 2. del: Obdelava industrijsko pripravljene suhe maltne mešanice EPS

Ta evropski standard določa zahteve za vezane proizvode EPS (BEPS), oblikovane na mestu vgradnje, za uporabo na stenah, stropih, strehah ter tleh za toplotno izolacijo zgradb. Ta dokument je specifikacija nameščenih izolacijskih proizvodov. Ta dokument skupaj s standardom EN 16025-1 opisuje lastnosti proizvoda, ki so povezane z bistvenimi zahtevami evropske direktive o konstrukciji proizvodov. Določa tudi preglede in preskuse, ki se uporabijo za deklaracije, ki jih ustvari monter proizvoda. Ta dokument ne določa zahtevane ravni vseh lastnosti, ki jo mora proizvod doseči, da se dokaže njegova primernost za namen v okviru izbranega načina uporabe. Zahtevane ravni so določene v uredbah ali standardih, ki niso v nasprotju s tem standardom. Ta dokument ne zajema tovarniško izdelanih izolacijskih vezanih proizvodov EPS.

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.36Dämmstoffe für den Wärme- und/oder Schallschutz im Hochbau - Gebundene EPS-Schüttungen - Teil 2: Verarbeitung des werkmäßig vorgemischten EPS-TrockenmörtelsProduits isolants thermiques et/ou acoustiques utilisés dans la construction immobilière avec liant - Empierrements en PSE lié - Partie 2: Fabrication du pré-mélange plâtre sec PSEThemal and/ or sound insulating products in building construction - Bound EPS ballastings - Part 2: Processing of the factory premixed EPS dry plaster91.100.60Thermal and sound insulating materialsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 16025-2:2013SIST EN 16025-2:2013en,fr,de01-oktober-2013SIST EN 16025-2:2013SLOVENSKI
EN 16025-2
May 2013 ICS 91.100.60 English Version
Thermal and/ or sound insulating products in building construction - Bound EPS ballastings - Part 2: Processing of the factory premixed EPS dry plaster
Produits isolants thermiques et/ou acoustiques utilisés dans la construction des bâtiments - Empierrements en PSE lié - Partie 2: Fabrication du pré-mélange plâtre sec PSE
Wärmedämmstoffe für den Wärme- und/oder Schallschutz im Hochbau - Gebundene EPS-Schüttungen - Teil 2: Verarbeitung des werkmäßig vorgemischten EPS-Trockenmörtels This European Standard was approved by CEN on 16 February 2013.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2013 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 16025-2:2013: ESIST EN 16025-2:2013

Foreword .3 1 Scope .4 2 Normative references .4 3 Terms and definitions and symbols .4 3.1 Terms and definitions .4 3.2 Symbols .5 4 Requirements .5 4.1 General .5 4.2 Suitability of the building for the installation of the product .5 4.3 In-situ measurements and calculations .5 4.4 Declared installed thickness of the installed bound EPS (BEPS) .5 4.5 Declared installed thermal resistance, RD .5 4.6 Declared installed bound EPS density .6 4.7 Readiness for covering .6 5 Guidelines for installation .6 6 Installer’s declaration .7 Bibliography .8
 EN 16025-1, Thermal and/or sound insulating products in building construction — Bound EPS ballastings — Part 1: Requirements for factory premixed EPS dry plaster  EN 16025-2, Thermal and/or sound insulating products in building construction — Bound EPS ballastings — Part 2: Processing of the factory premixed EPS dry plaster The first part is the harmonised part satisfying the mandate and the CPD and is the basis for the CE marking covering the products, which are placed on the market. The second part, which is the non-harmonised part, covers the specification for the installed products. Both parts need to be used for the application of the insulation product in the end-use applications covered by the standard. Attention is drawn to the need to take into account any complementary member state rules (e.g. installation rules) which together with this document ensure the fitness for purpose of the installed product. This document is one of a series for mineral wool, expanded clay, expanded perlite, exfoliated vermiculite, polyurethane/polyisocyanurate, cellulose, bound EPS and expanded polystyrene in-situ formed insulation products used in buildings, but this document may be used in other areas where appropriate. The reduction in energy used and emissions produced during the installed life of insulation products exceeds by far the energy used and emissions made during the production and disposal processes. According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. SIST EN 16025-2:2013

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