This document specifies the requirements for products of loose-filled expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads and bonded expanded polystyrene beads for in-situ installation in masonry cavity walls and frame constructions.
This document is a specification for the insulation products before installation. It describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling.
This document does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
NOTE   To avoid water penetration in masonry walls special tests adjusted to local climate might be needed.
This document does not cover factory made expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation products or factory made or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.
Products with a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2·K/W or a declared thermal conductivity greater than 0,060 W/(m·K) at 10 °C are not covered by this document.
This document does not cover products intended for airborne sound insulation and for acoustic absorption applications.

  • Standard
    30 pages
    English language
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This document specifies the requirements for blown and injected loose-fill mineral wool products for in situ installation in lofts, masonry cavity walls and frame constructions.
This document is a specification for the insulation products before installation. It describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling.
This document does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
NOTE   To avoid water penetration in masonry walls special tests adjusted to local climate might be needed.
This document does not cover factory made mineral wool (MW) insulation products or in situ products intended to be used for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.
Products with a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2·K/W or a declared thermal conductivity greater than 0,060 W/(m·K) at 10 °C are not covered by this document.
This document does not cover products intended for airborne sound insulation and for acoustic absorption applications.

  • Standard
    57 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for loose-fill cellulose insulation (LFCI) products for the thermal and/or sound insulation of buildings when installed into walls, floors, galleries, roofs and ceilings.
This European Standard is a specification for the loose-fill cellulose insulation (LFCI) products before installation.
This European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
Products covered by this European Standard may also be used in prefabricated thermal insulation systems and composite panels; the structural performance of systems incorporating these products is not covered.
Products with a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C greater than 0,060 W/(m  K) or a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2  K/W are not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in local regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made cellulose products placed on the market as bats, mats or boards intended to be used for the insulation of buildings or loose-fill cellulose products for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.

  • Standard
    66 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads and the adhesive, which are after installation used for the thermal insulation of buildings. The EPS beads and the adhesive are mixed and processed on site.
This standard does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This standard does not cover factory made insulation products in the form of prefabricated shapes or boards made of bonded EPS beads.
Products with a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 (m² x K)/W or a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C greater than 0,1 W/(m x K) are not covered by this standard.

  • Standard
    15 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for in-situ formed bound EPS products (BEPS) for the thermal and/or sound insulation of buildings when applied to walls, ceilings, roofs and floors.
This European Standard covers products which are manufactured as premixed EPS dry plaster/mortar in a factory or mobile production unit.
This European Standard is a specification for the bound EPS products before installation.
This European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
This European Standard does not specify the required class or level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The classes and levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
Products with a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C greater than 0,18 W/(m . K) are not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard does not cover factory made insulation products in the form of prefabricated shapes or boards made of bound EPS.
This European Standard also specifies performance requirements for airborne sound insulation and for acoustic absorption applications.

  • Standard
    36 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed loose-fill cellulose insulation (LFCI) products when installed as thermal insulation into walls, floors, galleries, roofs, lofts and ceilings.
This Part 2 is a specification for the installation checks for the installed products.It specifies the checks and tests to be used for the declarations made by the installer of the product.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
Products with a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C (mean temperature) greater than 0,060 W/(m × K) or a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2 × K/W are not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard does not cover factory made cellulose mats, bats or quilts intended to be used for the insulation of buildings or in-situ cellulose products for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations. Nor does it specify performance requirements.

  • Standard
    22 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed dispensed rigid polyurethane (PUR) and rigid polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products when installed into cavity walls.
This Part 1 of this European Standard is a specification for the rigid foam dispensing system before installation.
Part 1 of this European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
This European Standard does not specify the required levels of all properties that should be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular end-use application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made rigid polyurethane (PUR) or polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam insulation products or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.
NOTE   Foam products are either called flexible or rigid. The flexible products are used in upholstery and mattresses and are characterised by their ability to deflect, support and recover to their original thickness continually during their in-use phase. Those that are not flexible are termed rigid and do not possess these flexible characteristics. They are mostly used for thermal insulation purposes and vary widely in their compression strength values. Once the cell structure is crushed in a rigid foam, it does not recover its thickness fully. Some of these rigid foams are very low in density with very low compression strengths and are sometimes described “commercially” as “soft foams” or “semi-rigid” foams. This note has been included to clarify that all foams with such descriptions are covered by this standard’s used of the term rigid foam.

  • Standard
    64 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed sprayed rigid polyurethane (PUR) and rigid polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products when applied to walls, ceilings, roofs, suspended ceilings and floors.
This Part 1 of this European Standard is a specification for the rigid foam spray system before installation.
Part 1 of this European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
This European Standard does not specify the required levels of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular end-use application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made rigid polyurethane (PUR) or polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam insulation products or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.
NOTE   Foam products are either called flexible or rigid. The flexible products are used in upholstery and mattresses and are characterised by their ability to deflect, support and recover to their original thickness continually during their in-use phase. Those that are not flexible are termed rigid and do not possess these flexible characteristics. They are mostly used for thermal insulation purposes and vary widely in their compression strength values. Once the cell structure is crushed in a rigid foam, it does not recover its thickness fully. Some of these rigid foams are very low in density with very low compression strengths and are sometimes described "commercially" as "soft foams" or "semi-rigid" foams. This note has been included to clarify that all foams with such descriptions are covered by this standard’s used of the term rigid foam.

  • Standard
    64 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for loose-fill expanded clay lightweight aggregate (LWA) products installed in roofs, ceilings, floors and ground floors.
This Part 2 is a specification for the installed product.
Part 2 of this European Standard describes, when taken together with Part 1, the product characteristics that are linked to the essential requirements of the EU Construction Products Directive. Part 2 also specifies the checks and tests to be used for the declarations made by the installer of the product.
Part 2 of this European Standard does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in national regulations or non conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made expanded clay lightweight aggregate products or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.
This European Standard does not specify performance requirements for airborne sound insulation and for acoustic absorption applications.

  • Standard
    13 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for in-situ formed bound EPS products (BEPS) for the thermal insulation of buildings when applied to walls, ceilings, roofs and floors.
This document is a specification for the installed insulation products.
This document describes, when taken together with EN 16025-1, the product characteristics that are linked to the essential requirements of the EU Construction Products Directive. It also specifies the checks and tests to be used for the declaration made by the installer of the products.
This document does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This document does not cover factory made bound EPS insulation products.

  • Standard
    8 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed sprayed rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products when applied to walls, ceilings, roofs, suspended ceilings and floors.
This Part 2 of this European Standard is a specification for the installed insulation product.
This Part 2 of this European Standard describes, when taken together with Part 1 of EN 14315, the product characteristics that are linked to the essential requirements of the EU Construction Products Directive. It also specifies the checks and tests to be used for the declarations made by the installer of the product.
This European Standard does not specify the required levels of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made rigid polyurethane (PUR) or polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.
NOTE   Foam products are either called flexible or rigid. The flexible products are used in upholstery and mattresses and are characterised by their ability to deflect, support and recover to their original thickness continually during their in-use phase. Those that are not flexible are termed rigid and do not possess these flexible characteristics. They are mostly used for thermal insulation purposes and vary widely in their compression strength values. Once the cell structure is crushed in a rigid foam, it does not recover its thickness fully. Some of these rigid foams are very low in density with very low compression strengths and are sometimes described "commercially" as "soft foams" or "semi-rigid" foams. This note has been included to clarify that all foams with such descriptions are covered by this standard’s used of the term rigid foam.

  • Standard
    16 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed sprayed rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products for the insulation of building equipment industrial installations, for example storage vessels, pipes and ducts used for the supply of fuels, oil, other liquids, hot and cold water, air and other gases.
Depending on the type of foam products complying with this standard, they may have service temperature ranges which lie within the limits of ± 200 °C.
This Part 2 of this European Standard is a specification for the installed insulation product.
This Part 2 of this European Standard describes, when taken together with Part 1 of EN 14320, the product characteristics that are linked to the essential requirements of the EU Construction Products Directive. It also specifies the checks and tests to be used for the declarations made by the installer of the product.
This European Standard does not specify the required levels of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular end-use application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made rigid polyurethane (PUR) or polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of buildings.
The products are not intended for use for direct airborne sound insulation or acoustic absorption applications.
NOTE   Foam products are either called flexible or rigid. The flexible products are used in upholstery and mattresses and are characterised by their ability to deflect, support and recover to their original thickness continually during their in-use phase. Those that are not flexible are termed rigid and do not possess these flexible characteristics. They are mostly used for thermal insulation purposes and vary widely in their compression strength values. Once the cell structure is crushed in a rigid foam, it does not recover its thickness fully. Some of these rigid foams are very low in density with very low compression strengths and are sometimes described "commercially" as "soft foams" or "semi-rigid" foams. This note has been included to clarify that all foams with such descriptions are covered by this standard’s used of the term rigid foam.

  • Standard
    15 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed dispensed polyurethane foam (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products when installed into cavity walls.
This Part 2 of this European Standard is a specification for the installed insulation product.
This Part 2 of this European Standard describes, when taken together with Part 1 of EN 14318, the product characteristics linked to the essential requirements of the EU Construction Products Directive. It also specifies the checks and tests to be used for the declarations made by the installer of the product.
This European Standard does not specify the required levels of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made rigid polyurethane (PUR) or polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.
NOTE   Foam products are either called flexible or rigid. The flexible products are used in upholstery and mattresses and are characterised by their ability to deflect, support and recover to their original thickness continually during their in-use phase. Those that are not flexible are termed rigid and do not possess these flexible characteristics. They are mostly used for thermal insulation purposes and vary widely in their compression strength values. Once the cell structure is crushed in a rigid foam, it does not recover its thickness fully. Some of these rigid foams are very low in density with very low compression strengths and are sometimes described “commercially” as “soft foams” or “semi-rigid” foams. This note has been included to clarify that all foams with such descriptions are covered by this standard’s used of the term rigid foam.

  • Standard
    13 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed dispensed polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products for the insulation of building equipment industrial installations, for example storage vessels, pipes and ducts used for the supply of fuels, oil, other liquids, hot and cold water, air and other gases.
Depending on the type of foam products complying with this standard, they may have service temperature ranges which lie within the limits of ± 200 °C.
This Part 2 of this European Standard is a specification for the installed insulation product.
This Part 2 of this European Standard describes, when taken together with Part 1 of EN 14319, the product characteristics that are linked to the essential requirements of the EU Construction Products Directive. It also specifies the checks and tests to be used for the declarations made by the installer of the product.
This European Standard does not specify the required levels of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made rigid polyurethane (PUR) or polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of buildings.
The products are not intended for use for direct airborne sound insulation or acoustic absorption applications.
NOTE   Foam products are either called flexible or rigid. The flexible products are used in upholstery and mattresses and are characterised by their ability to deflect, support and recover to their original thickness continually during their in-use phase. Those that are not flexible are termed rigid and do not possess these flexible characteristics. They are mostly used for thermal insulation purposes and vary widely in their compression strength values. Once the cell structure is crushed in a rigid foam, it does not recover its thickness fully. Some of these rigid foams are very low in density with very low compression strengths and are sometimes described “commercially” as “soft foams” or “semi-rigid” foams. This note has been included to clarify that all foams with such descriptions are covered by this standard’s used of the term rigid foam.

  • Standard
    11 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed dispensed rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations, for example industrial storage vessels, pipes and ducts used for the supply of fuels, oil, other liquids, hot and cold water, air and other gases.
Depending on the type of foam products complying with this standard, they may have service temperature ranges which lie within the limits of ± 200 °C.
This Part 1 of this European Standard is a specification for the rigid foam system before installation.
Part 1 of this European Standard describes the product characteristics and it includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
This European Standard does not specify the required levels of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular end-use application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made rigid polyurethane or polyisocyanurate foam insulation products or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of buildings.
This European Standard does not specify performance requirements for direct airborne sound insulation and acoustic absorption applications.
NOTE   Foam products are either called flexible or rigid. The flexible products are used in upholstery and mattresses and are characterised by their ability to deflect, support and recover to their original thickness continually during their in-use phase. Those that are not flexible are termed rigid and do not possess these flexible characteristics. They are mostly used for thermal insulation purposes and vary widely in their compression strength values. Once the cell structure is crushed in a rigid foam, it does not recover its thickness fully. Some of these rigid foams are very low in density with very low compression strengths and are sometimes described "commercially" as "soft foams" or "semi-rigid" foams. This note has been included to clarify that all foams with such descriptions are covered by this standard’s used of the term rigid foam.

  • Standard
    57 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed sprayed rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam products for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations, for example storage vessels, pipes and ducts used for the supply of fuels, oil, other liquids, hot and cold water, air and other gases.
Depending on the type of foam products complying with this standard, they may have service temperature ranges which lie within the limits of ± 200 °C.
This Part 1 of this European Standard is a specification for the rigid foam system before installation.
Part 1 of this European Standard describes the product characteristics and it includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
This European Standard does not specify the required levels of all properties that should be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular end-use application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made rigid polyurethane or polyisocyanurate foam insulation products or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of buildings.
This standard does not specify performance requirements for direct airborne sound insulation and acoustic absorption applications.
NOTE   Foam products are either called flexible or rigid. The flexible products are used in upholstery and mattresses and are characterised by their ability to deflect, support and recover to their original thickness continually during their in-use phase. Those that are not flexible are termed rigid and do not possess these flexible characteristics. They are mostly used for thermal insulation purposes and vary widely in their compression strength values. Once the cell structure is crushed in a rigid foam, it does not recover its thickness fully. Some of these rigid foams are very low in density with very low compression strengths and are sometimes described "commercially" as "soft foams" or "semi-rigid" foams. This note has been included to clarify that all foams with such descriptions are covered by this standard’s used of the term rigid foam.

  • Standard
    55 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirement for expanded perlite products which are used for in-situ thermal insulation of building equipment and industrial installations with an operating temperature in the range of approximately – 270 ºC to + 650 ºC.
This European Standard specifies the requirements for the four types of expanded perlite products, Perlite Aggregate (EPA), Coated Perlite (EPC), Hydrophobic Perlite (EPH) and Premixed Perlite (EPM), containing less than 1 % by mass organic material as determined by Annex C in EN 15599-1:2010.
This European Standard is a specification for the installed products.
This European Standard also specifies the checks and test procedures to be used for the declaration made by the installer of the product.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not include factory made insulation products of formed shapes and boards made with expanded perlite.
The products covered by this European Standard are not intended to be used primarily for airborne sound insulation or sound absorption applications although they may improve the performance of the installation in these respects when installed for their primary insulation intended use.

  • Standard
    7 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirement for exfoliated vermiculite products, which are used for in-situ thermal insulation of building equipment and industrial installations with an operating temperature in the range of approximately – 40 ºC to + 1050 ºC.
This European Standard specifies the requirements for the four types of exfoliated vermiculite products Vermiculite Aggregate (EVA), Coated Vermiculite (EVC), Hydrophobic Vermiculite (EVH) and Premixed Vermiculite (EVM), containing less than 1 % by mass organic material as determined by Annex C in EN 15600-1:2010.
This European Standard is a specification for the installed products.
This European Standard also specifies the checks and test procedures to be used for the declaration made by the installer of the product.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not include factory made insulation products of formed shapes and boards made with exfoliated vermiculite.
The products covered by this European Standard are not intended to be used primarily for airborne sound insulation or sound absorption applications although they may improve the performance of the installation in these respects when installed for their primary insulation intended use.

  • Standard
    7 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for exfoliated vermiculite products which are used for the thermal insulation of building equipment and industrial installations with an operating temperature in the range of approximately –40 ºC to +1050 ºC.
This European Standard specifies the requirements for the four types of exfoliated vermiculite products Vermiculite Aggregate (EVA), Coated Vermiculite (EVC) Hydrophobic Vermiculite (EVH) and Premixed Vermiculite (EVM), containing less than 1 % by mass organic material as determined by Annex C.
This European Standard is a specification for the insulation products before installation.
This European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, evaluation of conformity, marking and labelling.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made insulation products of formed shapes and boards made with exfoliated vermiculite, and does not cover products intended to be used for the insulation of buildings.
The products covered by this standard are not intended to be used primarily for airborne sound insulation or sound absorption applications although they may improve the performance of the installations in these respects when installed for their primary insulation intended use.

  • Standard
    25 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for expanded perlite products which are used for the thermal insulation of building equipment and industrial installations with an operating temperature in the range of approximately –270 ºC to +650 ºC.
This European Standard specifies the requirements for the four types of expanded perlite products Perlite Aggregate (EPA), Coated Perlite (EPC), Hydrophobic Perlite (EPH) and Premixed Perlite (EPM), containing less than 1 % by mass organic material as determined by Annex C.
This European Standard is a specification for the insulation products before installation.
This European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, evaluation of conformity, marking and labelling.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made insulation products of formed shapes and boards made with expanded perlite, and does not cover products intended to be used for the insulation of buildings.
The products covered by this standard are not intended to be used primarily for airborne sound insulation or sound absorption applications although they may improve the performance of the installation in these respects when installed for their primary insulation intended use.

  • Standard
    25 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for loose-fill expanded clay lightweight aggregate products for in-situ installation in roofs, ceilings, floors and ground floors.
This Part 1 of the standard is a specification for the insulation products before installation.
This Part 1 of the standard also describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling.
This standard does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This standard does not specify performance requirements for airborne sound insulation and for acoustic absorption applications.

  • Standard
    29 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for expanded perlite products for in-situ installation in roofs, ceilings, walls and floors.
This Part 1 of the standard is a specification for the insulation products before installation covering the five product types, Perlite Aggregate (EPA), Coated Perlite (EPC), Bitumen Coated Perlite (EPB), Hydrophobic Perlite (EPH) and Premixed Perlite (EPM).
Part 1 of this European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, evalua-tion of conformity, marking and labelling.
This standard does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made insulation products of formed shapes and boards made with expanded perlite.
The products covered by this standard are not intended to be used primarily for airborne sound insulation or sound absorption applications although they may improve the performance of the buildings in these respects when installed for their primary thermal insulation intended use.

  • Standard
    26 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for the four types of exfoliated vermiculite products Vermiculite Aggregate (EVA), Coated Vermiculite (EVC), Hydrophobic Vermiculite (EVH) and Premixed Vermiculite (EVM), containing less than 1 % organic material as defined by annex D for in-situ insulation of roofs, ceilings, walls and floors.
This Part 1 of this standard is a specification for the insulation products before installation.
This Part 1 of this standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, evalua-tion of conformity, marking and labelling.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made insulation products of formed shapes and boards made with exfoliated vermiculite or in-situ products intended to be used for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.
This European Standard does not specify performance requirements for airborne sound insulation and for acoustic absorption applications.

  • Standard
    26 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the requirements for in-situ formed bound EPS products (BEPS) for the thermal and/or sound insulation of buildings when applied to walls, ceilings, roofs and floors.
This European Standard covers products which are manufactured as premixed EPS dry plaster/mortar in a factory or mobile production unit.
This European Standard is a specification for the bound EPS products before installation.
This European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
This European Standard does not specify the required class or level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The classes and levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
Products with a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C greater than 0,18 W/(m . K) are not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard does not cover factory made insulation products in the form of prefabricated shapes or boards made of bound EPS.
This European Standard also specifies performance requirements for airborne sound insulation and for acoustic absorption applications.

  • Draft
    32 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document specifies the characteristics for loose-fill expanded clay lightweight aggregate products for in-situ installation in roofs, ceilings, floors and ground floors.
This document is a specification for the insulation products before installation.
This document also describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, assessment and verification of the constancy of performance (AVCP), marking and labelling.
This document does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application.
This document does not specify performance characteristics for airborne sound insulation and for acoustic absorption applications.

  • Draft
    25 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads and the adhesive, which are after installation used for the thermal insulation of buildings. The EPS beads and the adhesive are mixed and processed on site.
This standard does not specify the required level of a given property to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The levels required for a given application are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This standard does not cover factory made insulation products in the form of prefabricated shapes or boards made of bonded EPS beads.
Products with a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 (m² x K)/W or a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C greater than 0,1 W/(m x K) are not covered by this standard.

  • Draft
    45 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies requirements for loose-fill cellulose insulation (LFCI) products for the thermal and/or sound insulation of buildings when installed into walls, floors, galleries, roofs and ceilings.
This Part 1 of the standard is a specification for the loose-fill cellulose insulation (LFCI) products before installation.
Part 1 of this European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
Products covered by this standard may also be used in prefabricated thermal insulation systems and composite panels; the structural performance of systems incorporating these products is not covered.
Products with a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C greater than 0,060 W/(m x K) or a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2 x K/W are not covered by this standard.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in local regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made cellulose products placed on the market as bats, mats or boards intended to be used for the insulation of buildings or loose-fill cellulose products for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.

  • Draft
    51 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies requirements for in-situ formed loose-fill cellulose insulation (LFCI) products when installed as thermal insulation in internal walls, external walls, floors, galleries, roofs and ceilings.
This Part 2 is a specification for the installed product. Part 2 also specifies the checks and tests to be used for the declarations made by the installer of the product.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
Products with a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C (mean temperature) greater than 0,060 W/(m × K) or a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2 × K/W are not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard does not cover factory made cellulose mats, bats or quilts intended to be used for the insulation of buildings or in-situ cellulose products for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations. Nor does it specify performance requirements.

  • Draft
    23 pages
    English language
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This document specifies requirements for in-situ formed urea formaldehyde foam (UF) products when installed in external walls, internal walls and partitions, floors, galleries and ceilings, roofs and suspended ceilings.
This document is a specification for the installed product.
This document also specifies the checks and test methods to be used for the declarations made by the installer of the product.
This document does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This document does not include factory made products utilising urea formaldehyde foam intended to be used for the insulation of buildings or for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.

  • Draft
    12 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document specifies requirements for in-situ formed urea formaldehyde foam (UF) products when installed in external walls, internal walls, partitions, floors and roofs. Products covered by this standard may also be used for acoustic applications.
This document is a specification for the rigid foam dispensing system before installation.
This document describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
This document does not specify the required level of all properties that should be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in regulations or non-conflicting standards.
UF products with a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C (mean temperature) greater than 0,050 W/(mK) are not covered by this document.
This document does not cover factory made products utilising urea formaldehyde foam intended to be used for the insulation of buildings or for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.
This document does not specify all the requirements for the raw materials or the performance requirements for loadbearing applications.

  • Draft
    32 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for loose-fill cellulose insulation (LFCI) products for the thermal and/or sound insulation of buildings when installed into walls, floors, galleries, roofs and ceilings.
This European Standard is a specification for the loose-fill cellulose insulation (LFCI) products before installation.
This European Standard describes the product characteristics and includes procedures for testing, marking and labelling and the rules for evaluation of conformity.
Products covered by this European Standard may also be used in prefabricated thermal insulation systems and composite panels; the structural performance of systems incorporating these products is not covered.
Products with a declared thermal conductivity at 10 °C greater than 0,060 W/(m  K) or a declared thermal resistance lower than 0,25 m2  K/W are not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard does not specify the required level of all properties to be achieved by a product to demonstrate fitness for purpose in a particular application. The required levels are to be found in local regulations or non-conflicting standards.
This European Standard does not cover factory made cellulose products placed on the market as bats, mats or boards intended to be used for the insulation of buildings or loose-fill cellulose products for the insulation of building equipment and industrial installations.

  • Standard
    64 pages
    English language
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    e-Library read for
    1 day