FprEN 15316-5
(Main)Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 5: Space heating and DHW storage systems (not cooling), Module M3-7, M8-7
Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 5: Space heating and DHW storage systems (not cooling), Module M3-7, M8-7
This document specifies energy performance calculation of water based storage sub-systems used for heating, for domestic hot water or for combination of these.
This document does not apply to sizing or inspection of such storage systems.
Table 1 shows the relative position of this document within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in EN ISO 52000-1.
NOTE 1 In CEN ISO/TR 52000-2, the same table can be found with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying Technical Reports that are published or in preparation.
NOTE 2 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard may cover more than one module and one module may be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1.
Table 1 - Position of this document within the modular structure of the set of EPB standards
[...table not reproduced...]
Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung der Energieanforderungen und Nutzungsgrade der Anlagen -Teil 5: Raumheizung und Speichersysteme für erwärmtes Trinkwasser (keine Kühlung), Modul M3-7, M8-7
Dieses Dokument behandelt die Berechnung der Gesamtenergieeffizienz von wasserbasierten Speicher-Teilsystemen, die für die Raumheizung und/oder die Trinkwassererwärmung verwendet werden.
Dieses Dokument gilt nicht für die Dimensionierung oder Inspektion solcher Speichersysteme.
Tabelle 1 zeigt die relative Position dieses Dokuments innerhalb des EPB-Normenpakets im Kontext der in EN ISO 52000 1 dargelegten modularen Struktur.
ANMERKUNG 1 In CEN ISO/TR 52000 2 findet sich die gleiche Tabelle mit den Nummern (für jedes Modul) der jeweiligen EPB-Normen und den dazugehörigen technischen Berichten, die bereits veröffentlicht wurden oder sich in der Erstellung befinden.
ANMERKUNG 2 Die Module repräsentieren EPB-Normen, auch wenn eine EPB-Norm mehr als ein Modul abdecken kann und ein Modul von mehr als einer EPB-Norm abgedeckt werden kann, zum Beispiel jeweils ein vereinfachtes und ein detailliertes Verfahren. Siehe auch Abschnitt 2 und Tabelle A.1 und Tabelle B.1.
Performance énergétique des bâtiments - Méthode de calcul des besoins énergétiques et des rendements des systèmes - Partie 5 : Systèmes de stockage pour le chauffage et l'eau chaude sanitaire (sans refroidissement), Module M3-7, M8-7
Le présent document traite du calcul de la performance énergétique des sous-systèmes de stockage à eau utilisés pour le chauffage, la production d’eau chaude sanitaire ou une combinaison de ceux-ci.
Le présent document ne couvre pas le dimensionnement ou l’inspection de ces systèmes de stockage.
Le Tableau 1 indique la position relative du présent document au sein de l’ensemble de normes PEB dans le contexte de la structure modulaire décrite dans l’EN ISO 52000 1.
NOTE 1 Le CEN ISO/TR 52000 2 fournit le même tableau avec, pour chaque module, les numéros des normes PEB pertinentes et les Rapports techniques associés qui sont publiés ou en préparation.
NOTE 2 Les modules représentent les normes PEB, bien qu’une seule norme PEB puisse couvrir plusieurs modules et qu’un seul module puisse être couvert par plusieurs normes PEB, par exemple une méthode simplifiée et une méthode détaillée respectivement. Voir aussi l’Article 2 et les Tableaux A.1 et B.1.
Tableau 1 - Position du présent document au sein de la structure modulaire de l’ensemble des normes PEB
[table not represented]
Energijske lastnosti stavb - Metoda za izračun energijskih zahtev in učinkovitosti sistema - 5. del: Sistemi za ogrevanje prostora in shranjevanje tople sanitarne vode (brez hlajenja) - Modula M3-7 in M8-7
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Energijske lastnosti stavb - Metoda za izračun energijskih zahtev in učinkovitosti
sistema - 5. del: Sistemi za ogrevanje prostora in shranjevanje tople sanitarne
vode (brez hlajenja) - Modula M3-7 in M8-7
Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements
and system efficiencies - Part 5: Space heating and DHW storage systems (not cooling),
Module M3-7, M8-7
Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden - Verfahren zur Berechnung der
Energieanforderungen und Nutzungsgrade der Anlagen -Teil 5: Raumheizung und
Speichersysteme für erwärmtes Trinkwasser (keine Kühlung), Modul M3-7, M8-7
Performance énergétique des bâtiments - Méthode de calcul des besoins énergétiques
et des rendements des systèmes - Partie 5 : Systèmes de stockage pour le chauffage et
l'eau chaude sanitaire (sans refroidissement), Module M3-7, M8-7
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 15316-5
91.140.10 Sistemi centralnega Central heating systems
91.140.65 Oprema za ogrevanje vode Water heating equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
prEN 15316-5
April 2024
ICS 91.140.10; 91.140.65 Will supersede EN 15316-5:2017
English Version
Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation
of system energy requirements and system efficiencies -
Part 5: Space heating and DHW storage systems (not
cooling), Module M3-7, M8-7
Performance énergétique des bâtiments - Méthode de Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden - Verfahren zur
calcul des besoins énergétiques et des rendements des Berechnung der Energieanforderungen und
systèmes - Partie 5 : Systèmes de stockage pour le Nutzungsgrade der Anlagen -Teil 5: Raumheizung und
chauffage et l'eau chaude sanitaire (sans Speichersysteme für erwärmtes Trinkwasser (keine
refroidissement), Module M3-7, M8-7 Kühlung), Modul M3-7, M8-7
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 228.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 15316-5:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
prEN 15316-5:2024 (E)
Contents Page
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 Symbols and abbreviations . 9
4.1 Symbols . 9
4.2 Subscripts . 9
5 Description of the methods . 9
5.1 Output of the method . 9
5.2 Extension of the method . 9
5.3 Technologies covered and schematic of the hot water storage system . 10
5.4 Principles of the calculation of hot water storage systems by layers . 11
6 Calculation method . 13
6.1 Output data . 13
6.2 Selection of method and adaptation of calculation interval . 14
6.3 Input data . 14
6.3.1 Product data . 14
6.3.2 Source of data . 16
6.3.3 System design data . 17
6.3.4 Control . 17
6.3.5 Operating conditions . 18
6.3.6 Constants and physical data . 19
6.4 Calculation procedure . 19
6.4.1 Applicable time-step . 19
6.4.2 Operating conditions calculation . 19
6.4.3 Energy calculation (storage modelled with multi volumes – Method A) . 19
6.4.4 Energy calculation for a storage modelled with a single volume – Method B . 27
6.4.5 Calculation of the auxiliary energy . 30
6.4.6 Recoverable thermal losses . 30
7 Quality control . 31
8 Compliance check. 31
Anhang A (normative) Template for input data and choices . 32
A.1 General . 32
A.2 References . 32
A.3 Model information . 33
A.4 Product description data . 33
A.4.1 Type of use (services) . 33
A.4.2 Product technical data . 34
A.4.3 Priority of heaters . 34
A.4.4 Factors for energy recovery . 35
prEN 15316-5:2024 (E)
A.5 Design data . 35
A.5.1 Storage localization . 35
A.5.2 Multiple storage units connection. 35
A.6 Operative conditions . 36
Anhang B (informative) Default values . 37
B.1 General . 37
B.2 References . 37
B.3 Model information . 38
B.4 Product description data . 39
B.4.1 Type of use (services) . 39
B.4.2 Product technical data . 39
B.4.3 Priority of heaters operation . 40
B.4.4 Factors for energy recovery . 40
B.5 Design data . 41
B.5.1 Storage localization . 41
B.5.2 Multiple storage units connection. 41
B.6 Operative conditions . 42
Anhang C (normative) Calculation procedure for step 7 (Method A) . 43
Bibliography . 46
prEN 15316-5:2024 (E)
European foreword
This document (prEN 15316-5:2024) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 228 “Heating
systems and water based cooling systems in buildings”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This document will supersede EN 15316-5:2017.
The main changes compared to EN 15316-5:2017 are:
1) inclusion of simultaneous heating of the storage;
2) inclusion of arbitrary layer volume selection;
3) inclusion of additional heat losses due to the pipe internal circulation in storage connections;
4) calculation procedure for method A and B have been reviewed and several changes implemented;
5) Annex A contains a template for the data and parameters used in the standards and Annex B a set of
default values. Default values given in Annex B may be overridden by a national annex;
6) the previous Annexes C and D have been withdrawn;
7) inclusion of calculation approach for solving the re-arranging the layer temperatures in method A in
defined number of steps.
prEN 15316-5:2024 (E)
This document is part of a series of standards aiming at international harmonization of the methodology for
the assessment of the energy performance of buildings, called “set of EPB stand
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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