EN 1591-1:2024
(Main)Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections - Part 1: Calculation
Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections - Part 1: Calculation
This document defines a calculation method for bolted, gasketed, circular flange joints. Its purpose is to ensure structural integrity and control of leak tightness. It uses gasket parameters based on definitions and test methods specified in EN 13555:2014.
The calculation method is not applicable to joints with a metallic contact out of the sealing face or to joints whose rigidity varies appreciably across gasket width. For gaskets in incompressible materials, which permit large deformations, the results given by the calculation method can be excessively conservative (i.e. required bolting load too high, allowable pressure of the fluid too low, required flange thickness too large, etc.).
Flansche und ihre Verbindungen - Regeln für die Auslegung von Flanschverbindungen mit runden Flanschen und Dichtung - Teil 1: Berechnungsmethode
Dieses Dokument legt eine Berechnungsmethode für Flanschverbindungen mit runden Flanschen, Schrauben und Dichtung fest. Es hat den Zweck, die Festigkeit der Konstruktion sicherzustellen und die Dichtigkeit zu kontrollieren. Dafür werden Dichtungskennwerte angewendet, die auf Definitionen und Prüfverfahren nach EN 13555:2014 beruhen.
Die Berechnungsmethode ist nicht anwendbar auf Flanschverbindungen mit einem metallischen Dichtflächenkontakt und auf Flanschverbindungen, deren Steifigkeit über die Dichtungsbreite stark schwankt. Bei Dichtungen in unelastischen Werkstoffen, die starke Verformungen zulassen, können die Ergebnisse nach dieser Berechnungsmethode übermäßig konservativ sein (d. h. erforderliche Schrauben-kraft zu hoch, zulässiger Mediendruck zu gering, erforderliche Flanschdicke zu groß usw.).
Brides et leurs assemblages - Règles de calcul des assemblages à brides circulaires avec joint - Partie 1: Méthode de calcul
Le présent document définit une méthode de calcul des assemblages à brides circulaires boulonnés avec joint. Son objectif est d'en assurer l'intégrité structurale et la maîtrise de l'étanchéité. Elle utilise des paramètres de joints basés sur les définitions et les modes opératoires d'essais spécifiés dans l'EN 13555:2014:2014.
La méthode de calcul ne s'applique pas aux assemblages à contact métallique en dehors de la face d'étanchéité ni aux assemblages dont la rigidité varie de façon notable sur la largeur du joint. En ce qui concerne les joints en matériau incompressible qui présentent des déformations importantes, les résultats fournis par la méthode de calcul peuvent être excessivement conservateurs (c'est-à-dire effort de boulonnage requis trop élevé, pression admissible de fluide trop faible, épaisseur de bride nécessaire trop importante, etc.).
Prirobnice in prirobnični spoji - Pravila za konstruiranje prirobničnih spojev, sestavljenih iz okroglih prirobnic in tesnil - 1. del: Izračun
Ta dokument določa računsko metodo za prirobnične spoje, sestavljene iz vijakov ter okroglih prirobnic in tesnil. Njegov namen je zagotoviti konstrukcijsko celovitost in nadzor tesnjenja. V dokumentu so uporabljeni parametri tesnil, ki temeljijo na definicijah in preskusnih metodah iz standarda EN 13555:2014.
Računska metoda se ne uporablja za spoje s kovinskim kontaktom zunaj tesnilne površine ali spoje, katerih trdnost se zelo razlikuje glede na širino tesnila. Za tesnila v nestisljivih materialih, ki dopuščajo velike deformacije, so lahko rezultati računske metode preveč konzervativni (tj. previsoka zahtevana obremenitev vijakov, prenizek dovoljeni tlak tekočine, prevelika zahtevana debelina prirobnice itd.).
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
SIST EN 1591-1:2014
Prirobnice in prirobnični spoji - Pravila za konstruiranje prirobničnih spojev,
sestavljenih iz okroglih prirobnic in tesnil - 1. del: Izračun
Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections - Part 1:
Flansche und ihre Verbindungen - Regeln für die Auslegung von Flanschverbindungen
mit runden Flanschen und Dichtung - Teil 1: Berechnung
Brides et leurs assemblages - Règles de calcul des assemblages à brides circulaires
avec joint - Partie 1: Méthode de calcul
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 1591-1:2024
23.040.60 Prirobnice, oglavki in spojni Flanges, couplings and joints
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
EN 1591-1
October 2024
ICS 23.040.60 Supersedes EN 1591-1:2013
English Version
Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular
flange connections - Part 1: Calculation
Brides et leurs assemblages - Règles de calcul des Flansche und ihre Verbindungen - Regeln für die
assemblages à brides circulaires avec joint - Partie 1: Auslegung von Flanschverbindungen mit runden
Méthode de calcul Flanschen und Dichtung - Teil 1: Berechnungsmethode
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 7 July 2024.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1591-1:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Contents Page
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions, subscripts, special marks and symbols . 7
3.1 Terms and definitions . 7
3.2 Subscripts and special marks . 17
3.2.1 Subscripts . 17
3.2.2 Special marks . 18
3.3 Symbols . 18
4 Requirements for use of the calculation method . 24
4.1 General . 24
4.2 Geometry . 24
4.3 Material . 24
4.4 Loads . 25
5 Calculation parameters . 25
5.1 General . 25
5.2 Flange parameters . 25
5.2.1 General . 25
5.2.2 Flange ring . 26
5.2.3 Connected shell . 27
5.2.4 Flexibility-related flange parameters . 28
5.3 Bolt and washer parameters . 29
5.3.1 General . 29
5.3.2 Effective cross-section area of bolts . 29
5.3.3 Flexibility modulus of bolts . 29
5.3.4 Geometric parameters for washers and contact surfaces . 29
5.3.5 Flexibility modulus of washers . 30
5.4 Gasket parameters . 30
5.4.1 General . 30
5.4.2 Theoretical dimensions . 30
5.4.3 Effective dimensions . 30
5.4.4 Axial flexibility modulus of gasket . 31
5.4.5 Lever arms . 33
6 Forces . 34
6.1 General . 34
6.2 Applied loads . 34
6.2.1 Assembly condition (I = 0) . 34
6.2.2 Subsequent conditions (I = 1, 2 …) . 34
6.3 Compliance of the joint . 35
6.4 Minimum forces necessary for the gasket . 36
6.4.1 Assembly condition (I = 0) . 36
6.4.2 Subsequent conditions (I = 1, 2, ….) . 36
6.5 Internal forces in assembly condition (I = 0) . 37
6.5.1 Required forces . 37
6.5.2 Accounting for bolt-load scatter at assembly . 38
6.6 Internal forces in subsequent conditions (I = 1, 2, …) . 38
7 Load limits . 39
7.1 General . 39
7.2 Bolts . 40
7.3 Gasket . 40
7.4 Integral flange and collar or stub . 41
7.5 Blank flange . 43
7.6 Loose flange on collar/stub. 43
(informative) Dimensions of standard metric bolts . 45
(informative) Tightening . 46
B.1 Scatter of initial bolt load of a single bolt — Indicative values ε and ε for a single
1- 1+
bolt . 46
B.2 Scatter for the global load of all the bolts . 46
B.3 Manual uncontrolled tightening . 47
B.4 Assembly using torque wrench . 47
B.5 Assembly using bolt tensioner . 48
(informative) Flange rotations . 50
C.1 General . 50
C.2 Use of flange rotation . 50
C.3 Calculation of flange rotations . 50
(informative) Use of the calculation method . 52
D.1 Calculation method principle . 52
D.2 Mechanical model . 53
D.3 Required checks . 54
D.4 Calculation sequence . 54
(informative) Gasket/flange face friction coefficients examples . 57
(informative) Checking a specified assembly bolt force . 58
(informative) Sealing gasket parameters when no leakage rate is specified . 59
(informative) Alternative calculation procedure taking into account the plastic
deformation of the gasket in subsequent load conditions procedures (after assembly) . 60
H.1 General . 60
H.2 Calculation procedure.
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