Iron and steel - European standards for the determination of chemical composition

This Technical Report lists, under Clause 3, the European Standards, which are currently available for the determination of the chemical composition of steel and iron. In Clause 4, it provides details of the range of application and gives the principle of the method for each standard.
Items which are under preparation as European Standards or as CEN Technical Reports by ECISS/TC 102 are available on the webpage of CEN, through the link
Annex A contains a list of other European Standards and CEN Technical Reports applicable for the determination of the chemical composition of steels and irons.
Annex B contains a list of withdrawn Euronorms, together with the corresponding replacement European Standards, if any.
Annex C gives graphical representations of the concentration ranges of the methods available in this Technical Report. Figure C.1 gives the concentration ranges of the referee methods, Figure C.2 gives the concentration ranges of the routine methods and Figure C.3 represents the fields of application of all the methods available.
Annex D provides a trilingual key of the abbreviations used in the Figures given in Annex C.

Stahl und Eisen - Europäische Normen für die Bestimmung der chemischen Zusammensetzung

Aciers et fontes - Normes européennes pour la détermination de la composition chimique

Le présent Rapport technique énumère, à l'Article 3, les Normes européennes actuellement disponibles pour
la détermination de la composition chimique des aciers et des fontes. Dans l'Article 4, il détaille le domaine
d'application et donne le principe de la méthode pour chaque norme.
Les projets de Normes européennes ou de Rapports techniques du CEN, en cours de préparation par
l'ECISS/TC 102 sont disponibles sur la page internet du CEN, par le lien
L'Annexe A contient une liste d’autres Normes européennes et Rapports techniques du CEN applicables pour
la détermination de la composition chimique des aciers et des fontes.
L'Annexe B contient une liste des Euronorm annulées, ainsi que les Normes européennes correspondantes
qui les remplacent, le cas échéant.
L'Annexe C donne les représentations graphiques des intervalles de teneurs des méthodes présentées dans
le présent Rapport technique. La Figure C.1 donne les intervalles de teneurs des méthodes de référence, la
Figure C.2 donne les intervalles de teneurs des méthodes de routine et la Figure C.3 représente les domaines
d’application de toutes les méthodes disponibles.
L’Annexe D fournit une correspondance trilingue des abréviations utilisées dans les figures de l’Annexe C.

Železo in jeklo - Evropski standardi za določevanje kemijske sestave

V tem tehničnem poročilu so v točki 3 navedeni evropski standardi, ki so trenutno na voljo za določevanje kemijske sestave jekla in železa. V točki 4 so navedene podrobnosti glede območja uporabe in načela metod za posamezne standarde. Elementi, ki so v postopku priprave za evropske standarde ali tehnična poročila CEN v okviru ECISS/TC 102, so na voljo na spletni strani CEN preko povezave Committees/Pages/WP.aspx?param=733643&title=ECISS/TC%20102.
V dodatku A je seznam drugih evropskih standardov in tehničnih poročil CEN, ki se uporabljajo za določevanje kemijske sestave jekla in železa. V dodatku B je seznam preklicanih normativov EURONORM z ustrezno nadomestitvijo morebitnih evropskih standardov. V dodatku C so grafični prikazi območij koncentracije metod, ki so na voljo v tem tehničnem poročilu. Iz slike C.1 so razvidna območja koncentracije referenčnih metod, iz slike C.2 območja koncentracije rutinskih metod, iz slike C.3 pa področja uporabe vseh razpoložljivih metod. V dodatku D je trijezična legenda kratic, ki so uporabljene na slikah v dodatku C.

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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 10261:2013
English language
32 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST-TP CEN/TR 10261:2008
Iron and steel - European standards for the determination of chemical composition
Eisen und Stahl - Europäische Normen für die Bestimmung der chemischen
Aciers et fontes - Normes européennes pour la détermination de la composition chimique
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 10261:2013
77.040.30 Kemijska analiza kovin Chemical analysis of metals
77.080.01 Železne kovine na splošno Ferrous metals in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 10261
February 2013
ICS 77.040.30 Supersedes CEN/TR 10261:2008
English Version
Iron and steel - European standards for the determination of
chemical composition
Aciers et fontes - Normes européennes pour la Stahl und Eisen - Europäische Normen für die Bestimmung
détermination de la composition chimique der chemischen Zusammensetzung

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 10 June 2012. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee ECISS/TC 102.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United


Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2013 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 10261:2013: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Terms and definitions . 4
3 European Standards available for the determination of the chemical composition of steel
and iron. 4
3.1 Mono-elemental methods . 4
3.2 Multi-elemental methods. 7
4 Range of application and principle of the methods . 8
4.1 Mono-elemental methods . 8
4.2 Multi-elemental methods. 20
Annex A (informative) List of other European Standards and CEN Technical Reports applicable
for the determination of the chemical composition of steels and irons . 24
Annex B (informative) List of withdrawn Euronorms and of the corresponding replacement
European standards . 25
Annex C (informative) Graphical representation of the scope for methods available in this
technical report . 28
Annex D (informative) Trilingual key of the abbreviations used in the Figures given in Annex C . 32

This document (CEN/TR 10261:2013) has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 102 “Methods
of chemical analysis for iron and steel”, the secretariat of which is held by SIS.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes CEN/TR 10261:2008.
In comparison with the previous edition of CEN/TR 10261:2008, the following significant technical changes
were made:
 Title;
 Clause 2, Definitions – added;
 In 3.1, for nitrogen, addition of EN ISO 15351:2010 and EN ISO 4945:2009;
 In 3.1, for silicon, addition of EN ISO 439:2010;
 In 3.1, for titanium, addition of EN 10211:1995;
 In 3.2, for Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Sn and V, addition of EN 10351:2011;
 In 3.2, for C and S, addition of EN ISO 15350:2010;
 In, Principle of the method - reworded for technical correction;
, Summary of EN ISO 15351:2010, added;
, Summary of EN ISO 4945:2009, added;
, Summary of EN ISO 439:2010, added;
, Summary of EN 10211:1995, added;
, Summary of EN 10351:2011, added;
, Summary of EN ISO 15350:2010, added;
 Annex A, updated;
 Annex C, the concentration ranges are represented in three different graphics: one for the referee
methods, one for the routine methods and one for all the methods available.
1 Scope
This Technical Report lists, under Clause 3, the European Standards, which are currently available for the
determination of the chemical composition of steel and iron. In Clause 4, it provides details of the range of
application and gives the principle of the method for each standard.
Items which are under preparation as European Standards or as CEN Technical Reports by ECISS/TC 102
are available on the webpage of CEN, through the link
Annex A contains a list of other European Standards and CEN Technical Reports applicable for the
determination of the chemical composition of steels and irons.
Annex B contains a list of withdrawn Euronorms, together with the corresponding replacement European
Standards, if any.
Annex C gives graphical representations of the concentration ranges of the methods available in this
Technical Report. Figure C.1 gives the concentration ranges of the referee methods, Figure C.2 gives the
concentration ranges of the routine methods and Figure C.3 represents the fields of application of all the
methods available.
Annex D provides a trilingual key of the abbreviations used in the Figures given in Annex C.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
referee method
stoichiometric method or a method calibrated against pure metals or stoichiometric compounds, which is to be
used for certification analysis or in case of arbitration
routine method
method calibrated against reference materials or certified reference materials, or against standard solutions
commercially available, which is widely used for control purposes (day to day analysis)
3 European Standards available for the determination of the chemical composition
of steel and iron
3.1 Mono-elemental methods
 Aluminium, Al
EN 29658:1991, Steel — Determination of aluminium content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric
method (ISO 9658:1990)
 Arsenic, As
EN 10212:1995, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of arsenic in steel and iron —
Spectrophotometric method
 Boron, B
EN 10200:2012, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of boron in steels —
Spectrophotometric method
EN ISO 13900:2002, Steel — Determination of boron content — Curcumin spectrophotometric method after
distillation (ISO 13900:1997)
 Calcium, Ca
EN 10177:1989, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of calcium in steels — Flame atomic
absorption spectrometric method
 Carbon, C
EN 10036:1989, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of total carbon in steels and irons —
Gravimetric method after combustion in a stream of oxygen
EN ISO 15349-2:2003, Unalloyed steel — Determination of low carbon content — Part 2: Infrared absorption
method after combustion in an induction furnace (with preheating) (ISO 15349-2:1999)
EN ISO 9556:2001, Steel and iron — Determination of total carbon content — Infrared absorption method
after combustion in an induction furnace (ISO 9556:1989)
 Chromium, Cr
EN 10188:1989, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of chromium in steels and irons —
Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
EN 24937:1990, Steel and iron — Determination of chromium content — Potentiometric or visual method
(ISO 4937:1986)
EN 24937:1990/AC:1991 (Editorial correction), Steel and iron — Determination of chromium content —
Potentiometric or visual method (ISO 4937:1986)
 Copper, Cu
EN 24943:1990, Chemical analysis of ferrous metal — Determination of copper content — Flame atomic
absorption spectrometric method (ISO 4943:1985)
EN 24943:1990/AC:1991 (Editorial correction), Steel and cast iron — Determination of copper content —
Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (ISO 4943:1985)
EN 24946:1990, Steel and cast iron — Determination of copper content — 2,2'diquinolyl spectrophotometric
method (ISO 4946:1984)
EN 24946:1990/AC:1991 (Editorial correction), Steel and cast iron — Determination of copper content —
2,2'diquinolyl spectrophotometric method (ISO 4946:1984)
 Lead, Pb
EN 10181:1989, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of lead in steels — Flame atomic
absorption spectrometric method
 Manganese, Mn
EN 10071:2012, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of manganese in steels and irons —
Electrometric titration method
EN 24159:1989, Ferromanganese and ferrosilicomanganese — Determination of manganese content —
Potentiometric method (ISO 4159:1978, ed. 1)
EN 24159:1989/AC1:1989 (Editorial correction), Ferromanganese and ferrosilicomanganese — Determination
of manganese content — Potentiometric method (ISO 4159:1978, ed. 1)
EN ISO 10700:1995, Steel and iron — Determination of manganese content — Flame atomic spectrometric
method (ISO 10700:1994)
 Nickel, Ni
EN 10136:1989, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of nickel in steels and irons —
Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
EN 24938:1990, Steel and iron — Determination of nickel content — Gravimetric or titrimetric method
(ISO 4938:1988)
EN 24938:1990/AC:1991 (Editorial correction), Steel and iron — Determination of nickel content —
Gravimetric or titrimetric method (ISO 4938:1988)
 Niobium, Nb
EN 10178:1989, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of niobium in steels —
Spectrophotometric method
 Nitrogen, N
EN 10179:1989, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of nitrogen (trace amounts) in
steels — Spectrophotometric method
EN ISO 10720:2007, Steel and iron — Determination of nitrogen content — Thermal conductimetric method
after fusion in a current of inert gas (ISO 10720:1997)
EN ISO 15351:2010, Steel and iron — Determination of nitrogen content — Thermal conductimetric method
after fusion in a current of inert gas (Routine method) (ISO 15351:1999)
EN ISO 4945:2009, Steel — Determination of nitrogen content — Spectrophotometric method
(ISO 4945:1977)
 Oxygen, O
EN 10276-1:2000, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of oxygen in steel and iron —
Part 1: Sampling and preparation of steel samples for oxygen determination
EN 10276-2:2003, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of oxygen content in steel and
iron — Part 2: Infrared method after fusion under inert gas
 Phosphorus, P
EN 10184:2006, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of phosphorus in non-alloyed steels
and irons — Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
EN ISO 10714:2002, Steel and iron — Determination of phosphorus content — Phosphovanadomolybdate
spectrophotometric method (ISO 10714:1992)
 Silicon, Si
EN 24829-1:1990, Steel and cast iron — Determination of total silicon content — Reduced molybdosilicate
spectrophotometric method — Part 1: Silicon content between 0,05 and 1 % (ISO 4829-1:1986)
EN 24829-1:1990/AC:1991 (Editorial correction), Steel and cast iron — Determination of total silicon
content — Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method — Part 1: Silicon content between 0,05 and
1 % (ISO 4829-1:1986)
EN 24829-2:1990, Steel and cast iron — Determination of total silicon content — Reduced molybdosilicate
spectrophotometric method — Part 2: Silicon content between 0,01 and 0,05 % (ISO 4829-2:1988)
EN 24829-2:1990/AC:1991 (Editorial correction), Steel and cast iron — Determination of total silicon
content — Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method — Part 2: Silicon content between 0,01 and
0,05 % (ISO 4829-2:1988)
EN ISO 439:2010, Steel and iron — Determination of total silicon content — Gravimetric method
(ISO 439:1994)
 Sulphur, S
EN 24935:1991, Steel and iron — Determination of sulphur content — Infrared absorption method after
combustion in an induction furnace (ISO 4935:1989)
EN ISO 4934:2003, Steel and iron — Determination of sulfur content — Gravimetric method (ISO 4934:2003)
 Titanium, Ti
EN 10211:1995, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials — Determination of titanium in steel and iron — Flame
atomic absorption spectrometric method
EN ISO 10280:1995, Steel and iron — Determination of titanium content — Diantipyrylmethane
spectrophotometric method (ISO 10280:1991)
 Vanadium, V
EN 24947:1991, Steel and cast iron —

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