Adhesives - Test methods for fatigue properties of structural adhesives in tensile shear (ISO 9664:1993)

The principle of the method specified is cyclically stressing the specimen in a way that may be regarded as the superposition of an alternating stress on a static stress which is the mean stress. The number of cycles at failure of the specimen for a given mean stress and stress amplitude is determined. These values are used to establish SN curves which then permit the estimation of the confidence zone concerning the fatigue resistance of a joint. The fatigue properties are a function of the specimen geometry. The results do not correspond to intrinsic properties of the adhesive and cannot be used for design purposes.

Klebstoffe - Verfahren zur Prüfung der Ermüdungseigenschaften von Strukturklebungen bei Zugscherbeanspruchung (ISO 9664:1993)

Diese Internationale Norm beschreibt ein Verfahren zur Erfassung der Ermüdungsfestigkeit von Klebstoffen bei Zugscherbelastung unter Verwendung genormter Proben bei festgelegten Bedingungen mit dem Ziel, Strukturklebstoffe auf gegebenen metallischen Werkstoffen zu charakterisieren. Ermüdungs- eigenschaften sind eine Funktion der Probenahmegeometrie. Den Ergebnissen entsprechen keine spezifischen Klebstoffeigenschaften und sie lassen sich nicht zur Gestaltung von Klebungen verwenden.

Adhésifs - Méthodes d'essai de tenue à la fatigue d'adhésifs structuraux en traction-cisaillement (ISO 9664:1993)

La présente Norme internationale prescrit une méthode pour l'estimation de la résistance à la fatigue d'adhésifs soumis à des sollicitations en traction-cisaillement, en utilisant des éprouvettes normalisées dans des conditions spécifiées, en vue de la caractérisation des adhésifs structuraux sur un support métallique donné. Les propriétés de fatigue dépendent de la géométrie des éprouvettes. Les résultats ne correspondent pas à des propriétés intrinsèques de l'adhésif et ne peuvent être utilisés pour le calcul et le dimensionnement.

Lepila - Preskusne metode za ugotavljanje odpornosti konstrukcijskih lepil proti utrujanju pri natezno strižnih obremenitvah (ISO 9664:1993)

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Lepila - Preskusne metode za ugotavljanje odpornosti konstrukcijskih lepil proti
utrujanju pri natezno strižnih obremenitvah (ISO 9664:1993)
Adhesives - Test methods for fatigue properties of structural adhesives in tensile shear
(ISO 9664:1993)
Klebstoffe - Verfahren zur Prüfung der Ermüdungseigenschaften von Strukturklebungen
bei Zugscherbeanspruchung (ISO 9664:1993)
Adhésifs - Méthodes d'essai de tenue a la fatigue d'adhésifs structuraux en traction-
cisaillement (ISO 9664:1993)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 9664:1995
83.180 Lepila Adhesives
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
- Test methods for fatigue
properties of structural adhesives in tensile
- Methodes d’essai de tenue 21 Ia fatigue d’adhbsifs structuraux
en traction-cisaillemen t
Reference number
ISO 9664:1993(E)
ISO 9664:1993(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard ISO 9664 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 61, Plastics, Sub-(Zornmittee SC 11, Products.
Annexes A and B form an integral part of this International Standard.
0 ISO 1993
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or
by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without per-
mission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerl
Printed in Switzerland
Adhesives - Test methods for fatigue properties of
structural adhesives in tensile shear
3.1 shear stress (7): Stress determined by dividing
1 Scope
the forte by the bonded surface area.
This International Standard specifies a method for es-
lt is expressed in megapascals (MPa).
timating the fatigue strength of adhesives in shear by
tension loading, using standardized specimens under
specified conditions, with the aim of characterizing
3.2 static shear strength (Q): Average static shear
structural adhesives on a given metallic Substrate.
stress at rupture as determined by ISO 4587.
The fatigue properties are a function of the specimen
lt is expressed in megapascals (MPa).
geometry. The results do not correspond to intrinsic
properties of the adhesive and cannot be used for
design purposes.
3.3 stress cycle: Smallest part of the stressltime
function which is repeated at regular intervals.
2 Normative references
lt is of sinusoidal form (see figure 1) with undulating
The following Standards contain provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
Cyclic stress may be considered to be the superpos-
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
ition of an alternating stress on a static stress which
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards
is the mean stress.
are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements
based on this International Standard are encouraged
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re-
3.3.1 maximum stress (z,,,): Greatest algebraic
cent editions of the Standards indicated below.
value reached at regular intervals by the stress.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur-
rently valid International Standards.
lt is expressed in megapascals (MPa).
ISO 291:1977, Plastics - Standard atmospheres for
conditioning and testing. 3.3.2 minimum stress (Tmin): Smallest algebraic
value reached at regular intervals by the stress.
ISO 4587:1979, Adhesives - Determination of
This stress shall always be positive and is expressed
tensile lap-shear strength of high strength adhesive
in megapascals (MPa).
ISO 4588: 1989, Adhesives - Preparation of metal
3.3.3 mean stress (z,): Albegraic mean of the
surfaces for adhesive bonding.
maximum and minimum Stresses.
Tmax + zmin
3 Definitions and Symbols
Zm =
For the purposes of this International Standard, the
lt is expressed in megapascals (MPa).
following definitions and Symbols apply.

1 stress cycle
Figure 1 - Fatigue stress cycle
3.3.4 stress amplitude (z,>: Alternating stress equal 3.6 Service life (IV): Number of stress cycles applied
to half the algebraic differente between the maximum to a specimen until it has reached the Chosen end of
and minimum Stresses. the test. Where it has not failed, the Service life is not
defined but is termed greater than the test duration.
zmax - zmin
Ta =
3.7 cycle ratio @/IV): Ratio of the number of applied
cycles (n) to the Service life (IV). This ratio is used in
lt is expressed in megapascals (MPa).
tests with load bearings, together with an SN curve
(Woehler’s curve).
3.3.5 stress ratio (4): Algebraic ratio of the mini-
mum stress to the maximum stress in one cycle.
3.8 SN curve: Curve, allowing the resistance of the
zmin material to be Seen, which indicates the relationship
zmax observed experimentally between Service life N,
shown conventionally in abscissae (logarithmic scale)
and stress 7, or zmax shown in ordinates in linear scale
3.4 fatigue limit (zn): Limiting value which the
[typical curve in figure 2 a)] or in logarithmic scale
stress amplitude 7, approaches when the number of
[typical curve in figure 2 b)]. This curve is established
cycles becomes very large, for a given mean stress
by keeping either 7, or RT constant. The SN curve is
7, or stress ratio RT.
defined by the relationship between amplitude of
For some materials, stress amplitude versus the
stress and Service life. On this curve [figure 2 a)] we
number of cycles does not resch a limiting value but
tan distinguish:
decreases constantly on increasing the number of
cycles. In this case it is useful to determine a limit of
- the endurante zone where, for a given stress,
failures as weil as non-failures for a number of
fault test cycles NF tan be identified;
3.5 limit of endurante [Q(&)]: Shear stress de-
termined at a specific number of fault test cycles A$.
- the fatigue zone where, for a given stress, all the
specimens fail at the end of a number of cycles
lt is expressed in megapascals (MPa).
less than the number of conventional fault test
cycles NF mentioned above.
Depending on whether the tests are carried out at
constant Tm or at constant 4, the results should be
presented in the form:
4 Principle
zD(NF, Tm) in megapascals (MPa)
The specimen is cyclically stressed in a way that may
be regarded as the Superposition of an alternating
z&, RT) in megapascals (MPa)
stress on a static stress which is the mean stress.
The number of cycles at failure of the specimen is device shall be designed in such a way that its various
determined for a given 7, and za. These values are components move in perfett alignment with the
used to establish SN curves whrch then permit the specimen as soon as the specimen is subjected to
estimation of the confidence zone concerning the fa- stress. In this way the major axis of the specimen
tigue resistance of a joint. coincides with the direction of application of the forte
and the axis of symmetry of the device.
5 Apparatus
Attachments passing through the Substrate may be
used, in which case the specimen shall be reinforced
as indicated in figure3 b), using additional supports.
5.1 Template, for the accurate positioning of sub-
strates during bonding.
6 Spetimens
5.2 Fatigue test machine, to enable sinusoidal fa-
tigue stress cycles to be obtained such that the
6.1 Substrate materials
maximum stress is between 10 % and 80 % of the
scale range. The test frequency and the type of
The specimens shall conform in shape, dimensions
equipment may affect the test result. Unless indicated
and alignment to those indicated in figures 3 a) or
otherwise, the frequency shall be 30 Hz. The maxi-
3 b) for steel and 3 c) for aluminium. ,
mum frequency shall be 60 Hz, since excessive heat-
ing of the bond tan occur at frequencies higher than
NOTE 1 Recommended Substrates are aluminium 2024
60 Hz. The machine shall be provided with a self-
A 5T3 and steel XC 18 or E 24, grade 1 or 2. Other grades
centring device for attachment of the specimen. The may be used, depending on the end use of the adhesive.
5 Fatigue zone
Number of cycles iV
2 a) Standard steel specimens, test at 30 Hz at room temperature, semi-logarithmic coordinates

d 10
E 9.
3 L
Number of cycles N
2 b) Standard steel specimens, test at 30 Hz at room temperature, log-log coordinates
Typical SN curve of a one-component epoxy adhesive
Figure 2 -
alignment of the Substrates, and regular thickness of
6.2 Preparation
the bonded joint for each specimen and for collections
of specimens.
Prepare the bonded specimens individually or from
Panels which may or may not be grooved (see
6.3 Number of specimens
figure 4).
The number of specimens depends on the precision
In selecting the method of preparation, account shall
required and the results sought. The minimum num-
also be taken of the possible mechanical darnage to
ber of specimens is defined as follows:
the bonded specimens. Special attention shall be paid
during the preparation of individual specimens to
- at least four specimens tested at three different
achieving a suitable alignment and good homogeneity
of the joint, particularly with regard to its thickness. values of Ta such that failure occurs between 104
and 106 cycles. This allows at least 12 specimens
Surface preparation shall be carried out in accordance for the statistical determination of the limit of en-
with ISO 4588, unless othen/vise specified. The ad- durante at 106 cycles;
hesive shall be used in accordance with manufac-
turer’s instructions. In all cases the use of a template - at least six specimens for the determination of the
is necessary to ensure correct overlap, accurate static shear strength ZR.

ZWO,25 25 *O,:
_ - - - - - - - -,
I .---------
8 .m----m---
.-e-e -----
----- -----
m---m -----
Dimensions in millimetres
I 170 min. I
3 c) Aluminium Substrates with double overlap
Figure 3 - Shape and dimensions of the specimen
Dimensions in millimetres
Shaped by milling Cutter
100 *0,25
- m
Prior to bonding
12,5 l 0,25
+ !e
1 Discard
izT-+j /
---1- ~~~ ~
I Discard
4 b) Typical test Panel with double overlap for
4 a) Typical test Panel for steel
- Test Panels
Figure 4
In this region, the correct determination of a Point on
6.4 Test conditions
the SN curve requires the use of a statistical method.
The specimens shall be stored and subjected to test
Where the specimens are tested individually, the
under the Standard atmosphere of 23 “C * 2 “C and
staircase method is used to determine the endurante
(50 * 5) % relative humidity as specified in ISO 291.
limit ~o(&, T,,,) (see annex A).
If the fatigue machine used is equipped with a jig al-
7 Procedure
lowing the simultaneous testing of a group of speci-
mens, the results are processed in accordance with
7.1 General conditions
the data reclassification method (see annex B).
Adhesives may be subject to creep, even at ambient
7.2.3 Plot the SN curve, passing through the
temperature, under the effect of a non-zero mean
centre-line Points and the endurante limit z&+, ZJ
stress z,. Ensure before the fatigue test that the
with coordinates either (z,, Ig N) or (Ig z,, Ig IV) which
mean Stresses use

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