Gas-fired insets for heating more than one room

This European Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for the construction, safety, marking and rational use of energy of gas-fired insets for heating more than one room that are intended to be built into a casing made from brickwork or similar material.
This European Standard is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 613:2000.
This European Standard is applicable to type B11BS insets burning gas:
   that incorporate an atmospheric burner;
   that are installed directly to an open flue or to a device to evacuate the products of combustion;
   that have a nominal heat input not exceeding 20 kW (based on the net calorific value).
In addition, this European Standard is also applicable to insets for heating more than one room which have a live fuel effect.
This European Standard is not applicable to:
   open fronted appliances as specified in EN 13278;
   decorative fuel effect appliances as specified in EN 509;
   convection heating appliances as specified in EN 613;
   catalytic combustion appliances;
   appliances in which the supply of combustion air and/or evacuation of products of combustion is achieved by mechanical means as specified in EN 1266;
   warm air heaters (which are subject of CEN/TC 180).
This European Standard is only applicable to insets which are intended to be type tested.

Heizeinsätze für gasförmige Brennstoffe zur Mehrraumbeheizung

Diese Europäische Norm legt Anforderungen und Prüfbestimmungen für Bau, Sicherheit, Kennzeichnung und rationelle Energienutzung von Heizeinsätzen für gasförmige Brennstoffe zur Mehrraumheizung fest, welche bestimmungsgemäß in eine Verkleidung, die aus keramischen oder mineralischen Baustoffen hergestellt ist, eingebaut sind.
Es ist beabsichtigt, diese Norm in Verbindung mit EN 613:2000 zu verwenden.
Diese Norm gilt für Heizeinsätze für gasförmige Brennstoffe vom Typ B11BS:
   die einen atmosphärischen Brenner besitzen;
   die direkt an einem Schornstein oder an einer Einrichtung zur Abführung der Abgase installiert sind;
   die eine Nennwärmeleistung von 20 kW nicht überschreiten (bezogen auf den Heizwert).
Zusätzlich ist diese Norm anzuwenden für Heizeinsätze für die Mehrraumbeheizung mit Kaminfeuereffekt.
Diese Norm gilt nicht für:
   Geräte mit offener Verbrennungskammer nach EN 13278;
   Geräte mit dekorativem Brennstoffeffekt nach EN 509;
   Konvektions-Raumheizer nach EN 613;
   Geräte mit katalytischer Verbrennung;
   Geräte mit mechanischer Verbrennungsluftzu- und/oder Abgasführung nach EN 1266;
                Warmlufterzeuger (diese sind Gegenstand von CEN/TC 180).
Diese Europäische Norm gilt nur für Geräte, die für eine Baumusterprüfung vorgesehen sind

Foyers utilisant les combustibles gazeux pour le chauffage de plusieurs pièces

Cette norme européenne spécifie les exigences et les méthodes d'essais pour la construction, la sécurité, le marquage et l'utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie des foyers à gaz destinés à chauffer plus d'une pièce qui sont insérés dans une enveloppe constituée de briques ou de matériaux similaires, ci-après désignés appareils ;
Cette norme doit être utilisée conjointement avec la norme EN 613:2000.
Cette norme est applicable aux appareils de type B11BS et C11 utilisant les combustibles gazeux :
¾ qui comprennent un brûleur atmosphérique ;
¾ qui sont directement raccordés à une cheminée ouverte ou à un dispositif d'évacuation des produits de combustion (appareils à conduit ouvert, appareils à clapet de fumées) ;
¾ qui ont un débit calorifique nominal n'excédant pas 20 kW (sur le pouvoir calorifique inférieur).
De plus cette norme est aussi applicable aux appareils destinés à chauffer plus d'une pièce ayant un effet décoratif de combustion.
Cette norme n'est pas applicable aux :
¾ appareils à foyer ouvert tels que décrits dans l'EN 13278 ;
¾ appareils à effet décoratif de combustion tels que décrits dans l'EN 509 ;
¾ appareils de chauffage à convection tels que décrits dans l'EN 613 ;
¾ appareils à combustion catalytique ;
¾ appareils pour lesquels l'alimentation en air de combustion et/ou l'évacuation des produits de combustion est réalisée par un moyen mécanique comme décrit dans l'EN 1266 ;
¾ générateurs d'air chaud (qui sont du domaine du CEN/TC 179).
Cette norme n'est applicable qu'aux appareils devant subir les essais de type.
Les aspects liés aux systèmes d'assurance de la qualité, aux essais durant la production et aux certificats de conformité des dispositifs auxiliaires ne sont pas traités dans cette norme.

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Gas-fired insets for heating more than one roomFoyers utilisant les combustibles gazeux pour le chauffage de plusieurs piecesHeizeinsätze für gasförmige Brennstoffe zur MehrraumbeheizungTa slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 14438:2006SIST EN 14438:2007en,fr,de97.100.20ICS:SLOVENSKI
STANDARDSIST EN 14438:200701-februar-2007

EUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMEN 14438December 2006ICS 97.100.20 English VersionGas-fired insets for heating more than one roomFoyers utilisant les combustibles gazeux pour le chauffagede plusieurs piècesHeizeinsätze für gasförmige Brennstoffe zurMehrraumbeheizungThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 25 November 2006.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the officialversions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36
B-1050 Brussels© 2006 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN 14438:2006: E

Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 90/396 EEC.20 Bibliography.23

It shall include the whole of the combustion circuit, from the entry of the combustion air to the inset to the combustion products outlet of the inset. Supply of combustion air Combustion air inlets shall have fixed openings and shall be designed such that the requirements concerning combustion and flame stability are met. Draught diverter Heating insets shall have a draught diverter, which is integral part of the inset. The draught diverter shall be constructed such that in case of spillage the combustion gases shall go directly into the room and not into the warm air chamber. The openings of the draught diverter shall not be adjustable. 5.1.8 Electrical equipment The inset shall be so designed and constructed as to obviate hazards of an electrical origin. The inset shall comply with the requirements of EN 50165 which cover such hazards.

For insets above
10 kW, the safety time shall not be more than 5 s, and for those up to and including 10 kW, the safety time shall not be more than 10 s. NOTE The safety times have been limited because this inset is installed within a secondary enclosure. Upon flame failure during the running condition the flame supervision device shall cause non-volatile lock-out, except in the case of insets with direct ignition of the main burner, in which case: a) spark restoration within 1 s is allowable, or b) a single restart attempt is allowed within 10 s. In the event that re-ignition is unsuccessful during either of these periods non-volatile lock-out shall occur. The operation of push buttons, switches etc., incorrectly or out of sequence shall not adversely affect the safety of an automatic burner control system. 5.2.7 Automatic burner control system This subclause is covered by the final paragraph of above. 5.2.10 Manually operated devices This subclause is covered by above.

5.4 Flame supervision systems This subclause is covered by 5.2.5 above. 6 Operational requirements The operational requirements given in Clause 6 of EN 613:2000 apply with the following modifications: 6.4.3 Temperature of floor The inset manufacturer shall provide in his installation instructions the necessary information for either insulating the walls and/or floors or indicating the required clearance distances to ensure that the temperature of any adjacent walls and/or floors constructed of non-combustible or combustible materials comply with the following requirements. Insets to be installed on/against non-combustible surfaces For insets intended to be installed in accordance with the inset manufacturer’s installation instructions on, or against, non-combustible surfaces, when tested as described in 7.4.3, the temperature at any user touchable point of the floor on which an inset is to be placed shall not exceed the ambient temperature by more than 80 K. Insets to be installed on/against combustible surfaces For insets intended to be installed in accordance with the inset manufacturer’s installation instructions on, or against, combustible surfaces, when tested as described in 7.4.3, the temperature at any point of any floor on which an inset is to be placed, shall not exceed the ambient temperature by more than 60 K. 6.9 Spillage monitoring system Only 6.9.2 of EN 613:2000 applies. 6.11 Efficiency When the inset is tested as described in 7.11, the minimum net efficiency obtained (see 7.11.2 of
EN 613:2000) with the inset operating at its nominal heat input shall be 89 %. 7 Test methods The test methods given in Clause 7 of EN 613:2000 apply with the following modifications: Test installation The appliance shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions without installing it into the warm air chamber (the requirements of have not to be taken into account). 7.4 Temperature of various parts of the inset For the tests according to 7.4.1 to 7.4.3 the inset is installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions onto a test rig including all convection air ducts; the heat-resistant casing is replaced by a suitable heat insulation (see Figures 2 to 6). If the manufacturer requires a certain heat insulation or safety distances to combustible parts of floors or walls, these specifications shall be respected.

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