Rubber and plastic hoses and hose assemblies with internal vapour recovery for measured fuel dispensing systems - Specification

This European Standard specifies the requirements for hoses and hose assemblies for measured fuel dispensing systems with an internal vapour recovery tubing or hose.
The assemblies are intended for use at ambient temperatures between -30 °C and +65 °C and at a working pressure up to and including 3,5 bar ).
NOTE 1   Other temperature limits may be agreed between the hose manufacturer and the purchaser.
NOTE 2   For general operational conditions see annex A (informative).

Gummi- und Kunststoffschläuche und -schlauchleitungen mit innenliegender Gasrückführung für Zapfsäulen an Tankstellen - Anforderungen

Dieses  Dokument  legt Anforderungen an Schlauchleitungen mit Gasruckfuhrung fur Zapfsaulen  an Tank-
stellen fest.
Die  Schlauchleitungen mit Gasruckfuhrung fur Zapfsaulen an Tankstellen mussen den  zu  erwartenden
mechanischen, thermischen und chemischen Beanspruchungen  widerstehen konnen und gegen  die  bei
diesen Anwendungen auftretenden brennbaren Flussigkeiten sowie  deren Gase und  Gas-Luft-Gemische
bestandig sein. Die  Schlauchleitungen mussen so gebaut sein, dass das  Arbeiten  wahrend  des  normalen
Betriebs  keine gefahrlichen elektrostatischen Aufladungen  erzeugen oder die  Leistung  der Gasruckfuhrung
verringern kann.
Die Leitungen  sind  fur  den Einsatz bei Umgebungstemperaturen  vorgesehen, die fur die
Normaltemperaturklasse  zwischen . 30 ¡ÆC und + 55 ¡ÆC und fur die Tieftemperaturklasse  zwischen . 40 ¡ÆC
und + 55 ¡ÆC bei einem Betriebsdruck ¡Â 16 bar 1) liegen.
Die Schlauche durfen aus Gummi oder einem thermoplastischen Elastomer (TPE) hergestellt werden, und in
dem  vorliegenden  Dokument  werden Anforderungen  an drei Schlauchtypen festgelegt und  zwar fur  zwei
Kategorien  und  zwei  Klassen  von Schlauchleitungen fur Zapfsaulen einschlie©¬lich von Schlauchen mit
innenliegender  Gasruckfuhrung, ohne oder mit Einlage,  die fur  mit sauerstoffhaltigen  Verbindungen
angereicherte Kraftstoffe vorgesehen sind (bis  zu einem  maximalen Anteil  von  15 %  sauerstoffhaltigen

Tuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique à récupération interne de vapeur pour un système de distribution mesurée de carburants - Spécifications

La présente norme européenne spécifie les exigences relatives aux tuyaux et flexibles des systèmes de distribution mesurée de carburant comportant un tube ou un tuyau de récupération interne de vapeur.
Les flexibles sont destinés à être utilisés à des températures ambiantes comprises entre -30 °C et +65 °C et à une pression en service inférieure ou égale à 3,5 bar ) .
NOTE 1   Le fabricant des tuyaux et l'acheteur peuvent convenir d'autres limites de température.
NOTE 2   Pour les conditions générales de fonctionnement, voir l'annexe A (informative).

Gumene in polimerne cevi ter cevni priključki z notranjim sistemom za rekuperiranje hlapov za sisteme za merjeno točenje goriva na bencinskih črpalkah - Specifikacija

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EN 13483:2005
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Gummi- und Kunststoffschläuche und -schlauchleitungen mit innenliegender Gasrückführung für Zapfsäulen an Tankstellen - AnforderungenTuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique a récupération interne de vapeur pour un systeme de distribution mesurée de carburants - SpécificationsRubber and plastic hoses and hose assemblies with internal vapour recovery for measured fuel dispensing systems - Specification83.140.40Gumene ceviHoses75.200Petroleum products and natural gas handling equipmentICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 13483:2005SIST EN 13483:2005en01-julij-2005SIST EN 13483:2005SLOVENSKI
EUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMEN 13483May 2005ICS 23.040.70; 75.200English versionRubber and plastic hoses and hose assemblies with internalvapour recovery for measured fuel dispensing systems -SpecificationTuyaux et flexibles à récupération interne de vapeur pourun système de livraison mesurée carburant - SpécificationGummi- und Kunststoffschläuche und -schlauchleitungenmit innenliegender Gasrückführung für Zapfsäulen anTankstellen - AnforderungenThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 21 March 2005.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the officialversions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36
B-1050 Brussels© 2005 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN 13483:2005: ESIST EN 13483:2005

Test method for determination of low temperature class resistance at –30 ºC and –40 °C.13 Annex B (normative)
Test method for pressure requirements of vapour recovery hoses and tubes.15 Annex C (normative)
Test method for determination of change in length due to swelling.16 Annex D (normative)
Test method for determination of pressure loss.17 Annex E (normative)
Method for determination of adhesion between components.18 Annex F (normative)
Test method for the determination of low temperature class flexibility.19 Annex G (normative)
Test method for the determination of rate of fuel permeation.21 Annex H (normative)
Test method for flammability.22 Annex I (normative)
Test method for the determination of leakage (leak test).24 Annex J (normative)
Test method for fatigue strength under reversed bending stresses (flex test).25 Annex K (normative)
End-fitting pull-off test.27 Annex L (normative)
Test frequency for type tests and routine tests.28 Annex M (informative)
Test frequency for production acceptance tests.30
1) 1 bar = 0,1 MPa SIST EN 13483:2005

Type 3, fine wire reinforced. Hoses for this application shall be divided into two categories: Category M: electrically bonded Category Ω: electrically conductive Hoses for this application shall be divided into two temperature classes: Normal temperature class with an ambient working temperature of −30 °C to +55 °C Low temperature class (LT) with an ambient working temperature of −40 °C to +55 °C 5 Materials and construction 5.1 Fuel hose The fuel hose shall consist of the following: - a smooth, fuel resistant lining of rubber or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE); - a suitable reinforcement, related to type; - a non-corrugated fuel and weather resistant rubber or TPE cover. Hose assemblies shall be capable of conducting an electrical charge from coupling to coupling. When this capability is provided by means of metallic bonding wires, not less than two (metallic) bonding wires shall be embedded in the hose and the metal used shall have a high resistance to fatigue and corrosion. SIST EN 13483:2005

Proof test pressure 24 b)
Minimum burst pressure 48 18 a) The vapour tubing/hose shall be designed for an absolute pressure of 0,2 bar (vacuum) with an external pressurization of 8 bar. b) See Annex B 7 Dimensions and tolerances 7.1 Diameters and bend radii Diameters and bend radii shall comply with the values given in Table 2. SIST EN 13483:2005

min. Vapour tubing/hose 8,4 — 75 Fuel hose — 32,6 130 Assembly — — 130
7.2 Minimum thickness of lining and cover of the fuel hose When measured in accordance with EN ISO 4671 the thickness of the lining shall be not less than 1,6 mm and the thickness of the cover shall be not less than 1,0 mm. 7.3 Concentricity When determined in accordance with EN ISO 4671, the concentricity, based on a total indicator reading between the internal diameter and the outside diameter, shall not exceed 0,5 mm for the vapour tubing or hose, and shall not exceed 1,0 mm for the fuel hose. 7.4 Tolerance on cut lengths For cut lengths, the tolerances on length shall be according to EN ISO 1307. The length of a hose assembly shall be measured from sealing face to sealing face of the end fittings with a tolerance from the nominal length of ± 1%. 8 Physical properties 8.1 Compounds When tested in accordance with the methods in Table 3, the physical properties of the compounds used for the lining and cover shall comply with the values given in Table 3. Tests shall be carried out either on samples taken from the hose or

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