Precast concrete products - Full-scale testing requirements in standards on precast concrete products

This document gives guidelines on how full-scale tests may be incorporated in product standards as a tool to reduce incertainties in resistance models.
This document also gives guidelines to designers setting up a proper test programme as part of the initial design of a component.

Betonfertigteile - Anforderungen an Prüfungen an Bauteilen in Originalgröbe in den Normen für Betonfertigteile

Produits préfabriqués en béton - Exigences pour les essais en vraie grandeur dans les normes sur les produits préfabriqués en béton

Le présent Rapport technique donne des recommandations sur la façon dont les essais en vraie grandeur peuvent être introduits dans les normes de produits en tant qu'outil de réduction des incertitudes dans les modèles de résistance.
Le présent document donne aussi des recommandations pour les concepteurs définissant un programme d'essais approprié au stade de la conception initiale d'un composant.

Montažni betonski izdelki – Zahteve za preskušanje v naravni velikosti v standardih za montažne betonske izdelke

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TP CEN/TR 14862:2004
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Montažni betonski izdelki – Zahteve za preskušanje v naravni velikosti v
standardih za montažne betonske izdelke
Precast concrete products - Full-scale testing requirements in standards on precast
concrete products
Betonfertigteile - Anforderungen an Prüfungen an Bauteilen in Originalgröbe in den
Normen für Betonfertigteile
Produits préfabriqués en béton - Exigences pour les essais en vraie grandeur dans les
normes sur les produits préfabriqués en béton
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 14862:2004
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 14862
September 2004
ICS 91.100.30
English version
Precast concrete products - Full-scale testing requirements in
standards on precast concrete products
Produits préfabriqués en béton - Exigences pour les essais Betonfertigteile - Anforderungen an Prüfungen an Bauteilen
en vraie grandeur dans les normes sur les produits in Originalgröbe in den Normen für Betonfertigteile
préfabriqués en béton
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 19 April 2004. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 229.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 14862:2004: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Introduction .4
1 Scope .5
2 References.5
3 Terms and definitions .5
4 The role of full-scale testing.6
4.1 Design using existing calculation models .6
4.2 Design assisted by testing .7
5 Specification of full-scale testing requirements.7
6 Objectives.8
6.1 Option or requirement in initial type testing.8
6.2 Part of production control .8
6.3 Further type testing .8
6.4 Technical questions to be clarified.9
7 Planning.9
7.1 Groups in the product family.9
7.2 Sampling techniques.10
7.3 Accompanying tests.10
8 Interpretation based on prior knowledge.10
Annex A (informative) Statistic determination of resistance model .12
A.1 Statistical background .12
A.1.1 Introduction.12
A.1.2 Procedure for initial type testing.12
A.1.3 Observed principal result of the procedure.13
A.1.4 Procedure for additional testing during production .14
A.2 Case study of “design assisted by testing” .15
A.2.1 Test data .15
A.2.2 Resistance models .15
A.2.3 Determination of characteristic values and design values .17
A.2.4 Determination of declared values. .18
A.2.5 Comments on the test plan and the data interpretation.20
Annex B (informative) Provisions for full-scale testing in CEN/TC 229 product standards.21
B.1 General.21
B.2 Provisions.21
B.2.1 Objectives.21
B.2.2 Specification and selection of specimens .21
B.2.3 Loading conditions.22
B.2.4 Measurements.23
B.2.5 Test frequency .24
B.2.6 Statistical evaluation .24
B.2.7 Test report .24
B.2.8 Consequences .25

This document (CEN/TR 14862:2004) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 229 “Precast
concrete products”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.

Any product standard will require a certain amount of testing as part of the evaluation of conformity. The tests
may be part of initial type testing or part of production control. It may be tests on materials, dimensions etc. Or
it may be tests on the finished product.
The following types of testing may be involved as a part of either initial type testing or production control, [1]:
a) tests to establish directly the ultimate resistance or serviceability properties of structural parts. Test
results are treated as absolute values valid for the group from which the sample was taken;
b) tests to obtain specific material properties using specified testing procedures;
c) tests to reduce uncertainties in parameters in load or load effect models;
d) tests to reduce uncertainties in parameters used in resistance models. Test results are defined as the
ratio between measured and calculated values and statistical rules are applied to the ratio;
e) control tests to check the identity or quality of delivered products or the consistency of the production
f) tests carried out during execution in order to obtain information needed for part of the execution;
g) control tests to check the behaviour of an actual structure or of structural members after completion.
Testing of full-scale products may be involved in all types of test except type (b).
Testing methods may or may not leave the tested product fit for further use (non-destructive or destructive
testing). However, apart from checks on geometrical properties, full-scale testing will usually damage the
tested product so that it cannot be used in a structure.
Tests of type (a) do not take into account prior knowledge as easily as type (d) tests. It means that the most
effective use of full-scale testing will be (effectively destructive) tests of type (d).
The aim of the report is to assist the standard writers in CEN/TC 229 regime in preparing requirements on full-
scale testing in product standards. Initial type testing of a product requires the producer to establish relevant
properties of the product. This is often done by means of calculation models given in a standard, but in some
cases full-scale testing may be used effectively to reduce uncertainties in these calculation models,
maintaining the intended reliability.
The main statistical rules to be followed in this process are given in Eurocode – Basis of structural design
(prEN 1990). The report illustrates how these rules may be applied in a product standard.
A practical example concerning hollow core slabs is also given. The test results used in this example were
made available from Spenncon AS Hønefoss, Norway.
1 Scope
This document gives guidelines on how full-scale tests may be incorporated in product standards as a tool to
reduce incertainties in resistance models.
This document also gives guidelines to designers setting up a proper test programme as part of the initial
design of a component.
2 References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1168, Precast concrete products - Hollow core slabs for floors.
EN 1990:2002, Eurocode - Basis of structural design.
EN 1992-1-1, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1 - 1: General rules and rules for buildings.
EN 13369, Common rules for precast concrete structures.
ISO 12491:1997, Statistical methods for quality control of building materials and components.
RILEM TC40-TPC3:1985, Flexural and shearing tests on prefabricated concrete elements, Materials and
structures, Vol. 18, No 108.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
accompanying test
test to determine a material property by direct or indirect methods
biased sampling
a selection of units, taken from a lot according to a selection plan
full-scale test
test performed on a finished product to determine directly the properties of the product. Properties may
include behaviour, stiffness, strengths etc. of the product subjected to relevant actions
initial type testing
a procedure to demonstrate compliance of a product with the requirements applying to the product. The
procedure may utilise calculation and standard materials testing and it may be assisted by full-scale tests on
the product
random sampling
a selection of units, taken at random from a lot. Each unit of the lot has the same chance of being selected
resistance model
a formula used for calculation of a product property
prior knowledge
existing knowledge about the properties of a product and their dependence on geometry, materials,
production process etc
product family
a type of product usually corresponding to one product standard, e.g. prestressed hollow core floor slabs
product group
a collection of products with such characteristics that all products can be attributed the same value of a
chosen property. The grouping may depend on the property. Hollow core floor slabs with the same
dimensions and concrete strength may be a group with respect to shear strength
production control
a production control system is a quality system to ensure that the product put on the market meets the
requirements of the relevant standard and complies with the specified or declared values
4 The role of full-scale testing
4.1 Design using existing calculation models
Design of products according to Eurocode 2 (EN 1992-1-1), is normally based on resistance models giving the
product properties as a function of the geometry and the properties of the material used in the product. The
resistance model normally expresses the mean value of the property when the mean values of the parameters
are inserted in the model. It is usually assumed that the same model express the characteristic value or the
design value of the property if characteristic values o

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