Plastics - Epoxy resins - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties (ISO 3673-2:1999)

Kunststoffe - Epoxidharze - Teil 2: Herstellung von Pröbekorpern und Bestimmung von Eigenschaften (ISO 3673-2:1999)

Dieser Teil von ISO 3673 legt die Verfahren und Bedingungen für die Herstellung von Probekörpern eines Epoxidharzes unter festgelegten Bedingungen fest und die Verfahren zur Messung seiner Eigenschaften. Vorschriften zur Handhabung des Prüfmaterials und zur Konditionierung sowohl des Prüfmaterials vor der Verarbeitung als eine der Prüfkörper werden gegeben. Für vernetzte Epoxidharze wurden die Eigenschaften aus den allgemeinen Prüfverfahren in ISO 10350:1993 ausgewählt.

Plastiques - Résines époxydes - Partie 2: Préparation des éprouvettes et détermination des propriétés (ISO 3673-2:1999)

La présente partie de l'ISO 3673 spécifie les méthodes de préparation des éprouvettes et les méthodes d'essai à appliquer pour déterminer les propriétés des résines époxydes. Elle fixe les exigences concernant, d'une part, le traitement du matériau pour essai, et d'autre part, le conditionnement des éprouvettes avant les essais.Les propriétés des résines époxydes réticulées ont été choisies parmi les méthodes d'essai générales de l'ISO 10350:1993. D'autres méthodes d'essai largement utilisées pour caractériser ces résines époxydes ou présentant une importance particulière (en particulier, les propriétés utiles pour la mise en oeuvre des résines EP non réticulées) sont également incluses dans la présente partie de l'ISO 3673.Pour obtenir des résultats d'essai reproductibles et comparables, il est nécessaire d'appliquer les spécifications du présent document en ce qui concerne les méthodes d'essai, la préparation et le conditionnement des échantillons, les éprouvettes et leurs dimensions. Les valeurs déterminées ne seront pas nécessairement identiques à celles obtenues en utilisant des éprouvettes ayant d'autres dimensions ou préparées selon d'autres modes opératoires.Il existe d'autres normes relatives à la «détermination des propriétés et à la préparation des éprouvettes» de produits à base d'époxyde auxquelles il sera fait référence, si nécessaire.

Polimerni materiali - Epoksidne smole - 2. del: Priprava preskušancev in ugotavljanje lastnosti (ISO 3673-2:1999)

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Polimerni materiali - Epoksidne smole - 2. del: Priprava preskušancev in
ugotavljanje lastnosti (ISO 3673-2:1999)
Plastics - Epoxy resins - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of
properties (ISO 3673-2:1999)
Kunststoffe - Epoxidharze - Teil 2: Herstellung von Pröbekorpern und Bestimmung von
Eigenschaften (ISO 3673-2:1999)
Plastiques - Résines époxydes - Partie 2: Préparation des éprouvettes et détermination
des propriétés (ISO 3673-2:1999)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 3673-2:1999
83.080.10 Duromeri Thermosetting materials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
Plastics — Epoxy resins —
Part 2:
Preparation of test specimens and
determination of properties
Plastiques — Résines époxydes —
Partie 2: Préparation des éprouvettes et détermination des propriétés
Reference number
ISO 3673-2:1999(E)
ISO 1999
ISO 3673-2:1999(E)
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ISO 3673-2:1999(E)
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references .1
3 Preparation of test specimens .3
3.1 General.3
3.2 Pretreatment of materials .4
3.3 Preparation of test sheets.4
3.4 Cutting out test specimens.5
3.5 Conditioning test specimens.6
4 Determination of properties.6
© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved iii

ISO 3673-2:1999(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 3673 may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 3673-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 61, Plastics, Subcommittee
SC 12, Thermosetting materials.
ISO 3673 consists of the following parts, under the general title Plastics — Epoxy resins:
� Part 1: Designation
� Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
iv © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO 3673-2:1999(E)
The purpose of this part of ISO 3673 is to designate procedures for the determination of intrinsic properties of
epoxy resins (EP). It specifies procedures and conditions for the preparation of test specimens of epoxy resins in a
specified state, and methods for measuring their properties. Those properties and test methods which are suitable
and necessary for characterizing epoxy resins are listed. Because of the specificity of thermosetting resins like
epoxy resins, contrary to the other plastic products, a distinction is made between the presentation of the properties
before crosslinking (characteristics which are useful for processing) and after crosslinking (intrinsic characteristics).
© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved v

Plastics — Epoxy resins —
Part 2:
Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
WARNING — Persons using this part of ISO 3673 should be familiar with normal laboratory practice. This
part of ISO 3673 does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is
the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to ensure compliance
with any national regulatory conditions.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 3673 specifies the methods of preparation of test specimens and the test methods to be used in
determining the properties of epoxy resins. Requirements for handling test material and for conditioning both the
test material before moulding and the specimens before testing are given here.
Properties of crosslinked epoxy resins have been selected from the general test methods in ISO 10350:1993. Other
test methods in wide use, or of particular significance to, epoxy resins, particularly properties useful for the
processing of non-crosslinked epoxy resins, are also included in this part of ISO 3673.
In order to obtain reproducible and comparable test results, it is necessary to use the test methods, sample
preparation and conditioning, and specimen dimensions specified herein. Values determined will not necessarily be
identical to those obtained using test specimens of different dimensions, or prepared using different procedures.
Other standards exist concerning the determination of properties and preparation of test specimens for epoxy-
based products, to which reference will be made, if required.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 3673. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 3673 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 62:1999, Plastics — Determination of water absorption.
ISO 75-1:1993, Plastics — Determination of temperature of deflection under load — Part 1: General test method.
ISO 75-2:1993, Plastics — Determination of temperature of deflection under load — Part 2: Plastics and ebonite.
ISO 178:1993, Plastics — Determination of flexural properties.
ISO 179-1:— , Plastics — Determination of Charpy impact properties — Part 1: Non-instrumented impact test.
1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 179:1993)
© ISO 1999 – All rights reserved 1

ISO 3673-2:1999(E)
ISO 291:1997, Plastics — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing.
ISO 527-1:1993, Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 1: General principles.
ISO 527-2:1993, Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and
extrusion plastics.
ISO 760:1978, Determination of water — Karl Fischer method (General method).
ISO 1183:1987, Plastics — Methods for determining the density and relative density of non-cellular plastics.
ISO 1523:1983, Paints, varnishes, petroleum and related products — Determination of flashpoint — Closed cup
equilibrium method.
ISO 1675:1985, Plastics — Liquid resins — Determination of density by the pyknometer method.
ISO 2555:1989, Plastics — Resins in the liquid state or as emulsions or dispersions — Determination of apparent
viscosity by the Brookfield Test method.
ISO 2592:— , Petroleum products — Determination of flash and fire points — Cleveland open cup method.
ISO 2719:1988, Petroleum products and lubricants — Determination of flash point — Pensky-Martens closed cup
ISO 2811:1997 (all parts), Paints and varnishes — Determination of density.
ISO 2818:1994, Plastics — Preparation of test specimens by machining.
ISO 3001:1999, Plastics — Epoxy compounds — Determination of epoxy equivalent.
ISO 3104:1994, Petroleum products — Transparent and opaque liquids — Determination of kinematic viscosity and
calculation of dynamic viscosity.
ISO 3105:1994, Glass capillary kinematic viscometers — Specifications and operating instructions.
ISO 3146:— , Plastics — Determination of melting behaviour (melting temperature or melting range) of semi-
crystalline polymers by capillary tube and polarizing-microscope methods.
ISO 3219:1993, Plastics — Polymers/resins in the liquid state or as emulsions or dispersions — Determination of
viscosity using a rotational viscometer with defined shear rate.
ISO 3521:1997, Plastics — Unsaturated polyesters and epoxy resins — Determination of overall volume shrinkage.
ISO 3679:1983, Paints, varnishes, petroleum and related products — Determination of flashpoint — Rapid
equilibrium method.
ISO 4583:1998, Plastics — Epoxy resins and related materials — Determination of easily saponifiable chlorine.
ISO 4589-2:1996, Plastics — Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index — Part 2: Ambient-temperature
ISO 4615:1979, Plastics — Unsaturated polyesters and epoxide resins — Determination of total chlorine content.
ISO 4625:1980, Binders for paints and varnishes — Determination of softening point — Ring-and-ball method.
2) To be published. (Revision of ISO 2592:1973)
3) To be published. (Revision of ISO 3146:1985)
2 © ISO 1999 – All rights reserved

ISO 3673-2:1999(E)
ISO 4630:1997, Binders for paints and varnishes — Estimation of colour of clear liquids by the Gardner colour
ISO 4895:1997, Plastics — Liquid epoxy resins — Determination of tendency to crystallize.
ISO 6271:1997, Clear liquids — Estimation of colour by the platinum-cobalt scale.
ISO 7142:1982, Binders for paints and varnishes — Epoxy resins — General methods of test.
ISO 10350:1993 , Plastics — Acquisition and presentation of comparable single-point data.
ISO 11357-2:1999, Plastics — Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) — Part 2: Determination of glass transition
ISO 11359-2:1999, Plastics — Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) — Part 2: Determination of coefficient of linear
thermal expansion and glass transition temperature.
ISO 11376:1997, Plastics — Epoxy resins and glycidyl esters — Determination of inorganic chlorine.
ISO 13651:1996, Plastics — Epoxy resins and related materials — Determination of total saponifiable chlorine.
IEC 60093:1980, Methods of test for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid electrical insulating materials.
IEC 60112:1979, Method for determining the comparative and the proof tracking indices of solid insulating
materials under moist conditions.
IEC 60243-1:1998, Electrical strength of insulating materials — Test methods — Part 1: Tests at power
IEC 60250:1969, Recommended methods for the determination of the permittivity and dielectric dissipation factor of
electrical insulating materials at power, audio and radio frequencies including metre wavelengths.
IEC 60296:1982, Specifica

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