Fibre cement pipes for drains and sewers - Part 2: Manholes and inspection chambers

This Standard gives specifications for asbestos free fibre-cement manholes and inspection chambers for use in buried drains and sewers with gravity flow at atmospheric pressure.  
Products covered by this standard include prefabricated elements in as well as prefabricated complete manholes and inspection chambers.
It specifies definitions, descriptions, composition, general appearance and finish, geometrical characteristics, mechanical characteristics, acceptance tests, type tests and quality control requirements.
NOTE   Complete manholes or prefabricated elements may also be used for other purposes such as pumping stations, items of drainage, items for sewage treatment or sewage disposal, when corresponding additional requirements according to the relevant European Standards are fulfilled.

Faserzementrohre für Abwasserkanäle und Abwasserleitungen - Teil 2: Einsteig- und Kontrollschächte

Dieser Teil der Europäischen Norm gilt für Einsteig- und Kontrollschächte aus asbestfreiem Faserzement, die in erdverlegten Abwasserleitungen und -kanälen für Schwerkraftentwässerungssysteme verwendet werden.
Die Norm gilt sowohl für vorgefertigte Schachtelemente als auch für komplett gefertigte Einsteig- und Kontrollschächte.
Sie enthält Begriffe und Beschreibungen, Angaben zur Zusammensetzung des Werkstoffes, zur Oberflächen-beschaffenheit, zu geometrischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften, zu Abnahme- und Typprüfungen und zu Anforderungen an die Qualitätslenkung.
ANMERKUNG   Vollständige Einsteigschächte oder vorgefertigte Bauteile können auch für andere Zwecke verwendet werden, wie z. B. als Pumpstationen, Entwässerungsgegenstände und Gegenstände für Abwasserbehandlung und -beseitigung, wenn entsprechende zusätzliche Anforderungen aus den bestehenden Europäischen Normen erfüllt werden.

Tuyaux en fibres-ciment pour branchements et collecteurs - Partie 2: Regards de visite et chambres d'inspection

La présente Norme donne les spécifications relatives aux regards de visite et aux chambres d'inspection en fibre-ciment sans amiante, utilisés dans les branchements et collecteurs souterrains gravitaires à la pression atmosphérique.
Les produits couverts par la présente Norme comprennent les éléments préfabriqués des regards de visite et des chambres d'inspection ainsi que les regards de visite et les chambres d'inspection complets préfabriqués.
La présente Norme spécifie les définitions, les descriptions, la composition, l'aspect général et la finition, les caractéristiques géométriques, les caractéristiques mécaniques, les essais d'acceptation, les essais de type et les exigences du contrôle de la qualité.
NOTE   Les regards de visite complets ou les éléments préfabriqués peuvent aussi être utilisés pour d'autres applications, comme les stations de pompage, les éléments d'évacuation, les éléments de traitement ou de rejet des eaux usées, lorsque les exigences supplémentaires décrites dans les Normes européennes correspondantes sont remplies.

Vlaknatocementne cevi za odvod odpadne vode in kanalizacijo - 2. del: Vstopni in revizijski jaški

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9060 - Closure of 2 Year Review Enquiry - Review Enquiry
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EN 588-2:2002
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Vlaknatocementne cevi za odvod odpadne vode in kanalizacijo - 2. del: Vstopni in
revizijski jaški
Fibre cement pipes for drains and sewers - Part 2: Manholes and inspection chambers
Faserzementrohre für Abwasserkanäle und Abwasserleitungen - Teil 2: Einsteig- und
Tuyaux en fibres-ciment pour branchements et collecteurs - Partie 2: Regards de visite
et chambres d'inspection
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 588-2:2001
23.040.50 Cevi in fitingi iz drugih Pipes and fittings of other
materialov materials
91.100.40 &HPHQWQLL]GHONLRMDþDQL] Products in fibre-reinforced
YODNQL cement
93.030 Zunanji sistemi za odpadno External sewage systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 588-2
December 2001
ICS 13.060.30; 93.030
English version
Fibre cement pipes for drains and sewers - Part 2: Manholes
and inspection chambers
Tuyaux en fibres-ciment pour réseaux d'assainissement et Faserzementrohre für Abwasserkanäle und
branchements - Partie 2: Regards et boîtes de Abwasserleitungen - Teil 2: Einsteig- und Kontrollschächte
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 17 February 2001.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2001 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 588-2:2001 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

1 Scope .5
2 Normative references .5
3 Terms and definitions.5
4 Symbols and abbreviations .5
5 Description and requirements for components.6
5.1 Manholes with access for inspection by personnel.6
5.2 Manholes with access for cleaning and inspection .6
5.3 Inspection chambers .6
5.4 Prefabricated elements .12
5.4.1 Base element (see key 4) .12
5.4.2 Saddle element (see key 7) .12
5.4.3 Shaft (see key 6).12
5.4.4 Connecting ring (see key 8).12
5.4.5 Reducer-slab (see key 9).12
5.4.6 Capping structure (see key 12, 13, 14 and 15).12
5.4.7 Connection to sewer network (see key 5) .12
5.5 Prefabricated complete manhole or inspection chamber (see Figures 1 and 2) .12
6 Requirements .13
6.1 General.13
6.2 General composition .13
6.3 General appearance and finish.13
6.4 Geometrical characteristics.13
6.4.1 Nominal diameter.13
6.4.2 Wall thickness .14
6.4.3 Height.14
6.4.4 Angles between axes of connections to sewers .14
6.4.5 Location for steps or fixed ladders.15
6.4.6 Interchangeability .15
6.4.7 Limit deviations.15
6.5 Mechanical characteristics .17
6.5.1 Crushing loads for pipes for base elements and shafts.17
6.5.2 Stability of connections to sewer network.17
6.5.3 Bonding stability.17
6.5.4 Watertightness .17
6.5.5 Access steps .18
6.6 Hydraulic design .18
6.7 Resistance to domestic sewage media .18
6.8 Jointing of elements .18
6.9 Assembly of prefabricated elements on-site .18
6.10 Connections to sewers.18
7 Test methods.19
7.1 General.19
7.1.1 Acceptance tests .19
7.1.2 Type tests .19
7.2 Geometrical characteristics of prefabricated elements.19
7.2.1 Internal diameter .19
7.2.2 Wall thickness .19
7.2.3 Height.20
7.2.4 Angles between the axis of connections .20
7.2.5 Perpendicularity of end faces.20
7.3 Mechanical characteristics .20
7.3.1 Crushing loads for pipes to be used for base elements and shafts .20
7.3.2 Stability of connections to sewer network.20
7.3.3 Watertightness test.21
8 Marking .21
9 Conformity Evaluation.22
9.1 General Requirements.22
9.2 Initial control of the products (type testing) .22
9.3 Factory production control (internal quality control) .22
9.3.1 Quality control system .22
9.3.2 Acceptance tests .22
9.3.3 Inspection of a consignment of finished products .22
9.4 Third party inspection .23
Annex A (normative) Quality organization for factories not complying with EN ISO 9001 .24
A.1 General requirements.24
A.1.1 Personnel, resources and test equipment .24
A.1.2 Quality records.24
A.1.3 Statistical methods.24
A.2 Sampling procedures .24
A.3 Non-conforming products .25
Annex B (normative) Acceptance test for products which are not subject to third party certification .26
Annex C (informative) Third party inspection .27
C.1 General.27
C.2 Factories with certification and quality system according to EN ISO 9001 or equivalent.27
C.3 Factories without certification and quality system according to EN ISO 9001 or equivalent. .27
C.4 Test report by the third party.28
C.5 Retesting.29
Annex D (informative) Design requirements .30
D.1 Stability .

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