Fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors - Sampling and sample preparation - Part 1: General sampling provisions

This document specifies sampling plans and methods of representative sampling of inorganic fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors for physical and chemical analysis, from packages and containers up to and including 1 000 kg, in liquid and solid form. This document covers sampling of products in bulk only while in motion.
NOTE 1   The sampling of bulk heaps of specified types of fertilizers is covered in prEN 1482 3. Sampling for detection of microbial presence is covered by prEN 1482 4.
NOTE 2   The term product is used throughout the body of this document and is understood to include inorganic fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors unless otherwise indicated.
It is applicable to the sampling of batches of fertilizer, liming material and inhibitors supplied or ready for supply to third parties, as such, or in smaller batches, each of which would be subject to local, national or regional legislation.
This document does not cover complete, statistical sampling plans.
This document is also applicable to the blends of products where inorganic fertilizers, liming materials, or inhibitors are the main part of the blend in quantity. If fertilizers, liming materials, or inhibitors are not the main part of the blend, the European Standard for the main part of the blend applies. In case a blend of fertilizing products is composed of parts in equal quantity, the user decides which standard to apply. Special care is needed to ensure that the blend is/stays homogeneous and well mixed when sampled.
NOTE 3   It is the responsibility of manufacturers, importers and sellers, however, to ensure they supply a product that complies with its label declaration at the moment of delivery and fulfils the expectations of the end user at the moment of application.

Düngemittel, Kalkdünger und Hemmstoffe - Probenahme und Probenvorbereitung - Teil 1: Allgemeine Festlegungen zur Probenahme

Dieses Dokument legt Probenahmepläne und Verfahren für die repräsentative Probenahme von mineralischen Düngemitteln, Kalkdünger und Inhibitoren für physikalische und chemische Prüfverfahren aus Verpackungen und Behältern bis einschließlich 1 000 kg Inhalt in flüssiger und fester Form, fest. Für Schüttgut deckt dieses Dokument nur Probenahmen von Produkten in Bewegung ab.
ANMERKUNG 1   Die Probenahme von Schüttguthaufen bestimmter Düngemittel wird in prEN 1482 3 behandelt. Die Probenahme für den Nachweis des Vorhandenseins von Mikroben wird in prEN 1482 4 behandelt.
ANMERKUNG 2   Der Begriff Produkt wird durchgängig in diesem Dokument verwendet und schließt, wenn nicht anders angegeben, mineralische Düngemittel, Kalkdünger und Hemmstoffe ein.
Es ist anwendbar auf die Probenahme aus Losen von Düngemitteln, Kalkdünger und Hemmstoffen für den Weiterverkauf oder die Vorbereitung für den Weiterverkauf an Dritte als solche oder in kleineren Chargen, die der lokalen, nationalen oder regionalen Gesetzgebung unterliegen.
Dieses Dokument enthält keine vollständigen statistischen Probenahmepläne.
Dieses Dokument ist auch für Mischungen von Produkten anwendbar, in denen mineralische Düngemittel, Kalkdünger oder Hemmstoffe der quantitative Hauptbestandteil der Mischung sind. Wenn mineralische Düngemittel, Kalkdünger und Hemmstoffe nicht den Hauptbestandteil der Mischung ausmachen, ist die für den Hauptbestandteil geltende Europäische Norm anwendbar. Falls eine Düngemittelmischung aus Bestandteilen gleicher Menge besteht, entscheidet der Anwender, welche Norm angewendet wird. Es ist besonders darauf zu achten, dass die Mischung während der Probenahme homogen und gut vermischt ist und bleibt.
ANMERKUNG 3   Es liegt jedoch in der Verantwortung der Hersteller, Importeure und Verkäufer sicherzustellen, dass sie ein Produkt bereitstellen, das zum Zeitpunkt der Lieferung mit den Angaben auf dem Etikett übereinstimmt, und die Erwartungen des Endnutzers zum Zeitpunkt der Anwendung erfüllt.

Engrais, amendements minéraux basiques et inhibiteurs - Échantillonnage et préparation de l’échantillon - Partie 1 : Dispositions générales pour l’échantillonnage

Le présent document spécifie les plans d’échantillonnage et méthodes d’échantillonnage représentatif des engrais inorganiques, des amendements minéraux basiques et des inhibiteurs en vue d’une analyse physique et chimique, à partir d’emballages et de récipients d’une masse allant jusqu’à 1 000 kg inclus, sous forme liquide et sous forme solide. Le présent document traite de l’échantillonnage des produits en vrac uniquement lorsqu’ils sont en mouvement.
NOTE 1   L’échantillonnage de tas en vrac de types spécifiés d’engrais est traité dans le prEN 1482-3. L’échantillonnage pour la détection de la présence microbienne est traité dans le prEN 1482-4.
NOTE 2   Le terme « produit » est utilisé tout au long du présent document et s’entend comme incluant les engrais inorganiques, les amendements minéraux basiques et les inhibiteurs, sauf indication contraire.
Il s’applique aux lots d’engrais, d’amendements minéraux basiques et d’inhibiteurs livrés ou prêts à être livrés à une tierce partie, en l’état ou sous forme de lots plus petits, chacun étant soumis à la législation locale, nationale ou régionale en vigueur.
Le présent document ne couvre pas les plans d’échantillonnage statistiques complets.
Le présent document est également applicable aux mélanges de produits dans lesquels les engrais inorganiques, les amendements minéraux basiques ou les inhibiteurs représentent la majorité du mélange en quantité. Si les engrais inorganiques, les amendements minéraux basiques ou les inhibiteurs ne représentent pas la majorité du mélange, la Norme européenne du constituant principal du mélange s’applique. Dans le cas où un mélange de fertilisants est constitué de composants en quantités égales, l’utilisateur décide quelle norme appliquer. Une attention particulière est nécessaire pour s'assurer que le mélange soit/reste homogène et bien mélangé lors de l’échantillonnage.
NOTE 3   Il relève toutefois de la responsabilité des fabricants, importateurs et vendeurs de s’assurer qu’ils fournissent un produit qui est conforme à la déclaration sur son étiquette au moment de la livraison et qui répond aux attentes de l’utilisateur final au moment de son application.

Gnojila, sredstva za apnjenje in inhibitorji - Vzorčenje in priprava vzorcev - 1. del: Splošne zahteve za vzorčenje

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Standards Content (Sample)

oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023
Gnojila, sredstva za apnjenje in inhibitorji - Vzorčenje in priprava vzorcev - 1. del:
Splošne zahteve za vzorčenje
Fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors - Sampling and sample preparation - Part 1:
General sampling provisions
Düngemittel, Kalkdünger und Inhibitoren - Probenahme und Probenvorbereitung - Teil 1:
Allgemeine Festlegungen zur Probenahme
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 1482-1
65.080 Gnojila Fertilizers
oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023
oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023
prEN 1482-1
September 2023
ICS 65.080 Will supersede EN 1482-1:2007
English Version
Fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors - Sampling and
sample preparation - Part 1: General sampling provisions
Düngemittel, Kalkdünger und Inhibitoren -
Probenahme und Probenvorbereitung - Teil 1:
Allgemeine Festlegungen zur Probenahme
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 260.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2023 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 1482-1:2023 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023
prEN 1482-1:2023 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Sampling plans and quantitative data . 9
4.1 General. 9
4.2 Sampling plans . 9
4.3 Quantitative data . 11
5 Incremental sampling methods . 11
5.1 General. 11
5.2 Solid fertilizer in bulk being moved by conveyor belt – Stopping the belt method . 12
5.3 Solid fertilizer in bulk – Mechanical sampling whilst in motion . 13
5.4 Solid fertilizer in bulk – Manual sampling from falling stream . 13
5.5 Solid fertilizer in bulk – Manual sampling method by moving the bulk . 15
5.6 Solid fertilizers in packages – Reduction method using a rotating mechanical sample
divider . 15
5.7 Solid fertilizers in packages – Reduction method using a riffle divider . 17
5.8 Sampling of solid fertilizers in packages – Manual method . 20
5.9 Sampling from intermediate bulk containers (IBC’s) by controlled flow . 20
5.10 Sampling from intermediate bulk containers IBC’s – Manual method . 24
5.11 Sampling of liquid fertilizers . 25
6 Reduction of combined sample . 27
6.1 General. 27
6.2 Solid fertilizers . 27
6.3 Liquid fertilizers . 28
7 Division into final samples . 28
8 Practical arrangements for final samples . 28
8.1 Containers . 28
8.2 Sealing of containers. 28
8.3 Labelling of final samples . 29
8.4 Dispatch of the final sample . 29
8.5 Storage of final samples . 29
9 Sampling report . 29
9.1 General. 29
9.2 Essential information . 29
9.3 Additional information . 30
Annex A (normative) Test for bias in mechanical samplers. 31
Annex B (informative) Examples of rotating sample dividers . 34
Annex C (normative) Test for bias in a rotary divider . 37
Annex D (informative) Examples of apparatus for sampling liquid fertilizers . 38
oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023
prEN 1482-1:2023 (E)
Annex E (normative) Methods of mixing for liquid fertilizers . 46
Bibliography . 53

oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023
prEN 1482-1:2023 (E)
European foreword
This document (prEN 1482-1:2023) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 260 “Fertilizers
and liming materials”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This document will supersede EN 1482-1:2007.
In comparison with the previous edition, the following technical modifications have been made:
— Title, Introduction, Scope, Normative References, Terms and definitions have been updated;
— Requirements on sampling for detonation testing, oil retention and other tests added to 4.3.2;
— The mass of the final sample in 4.3.4 has been specified;
— 5.11 has been updated.
EN 1482 “Fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors — Sampling and sample preparation” consists of
four parts:
— Part 1: General sampling provisions;
— Part 2: General sample preparation provisions;
— Part 3: Sampling of static heaps;
— Part 4: Sampling for microbiological presence in fertilizers.
This document has been prepared under a standardization request given to CEN by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association.
oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023
prEN 1482-1:2023 (E)
This document (prEN 1482-1) covers the following aspects of sampling, derived from the International
Standards and documents indicated but presented in a simplified and condensed form. The titles of the
International Standards are given in the Bibliography.
— Sampling plans and quantitative data: ISO 8634, ISO/TR 5307, ISO/TR 7553 and Regulation (EU)
— Sampling methods: ISO 3963;
— Reduction: ISO 7410, ISO 7742, ISO 8358;
— Sampling reports: ISO 5306.
prEN 1482-2 covers the general methods for the reduction and preparation of samples of inorganic
fertilizers, liming material and inhibitors for analysis. prEN 1482-3 covers the sampling of specified
fertilizers when stored in a static heap. prEN 1482-4 covers the sampling of specified fertilizers to be
tested for the presence of regulated microbes. It is under investigation whether this standard covers
organic and organo-mineral fertilizers.
Figure 1 gives a schematic diagram of the sampling and sample preparation process for solids.
The fundamental principle of representative sampling is that every particle has an equal chance of being
selected or rejected. In some circumstances this principle cannot easily be complied with, particularly in
the case of bulk heaps of solid fertilizers not specified in prEN 1482-3, or large storage tanks of liquid
fertilizers as the majority of the material cannot be reached by any sampling device. The fertilizer or
inhibitor in these cases should be sampled during transfer, during the building up of the heap, during the
filling of the storage tank, during dispatch or where it is being moved solely for sampling purposes.
oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023
prEN 1482-1:2023 (E)
Figure 1 — Schematic diagram of sampling process for solids
oSIST prEN 1482-1:2023
prEN 1482-1:2023 (E)
1 Scope
This document specifies sampling plans and methods of representative sampling of inorganic fertilizers,
liming materials and inhibitors for physical and chemical analysis, from packages and containers up to
and including 1 000 kg, in liquid and solid form. This document covers sampling of products in bulk only
while in motion.
NOTE 1 The sampling of bulk heaps of specified types of fertilizers is covered in prEN 1482-3. Sampling for
detection of microbial presence is covered by prEN 1482-4.
NOTE 2 The term product is used throughout the body of this document and is understood to include inorganic
fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors unless otherwise indicated.
It is applicable to the sampling of batches of fertilizer, liming material and inhibitors supplied or ready
for supply to third parties, as such, or in smaller batches, each of which would be subject to local, national
or regional legislation.
This document does not cover complete, statistical sampling plans.
This document is also applicable to the blends of products where inorganic fertilizers, liming materials,
or inhibitors are the main part of the blend in quantity. If fertilizers, liming materials, or inhibitors are
not the main part of the blend, the European Standard for the main part of the blend applies. In case a
blend of fertilizing products is composed of parts in equal quantity, the user decides which standard to
apply. Special care is needed to ensure that the blend is/stays homogeneous and well mixed when
NOTE 3 It is the responsibility of manufacturers, importers and sellers, however, to ensure they supply a product
that complies with its label declaration at the moment of delivery and fulfils the expectations of the end user at the
moment of application.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1235, Solid fertilizers - Test sieving (ISO 8397:1988 modified)
ISO 2602, Statistical interpretation of test results — Estimation of the mean — Confidence interval
ISO 3310-1, Test sieves — Technical requirements and testing — Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain termino

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