EN 488-1:2025
(Main)District heating pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Part 1: Factory made steel shut-off valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene
District heating pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Part 1: Factory made steel shut-off valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene
This document specifies requirements and test methods for factory made thermally insulated bonded steel shut-off valve assemblies for hot water networks in accordance with EN 13941-1, comprising a steel valve, valve extension pipes, polyurethane (PUR) foam thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene.
This document applies to steel valve assemblies with an internal pressure of maximum 2,5 MPa.
The principles of this document can be applied to thermal insulated bonded steel valve assemblies with internal pressures higher than 2,5 MPa, provided that special attention is paid to the effects of pressure.
The steel shut-off valve assembly can also include the following additional elements: measuring wires, spacers and diffusion barriers.
Fernwärmerohre - Einrohr-Verbundsysteme für direkt erdverlegte Fernwärmenetze - Teil 1: Werkmäßig gefertigte Stahlabsperrarmaturenbaueinheit für Stahl-Mediumrohre, Wärmedämmung aus Polyurethan und einer Ummantelung aus Polyethylen
Dieses Dokument legt die Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren für werkmäßig gefertigte, wärmegedämmte Stahl-Absperrarmaturenbaugruppen für Fernwärmenetze in Übereinstimmung mit EN 13941 1 fest, die aus einer Stahl-Armatur, Armatur-Verlängerungsrohren, einer Wärmedämmung aus Polyurethan-Schaum (PUR) und einer Ummantelung aus Polyethylen bestehen.
Dieses Dokument gilt für Stahl-Armaturenbaugruppen mit einem Innendruck von höchstens 2,5 MPa.
Die in diesem Dokument dargelegten Grundsätze können auf wärmegedämmte Verbund-Stahl-Armaturen-baugruppen mit einem Innendruck von mehr als 2,5 MPa angewendet werden, sofern den Auswirkungen des Drucks besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wird.
Die Stahl-Absperrarmaturenbaugruppe kann darüber hinaus die folgenden zusätzlichen Bauteile umfassen: Messdrähte, Abstandhalter und Diffusionsbarrieren.
Tuyaux de chauffage urbain - Systèmes bloqués monotubes pour les réseaux d'eau chaude enterrés directement - Partie 1 : Assemblage d'appareils de robinetterie d'arrêt en acier manufacturés pour tubes de service en acier, isolation thermique en polyuréthane et enveloppe en polyéthylène
Le présent document définit les exigences et les méthodes d’essais applicables aux assemblages d’appareils de robinetterie d'arrêt en acier manufacturés bloqués isolés thermiquement pour les réseaux d’eau chaude conformément à l’EN 13941-1, comprenant un appareil de robinetterie en acier, des tubes d’extension, une isolation thermique en mousse de polyuréthane (PUR) et une enveloppe en polyéthylène.
Le présent document s'applique aux assemblages d'appareils de robinetterie en acier avec une pression interne maximale de 2,5 MPa.
Les principes du présent document peuvent s'appliquer aux assemblages d'appareils de robinetterie en acier bloqués isolés thermiquement avec des pressions internes supérieures à 2,5 MPa, à condition qu'une attention particulière soit accordée aux effets de la pression.
L’assemblage d’appareils de robinetterie d'arrêt en acier peut également comprendre les éléments supplémentaires suivants : câbles de mesure, entretoises et barrières anti-diffusion.
Cevi za daljinsko ogrevanje - Poviti enocevni sistemi za neposredno vkopana vročevodna omrežja - 1. del: Tovarniško izdelan sestav jeklenih ventilov za jeklene delovne cevi, obdane s poliuretansko toplotno izolacijo in zaščitnim plaščem iz polietilena
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
oSIST prEN 488-1:2023
Cevi za daljinsko ogrevanje - Poviti enocevni sistemi za neposredno vkopana
vročevodna omrežja - 1. del: Tovarniško izdelan sestav jeklenih ventilov za jeklene
delovne cevi, obdane s poliuretansko toplotno izolacijo in zaščitnim plaščem iz
District heating pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks
- Part 1: Factory made steel valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal
insulation and a casing of polyethylene
Fernwärmerohre - Einrohr-Verbundsysteme für direkt erdverlegte Fernwärmenetze - Teil
1: Werkmäßig gefertigte Stahlarmaturenbaueinheit für Stahl-Mediumrohre,
Wärmedämmung aus Polyurethan und einer Ummantelung aus Polyethylen
Tuyaux de chauffage urbain - Systèmes bloqués monotubes pour les réseaux d'eau
chaude enterrés directement - Partie 1 : Assemblages d'appareils de robinetterie en
acier manufacturés pour tubes de service en acier, isolation thermique en polyuréthane
et enveloppe en polyéthylène
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 488-1
23.040.07 Cevovodi za daljinsko Pipeline and its parts for
ogrevanje in njihovi deli district heat
23.060.01 Ventili na splošno Valves in general
oSIST prEN 488-1:2023 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
oSIST prEN 488-1:2023
oSIST prEN 488-1:2023
prEN 488-1
July 2023
ICS 23.040.07; 23.060.01 Will supersede EN 488:2019
English Version
District heating pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for
directly buried hot water networks - Part 1: Factory made
steel valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane
thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene
Tuyaux de chauffage urbain - Systèmes bloqués Fernwärmerohre - Einzelrohr-Verbundsysteme für
monotubes pour les réseaux d'eau chaude enterrés direkt erdverlegte Fernwärmenetze - Werkmäßig
directement - Assemblages d'appareils de robinetterie gefertigte Stahl-Absperrarmaturen für Stahl-
manufacturés pour tubes de service en acier, isolation Mediumrohre, Wärmedämmung aus Polyurethan und
thermique en polyuréthane et tube de protection en einer Ummantelung aus Polyethylen
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 107.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2023 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 488-1:2023 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
oSIST prEN 488-1:2023
prEN 488-1:2023 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Requirements . 6
4.1 General . 6
4.2 Pressure ratings for steel valves . 7
4.2.1 General . 7
4.2.2 Valves without indicated flow direction . 7
4.3 Service temperatures for valves . 7
4.4 Steel parts . 7
4.4.1 Specification . 7
4.4.2 Valve. 7
4.4.3 Valve extension pipes . 7
4.4.4 Surface condition . 8
4.4.5 Welding of steel parts . 8
4.5 Casing . 8
4.6 Polyurethane foam thermal insulation . 8
4.6.1 General . 8
4.6.2 Minimum thickness of thermal insulation . 8
4.7 Valve assembly . 8
4.7.1 General . 8
4.7.2 Thermal insulation series . 8
4.7.3 Ends of valve assembly . 8
4.7.4 Polyethylene welding . 9
4.7.5 End of stem construction . 9
4.7.6 Tolerances of main dimensions .10
4.7.7 Expected thermal life and long term temperature resistance .10
4.7.8 Thermal conductivity .10
4.7.9 Surface conditions at delivery .10
4.7.10 Measuring wires for surveillance systems .10
4.8 Installation, operation and maintenance .10
4.8.1 Installation .10
4.8.2 Operation .10
4.8.3 Maintenance .11
4.9 Resistance to axial forces and bending moments.11
5 Test methods .11
5.1 General conditions and test specimens .11
5.2 Test specimens .11
5.2.1 Type testing of steel parts of the valve .11
5.2.2 Test specimens from casings and polyurethane foam thermal insulation .11
5.3 Steel parts .12
5.3.1 Type test of the steel parts .12
5.3.2 Production testing of steel valves .15
oSIST prEN 488-1:2023
prEN 488-1:2023 (E)
6 Marking . 16
6.1 General . 16
6.2 Steel valve . 16
6.3 Valve extension pipes. 16
6.4 Casing . 16
6.5 Valve assembly . 16
Annex A (informative) Guidelines for inspection and testing . 18
A.1 General . 18
A.2 Manufacturer’s type test . 18
A.3 Manufacturer’s quality control . 18
A.4 Additional inspection . 18
A.5 Extent of inspection . 18
A.6 Manufacturer’s responsibility . 18
Annex B (normative) Resistance to axial force and bending moment . 20
B.1 Axial strength test . 20
B.2 Bending test . 20
Annex C (normative) Resistance to bending forces . 22
C.1 General . 22
C.2 Standard test assembly (four point bending test) . 23
C.2.1 Bending moment due to test load F . 23
C.2.2 Bending Moment due to uniform load q (pipe weight and if applicable the medium
weight) . 23
C.2.3 Bending moment due to valve weight F . 24
C.2.4 Total Bending Moment M due to F, P and F . 24
total V
C.2.5 Calculation of test force F. 25
Annex D (informative) Waste treatment and recycling . 26
Bibliography .
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