Use of k-value concept, equivalent concrete performance concept and equivalent performance of combinations concept

This Technical Report provides more detailed information on the k-value concept principles of the equivalent concrete performance concept (ECPC) and the equivalent performance of combinations concept (EPCC) in accordance to EN 206:2013, 5.2.5.

k-Wert-Ansatz, Prinzipien des Konzepts der gleichwertigen Betonleistungsfähigkeit und Konzept der gleichwertigen Leistungsfähigkeit von Kombinationen aus Zement und Zusatzstoff

Utilisation du concept de coefficient k, concept d’équivalence de performance et concept d’équivalence de performance en combinaison

Uporaba koncepta k-vrednosti, koncepta enakovrednega obnašanja betona in koncepta enakovrednega obnašanja kombinacij

To tehnično poročilo zagotavlja bolj podrobne informacije o načelih koncepta k-vrednosti, konceptu enakovrednega obnašanja betona (ECPC) in konceptu enakovrednega obnašanja kombinacij (EPCC) v skladu s standardom prEN 206:2012, 5.2.5.

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Uporaba koncepta k-vrednosti, koncepta enakovrednega obnašanja betona in
koncepta enakovrednega obnašanja kombinacij
Use of k-value concept, equivalent concrete performance concept and equivalent
performance of combinations concept
k-Wert-Ansatz, Prinzipien des Konzepts der gleichwertigen Betonleistungsfähigkeit und
Konzept der gleichwertigen Leistungsfähigkeit von Kombinationen aus Zement und
Utilisation du concept de coefficient k, concept d’équivalence de performance et concept
d’équivalence de performance en combinaison
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 16639:2014
91.100.30 Beton in betonski izdelki Concrete and concrete
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 16639
March 2014
ICS 91.100.30
English Version
Use of k-value concept, equivalent concrete performance
concept and equivalent performance of combinations concept
Utilisation du concept de coefficient k, concept k-Wert-Ansatz, Prinzipien des Konzepts der gleichwertigen
d'équivalence de performance et concept d'équivalence de Betonleistungsfähigkeit und Konzept der gleichwertigen
performance en combinaison Leistungsfähigkeit von Kombinationen aus Zement und
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 26 November 2013. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 104.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2014 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 16639:2014 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
0 Introduction .4
0.1 General .4
0.2 Task Group 5 .4
0.3 k-value concept .4
0.4 ECPC and EPCC.4
1 Scope .5
2 k-value concept .6
2.1 k-values in EN 206:2013 .6
2.2 Use of k-values in the member states .6
2.3 Procedure for using the k-value concept .7
2.3.1 Principle of the k-value concept .7
2.3.2 Method of calculation .8
2.3.3 Example for determination of k . 10
2.3.4 Further recommendations for the application of the k-value . 12
2.3.5 Example for establishing a general concept using the k-value concept . 12
2.4 Application of k-value concept by the users . 14
2.4.1 General . 14
2.4.2 Example for concrete mix design applying the k-value concept . 14
3 Equivalent concrete performance concept (ECPC) . 15
3.1 General . 15
3.2 Dutch Method . 15
3.2.1 Definitions . 15
3.2.2 Procedure and criteria for assessment of durability aspects . 17
3.2.3 Test methods . 22
3.2.4 Quality assurance . 23
3.3 Recommendations for the application of ECPC . 24
3.4 Additional information to the use of the Dutch method . 25
4 Equivalent performance of combinations concept . 26
4.1 General . 26
4.2 UK method . 27
4.3 Irish method . 28
4.4 Portuguese method . 29
4.5 Recommendation for application of EPCC . 30
4.6 Additional information the UK method . 30
4.6.1 Annexes from BS 8500-2 relating to conformity control of combinations . 30
4.6.2 How this works when specifying concrete to BS 8500 . 35
4.7 Additional information to the Irish method . 39
4.8 Additional information to the Portuguese method . 41
Annex A (informative) Replies to the k -value questionnaire of CEN/TC 104/SC 1/TG 5 . 47
A.1 General questionnaire . 47
A.2 Addition to answer of Finland . 57
Bibliography . 60

This document (CEN/TR 16639:2014) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 104 “Concrete
and related products”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
0 Introduction
0.1 General
This report outlines the current understanding of the use and application of three concepts used within
EN 206:2013 for Type II additions to concrete. These are the k-value concept, the Equivalent Concrete
Performance Concept (ECPC) and Equivalent Performance of Combinations Concept (EPCC).
Within 5.2.5 of EN 206:2013 k-values are given for fly ash and silica fume and a recommended k-value for
GGBS as well as general principles for the ECPC and the EPCC concepts. It is also stated in EN 206:2013
that modifications to the rules of application of the k-value concept are permitted if ‘suitability is established’.
As stated within EN 206:2013 the establishment of suitability should result from provisions valid in the place of
use of the concrete. In order to further explain the three concepts and to give guidance to the regulation
writers and users of these concepts, this report provides background information and an overview of these
concepts and rules of application as used within Europe.
0.2 Task Group 5
CEN/TC 104/SC 1 created Task Group 5 (TG 5) “Use of Additions” and assigned them the task to update
EN 206-1:2000, 5.2.5 as part of the revision of EN 206-1. Because of the publication of product standard
EN 15167-1 for ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), TG 5 was also asked to include rules for GGBS.
CEN/TC 104/SC 1 passed various resolutions instructing TG 5 that it should implement the EPCC and ECPC
concepts and the existing k-value concept for use of additions at the concrete mixer.
The rules for the use of type II additions in concrete according to EN 206:2013 are given in 5.2.5 “Use of
additions”. For two additions, fly ash and silica fume, specific requirements for their use with k-values are
given. In this prescriptive k-value concept for concrete mix design, the defined rules are on the safe side and
cover all possible variations for the possible permutations of cement and addition. An alternative option is the
use of ECPC and EPCC concepts. Their principles are described in EN 206:2013, and while
examples for the assessment using these concepts are given in this CEN/TR. The rules for these performance
concepts should also be safe and lead to a more efficient use of additions.
0.3 k-value concept
With respect to the k-value concept in EN 206:2013, it was agreed that for fly ash and silica fume prescriptive
k-values and cement substitution rates will be given which are proven to be on the safe side. Although the
k-value concept for GGBS is included in some national regulations (see /2/) only a recommended value is
given in EN 206:2013 due to limited practical experience. In national provisions, however, modifications to the
rules of the k-value concept may be applied where their suitability has been established, e.g. higher k-values,
increased proportions of additions, other additions (including type I), combinations of additions and other
cements than those normally permitted. In this report the derivation of the prescriptive k-value approach is
explained. The report also describes how the k-value concept should be applied by users such as the
concrete producers.
0.4 ECPC and EPCC
The equivalent performance concepts, ECPC and EPCC, for the use of additions may be applied where
suitability has been established. In countries where ECPC and EPCC are applied, nearly always, GGBS as
addition to concrete is used under these concepts. This report describes how the ECPC and EPCC are
applied in some European countries.
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides more detailed information on the k-value concept principles of the equivalent
concrete performance concept (ECPC) and the equivalent performance of combinations concept (EPCC) in
accordance to EN 206:2013, 5.2.5.
2 k-value concept
2.1 k-values in EN 206:2013
The k-value concept has been established for a number of years in a number of countries and was therefore
implemented in EN 206-1 for fly ash and silica fume. In CEN/TC 104/SC 1 report N 278 (June 1996) the
background was given to the application of k-value concept with fly ash concrete [1]. Later this concept was
also applied for concretes containing silica fume and in some member states k-values for concretes with
ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS) are given in national application documents.
In EN 206:2013 prescriptive k-values are given for fly ash and silica fume and a recommended one for GGBS.
These k-values allow the use of these additions in concrete throughout Europe with a restricted range of
cement types within the requirements of the standard without any further verification procedure, i.e. without
further testing except for the normal quality control for the concrete. In a prescriptive concept for concrete mix
designs, the defined rules shall be on the safe side and cover all possible combinations of materials and
variations for the given addition.
The k-value concept is a prescriptive concept. It is based on the comparison of the durability performance (or
strength as a proxy-criterion for durability where appropriate) of a reference concrete with cement “A” against
a test concrete in which part of cement “A” is replaced by an addition as function of the water/cement ratio and

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