This document specifies the procedure for obtaining the non-steady-state chloride migration coefficient of specimens of hardened concrete at a specified age (see Annex A). The test procedure does not take into account any interaction of concrete with the saline solution over time. The test result is a durability indicator with respect to the resistance of the concrete investigated against chloride penetration.
The test procedure does not apply to concrete specimens with surface treatments such as silanes.
If the aggregate or any other embedded elements (such as metallic fibres or conducting particles) are electrically conductive, this will influence the magnitude of chloride migration. This fact is taken into account when establishing threshold values. It prevents comparison of chloride migration values between concretes if the aggregates induce a difference of half an order of magnitude (higher or lower) of chloride migration.

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This document specifies the method for the determination of the tensile splitting strength of test specimens of hardened concrete. The reference specimens are moulded cylindrical specimens.
Cores of at least 75 mm diameter complying with the requirements of EN 12504-1 can be tested using this method.
The use of cubic or prismatic specimens is included in Annex A.

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This document describes two methods for measuring the electrical resistivity of concrete in water saturated conditions: the volumetric method (see 3.1.3), which is the reference method, and the surface method (see 3.1.4). The document gives the procedure to calibrate the surface method by means of the reference-volumetric method. Both methods give the same resistivity result, provided the provisions of the present document (using the Form Factor (Ff) for equivalence between them) are followed.
NOTE   The volumetric method is applicable to cast specimens or cores, while the surface method is suitable for use on cast specimens, cores and on construction sites, but not all of these applications are covered in this document.
The method can be applied to the normal range of concretes covered by current standards. It does not cover concretes containing metallic components or made with porous aggregates.
The use of resistivity to assess the potential for corrosion of reinforcement in existing structures is not specified in this document.
The use of resistivity to test cores taken from an existing structure, which require pre-conditioning by water saturation, is not covered in this document.

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The objective of the document consists in testing concrete mixes complying with EN 206 for particular aggressive environments with the test methods being standardized by TC 51/WG 12 on chloride penetration and carbonation in order to verify their robustness and coherence.

  • Technical report
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This document specifies a method for determining the rebound number of an area of hardened concrete using a spring-driven hammer.
NOTE 1 The rebound number determined by this method can be used to assess the uniformity of concrete in situ, to delineate zones or areas of poor quality or deteriorated concrete in structures.
NOTE 2 The test method is not intended as an alternative for the compressive strength determination of concrete (EN 12390-3), but with suitable correlation, it can provide an estimate of in situ compressive strength. For the assessment of in situ compressive strength, see EN 13791.
NOTE 3 The hammer can be used for comparative testing, referenced against a concrete with known strength or against a concrete which has been shown that it has come from a defined volume of concrete with a population verified as conforming to a particular strength class.

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This document specifies the method for the determination of the secant modulus of elasticity in compression of hardened concrete on test specimens which can be cast or taken from a structure.
The test method allows the determination of two secant moduli of elasticity: the initial modulus, EC,0 measured at first loading and the stabilized modulus, EC,S measured after three loading cycles.
Two different test methods are given. The first (Method A) is for determination of both initial and stabilized moduli, the second (Method B) is for determination of stabilized modulus only.

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This document specifies the shapes, dimensions and tolerances of cast concrete test specimens in the form of cubes, cylinders and prisms, and of the moulds required to produce them.
NOTE The tolerances specified in this document are based on the needs of strength testing, but they can be applicable to tests for other properties.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the velocity of propagation of pulses of ultrasonic longitudinal waves or ultrasonic transverse waves in hardened concrete, which is used for a number of applications.

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(1) This European Standard applies to concrete for structures cast in situ, precast structures, and structural precast products for buildings and civil engineering structures.
(2) The concrete under this European Standard can be:
-   normal-weight, heavy-weight and light-weight;
-   mixed on site, ready-mixed or produced in a plant for precast concrete products;
-   compacted or self-compacting to retain no appreciable amount of entrapped air other than entrained air.
(3) This standard specifies requirements for:
-   the constituents of concrete;
-   the properties of fresh and hardened concrete and their verification;
-   the limitations for concrete composition;
-   the specification of concrete;
-   the delivery of fresh concrete;
-   the production control procedures;
-   the conformity criteria and evaluation of conformity.
(4) Other European Standards for specific products e.g. precast products or for processes within the field of the scope of this standard may require or permit deviations.
(5) Additional or different requirements may be given for specific applications in other European Standards, for example:
-   concrete to be used in roads and other trafficked areas (e.g. concrete pavements according to EN 13877-1);
-   special technologies (e.g. sprayed concrete according to EN 14487).
(6) Supplementing requirements or different testing procedures may be specified for specific types of concrete and applications, for example:
-   concrete for massive structures (e.g. dams);
-   dry mixed concrete;
-   concrete with a Dmax of 4 mm or less (mortar);
-   self-compacting concretes (SCC) containing lightweight or heavy-weight aggregates or fibres;
-   concrete with open structure (e. g. pervious concrete for drainage).
(7) This standard does not apply to:
-   aerated concrete;
-   foamed concrete;
-   concrete with density less than 800 kg/m3;
-   refractory concrete.
(8) This standard does not cover health and safety requirements for the protection of workers during production and delivery of concrete.

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CCMC - Corrections regarding reference EN 12390-7 in Clause 2, 7.2 and the Bibliography

  • Corrigendum
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TC - Correction of unit in 4.2 and precision expression in 6.2

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This document explains the reasoning behind the requirements and procedures given in EN 13791 [1] and why some concepts and procedures given in EN 13791:2007 [2] were not adopted in the 2019 revision. The annex comprises worked examples of the procedures given in EN 13791:2019.

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This procedure is a method for evaluating the carbonation resistance of concrete using test conditions that accelerate the rate of carbonation. After a period of preconditioning, the test is carried out under controlled exposure conditions using an increased level of carbon dioxide.
NOTE   The test under reference conditions takes a minimum of 112 days comprising a minimum age of the specimen prior to conditioning of 28 days, a minimum conditioning period of 14 days and an exposure to increased carbon dioxide levels of 70 days.
This procedure is not a method for the determination of carbonation depths in existing concrete structures.

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This document specifies the procedure for the determination of total shrinkage of concrete specimens in drying conditions.
NOTE 1 Possible shrinkage or length changes occurring before 24 h of age, and which could have significant amplitude and/or consequences, in case of restraint, could need to be measured according to a complementary procedure not covered by this document.
NOTE 2 Information on a simplified procedure for the determination of autogenous shrinkage is given in Annex A.
The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 32 mm.

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This document specifies the requirements for the performance of compression testing machines for the measurement of the compressive strength of concrete.

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This document describes the procedure for determining the creep (total creep, basic creep and drying creep) of hardened concrete test specimens subjected to a sustained longitudinal compressive load.
The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 32 mm.

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(1) This document:
- gives methods and procedures for the estimation of the in situ compressive strength and characteristic in situ compressive strength of concrete in structures and precast concrete components using direct methods (core testing) and indirect methods, e.g. ultra-sonic pulse velocity, rebound number;
NOTE    To align with the design standard EN 1992-1-1, where the compressive strength is based on 2:1 cylinders, the in situ compressive strength is based in 2:1 cores of diameter ≥ 75 mm.
- provides principles and guidance for establishing the relationships between test results from indirect test methods and the in situ compressive strength;
- provides procedures and guidance for assessing the conformity with the compressive strength class of concrete supplied to structures under construction where standard tests indicate doubt or where the quality of execution is in doubt.
(2) This document provides requirements for determining the in situ strength at test locations and the characteristic strength of test regions, but how this information is to be applied needs to be considered in the light of the specific situation and engineering judgement applied to the specific case.
(3) This document does not include the assessment of the quality of concrete for properties other than compressive strength, e.g. durability-related properties.
(4) This document is not for the assessment of conformity of concrete compressive strength in accordance with EN 206 or EN 13369, except as indicated in EN 206:2013+A1:2016, or 8.4.
(5) This document does not cover the procedures or criteria for the routine conformity control of precast concrete components using either direct or indirect measurements of the in situ strength.
(3) This document does not include the assessment of the quality of concrete for properties other than compressive strength, e.g. durability-related properties.
(4)   This document is not for the assessment of conformity of concrete compressive strength in accordance with EN 206 or EN 13369, except as indicated in EN 206:2013+A1:2016, or 8.4.
(5)   This document does not cover the procedures or criteria for the routine conformity control of precast concrete components using either direct or indirect measurements of the in-situ strength.

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This document specifies the procedure for the determination of heat released by concrete during its hardening process in adiabatic condition.
The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 32 mm.

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This document specifies a method for determining the depth of penetration of water under pressure in hardened concrete which has been water cured.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the flexural strength of specimens of hardened concrete.

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This document specifies a method for determining the density of hardened concrete. It is applicable to lightweight, normal-weight and heavy-weight concrete.
It differentiates between hardened concrete in the following states:
1) as-received;
2) water saturated;
3) oven-dried.
The mass and volume of the specimen of hardened concrete are determined and the density calculated.

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This document specifies a method for taking cores from hardened concrete, their examination, preparation for testing and determination of compressive strength.
This document does not give guidance on the decision to drill cores or on the locations for drilling.
This document does not provide procedures for interpreting the core strength results.
For the assessment of in situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components, EN 13791 may be used.

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This document specifies methods for making and curing test specimens for strength tests. It covers the preparation and filling of moulds, compaction of the concrete, levelling the surface, curing of test specimens and transporting test specimens.
NOTE This document can be used for the making and curing of specimens for other test methods.

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This document specifies the procedure for determining the slump-flow and t500 time for self-compacting concrete.
The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 40 mm.

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This document describes two methods for determination of air content of compacted fresh concrete, made with normal weight or relatively dense aggregate and having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 63 mm.
The test is not suitable for concretes with slumps less than 10 mm according to EN 12350-2.
Neither method is applicable to concretes made with lightweight aggregates, air cooled blast-furnace slag, or aggregates with high porosity, because of the magnitude of the aggregate correction factor, compared with the entrained air content of the concrete.

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This document specifies a method for determining the density of compacted fresh concrete both in the laboratory and in the field.
It may not be applicable to very stiff concrete which cannot be compacted by normal vibration.

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This document specifies a method for determining the consistence of fresh concrete by the slump test.
The slump test is sensitive to changes in the consistence of concrete, which correspond to slumps between 10 mm and 210 mm. Beyond these extremes the measurement of slump can be unsuitable and other methods of determining the consistency should be considered.
If the slump continues to change over a period of 1 min after withdrawing of the cone, the slump test is not suitable as a measure of consistence.
The test is not suitable when the declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) is greater than 40 mm.

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This document specifies two procedures for sampling fresh concrete, by composite sampling and by spot sampling.
NOTE 1   The requirement for remixing the sample before tests on the fresh concrete, or before making test specimens, is included in the relevant standards.
When mixing and sampling concrete is done in a laboratory, different procedures may be required.
NOTE 2   In this case Clause 6, item g) applies.
Additionally, this standard lists common apparatus mentioned in two or more standards of EN 12350 series and EN 12390-2.

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This document specifies a method for determining the consistency of fresh concrete by means of the Vebe time.
The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 63 mm.
If the Vebe time is less than 5 s or more than 30 s, the concrete has a consistency for which the Vebe test is unsuitable.

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This document specifies a method for determining the consistence of fresh concrete by determining the degree of compactability.
The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 63 mm.
If the degree of compactability is less than 1,04 or more than 1,46, the concrete has a consistence for which the degree of compactability test is not suitable.

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This document specifies a method for determining the flow of fresh concrete. It is not applicable to self-compacting concrete, foamed concrete, no-fines concrete, or for concrete having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) of greater than 63 mm.
The flow test is sensitive to changes in the consistency of concrete, which correspond to flow values between 340 mm and 620 mm. Beyond these extremes the flow table test may be unsuitable and other methods of determining the consistence should be considered.

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This document specifies a method of determining the carbonation rate of a concrete, expressed in mm/√a.
This document establishes a procedure where a standardized climate controlled chamber is used and where specimens are placed on a natural exposure site protected from direct rainfall. The standardized climate controlled chamber procedure is the reference method.
These procedures are applicable for the initial testing of concrete, but they are not applicable for factory production control.

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This document specifies the procedure for the determination of heat released by concrete during its hardening process in semi-adiabatic conditions in a laboratory. Annex B specifies the procedure when the test is performed on site. The test is suitable for specimens having a declared value of D of the coarsest fraction of aggregates actually used in the concrete (Dmax) not greater than 32 mm.

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This document provides detailed guidance on the carbonation and carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake in concrete. This guidance is complementary to that provided in EN 16757, Product Category Rules for concrete and concrete elements, Annex BB.
Typical CO2 uptake values for a range of structures exposed to various environmental conditions are presented. These values can be incorporated into EPDs for the whole life cycle for either: a functional unit, one tonne or one m³ of concrete, without necessarily having any detailed knowledge of the structure to be built.
In the rest of the document, the data will be given per m³.

  • Technical report
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This CEN Report provides a summary of provisions valid in the place of use used with EN 206:2013. The aims of this CEN Report are to:
a) provide a picture of how EN 206:2013 is being applied in practice;
b) identify areas where EN 206 is being interpreted in different ways;
c) identify areas where CEN Member Countries have found simplification to be necessary;
d) identify where the options listed in EN 206:2013, Annex M to have provisions valid in the place of use have been taken up;
e) identify other clauses in EN 206 where CEN Member Countries have amended or added to the requirements;
f) identify areas within the scope of concrete production and supply not covered by EN 206, but covered by national provisions;
g) identify developing practice that may lead to a need for standardization in the future.
EN 206 uses the phrase ‘provisions valid in the place of use’. This survey uses the term ‘provisions valid in the place of use’ to include regulations, standards and other documents that form the basis of local practice.
As a summary of national requirements, the information in this CEN Report is incomplete and may have been subject to later revisions, particularly if the entry was based on information in CEN/TR15868: 2009. It is insufficient and not intended to provide the basis for design and specification: for this the national requirements (see Table 2) should be studied.
Table 2 identifies CEN Member Countries who did not respond to the questionnaire. The other tables in this CEN Report only include information from CEN Member Countries, or in the view of the authors, the information in CEN/TR 15868:2009 is still likely to be valid.

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This European Standard is a method for determining the unidirectional non-steady state chloride diffusion and surface concentration of conditioned specimens of hardened concrete. The test method enables the determination of the chloride penetration at a specified age, e.g. for ranking of concrete quality by comparative testing. Since resistance to chloride penetration depends on the ageing, including the effects of continual hydration, then the ranking may also change with age.
The test procedure does not apply to concrete with surface treatments such as silanes and it may not apply to concrete containing fibres (see E.1).

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This European Standard specifies the procedure for the determination of the degree of acidity of a soil to be used for evaluating its class of aggressiveness to EN 206. The degree of acidity according to Baumann-Gully is the result of the determination of exchangeable hydrogen ion concentration that humic particles of a soil release.

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This Technical Report provides more detailed information on the k-value concept principles of the equivalent concrete performance concept (ECPC) and the equivalent performance of combinations concept (EPCC) in accordance to EN 206:2013, 5.2.5.

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This Technical Report reviews various control systems that are currently used in the concrete industry and, by the use of examples, show how the principles are applied to control the production of concrete. This CEN/TR provides information and examples of the use of method C in Clause 8 of prEN 206:2012.

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This European Standard specifies the procedure for determining the passing ability (measured by the blocking step), the flow spread and t500J flow time of self-compacting concrete as the concrete flows through the J-ring.
The test is not suitable when the maximum size of aggregate exceeds 40 mm.
NOTE   In respect to the relationship between aggregate size and bar spacing, the test is intended to assess the passing ability of the concrete proposed with the bar spacing typically in the works. If the concrete blocks then the aggregate size could be too large for the particular application.

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This European Standard specifies the procedure for determining the V-funnel flow time for self-compacting concrete.  The test is not suitable when the maximum size of the aggregate exceeds 22,4 mm.

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This European Standard specifies the procedure for determining the passing ability ratio for self-compacting concrete using the L box test.

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This European Standard specifies the procedure for determining the sieve segregation resistance of self-compacting concrete.
NOTE   This test is not applicable to concrete containing fibres or lightweight aggregate.

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This European Standard specifies a reference method for the determination of carbon dioxide present in water and which has a capacity to dissolve in lime from concrete.
It is not applicable to the measurement of total carbon dioxide present in water.
If other methods are used, it needs to be shown, that they give results equivalent to those obtained by this reference method.
This test does not apply to water that has a pH less than 4,3.
In case of dispute, only the reference method is used.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the pull-out force of hardened concrete using a cast-in disc insert and rod, or a similar device installed afterwards by drilling into the hardened concrete.
NOTE   The test method is not intended as an alternative for the determination of the compressive strength of concrete, but with suitable correlations it can provide an estimate of in situ strength.

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(1) This document applies to concrete for structures cast in situ, precast structures, and structural precast products for buildings and civil engineering structures.
(2) The concrete under this document can be:
-   normal-weight, heavy-weight and lightweight;
-   mixed on site, ready-mixed or produced in a plant for precast concrete products;
-   compacted or self-compacting to retain no appreciable amount of entrapped air other than entrained air.
(3) This document specifies requirements for:
-   the constituents of concrete;
-   the properties of fresh and hardened concrete;
-   the limitations for concrete composition;
-   the specification of concrete;
-   the delivery of fresh concrete,
-   the production control procedures;
-   the assessment criteria for individual values.
(4) This document does not apply to:
-   aerated concrete;
-   foamed concrete;
-   concrete with density less than 800 kg/m3;
-   refractory concrete.
(5) This document does not cover health and safety requirements for the protection of workers during production and delivery of concrete.

  • Draft
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(1) This document specifies the scheme for the conformity assessment and assessment criteria for concrete.
(2) The document provides technical rules for testing of samples and assessment of the performance of the concrete. It also provides rules for actions to be followed in the event of non-conformity of the product or negative assessment.
(3) In this document, the word “concrete” is used to refer concrete as defined in prEN 206 1. Such a concrete is produced at a given plant and belongs to a particular type and a particular strength class, as defined and specified in prEN 206 1.

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This document specifies the requirements for the performance of compression testing machines for the measurement of the compressive strength of concrete test specimen in accordance with EN 12390-3 or cores in accordance with EN 12504-1
Other additional or different requirements may apply for different uses.

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This document gives recommendations on and describes the principles of operation of electromagnetic devices that may be used for estimating the position, depth and size of reinforcement buried in concrete. It also describes their methods of use and applications, the accuracy to be expected and the factors which may influence the results.
Electromagnetic covermeters can be used for:
a) quality control, to ensure correct location and cover to reinforcing bars after concrete placement;
b) investigation of concrete members for which records are not available or need to be checked;
c) location of reinforcement as a preliminary to some other form of testing in which reinforcement should be avoided or its nature considered, e.g. extraction of cores, ultrasonic pulse velocity measurement or “near-to-surface” methods;
d) location of buried ferromagnetic objects other than reinforcement, e.g. water pipes, steel joists, lighting conduits.

  • Draft
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This document specifies the procedure for obtaining the non-steady-state chloride migration coefficient of specimens of hardened concrete at a specified age (see Annex A). The test procedure does not take into account any interaction of concrete with the saline solution over time. The test result is a durability indicator with respect to the resistance of the concrete investigated against chloride penetration.
The test procedure does not apply to concrete specimens with surface treatments such as silanes.
If the aggregate or any other embedded elements (such as metallic fibres or conducting particles) are electrically conductive, this will influence the magnitude of chloride migration. This fact is taken into account when establishing threshold values. It prevents comparison of chloride migration values between concretes if the aggregates induce a difference of half an order of magnitude (higher or lower) of chloride migration.

  • Draft
    4 pages
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