Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Part 2-5: Slow heat release appliances

This European
Standard is applicable to residential freestanding hand fuelled intermittent burning slow
heat release appliances having thermal storage capacity such that they can provide
heat for an extended period of time after the fire has gone out. Maximum firing time is 3
hours. These slow heat release appliances may be supplied either as an assembled
appliance or as a manufacturer’s predesigned
unit consisting of
prefabricated components designed to be built on site in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specified assembly instructions. One off installations are not included
as they are not covered by the scope of this standard. This European standard is also
applicable to appliances which are designed for operating under room
sealed conditions and which are intended to be installed into a chimney not serving any
other appliances. These appliances can contain also fluid heating device which can be
either a boiler or a heat exchanger that is not in contact with flames or flue gases. Note:
Appliances which receive their combustion air from outside by means of a pipe system
which is not air tight are not considered room sealed in accordance with this
standard. This European Standard specifies requirements relating to the design,
manufacture, construction, safety and performance (efficiency and emission) together
with associated test methods and test fuels for residential slow heat release appliances
fired by solid fuel (hereafter referred to as “appliances”), and provides instructions for
them. Furthermore, it also gives provisions for evaluation of conformity i.e. initial type
testing (ITT) and factory production control (FPC) and marking of these
appliances. These appliances provide heat by radiation and convection from the
surface and can also have channels for improved convection. They provide heat into
the space where they are installed. Additionally if fitted with a boiler or a heat
exchanger that is not in contact with flames or flue gases, these appliances may also
provide domestic hot water and/or central heating. These appliances may burn either
solid mineral fuels, peat briquettes, natural or manufactured wood logs or be multifuel
fired in accordance with the appliance manufacturer’s instructions. Wood pellets which are specifically intended to be hand fuelled can be burned either on the existing
appliance bottom grate or in a special basket arrangement which is placed by the user
into the existing firebox. This European Standard is not applicable to mechanically fed
appliances. This European standard is also not applicable to appliances which are
designed to be operated with ventilating systems which have pressure below (– 15 Pa)
in relation to the outside atmosphere as measured in the room where the appliance
is installed. This European Standard covers also CO, NOx, OGC (total hydrocarbons)
and particulate matter emission test methods; however it does not contain any values
for the limit on these emissions. This part 25
of a European Standard series is
applicable to slow heat release appliances. This part 25
is to be used in conjunction
with the latest edition of EN 165101
and its amendments. It is established on the basis
of EN 165101:
2015. When this standard states “addition”, “modification”
or “replacement”, the relevant text in part 1 is to be adapted accordingly.

Häusliche Feuerstätten für feste Brennstoffe - Teil 2-5: Speicherfeuerstätten

Dieses Dokument ist anzuwenden für Speicherfeuerstätten für feste Brennstoffe (freistehende
handbetriebene intermittierend brennende Geräte mit langsamer Wärmeabgabe (Speicherfeuerstätten), die
über eine solche Wärmespeicherkapazität verfügen, dass sie über einen längeren Zeitraum nach dem
Erlöschen des Feuers Wärme liefern und abgeben können).
Der Verwendungszweck der Geräte ist Raumheizung in Wohngebäuden. Sie können mit wasserführenden
Bauteilen (als feste Bestandteile des Gerätes mit zu erhitzendem Wasser) zur Warmwasserbereitung der
Zentralheizung ausgestattet sein.
Diese Speicherfeuerstätten können entweder als fertig montiertes Gerät oder als vorgefertigte Einheit
geliefert werden, die aus vorgefertigten Bauteilen besteht, die vor Ort gemäß der angegebenen
Montageanleitung zusammengebaut werden sollen.
Die Geräte können wie angegeben einen oder mehrere der folgenden festen Brennstoffe verfeuern:
 Scheitholz;
 Holzbriketts;
 Holzpellets;
 Braunkohlenbriketts;
 feste mineralische Brennstoffe;
 Torfbriketts.
Dieses Dokument ist nicht anzuwenden für
 mechanisch beschickte Geräte;
 Geräte mit Verbrennungsluftgebläse;
 einmalige Installationen.
Dieses Dokument legt das Verfahren für die Bewertung und Überprüfung der Leistungsbeständigkeit (AVCP)
der Eigenschaften von Raumheizern für feste Brennstoffe fest.

Appareils de chauffage domestiques à combustible solide - Partie 2-5: Appareils à libération lente de chaleur (SHRA)

Le présent document s’applique aux appareils de chauffage à combustible solide à libération lente de
chaleur (SHRA à combustion intermittente alimentés manuellement, dont la capacité de stockage
thermique leur permet de fournir et libérer de la chaleur pendant une durée prolongée après la fin de la
L’usage prévu des appareils est le chauffage des locaux dans les bâtiments résidentiels. Ils peuvent être
équipés d’un bouilleur ou d’un échangeur de chaleur (faisant partie intégrante de l’appareil et
contenant de l’eau à chauffer) pour fournir de l’eau chaude aux systèmes de chauffage central.
Ces SHRA peuvent être fournis sous la forme soit d’un appareil assemblé, soit d’une unité conçue au
préalable, constituée d’éléments préfabriqués, destinés à être montés sur le site conformément aux
instructions d’assemblage spécifiées.
Ces appareils peuvent utiliser un ou plusieurs des types de combustibles solides suivants,
comme spécifié :
— bûches de bois ;
— bois compressé non traité ;
— granulés de bois ;
— briquettes de lignite ;
— combustibles minéraux solides ;
— briquettes de tourbe.
Le présent document ne s’applique pas :
— aux appareils à alimentation mécanique ;
— aux appareils dont l’air de combustion est assisté par un ventilateur ;
— aux installations uniques.
Le présent document spécifie des modes opératoires pour l’évaluation et la vérification de la constance
des performances (EVCP) des caractéristiques des SHRA.

Grelne naprave na trdna goriva za stanovanjske stavbe - 2-5. del: Naprave, ki počasi oddajajo toploto

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5060 - Closure of Vote - Formal Approval
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oSIST prEN 16510-2-5:2023
Grelne naprave na trdna goriva za stanovanjske stavbe - 2-5. del: Naprave, ki
počasi oddajajo toploto
Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Part 2-5: Slow heat release appliances
Häusliche Feuerstätten für feste Brennstoffe - Teil 2-5: Speicherfeuerstätten
Appareils de chauffage domestiques à combustible solide - Partie 2-5: Appareils à
libération lente de chaleur (SHRA)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 16510-2-5
97.100.30 Grelniki na trdo gorivo Solid fuel heaters
oSIST prEN 16510-2-5:2023 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

oSIST prEN 16510-2-5:2023
oSIST prEN 16510-2-5:2023
prEN 16510-2-5
March 2023
English Version
Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Part 2-5: Slow
heat release appliances
Häusliche Feuerstätten für feste Brennstoffe - Teil 2-5:
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 295.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2023 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 16510-2-5:2023 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

oSIST prEN 16510-2-5:2023
prEN 16510-2-5:2023 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 8
3.1 General . 8
3.2 Terms and definitions related to Annex EB . 8
4 Characteristics . 9
4.1 Load bearing capacity . 9
4.2 Protection of combustible materials . 9
4.3 Carbon monoxide emission (CO) . 10
4.4 Nitrogen oxides (NO ) emissions . 11
4.5 Emission of organic gaseous compounds (OGC) . 11
4.6 Particulate matter (PM) emissions . 12
4.7 Safety and accessibility in use . 12
4.7.1 General . 12
4.7.2 Flue gas outlet temperature at nominal heat output . 12
4.7.3 Flue gas outlet temperature at part load heat output. 12
4.7.4 Minimum flue draught at nominal heat output . 13
4.7.5 Minimum flue draught at part load heat output . 13
4.7.6 Flue gas mass flow at nominal heat output . 13
4.7.7 Flue gas mass flow at part load heat output . 13
4.7.8 Fire safety of installation to the chimney . 13
4.8 Energy economy and heat retention . 13
4.8.1 Space heat output at nominal heat output . 13
4.8.2 Water heat output, if existing at nominal heat output. 14
4.8.3 Efficiency at nominal heat output . 14
4.8.4 Space heat output at part load heat output . 14
4.8.5 Water heat output, if existing at part load heat output . 15
4.8.6 Efficiency at part load heat output . 15
4.8.7 Seasonal space heating efficiency at appliance’s nominal heat output . 15
4.8.8 Energy efficiency . 15
4.8.9 Electric power consumption at nominal heat output, if existing . 16
4.8.10 Electric power consumption at part load heat output, if existing . 16
4.8.11 Standby mode power consumption, if existing . 16
4.9 Environmental sustainability . 16
5 Descriptive features . 18
5.1 Data for potential use with room ventilation systems: type of appliance (in relation
to its tightness to the room) . 18
5.2 Data for the building's statics: appliance's mass . 18
5.3 Materials and construction elements . 18
5.3.1 General . 18
5.3.2 General stresses . 19
5.3.3 Integral boiler or heat exchanger . 19
5.4 Risk of burning fuel falling out . 19
5.5 Temperature rise in the fuel storage . 19
5.6 Temperature rise of the operating components . 19
5.7 Spillage of flue gases into the room . 19
5.7.1 Possible spillage of CO, if relevant for the fuel type. 19
5.7.2 Open operation . 19
oSIST prEN 16510-2-5:2023
prEN 16510-2-5:2023 (E)
5.8 Cleanability . 19
5.8.1 Heating surfaces . 19
5.8.2 Flueways . 19
5.8.3 Ashpan . 20
5.8.4 Bottomgrate . 20
5.8.5 Damper . 20
5.8.6 Fan-cut-out-device . 20
5.9 Strength and leak tightness of boiler shells . 20
6 Assessment and verification of constancy of performance - AVCP . 20
6.1 General . 20
6.2 Assessment of performance . 20
6.2.1 General . 20
6.2.2 Test samples, testing and compliance criteria . 21
6.3 Verification of constancy of performance . 23
6.3.1 Factory production control (FPC) . 23
Annex A (normative) Test methods . 28
A.4 Test environment . 28
A.5 Test assembly . 28
A.5.501 . General
............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
A.5.5 Water circuit for appliances with integral boilers . 28
A.5.501 . Measurement of appliance surface temperature for slow heat release
appliances. 29
A.5.501.1 . General
............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
A.5.501.2 . Selection of measurement
points . 29
A.5.501.3 . Installing thermocouples to the appliance
surface .

Questions, Comments and Discussion

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