Sustainability criteria for the production of biofuels and bioliquids for energy applications - Principles, criteria, indicators and verifiers - Part 4: Calculation methods of the greenhouse gas emission balance using a life cycle analysis approach

This European Standard specifies a detailed methodology that will allow any economic operator in a biofuel or bioliquid chain to calculate the actual GHG emissions associated with its operations in a standardised and transparent manner, taking all materially relevant aspects into account. It includes all steps of the chain from biomass production to the end transport and distribution operations.
The methodology strictly follows the principles and rules stipulated in the RED and particularly its Annex V, the EC decision dated 10 June 2010 "Guideline for calculation of land carbon stocks" for the purpose of Annex V to Directive 2009/28/EC (2010/335/EU) [5] as well as any additional interpretation of the legislative text published by the EU Commission. Where appropriate these rules are clarified, explained and further elaborated. In the context of accounting for heat and electricity consumption and surpluses reference is also made to Directive 2004/8/EC [6] on "the promotion of cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market" and the associated EU Commission decision of 21/12/2006 "establishing harmonised efficiency reference values for separate production of electricity and heat" [7].
The main purpose of this standard is to specify a methodology to estimate GHG emissions at each step of the biofuel/bioliquid production and transport chain. The specific way in which these emissions have to be combined to establish the overall GHG balance of a biofuel or bioliquid depends on the chain of custody system in use and is not per se within the scope of this part 4 of the EN 16214 standard. Part 2 of the standard, addresses these issues in detail also in accordance with the stipulations of the RED. Nevertheless, Clause 6 of this part of the standard includes general indications and guidelines on how to integrate the different parts of the chain.

Nachhaltigkeitskriterien für die Herstellung von Biokraftstoffen und flüssigen Biobrennstoffen für Energieanwendungen - Grundsätze, Kriterien, Indikatoren und Prüfer - Teil 4: Berechnungsmethoden der Treibhausgasemissionsbilanz unter Verwendung einer Ökobilanz

Diese Europäische Norm legt eine detaillierte Methodik fest, nach der jeder Wirtschaftsteilnehmer innerhalb einer Kette für Biokraftstoffe oder flüssige Biobrennstoffe die tatsächlichen, mit den jeweils durchgeführten Arbeitsgängen verbundenen Treibhausgasemissionen in einer genormten und transparenten Weise unter Berücksichtigung aller materiell relevanten Aspekte berechnen kann. Einbezogen sind alle Stufen der Kette von der Biomasseproduktion bis zum Endtransport und Vertrieb.
Die Methodik hält die in der EER und insbesondere in ihrem Anhang V festgelegten Grundsätze und Regeln, den Beschluss der Kommission vom 10. Juni 2010 über „Leitlinien für die Berechnung des Kohlenstoff-bestands im Boden für die Zwecke des Anhangs V der Richtlinie 2009/28/EG“ (2010/335/EU) [5] (2010/335/EU) ebenso wie alle zusätzlichen Auslegungen des von der EU-Kommission veröffentlichen legislativen Textes exakt ein. Diese Regeln werden, wenn angebracht, verdeutlicht, erläutert und weiter ausgearbeitet. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Wärme- und Stromverbrauch und den entsprechenden Überschüssen wird auch auf die Richtlinie 2004/8/EG [6] über die „Förderung einer am Nutzwärmebedarf orientierten Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung im Energiebinnenmarkt“ und die zugehörige Entscheidung der EU-Kommission vom 21.12.2006 zur „Festlegung harmonisierter Wirkungsgrad-Referenzwerte für die getrennte Erzeugung von Strom und Wärme“ [7] verwiesen.
Der Hauptzweck dieser Norm ist die Festlegung einer Methodik zur Berechnung der Treibhausgasemissionen für jede Stufe der Produktions- und Transportkette für Biokraftstoff/flüssigen Biobrennstoff. Die spezifische Art, in der diese Emissionen kombiniert werden müssen, um die gesamte Treibhausgasbilanz eines Biokraftstoffs oder flüssigen Biobrennstoffs zu ermitteln, hängt von dem für die überwachte Lieferkette (en: chain of custody) verwendeten System ab und fällt nicht per se in den Anwendungsbereich dieses Teils 4 von EN 16214. In Teil 2 der Norm werden diese Punkte, auch in Übereinstimmung mit den Festlegungen der EER, ausführlich behandelt. Dennoch werden in Abschnitt 6 dieses Teils der Norm allgemeine Hinweise und Leitlinien für die Integration der einzelnen Teile der Kette angegeben.

Critères de durabilité pour la production de biocarburants et de bioliquides pour des applications énergétiques - Principes, critères, indicateurs et vérificateurs - Partie 4 : Méthodes de calcul du bilan des émissions de GES utilisant une approche d'analyse du cycle de vie

La présente Norme européenne spécifie une méthodologie détaillée permettant, à tout opérateur économique
de la chaîne du biocarburant ou du bioliquide, de calculer des émissions de GES réelles associées à ses
activités d’une manière normalisée et transparente, prenant en compte tous les aspects matériellement
pertinents. Elle comprend toutes les étapes de la chaîne, depuis la production de biomasse jusqu’aux
opérations finales de transport et de distribution.
La méthodologie observe rigoureusement les principes et les règles stipulés dans la Directive ENR et
particulièrement dans son Annexe V, la décision CE en date du 10 juin 2010 « Lignes directrices pour le
calcul des stocks de carbone dans les sols aux fins de l'Annexe V de la Directive 2009/28/CE (2010/335/UE)
[5], ainsi que toute interprétation du texte législatif publié par la Commission de l’UE. Ces règles sont
clarifiées, expliquées et développées, le cas échéant. Dans le cadre de la prise en compte de la
consommation et du surplus de chaleur et d’électricité, il est également fait référence à la
Directive 2004/8/CE [6] sur « la promotion de la cogénération sur la base de la demande de chaleur utile dans
le marché intérieur de l’énergie » et à la décision associée de la Commission de l’UE du 21 décembre 2006
« définissant des valeurs de référence d’efficacité harmonisées pour la production séparée d’électricité et de
chaleur » [7].
La présente norme vise principalement à spécifier une méthodologie d'estimation des émissions de GES à
chaque étape de la chaîne de production et de transport du biocarburant/bioliquide. La manière spécifique de
combiner ces émissions pour établir le bilan global des GES d’un biocarburant ou d’un bioliquide dépend de la
chaîne du système de surveillance utilisée et n’est pas traitée en soi dans le domaine d'application de cette
partie 4 de la norme EN 16214. La Partie 2 de la norme aborde ces sujets en détail conformément aux
stipulations de la Directive ENR. Néanmoins, l’Article 6 de cette partie de la norme contient des indications et
des directives générales sur la manière d'intégrer les différentes parties de la chaîne.

Sonaravno proizvedena biomasa za energijsko uporabo - Načela, merila, kazalniki in preverjalniki biogoriv in biotekočin - 4. del: Računske metode za bilance emisij toplogrednih plinov z uporabo analize življenjskega cikla

Ta evropski standard določa podrobno metodologijo, ki bo omogočala vsem gospodarskim subjektom v verigi biogoriv ali biotekočin izračun dejanske vrednosti emisij toplogrednih plinov (GHG), ki nastajajo pri njihovih dejavnostih, na standardiziran in pregleden način, pri čemer bodo upoštevani vsi bistveni vidiki. Vključuje vse točke v verigi od proizvodnje biomase do zaključnih dejavnosti na področju prevoza in distribucije.
V metodologiji so strogo upoštevana načela in pravila, navedena v direktivi o obnovljivih virih energije in zlasti v Prilogi V k navedeni direktivi, Sklep Komisije z dne 10. junija 2010 o smernicah za izračun zalog ogljika v zemljišču za namene Priloge V k Direktivi 2009/28/ES (2010/335/EU) [5], in dodatne razlage zakonodajnega besedila, ki ga je objavila Evropska komisija. Ta pravila so pojasnjena, razložena in dodatno opredeljena, kjer je to potrebno. V kontekstu vodenja evidence porabe toplote in električne energije ter presežnih vrednosti je prisotno tudi sklicevanje na Direktivo 2004/8/ES [6] o »spodbujanju soproizvodnje, ki temelji na rabi koristne toplote, na notranjem trgu z energijo«, in s tem povezano Odločbo Komisije z dne 21. decembra 2006 »o določitvi usklajenih vrednosti referenčnih izkoristkov za ločeno proizvodnjo električne energije in toplote« [7].
Glavni cilj tega standarda je določiti metodologijo za oceno emisij toplogrednih plinov na vsaki točki proizvodnje biogoriv/biotekočin in prevozne verige. Ta specifičen način, na katerega morajo biti te emisije združene za vzpostavitev celovitega ravnovesja toplogrednih plinov biogoriv oziroma biotekočin, je odvisen od verige sistema oskrbe v uporabi in ni samodejno del področja uporabe tega 4. dela standarda EN 16214. 2. del standarda podrobno obravnava ta vprašanja tudi v skladu z določbami direktive o obnovljivih virih energije. Kljub temu točka 6 tega dela standarda vključuje splošne navedbe in smernice glede načina vključitve različnih delov verige.

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Sonaravno proizvedena biomasa za energijsko uporabo - Načela, merila, kazalniki
in preverjalniki biogoriv in biotekočin - 4. del: Računske metode za bilance emisij
toplogrednih plinov z uporabo analize življenjskega cikla
Sustainability criteria for the production of biofuels and bioliquids for energy applications
- Principles, criteria, indicators and verifiers - Part 4: Calculation methods of the
greenhouse gas emission balance using a life cycle analysis approach
Nachhaltigkeitskriterien für die Herstellung von Biokraftstoffen und flüssigen
Biobrennstoffen für Energieanwendungen - Grundsätze, Kriterien, Indikatoren und Prüfer
- Teil 4: Berechnungsmethoden der Treibhausgasemissionsbilanz unter Verwendung
einer Ökobilanz
Critères de durabilité pour la production de biocarburants et de bioliquides pour des
applications énergétiques - Principes, critères, indicateurs et vérificateurs - Partie 4:
Méthodes de calcul du bilan des émissions de GES utilisant une approche d'analyse du
cycle de vie
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 16214-4:2013+A1:2019
13.020.40 Onesnaževanje, nadzor nad Pollution, pollution control
onesnaževanjem in and conservation
13.020.60 Življenjski ciklusi izdelkov Product life-cycles
27.190 Biološki viri in drugi Biological sources and
alternativni viri energije alternative sources of energy
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 16214-4:2013+A1
November 2019
ICS 27.190; 75.160.40 Supersedes EN 16214-4:2013
English Version
Sustainability criteria for the production of biofuels and
bioliquids for energy applications - Principles, criteria,
indicators and verifiers - Part 4: Calculation methods of
the greenhouse gas emission balance using a life cycle
analysis approach
Critères de durabilité pour la production de Nachhaltigkeitskriterien für die Herstellung von
biocarburants et de bioliquides pour des applications Biokraftstoffen und flüssigen Biobrennstoffen für
énergétiques - Principes, critères, indicateurs et Energieanwendungen - Grundsätze, Kriterien,
vérificateurs - Partie 4 : Méthodes de calcul du bilan Indikatoren und Prüfer - Teil 4: Berechnungsmethoden
des émissions de GES utilisant une approche d'analyse der Treibhausgasemissionsbilanz unter Verwendung
du cycle de vie einer Ökobilanz
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 15 September 2012 and includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 23
September 2019.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 16214-4:2013+A1:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms and definitions . 5
4 Common elements . 6
5 Biofuels and bioliquids production and transport chain . 18
6 Overall calculation algorithm . 30
Annex A (normative) Global Warming Potentials . 34
Annex B (informative) Overall chain calculations . 35
Annex C (informative) A-deviations . 39
Annex D (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the
requirements of EU Directives 2009/28/EC and 98/70/EC . 41
Bibliography . 43

European foreword
This document (EN 16214-4:2013+A1:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 383
“Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications”, the secretariat of which is held by NEN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 2020, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by May 2020.
This document includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 13 November 2019.
!This document supersedes EN 16214-4:2013".
"The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags !".
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North
Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
Directive 2009/28/EC [1] of the European Commission on the promotion of the use of energy from
renewable sources, referred to as the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), incorporates an advanced
binding sustainability scheme for biofuels and bioliquids for the European market. The RED contains
binding sustainability criteria to greenhouse gas savings, land with high biodiversity value, land with
high carbon stock and agro-environmental practices. Several articles in the RED present requirements
to European Member States and to economic operators in Europe. Non-EU countries may have different
requirements and criteria on, for instance, the GHG emission reduction set-off.
The sustainability criteria for biofuels are also mandated in Directive 98/70/EC [2] relating to the
quality of petrol and diesel fuels, via the amending Directive 2009/30/EC [4] (as regards the
specification of petrol, diesel and gasoil and introducing a mechanism to monitor and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions). Directive 98/70/EC is referred to as the Fuels Quality Directive (FQD).
!Directive 2015/1513 [3], referred to as the ILUC Directive, amends both the RED and the FQD.
NOTE The ILUC Directive adds a new Annex VIII regarding estimated indirect land use change emissions. These
do not affect the economic operator directly, but are directed towards the member states."
In May 2009, the European Commission requested CEN to initiate work on standards on:
— the implementation, by economic operators, of the mass balance method of custody chain
— the provision, by economic operators, of evidence that the production of raw material has not
interfered with nature protection purposes, that the harvesting of raw material is necessary to
preserve grassland's grassland status, and that the cultivation and harvesting of raw material does
not involve drainage of previously undrained soil;
— the auditing, by Member States and by voluntary schemes of information submitted by economic
Both the EC and CEN agreed that these may play a role in the implementation of the EU biofuel and
bioliquid sustainability scheme. In the Communication from the Commission on the practical
implementation of the EU biofuels and bioliquids sustainability scheme and on counting rules for
biofuels (2010/C 160/02, [5]), awareness of the CEN work is indicated.
It is widely accepted that sustainability at large encompasses environmental, social and economic
aspects. The European Directives make mandatory the compliance of several sustainability criteria for
biofuels and bioliquids. This European Standard has been developed with the aim to assist EU Member
States and economic operators with the implementation of EU biofuel and bioliquids sustainability
requirements mandated by the European Directives. This European Standard is limited to certain
aspects relevant for a sustainability assessment of biomass produced for energy applications. Therefore
compliance with this standard or parts thereof alone does not substantiate claims of the biomass being
produced sustainably.
Where applicable, the parts of this standard contain at the end an annex that informs the user of the link
between the requirements in the European Directive and the requirements in the CEN Standard.
1 Scope
This document specifies a detailed methodology that will allow any economic operator in a biofuel or
bioliquid chain to calculate the actual GHG emissions associated with its operations in a standardised
and transparent manner, taking all materially relevant aspects into account. It includes all steps of the
chain from biomass production to the end transport and distribution operations.
!The methodology strictly follows the principles and rules stipulated in the RED (amended by
European Parliament and Council Directive 2015/1513, referred to as the ILUC Directive [3]), and
particularly its Annex V, the EC decision dated 10 June 2010 “Guideline for calculation of land carbon
stocks” for the purpose of Annex V to Directive 2009/28/EC (2010/335/EU) [6] as well as any
additional interpretation of the legislative text published by the EU Commission." Where appropriate
these rules are clarified, explained and further elaborated. In the context of accounting for heat and
electricity consumption and surpluses reference is also made to Directive 2004/8/EC [7] on “the
promotion of cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market” and the
associated EU Commission decision of 21/12/2006 “establishing harmonised efficiency reference
values for separate production of electricity and heat” [8].
NOTE This edition of the standard does not cover the requirements in Directive 2018/EU/2001, the recast of
the Renewable Energy Directive (referred to as RED II).
The main purpose of this standard is to specify a methodology to estimate GHG emissions at each step
of the biofuel/bioliquid production and transport chain. The specific way in which these emissions have
to be combined to establish the overall GHG balance of a biofuel or bioliquid depends on the chain of
custody system in use and is not per se within the scope of this part 4 of the EN 16214 standard. Part 2
of the standard, addresses these issues in detail also in accordance with the stipulations of the RED.
Nevertheless, Clause 6 of this part of the standard includes general indications and guidelines on how to
integrate the different parts of the chain.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 16214-1:2012+A1:2019, Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications ― Principles, criteria,
indicators and verifiers for biofuels and bioliquids ― Part 1: Terminology
CEN/TS 16214-2, Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications ― Principles, criteria, indicators
and verifiers for biofuels and bioliquids ― Part 2: Conformity assessment including chain of custody and
mass balance
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 16214-1:2012+A1:2019 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• IEC Electropedia: available at
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
4 Common elements
4.1 General
A number of eleme

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