Gas cylinders - Stamp marking (ISO 13769:2007)

ISO 13769:2007 specifies stamp marking of refillable transportable gas cylinders and tubes of volume greater than 0,5 l and less than or equal to 3 000 l, including:
steel and aluminium gas cylinders;
composite gas cylinders;
acetylene cylinders;
LPG cylinders.

Gasflaschen - Stempelung (ISO 13769:2007)

Diese Internationale Norm legt die Stempelung von wiederbefüllbaren, ortsbeweglichen Gasflaschen und Großflaschen mit einem Fassungsraum von 0,5 l bis 3 000 l fest, einschließlich:
   Gasflaschen aus Stahl und Aluminium;
   Gasflaschen aus Verbundwerkstoffen;
   Flüssiggasflaschen (LPG) (siehe Anhang B).
Diese werden im Folgenden „Flaschen“ genannt.

Bouteilles à gaz - Marquage (ISO 13769:2007)

L'ISO 13769:2007 spécifie le marquage des bouteilles à gaz transportables rechargeables et des tubes d'un volume supérieur à 0,5 l et inférieur ou égal à 3 000 l, y compris
les bouteilles à gaz en acier et en aluminium;
les bouteilles à gaz composites;
les bouteilles d'acétylène;
les bouteilles de GPL (voir Annexe B).

Plinske jeklenke - Označevanje z žigom (ISO 13769:2007)

Ta mednarodni standard določa označevanje z žigom za prenosne plinske jeklenke in cevi za večkratno polnjenje z volumnom, večjim kot 0,5 l in manjšim ali enakim 3.000 l, vključno z: - jeklenimi in aluminijastimi plinskimi jeklenkami; - kompozitnimi plinskimi jeklenkami; - jeklenkami za acetilen ; - jeklenkami za LPG oz. UNP (utekočinjen naftni plin) (glej Dodatek B). V tem dokumentu so imenovane »jeklenke«.

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Gasflaschen - Stempelung (ISO 13769:2007)Bouteilles à gaz - Marquage (ISO 13769:2007)Gas cylinders - Stamp marking (ISO 13769:2007)23.020.35Plinske jeklenkeGas cylindersICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN ISO 13769:2009SIST EN ISO 13769:2010en,fr,de01-november-2010SIST EN ISO 13769:2010SLOVENSKI

English VersionGas cylinders - Stamp marking (ISO 13769:2007)Bouteilles à gaz - Marquage (ISO 13769:2007)Gasflaschen - Stempelung (ISO 13769:2007)This European Standard was approved by CEN on 21 March 2009.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as theofficial versions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNGManagement Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels© 2009 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN ISO 13769:2009: ESIST EN ISO 13769:2010

For countries following RID/ADR/ADN and the TPED .4
For countries following RID/ADR/ADN and the TPED This annex describes the modifications necessary to align ISO 13769 with the marking provisions of the European regulations on the transport of dangerous goods by rail and road, the RID, ADR and ADN respectively and whose technical annexes are declared as obligatory provisions for shipments of dangerous goods within the EU by the framework Directives 94/55/EC and 96/49/EC.
It further indicates the additional marking requirements of the Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive 99/36/EC, the TPED, which ensures free movement and use of such equipment. The modification shall consist in changing the last lines of stamp marking of both the front and rear of Figures A.1, A.2 and A.3 of the International Standard as shown in Figures Z.1, Z.2 and Z.3 respectively of this annex. NOTE 1 The marking of gas cylinders is regulated by RID, ADR and ADN which take precedence over any clause in this standard. However, EN ISO 13769:2008 has been accepted as complying with the text of RID/ADR from 2009-01-01. Non-compliances of this standard with RID, ADR and ADN may occur in the case that the markings provisions have been amended as part of the two yearly update of the regulations. Similarly, the TPED is subject to revisions with the consequential risk of possible non-compliances of this standard.
NOTE 2 For the full definitions of each stamp marking, see Table 1 in the text of the ISO standard. Additional Bibliography items: [1] ADR, European agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road [2] RID, Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail [3] 99/36/EC, Council Directive 1999/36/EC of 29 April 1999 on transportable pressure equipment [4] ADN, European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland WaterwaysSIST EN ISO 13769:2010

1 Reference number of the standard to which the cylinder is designed, manufactured and tested and which may be an ISO, EN or EN ISO standard.
22 Inspection mark, consisting of − the -mark accompanied by the notified body number (4 digits); only to be applied if the cylinder has been reassessed according to the TPED; − the characters identifying the country authorizing the body performing the periodic inspection and test (only required if different from the country which approved manufacturer and not required on -marked cylinders; − the registered mark of the body authorized by the competent authority for performing periodic inspection and test; and − the date of the periodic inspection and test, the year (two digits or four digits) followed by the month (two digits) separated by a slash (i.e."/"). For non-UN cylinders, the month need not be indicated for gases for which the interval between periodic inspections is 10 years or more. For non-UN cylinders, the date of the most recent periodic inspection and the stamp of the inspection body may be engraved on a ring of an appropriate material affixed to the cylinder when the valve is installed and which is removable only by disconnecting the valve from the cylinder. 25 Service life of composite cylinders as approved as part of the cylinder design type, indicated with the letters "FINAL" followed by the expiry date comprising the year (four digits) and month (two digits). This marking shall not be applied to UN cylinders since an unlimited service life is required. 27 The European marking described in 29 and (if applicable) the UN mark (symbol ) signifying compliance with the requirements of RID/ADR/AND, 6.2.2.
29 -mark
for cylinders which have been assessed for compliance with the TPED together with the identification number of the notified body that has performed the conformity assessment procedure according to the TPED (four digits) and "-40°C", if the requirements of TPED Article 7 (2) apply. NOTE 2 Stamp markings 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 17 and 22 should be grouped as closely as possible. Figure Z.1 — Location of stamp markings for compressed gases SIST EN ISO 13769:2010

for cylinders which have been assessed for compliance with the TPED together with the identification number of the notified body that has performed the conformity assessment procedure according to the TPED (four digits) and "-40°C", if the requirements of TPED Article 7 (2) apply.
NOTE 2 Stamp markings 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 17 and 22 should be grouped as closely as possible. NOTE 3 According to the ADR and RID, markings 10, 12 and 13 are not mandatory for gas cylinders carrying UN 1965 hydrocarbon gas mixture, Liquefied n.o.s. Figure Z.2 — Location of stamp markings for liquefied gases SIST EN ISO 13769:2010

1 Reference number of the standard to which the cylinder is designed, manufactured and tested and which may be an ISO, EN or EN ISO standard. 22 Inspection mark, consisting of − the -mark accompanied by the notified body number (4 digits); only to be applied if the cylinder has been reassessed according to the TPED; − the characters identifying the country authorizing the body performing the periodic inspection and test (only required if different from the country which approved manufacturer and not required on -marked cylinders; − the registered mark of the body authorized by the competent authority for performing periodic inspection and test; and − the date of the periodic inspection and test, the year (two digits or four digits) followed by the month (two digits) separated by a slash (i.e."/"). For non-UN cylinders, the month need not be indicated for gases for which the interval between periodic inspections is 10 years or more. For non-UN cylinders, the date of the most recent periodic inspection and the stamp of the inspection body may be engraved on a ring of an appropriate material affixed to the cylinder when the valve is installed and which is removable only by disconnecting the valve from the cylinder.27 The European marking described in 29 and (if applicable) the UN mark (symbol ) signifying compliance with the requirements of RID/ADR/AND, 6.2.2. 29 -mark
for cylinders which have been assessed for compliance with the TPED together with the identification number of the notified body that has performed the conformity assessment procedure according to the TPED (four digits) and "-40°C", if the requirements of TPED Article 7 (2) apply. NOTE 2 Stamp markings 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 17 and 22 should be grouped as closely as possible. NOTE 3 There may be two expert marks, one for the porous material (24) and one for the cylinder shell (8). If this is the same body for the porous material and the shell, only mark (8) is required. Figure Z.3 — Location of stamp markings for acetylene SIST EN ISO 13769:2010

Reference numberISO 13769:2007(E)© ISO 2007
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO13769Second edition2007-12-15Gas cylinders — Stamp marking Bouteilles à gaz — Marquage
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ISO 13769:2007(E) © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved iiiContents Page Foreword.iv Introduction.

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