Thermocouples - Part 1: Reference tables

Establishes a set of reference tables for the seven most commonly used types of commercially available thermocouples, giving both electromotive force as a function of temperature and temperature as a function of electromotive force. Gives polynominal expressions from which the reference values can be computed. The reference tables are based on fundamental research and are consistent with the current edition of the International Practical Temperature Scale (1968) and are not limited to applications in the field of industrial process measurement and control.

Thermopaare - Teil 1: Grundwerte der Thermospannungen

Couples thermoélectriques - Partie 1: Tables de référence

Offre un ensemble de tables de référence consacrées aux sept types les plus courants de thermocouples commerciaux avec la force électromotrice en fonction de la température et vice versa. Indique les polynômes servant à calculer les valeurs de référence. Etablies d'après des recherches fondamentales, ces tables de référence sont conformes à l'édition en vigueur de l'échelle internationale pratique des températures de 1968; leur application ne se limite pas au domaine des mesures et des commandes de processus industriels.

Thermocouples - Part 1: Reference tables (IEC 60584-1:1995)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Thermocouples - Part 1: Reference tables (IEC 60584-1:1995)Thermopaare -- Teil 1: Grundwerte der ThermospannungenCouples thermoélectriques -- Partie 1: Tables de référenceThermocouples -- Part 1: Reference tables17.200.20Instrumenti za merjenje temperatureTemperature-measuring instrumentsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 60584-1:1995SIST EN 60584-1:1998en01-november-1998SIST EN 60584-1:1998SLOVENSKI
NORMEINTERNATIONALEINTERNATIONALSTANDARDCEIIEC584-1Deuxième éditionSecond edition1995-09Couples thermoélectriques —Partie 1:Tables de référenceThermocouples —Part 1:Reference tables© CEI 1995 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright — all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite niutilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun pro-cédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie etles microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'éditeur.No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized inany form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,including photocopying and microfilm, without permissionin writing from the publisher.Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 3, rue de Varembé Genève, SuisseIEC•Commission Electrotechnique Internationale CODE PRIXInternational Electrotechnical Commission PRICE CODEMerntyHapoaHaa 3neKrpoTexHwaecnaa HoMwccun• Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueurFor price, see current catalogueSIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 ©IEC:1995– 3 –CONTENTSPageFOREWORD5INTRODUCTION7Clause1 Scope 92 Definitions93 Thermocouple type letter designations94 Platinum-13 % rhodium/platinum (type R)115 Platinum-10 % rhodium/platinum (type S)296 Platinum-30 % rhodium/platinum-6 % rhodium (type B)477 Iron/copper-nickel (type J)578 Copper/copper-nickel (type T)719 Nickel-chromium/copper-nickel (type E)7910 Nickel-chromium/nickel-aluminium (type K)9311 Nickel-chromium-silicon/nickel-silicon (type N)107AnnexesA Polynomials used to derive reference table 121B Inverse functions 137SIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 © IEC:1995– 5 –INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSIONTHERMOCOUPLES —Part 1: Reference tablesFOREWORD1)The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promoteinternational cooperation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. Tothis end and in addition to other activities, the IEC published International Standards. Their preparation isentrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with mayparticipate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non—governmental organizations liaisingwith the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organizationfor Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the twoorganizations.2)The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by technical committees on whichall the National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, aninternational consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.3)They have the form of recommendations for international use published in the form of standards, technicalreports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.4)In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC InternationalStandards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Anydivergence between the IEC Standards and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearlyindicated in the latter.International Standard IEC 584-1 has been prepared by sub-committee 65B: Devices, of IECtechnical committee 65: Industrial-process measurement and control.This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition and amendment published in 1977and 1989 respectively and constitutes a technical revision.The text of this standard is based on the following documents:DISReport on voting
65B/225/DIS65B/256/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report onvoting indicated in the above table.Annexes A and B form an integral part of this standard.SIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 © I EC:1995– 7 –INTRODUCTIONThis International Standard is based upon the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Temperatures are expressed in degrees Celsius (symbol t90), the e.m.f. (symbol E) inmicrovolts. The tables it contains have been updated to take into account the change from theInternational Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (IPTS-68).The new tables for types S and R are based upon experimental work conducted by:IMGCof Italy*KRISSof South Korea*NISTof USANPLof United KingdomNRLMof Japan*SIPAIof P.R. of China*VNIIMof Russia*VSLof Netherlands*and are not dependent upon any particular values of the secondary reference points. However,if it is desired to calibrate a thermocouple using some of these secondary reference points,then the temperatures assigned to them in the latest tabulation published in Metrologia shouldbe used.The tables for types B, J, T, E, K and N have been mathematically converted from the tablescontained in the first edition of IEC 584-1. The calculations have been made by NIST of USAand have been described in NIST Monograph 175.* Type S only.SIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 ©IEC:1995– 9 –THERMOCOUPLES —Part 1: Reference tables1 ScopeThis International Standard provides thermocouple reference tables for use in convertingthermocouple voltages into their equivalent measured temperatures and vice versa.The polynomial equations from which the tables are derived have been included in annex A,hence no tolerances are given. The reference tables (E = f(t)) have been derived from therespective reference functions and the inverse tables (t = f(E)) from the respective inversefunctions.2 Definitions2.1 thermoelectric (Seebeck) effect: The production of an electromotive force (E) due tothe difference of temperature between two junctions of different metals or alloys forming part ofthe same circuit.2.2 thermocouple: Pair of conductors of dissimilar materials joined at one end and formingpart of an arrangement using the thermoelectric effect for temperature measurement.2.3 measuring junction: That junction which is subjected to the temperature to bemeasured.2.4 reference junction: That junction of the thermocouple which is at a known (reference)temperature to which the measuring temperature is compared.2.5 reference temperature: For the tables of this document, the reference temperatureis 0 °C.3 Thermocouple type letter designationsThe following letter designations are established for the thermocouple wire combinations:Letter Thermocouple typeRPlatinum-13 % rhodium/platinumSPlatinum-10 % rhodium/platinumBPlatinum-30 % rhodium/platinum-6 % rhodiumJIron/copper-nickelTCopper/copper-nickelENickel-chromium/copper-nickelKNickel-chromium/nickel-aluminiumNNickel-chromium-silicon/nickel-siliconWhen identifying noble or base metal thermocouples by their nominal alloy combinations, thepositive leg shall be listed first.SIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 © IEC:1995– 11 –4 Platinum-13 % rhodium/platinum (type R)The reference tables are given for thermocouples made from pure platinum (-) and an alloy ofplatinum (+) with a composition as close as possible to 13 % rhodium by weight.SIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 © IEC:1995- 12 -584-1 ©CEI:1995Platine -13 % rhodium/platineForce électromotrice en fonction de la températureType RPlatinum - 13 % rhodium/platinumElectromotive force as a function of temperatureE/µVt90/°C0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9ta°C-50-226-50-40-188-192-196-200-204-208-211-215-219-223-40-30-145-150-154-158-163-167-171-175-180-184-30-20-100-105-109-114-119-123-128-132-137-141-20-10-51-56-61-66-71-76-81-86-91-95-1000-5-11-16-21-26-31-36-41-460SIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 © IEC:1995- 13 -584-1 ©CEI:1995Platine - 13 % rhodium/platine (suite)Force électromotrice en fonction de la températureType RPlatinum - 13 % rhodium/platinum (continued)Electromotive force as a function of temperatureFJuVt91°C0123456789t90/°C0051116212732384349010546065717782889410010510201111171231291351411471531591652030171177183189195201207214220226304023223924525125826427127728429040502963033103163233293363433493565060363369376383390397403410417424607043143844545245946647348048749470805015085165235305375445525595668090573581588595603610618625632640901006476556626706776856937007087151001107237317387467547617697777857921101208008088168248328398478558638711201308798878959039119199279359439511301409599679769849921 0001 0081 0161 0251 0331401501 0411 0491 0581 0661 0741 0821 0911 0991 1071 1161501601 1241 1321 1411 1491 1581 1661 1751 1831 1911 2001601701 2081 2171 2251 2341 2421 2511 2601 2681 2771 2851701801 2941 3031 3111 3201 3291 3371 3461 3551 3631 3721801901 3811 3891 3981 4071 4161 4251 4331 4421 4511 4601902001 4691 4771 4861 4951 5041 5131 5221 5311 5401 5492002101 5581 5671 5751 5841 5931 6021 6111 6201 6291 6392102201 6481 6571 6661 6751 6841 6931 7021 7111 7201 7292202301 7391 7481 7571 7661 7751 7841 7941 8031 8121 8212302401 8311 8401 8491 8581 8681 8771 8861 8951 9051 9142402501 9231 9331 9421 9511 9611 9701 9801 9891 9982 0082502602 0172 0272 0362 0462 0552 0642 0742 0832 0932 10226027021122121213121402150215921692179218821982702802 2072 2172 2262 2362 2462 2552 2652 2752 2842 2942802902 3042 3132 3232 3332 3422 3522 3622 3712 3812 391290SIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 © IEC:1995- 14 -584-1 ©CEI:1995Platine - 13% rhodium/platine (suite)Force électromotrice en fonction de la températureType RPlatinum - 13% rhodium/platinum (continued)Electromotive force as a function of temperatureE/pVta0/°C0123456789ta°C3002 4012 4102 4202 4302 4402 4492 4592 4692 4792 4883003102 4982 5082 5182 5282 5382 5472 5572 5672 5772 5873103202 5972 6072 6172 6262 6362 6462 6562 6662 6762 6863203302 6962 7062 7162 7262 7362 7462 7562 7662 7762 7863303402 7962 8062 8162 8262 8362 8462 8562 866.2 8762 8863403502 8962 9062 9162 9262 9372 9472 9572 9672 9772 9873503602 9973 0073 0183 0283 0383 0483 0583 0683 0793 0893603703 0993 1093 1193 1303 1403 1503 1603 1713 1813 1913703803 2013 2123 2223 2323 2423 2533 2633 2733 2843 2943803903 3043 3153 3253 3353 3463 3563 3663 3773 3873 3973904003 4083 4183 4283 4393 4493 4603 4703 4803 4913 5014004103 5123 5223 5333 5433 5533 56435743 5853 5953 6064104203 6163 6273 6373 6483 6583 6693 6793 6903 7003 7114204303 7213 7323 7423 7533 7643 7743 7853 7953 8063 8164304403 8273 8383 8483 8593 8693 8803 8913 9013 9123 9224404503 9333 9443 9543 9653 9763 9863 9974 0084 0184 0294504604 0404 0504 0614 0724 0834 0934 1044 1154 1254 1364604704 1474 1584 1684 1794 1904 2014 2114 2224 2334 2444704804 2554 2654 2764 2874 2984 3094 3194 3304 3414 3524804904 3634 3734 3844 3954 4064 4174 4284 4394 4494 4604905004 4714 4824 4934 5044 5154 5264 5374 5484 5584 5695005104 5804 5914 6024 6134 6244 6354 6464 6574 6684 6795105204 6904 7014 7124 7234 7344 7454 7564 7674 7784 7895205304 8004 8114 8224 8334 8444 8554 8664 8774 8884 8995305404 9104 9224 9334 9444 9554 9664 9774 9884 9995 0105405505 0215 0335 0445 0555 0665 0775 0885 0995 1115 1225505605 1335 1445 1555 1665 1785 1895 2005 2115 2225 2345605705 2455 2565 2675 2795 2905 3015 3125 3235 3355 3465705805 3575 3695 3805 3915 4025 4145 4255 4365 4485 4595805905 4705 4815 4935 5045 5155 5275 5385 5495 5615 572590SIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 © IEC:1995- 15 -584-1 ©CEI:1995Platine - 13 % rhodium/platine (suite)Force électromotrice en fonction de la températureType RPlatinum - 13 % rhodium/platinum (continued)Electromotive force as a function of temperatureFJuVtE,/°C0123456789ta°C6005 5835 5955 6065 61856295 64056525 6635 6745 6866006105 6975 7095 7205 73157435 75457665 7775 7895 8006106205 8125 8235 8345 84658575 86958805 8925 9035 9156206305 9265 9385 9495 96159725 98459956 0076 0186 0306306406 0416 0536 0656 07660886 09961116 1226 1346 1466406506 1576 1696 1806 19262046 21562276 2386 2506 2626506606 2736 2856 2976 30863206 33263436 3556 3676 3786606706 3906 4026 4136 42564376 44864606 4726 4846 4956706806 5076 5196 5316 54265546 56665786 5896 6016 6136806906 6256 6366 6486 66066726 68466956 7076 7196 7316907006 7436 7556 7666 77867906 80268146 8266 8386 8497007106 8616 8736 8856 89769096 92169336 9456 9566 9687107206 9806 9927 0047 01670287 04070527 0647 0767 0887207307 1007 1127 1247 13671487 16071727 1847 1967 2087307407 2207 2327 2447 25672687 28072927 3047 3167 3287407507 3407 3527 3647 37673897 40174137 4257 4377 4497507607 4617 4737 4857 49875107 52275347 5467 5587 5707607707 5837 5957 6077 61976317 64476567 6687 6807 6927707807 7057 7177 7297 74177537 76677787 7907 8027 8157807907 8277 8397 8517 86478767 88879017 9137 9257 9387908007 9507 9627 9747 98779998 01180248 0368 0488 0618008108 0738 0868 0988 11081238 13581478 1608 1728 1858108208 1978 2098 2228 23482478 25982728 2848 2968 3098208308 3218 3348 3468 35983718 38483968 4098 4218 4348308408 4468 4598 4718 48484968 50985218 5348 5468 5598408508 5718 5848 5978 60986228 63486478 6598 6728 6858508608 6978 7108 7228 73587488 76087738 7858 7988 8118608708 8238 8368 8498 86188748 88788998 9128 9258 9378708808 9508 9638 9758 98890019 01490269 0399 0529 0658808909 0779 0909 1039 11591289 14191549 1679 1799 192890SIST EN 60584-1:1998

584-1 © IEC:1995- 16 -584-1 ©CEI:1995Platine -13 % rhodium/platine (suite)Force électromotrice en fonction de la températureType RPlatinum - 13 % rhodium/platinum (continued)Electromotive force as a function of temperatureE/µVt90/°C0123456789tgo/°C9009 2059 2189 2309 2439 2569 2699 2829 2949 3079 3209009109 3339 3469 3599 3719 3849 3979 4109 4239 4369 4499109209 4619 4749 4879 5009 5139 5269 5399 5529 5659 5789209309 5909 6039 6169 6299 6429 6559 6689 6819 6949 7079309409 7209 7339 7469 7599 7729 7859 7989 8119 8249 8379409509 8509 8639 8769 8899 9029 9159 9289 9419 9549 9679509609 9809 99310 00610 01910 03210 04610 05910 07210 08510 09896097010 111101241013710 1501016310 17710 19010 20310 21610 22997098010 24210 25510 26810 28210 29510 30810 32110 33410 34710 36198099010 37410 38710 40010 41310 42710 44010 45310 46610 48010 4939901 00010 50610 51910 53210 54610 55910 57210 58510 59910 61210 6251 0001 01010 63810 65210 66510 67810 69210 70510 71810 73110 74510 7581 0101 02010 77110 78510 79810 81110 82510 83810 85110 86510 87810 8911 0201 03010 90510 91810 93210 94510 95810 97210 98510 99811 01211 0251 0301 04011 03911 05211 06511 07911 09211 10611 11911 13211 14611 1591 0401 05011 17311 18611 20011 21311 22711 24011 25311 26711 28011 2941 0501 06011 30711 32111 33411 34811 36111 37

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