Railway Application - Fixed Installations - Specification for reversible d.c. substations

This Technical Report provides recommendations for DC reversible substations. These recommendations apply to systems and components that facilitate the flow of energy to and from the upstream AC grid including their related interfaces. These recommendations provide the necessary functions for the recovery of braking energy. It is intended to be used in fixed electrical installations with nominal voltage not exceeding 3 000 V DC which supply electrical power to vehicles used in public guided transport systems, i.e. railway vehicles, tramway vehicles, underground vehicles and trolley-buses It is intended to provide an overview of state-of-the-art applications, define the minimum recommendations that are presently available, and provide functional recommendations to be applied to these substations. This document focuses mainly on the substation converters and the traction transformers. Other devices such as switchgear - if they are the same as in classic substations - are not addressed here. Moreover this specification addresses performance, constraints, validation and acceptance criteria for the implementation of reversible substations. This document provides the minimum recommendations to be fulfilled. However, due to the different possible solutions and different types of existing technologies, this document does not provide technical specifications of the basic components that facilitate the functionalities described.

Bahnanwendungen - Ortsfeste Anlagen - Spezifikation rückspeisefähiger Unterwerke für Gleichstrombahnen

Applications ferroviaires - Installations fixes - Spécification pour sous-stations réversibles à courant continu

Železniške naprave - Stacionarne naprave - Specifikacija za reverzibilne d.c. podpostaje

To tehnično poročilo določa priporočila za reverzibilne d.c. podpostaje. Ta priporočila veljajo za sisteme in komponente, ki olajšajo pretok energije v omrežje AC in iz njega, vključno s povezanimi vmesniki.
Ta priporočila določajo obvezne funkcije za obnavljanje zavorne energije. Standard je namenjen za uporabo v stacionarnih električnih napravah z nazivno napetostjo, ki ne presega 3000 V DC, ki dovajajo električno energijo vozilom, ki se uporabljajo v javnih vodenih transportnih sistemih, tj. železniških vozilih, tramvajskih vozilih, podzemnih vozilih in trolejbusih.
Namenjen je zagotavljanju pregleda najsodobnejših naprav, določitvi minimalnih priporočil, ki so trenutno na voljo, in zagotavljanju funkcionalnih priporočil za uporabo pri teh postajah.
Ta dokument se osredotoča predvsem na pretvornike za podpostaje in transformatorje vleke. Druge naprave, kot so stikalne naprave (če so enake kot pri običajnih podpostajah), niso obravnavane v tem standardu. Poleg tega ta specifikacija obravnava zmogljivost, omejitve, validacijo in kriterije sprejemljivosti za izvajanje reverzibilnih podpostaj.
Ta dokument podaja minimalna priporočila, ki morajo biti izpolnjena. Vendar pa zaradi različnih možnih rešitev in različnih vrst obstoječih tehnologij ne zagotavlja tehničnih specifikacij osnovnih komponent, ki olajšajo opisane funkcije.

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Technical report
TP CLC/TR 50646:2018
English language
21 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Železniške naprave - Stacionarne naprave - Specifikacija za reverzibilne d.c.
Railway Application - Fixed Installations - Specification for reversible d.c. substations
Bahnanwendungen - Ortsfeste Anlagen – Spezifikation rückspeisefähiger Unterwerke für
Applications ferroviaires - Installations fixes - Spécification pour sous-stations réversibles
à courant continu
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CLC/TR 50646:2015
29.280 (OHNWULþQDYOHþQDRSUHPD Electric traction equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


December 2015
ICS 29.280
English Version
Railway Application - Fixed Installations - Specification for
reversible d.c. substations
Applications ferroviaires - Installations fixes - Spécification Bahnanwendungen - Ortsfeste Anlagen - Spezifikation
pour sous-stations réversibles à courant continu rückspeisefähiger Unterwerke für Gleichstrombahnen

This Technical Report was approved by CENELEC on 2015-10-26.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2015 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. CLC/TR 50646:2015 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 6
3.1 Terms and definitions . 6
3.2 Abbreviations . 7
4 General . 8
4.1 Application of reversible substation . 8
4.2 Energy efficiency analysis . 8
4.3 System architecture . 8
4.4 Braking safety . 10
5 Standard performances . 10
5.1 General recommendations . 10
5.2 Performance of the system . 10
5.2.1 Power rating . 10
5.2.2 Energy efficiency . 10
5.2.3 Harmonics and reactive power compensation . 10
5.2.4 Additional recommendations. 11
5.2.5 Safety . 11
5.2.6 Availability . 11
6 Constraints . 11
6.1 Climatic environment . 11
6.2 Electromagnetic compatibility . 11
6.3 Harmonic content . 11
6.4 Interfaces with operational environment . 11
6.4.1 General . 11
6.4.2 Installation . 11
6.4.3 Power supply and distribution . 12
6.4.4 Monitoring . 12
6.4.5 Rolling stock . 12
6.4.6 Operation . 12
7 Functional aspects . 12
7.1 General . 12
7.2 Energy regeneration . 13
7.3 Power quality . 13
7.3.1 General . 13
7.3.2 Substation voltage and load balancing . 14
7.3.3 Harmonic compensation . 14
7.3.4 Reactive power optimization. 14
7.4 Protection functions . 14
7.5 Automatic converter configuration . 15
7.6 Substation control and monitoring . 15
7.7 Centralized control function . 16
8 System simulation and equipment sizing . 16
8.1 General . 16
8.2 Energy consumption computation . 17
8.3 Rating of equipment . 17
9 Further standardization needs . 18
Bibliography . 20

European foreword
This document (CLC/TR 50646:2015) has been prepared by CLC/SC 9XC “Electric supply and earthing
systems for public transport equipment and ancillary apparatus (Fixed installations)”.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association.
This document originates from the Technical Specification issued by UIC/UNIFE on the same topic, and was
offered as a CENELEC Technical Report. The purpose of this Technical Report is to provide recommendations
for reversible DC substations.
Reversible substations are capable of feeding the train regenerative braking energy (up to 100 %) back to the
AC high voltage distribution network, while maintaining the capability of exchanging energy between trains on
the DC line. A substantial amount of energy can be saved for DC systems which operate electric trains fitted
with regenerative braking, on commuter services or operating on steep gradient lines. The system receptivity
can be improved by feeding the excess regenerative braking energy to the upstream AC network (e.g. AC
railway network or national grid) at a higher voltage level.
This document provides recommendations if DC Reversible Traction Substations are installed to improve line
receptivity of DC power supply networks. This document is suitable for newly manufactured traction substations
as well as for upgrading and renewal of existing lines. This technical recommendation aims at improving the
energy efficiency of the DC transport system, reducing energy consumption, and contributing to a greener
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides recommendations for DC reversible substations. These recommendations apply
to systems and components that facilitate the flow of energy to and from the upstream AC grid including their
related interfaces.
These recommendations provide the necessary functions for the recovery of braking energy. It is intended to be
used in fixed electrical installations with nominal voltage not exceeding 3 000 V DC which supply electrical
power to vehicles used in public guided transport systems, i.e. railway vehicles, tramway vehicles, underground
vehicles and trolley-buses
It is intended to provide an overview of state-of-the-art applications, define the minimum recommendations that
are presently available, and provide functional recommendations to be applied to these substations.
This document focuses mainly on the substation converters and the traction transformers. Other devices such
as switchgear - if they are the same as in classic substations - are not addressed here. Moreover this
specification addresses performance, constraints, validation and acceptance criteria for the implementation of
reversible substations.
This document provides the minimum recommendations to be fulfilled. However, due to the different possible
solutions and different types of existing technologies, this document does not provide technical specifications of
the basic components that facilitate the functionalities described.
2 Normative references
The following standards, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are essential for
its application. For dated references, only the cited edition applies. For undated references the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendment) applies.
EN 50160, Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public electricity networks
EN 50163, Railway applications — Supply voltages of traction systems
EN 50327, Railway applications — Fixed installations — Harmonisation of the rated values for converter groups
and tests on converter groups
EN 50328:2003, Railway applications — Fixed installations — Electronic power converters for substations
EN 50329, Railway applications — Fixed installations — Traction transformers
EN 50388, Railway Applications — Power supply and rolling stock — Technical criteria for the coordination
between power supply (substation) and rolling stock to achieve interoperability
IEC 60050, Electropedia: The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary ("IEV Online")
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60050 and the following apply.

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