Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 3-2: Immunity requirements for safety-related systems and for equipment intended to perform safety-related functions (functional safety) - Industrial applications with specified electromagnetic environment

La CEI 61326-1 est applicable à la présente norme CEI 61326-3-2, mais elle est limitée aux systèmes et matériels pour applications industrielles destinés à réaliser des fonctions de sécurité telles que définies dans la CEI 61508, avec un SIL 1-3. L'environnement considéré par la présente norme est industriel, en bâtiment ou en extérieur, et il peut être rencontré dans des applications industrielles dont l'environnement électromagnétique possède des caractéristiques spécifiées (par exemple l'industrie de procédés). Par rapport à l'environnement industriel général (voir la CEI 61326-3-1), la différence de l'environnement électromagnétique couvert par la présente norme résulte des mesures d'atténuation employées contre les phénomènes EM conduisant à un environnement électromagnétique spécifié.",PE

Elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte – EMV-Anforderungen – Teil 3-2: Störfestigkeitsanforderungen für sicherheitsbezogene Systeme und für Geräte, die für sicherheitsbezogene Funktionen vorgesehen sind (Funktionale Sicherheit) – Industrielle Anwendungen in spezifizierter elektromagnetischer Umgebung

Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire - Exigences relatives à la CEM - Partie 3-2: Exigences d'immunité pour les systèmes relatifs à la sécurité et pour les matériels destinés à réaliser des fonctions relatives à la sécurité (sécurité fonctionnelle) - Applications industrielles dont l'environnement électromagnétique est spécifié


Električna oprema za merjenje, nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) - 3-2. del: Zahteve za odpornost varnostnih sistemov in za opremo, namenjeno za opravljanje z varnostjo povezanih funkcij (funkcijska varnost) - Industrijska uporaba v navedenih elektromagnetnih okoljih (IEC 61326-3-2:2008 EQV)

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 61326:1998
SIST EN 61326:1998/A1:1998
SIST EN 61326:1998/A2:2002
SIST EN 61326:1998/A3:2004
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements -
Part 3-2: Immunity requirements for safety-related systems and for equipment intended
to perform safety-related functions (functional safety) - Industrial applications with
specified electromagnetic environment
Elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte - EMV-Anforderungen - Teil 3-2:
Störfestigkeitsanforderungen für sicherheitsbezogene Systeme und für Geräte, die für
sicherheitsbezogene Funktionen vorgesehen sind (Funktionale Sicherheit) - Industrielle
Anwendungen in spezifizierter elektromagnetischer Umgebung
Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire - Exigences relatives à la
CEM - Partie 3-2: Exigences d'immunité pour les systèmes relatifs à la sécurité et aux
matériels destinés à réaliser des fonctions relatives à la sécurité (sécurité fonctionnelle) -
Applications industrielles dont l'environnement électromagnétique est spécifié
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 61326-3-2:2008
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 61326-3-2
June 2008
ICS 25.040.40; 33.100.20 Partially supersedes EN 61326:1997 + A1:1998 + A2:2002 + A3:2003

English version
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use -
EMC requirements -
Part 3-2: Immunity requirements for safety-related systems
and for equipment intended to perform safety-related functions
(functional safety) -
Industrial applications with specified electromagnetic environment
(IEC 61326-3-2:2008)
Matériel électrique de mesure,  Elektrische Mess-, Steuer-,
de commande et de laboratoire - Regel- und Laborgeräte -
Exigences relatives à la CEM - EMV-Anforderungen -
Partie 3-2: Exigences d'immunité Teil 3-2: Störfestigkeitsanforderungen
pour les systèmes relatifs à la sécurité für sicherheitsbezogene Systeme und
et aux matériels destinés à réaliser des für Geräte, die für sicherheitsbezogene
fonctions relatives à la sécurité Funktionen vorgesehen sind
(sécurité fonctionnelle) - (Funktionale Sicherheit) -
Applications industrielles Industrielle Anwendungen in spezifizierter
dont l'environnement électromagnétique
elektromagnetischer Umgebung
est spécifié (IEC 61326-3-2:2008)
(CEI 61326-3-2:2008)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2008-06-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified
to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© 2008 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 61326-3-2:2008 E
The text of document 65A/501/FDIS, future edition 1 of IEC 61326-3-2, prepared by SC 65A, System
aspects, of IEC TC 65, Industrial-process measurement, control and automation, was submitted to the
IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and was approved by CENELEC as EN 61326-3-2 on 2008-06-01.
The EN 61326 series supersedes EN 61326:1997 + corrigendum September 1998 + A1:1998 + A2:2001
+ A3:2003.
This standard is to be used in conjunction with EN 61326-1.
The following dates were fixed:

– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented

at national level by publication of an identical
(dop) 2009-03-01
national standard or by endorsement

– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
(dow) 2011-06-01
with the EN have to be withdrawn
Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61326-3-2:2008 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
- 3 - EN 61326-3-2:2008
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

NOTE  When an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HD
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year

IEC 60050-161 - International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - -
(IEV) -
Chapter 161: Electromagnetic compatibility

IEC 61000-4-2 1995 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - EN 61000-4-2 1995
A1 1998 Part 4-2: Testing and measurement A1 1998
A2 2000 techniques - Electrostatic discharge A2 2001
immunity test
IEC 61000-4-3 2006 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - EN 61000-4-3 2006
Part 4-3: Testing and measurement
techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency,
electromagnetic field immunity test

IEC 61000-4-4 2004 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - EN 61000-4-4 2004
Part 4-4: Testing and measurement
techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst
immunity test
IEC 61000-4-5 2005 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - EN 61000-4-5 2006
Part 4-5: Testing and measurement
techniques - Surge immunity test

IEC 61000-4-6 2003 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
+ A1 2004 Part 4-6: Testing and measurement
+ A2 2006 techniques - Immunity to conducted EN 61000-4-6 2007
disturbances, induced by radio-frequency + corr. August 2007
IEC 61000-4-8 1993 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - EN 61000-4-8 1993
A1 2000 Part 4-8: Testing and measurement A1 2001
techniques - Power frequency magnetic field
immunity test
IEC 61000-4-11 2004 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - EN 61000-4-11 2004
Part 4-11: Testing and measurement
techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions
and voltage variations immunity tests

IEC 61000-4-29 2000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - EN 61000-4-29 2000
Part 4-29: Testing and measurement
techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions
and voltage variations on d.c. input power port
immunity tests
IEC 61000-6-2 2005 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - EN 61000-6-2 2005
Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for + corr. September 2005
industrial environments
Undated reference.
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year

IEC 61326-1 2005 Electrical equipment for measurement, EN 61326-1 2006
control and laboratory use - EMC
requirements -
Part 1: General requirements
IEC 61326-2-1 2005 Electrical equipment for measurement, EN 61326-2-1 2006
control and laboratory use - EMC
requirements -
Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Test
configurations, operational conditions and
performance criteria for sensitive test and
measurement equipment for EMC unprotected
IEC 61326-2-2 2005 Electrical equipment for measurement, EN 61326-2-2 2006
control and laboratory use - EMC
requirements -
Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Test
configurations, operational conditions and
performance criteria for portable test,
measuring and monitoring equipment used in
low-voltage distribution systems

IEC 61326-2-3 2006 Electrical equipment for measurement, EN 61326-2-3 2006
control and laboratory use - EMC
requirements -
Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Test
configuration, operational conditions and
performance criteria for transducers with
integrated or remote signal conditioning

IEC 61326-2-4 2006 Electrical equipment for measurement, EN 61326-2-4 2006
control and laboratory use - EMC
requirements -
Part 2-4: Particular requirements - Test
configurations, operational conditions and
performance criteria for insulation monitoring
devices according to IEC 61557-8 and for
equipment for insulation fault location
according to IEC 61557-9
IEC 61326-2-5 2006 Electrical equipment for measurement, EN 61326-2-5 2006
control and laboratory use - EMC
requirements -
Part 2-5: Particular requirements - Test
configurations, operational conditions and
performance criteria for field devices with
interfaces according to IEC 61784-1, CP 3/2

IEC 61326-3-1 2008 Electrical equipment for measurement, EN 61326-3-1 2008
control and laboratory use - EMC
requirements -
Part 3-1: Immunity requirements for safety-
related systems and for equipment intended to
perform safety-related functions (functional
safety) - General industrial applications

IEC 61508-2 2000 Functional safety of EN 61508-2 2001
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related systems -
Part 2: Requirements for
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related systems
- 5 - EN 61326-3-2:2008
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year

IEC 61508-4 1998 Functional safety of
+ corr. April 1999 electrical/electronic/programmable electronic EN 61508-4 2001
safety-related systems -
Part 4: Definitions and abbreviations

IEC 61511-1 2003 Functional safety - Safety instrumented
+ corr. November 2004 systems for the process industry sector - EN 61511-1 2004
Part 1: Framework, definitions, system,
hardware and software requirements

ISO/IEC Guide 51 1999 Safety aspects - Guidelines for their inclusion - -
in standards
IEC 61326-3-2
Edition 1.0 2008-01
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC
requirements –
Part 3-2: Immunity requirements for safety-related systems and for equipment
intended to perform safety-related functions (functional safety) – Industrial
applications with specified electromagnetic environment

Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire – Exigences
relatives à la CEM –
Partie 3-2: Exigences d'immunité pour les systèmes relatifs à la sécurité et pour
les matériels destinés à réaliser des fonctions relatives à la sécurité (sécurité
fonctionnelle) – Applications industrielles dont l’environnement
électromagnétique est spécifié
ICS 25.040.40; 33.100.20 ISBN 2-8318-9510-3

– 2 – 61326-3-2 © IEC:2008

1 Scope.9
2 Normative references .10
3 Terms and definitions .11
4 General .13
5 EMC test plan.14
5.1 General .14
5.2 Configuration of EUT during testing.14
5.2.1 General .14
5.2.2 Composition of EUT.14
5.2.3 Assembly of EUT.14
5.2.4 I/O ports .15
5.2.5 Auxiliary equipment .15
5.2.6 Cabling and earthing (grounding).15
5.3 Operation conditions of EUT during testing.15
5.3.1 Operation modes .15
5.3.2 Environmental conditions.15
5.3.3 EUT software during test .15

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