Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts

Applies to direct indicating electrical measuring instruments having analogue display, such as: ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters, phasemeters, frequency meters, synchroscopes and ohmmeters. Also applies to certain accessories used with such apparatus, e.g., shunts, series resistors and impedance elements.

Direkt wirkende anzeigende elektrische Meßgeräte und ihr Zubehör - Meßgeräte mit Skalenanzeige - Teil 1: Definitionen und allgemeine Anforderungen für alle Teile dieser Norm

Appareils mesureurs électriques indicateurs analogiques à action directe et leurs accessoires - Partie 1: Définitions et prescriptions générales communes à toutes les parties

S'applique aux appareils mesureurs électriques indicateurs à action directe à affichage analogique, à savoir: ampèremètres, voltmètres, wattmètres, varmètres, phase-mètres, fréquencemètres, synchronoscopes et ohmmètres. S'applique également à certains accessoires utilisés avec ces appareils tels que: shunts, résistances et impédances additionnelles.

Neposredni kazalni analogni električni merilni instrumenti in njihov pribor – 1. del: Definicije in splošne zahteve, skupne vsem delom (IEC 60051-2:1997)

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EN 60051-1:2000
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Direkt wirkende anzeigende elektrische Meßgeräte und ihr Zubehör - Meßgeräte mit Skalenanzeige -- Teil 1: Definitionen und allgemeine Anforderungen für alle Teile dieser NormAppareils mesureurs électriques indicateurs analogiques à action directe et leurs accessoires -- Partie 1: Définitions et prescriptions générales communes à toutes les partiesDirect acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -- Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts17.220.20Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities01.040.17Meroslovje in merjenje. Fizikalni pojavi (Slovarji)Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies)ICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 60051-1:1998SIST EN 60051-1:2000en01-september-2000SIST EN 60051-1:2000SLOVENSKI
STANDARDSIST EN 60051-1:1995/A2:2000SIST EN 60051-1:1995/A1:2000SIST EN 60051-1:19951DGRPHãþD

NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD60051-1Cinquième éditionFifth edition1997-12Appareils mesureurs électriquesindicateurs analogiques à action directeet leurs accessoires –Partie 1:Définitions et prescriptions généralescommunes à toutes les partiesDirect acting indicating analogue electricalmeasuring instruments and their accessories –Part 1:Definitions and general requirementscommon to all parts Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Electrotechnical
CommissionPour prix, voir catalogue en vigueurFor price, see current
catalogueÓ IEC 1997
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Copyright - all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite niutilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucunprocédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photo-copie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'éditeur.No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized inany form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,including photocopying and microfilm, without
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from the publisher.International Electrotechnical Commission3, rue de Varembé
Geneva, SwitzerlandTelefax: +41 22 919 0300e-mail: IEC web site
http: //www.iec.chCODE PRIXPRICE CODEXSIST EN 60051-1:2000

60051-1 © IEC:1997– 3 –CONTENTSPageFOREWORD.7Clause1General.111.1Scope.111.2Normative references.112Definitions.132.1General terms.132.2Description of instruments according to their method of operation.192.3Constructional features of instruments.232.4Characteristic features of instruments.292.5Characteristic values.292.6Influence quantity, reference conditions, nominal range of useand preconditioning.312.7Errors and variations.332.8Accuracy, accuracy class and class index.333Description, classification and compliance.353.1Description.353.2Classification.353.3Compliance with the requirements of this standard.354Reference conditions and intrinsic errors.354.1Reference conditions.354.2Limits of intrinsic error, fiducial value.375Nominal range of use and variations.415.1Nominal range of use.415.2Limits of variations.415.3Conditions for the determination of variations.456Further electrical and mechanical requirements.456.1Voltage tests, insulation tests and other safety requirements.476.2Damping.476.3Self-heating.476.4Permissible overloads.496.5Limiting values of temperature.496.6Deviation from zero.497 Constructional requirements.497.1Sealing to prevent access.497.2Scales.497.3Indication of out-of-range values of the measurand.537.4Preferred values.537.5Adjusters, mechanical and/or electrical.537.6Effects of vibration and shock.55SIST EN 60051-1:2000

60051-1 © IEC:1997– 5 –Page8Information, general markings and symbols.578.1Information.578.2Markings, symbols and their locations.598.3Markings relating to the reference values and nominal ranges of useof influence quantities.619Markings and symbols for terminals.739.1Requirements for markings.739.2Earthing (grounding) terminals.739.3Measuring circuit terminals.749.4Special markings for terminals.7510Tests to prove compliance with this standard.75Annex A-1 – Tests.77Annex B-1 – Permissible errors and variations.79SIST EN 60051-1:2000

60051-1 © IEC:1997– 7 –INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION_________DIRECT ACTING INDICATING ANALOGUE ELECTRICAL MEASURINGINSTRUMENTS AND THEIR ACCESSORIES –Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all partsFOREWORD1)The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promoteinternational co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. Tothis end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation isentrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with mayparticipate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaisingwith the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organizationfor Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the twoorganizations.2)The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, aninternational consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representationfrom all interested National Committees.3)The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the formof standards, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.4)In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC InternationalStandards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Anydivergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearlyindicated in the latter.5)The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for anyequipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.6)Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subjectof patent rights. The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.International Standard IEC 60051-1 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 85:Measuring equipment for electromagnetic quantities.This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 1984, amendment 1(1994) and amendment 2 (1995). It constitutes a technical revision.The text of this standard is based on the fourth edition, amendment 1, amendment 2 and thefollowing documents:FDISReport on voting85/166/FDIS85/177/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report onvoting indicated in the above table.SIST EN 60051-1:2000

60051-1 © IEC:1997– 9 –INTRODUCTIONIEC 60051 is published in separate parts according to the following structure and under thegeneral title Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and theiraccessories.Part 1:Definitions and General Requirements Common to all Pans.Part 2:Special Requirements for Ammeters and Voltmeters.Part 3:Special Requirements for Wattmeters and Varmeters.Part 4:Special Requirements for Frequency Meters.Part 5:Special Requirements for Phase Meters, Power Factor Meters and Synchroscopes.Part 6:Special Requirements for Ohmmeters (Impedance Meters) and Conductance Meters.Part 7:Special Requirements for Multi-function Instruments.Part 8:Special Requirements for Accessories.Part 9:Recommended Test Methods.Parts 2 to 9 are not complete in themselves and shall be read in conjunction with this Part 1.All of these pans are arranged in the same format and a standard relationship between subjectand clause number is maintained throughout. In addition, tables, figures and annexes add asuffix to the part number in order to differentiate the pans. This re-arrangement will assist thereader of IEC 60051 to distinguish information relating to the different types of instruments.SIST EN 60051-1:2000

60051-1 © IEC:1997– 11 –DIRECT ACTING INDICATING ANALOGUE ELECTRICAL MEASURINGINSTRUMENTS AND THEIR ACCESSORIES –Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts1 General1.1 ScopeThis standard applies to direct acting indicating electrical measuring instruments having ananalogue display, such as:–ammeters and voltmeters;–wattmeters and varmeters;–frequency meters of pointer and vibrating-reed types;–phasemeters, power-factor meters and synchroscopes;–ohmmeters, impedance meters and conductance meters;–multi-function instruments of the above types.It also applies to certain accessories used with these instruments, such as:–shunts;–series resistors and impedance elements.If other accessories are associated with instruments, this standard is applicable to thecombination of the instrument and the accessory provided that the adjustments have beenmade for the combination.This standard also applies to a direct acting indicating electrical measuring instrument whosescale marks do not correspond directly to its electrical input quantity, provided that therelationship between them is known.This standard also applies to instruments and accessories having electronic devices in theirmeasuring and/or auxiliary circuits.This standard does not apply to special purpose instruments which are covered by their ownIEC standards.This standard does not apply to special purpose devices which are covered by their own IECstandards when they are used as accessories.This standard does not contain either requirements for protection against environmentalconditions or the relevant tests. However, when necessary, and then only by agreementbetween the manufacturer and the user, tests to approximate the conditions of use may beselected from IEC 60068.This standard does not specify requirements concerning dimensions of instruments oraccessories (for the former, see IEC 60473).SIST EN 60051-1:2000

60051-1 © IEC:1997– 13 –1.2 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this part of IEC 60051. At the time of publication, the editions indicatedwere valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements basedon this part of IEC 60051 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the mostrecent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintainregisters of currently valid International Standards.IEC 60027: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technologyIEC 60050(301), (302), (303):1983, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Chapter301: Gener

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