Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - General requirements - Methods of testing and required test results

Specifies minimum performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results for general requirements which can be applied to those characteristics common to the following equipment: shipborne radio equipment, shipborne navigational equipment, and, for EMC only, all other bridge-mounted equipment, equipment in close proximity to receiving antennas, and equipment capable of interfering with safe navigation of the ship and with radiocommunications

Navigations- und Funkkommunikationsgeräte und -systeme für die Seeschifffahrt - Allgemeine Anforderungen - Prüfverfahren und geforderte Prüfergebnisse

Matériels et systèmes de navigation et de radiocommunication maritimes - Spécifications générales - Méthodes d'essai et résultats exigibles

Spécifie les prescriptions de fonctionnement minimales, les méthodes d'essai et les résultats d'essai exigibles pour les spécifications générales pouvant s'appliquer aux caractéristiques communes à tous les matériels suivants: matériel radioélectrique de bord, matériel de navigation de bord et, pour la CEM seulement, les autres matériels de passerelle et ceux très proches des antennes de réception et des équipements susceptibles d'interférer avec la navigation sûre du navire et avec les radiocommunications

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - General requirements - Methods of testing and required test results (IEC 60945:2002)

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Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - General
requirements - Methods of testing and required test results (IEC 60945:2002)
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ICS 47.020.70 Supersedes EN 60945:1997

English version
Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems -
General requirements -
Methods of testing and required test results
(IEC 60945:2002)
Matériels et systèmes de navigation  Navigations-
et de radiocommunication maritimes - und Funkkommunikationsgeräte
Spécifications générales - und -systeme für die Seeschifffahrt -
Méthodes d'essai et résultats exigibles Allgemeine Anforderungen -
(CEI 60945:2002) Prüfverfahren und
geforderte Prüfergebnisse
(IEC 60945:2002)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2002-10-01. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and
notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© 2002 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.

Ref. No. EN 60945:2002 E
The text of document 80/345/FDIS, future edition 4 of IEC 60945, prepared by IEC TC 80, Maritime
navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems, was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC
parallel vote and was approved by CENELEC as EN 60945 on 2002-10-01.
This European Standard supersedes EN 60945:1997.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2003-07-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2005-10-01
Annexes designated "normative" are part of the body of the standard.
Annexes designated "informative" are given for information only.
In this standard, annexes A and ZA are normative and annexes B to G are informative.
Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 60945:2002 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards
IEC 60068-2-32 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60068-2-32:1993 (not modified).
IEC 60068-3-4 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60068-3-4:2002 (not modified).
IEC 60073 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60073:1996 (not modified).
IEC 60300-1 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60300-1:1993 (not modified).
IEC 60721-2-1 NOTE Harmonized as HD 478.2.1 S1:1989 (not modified).
IEC 60721-2-4 NOTE Harmonized as HD 478.2.4 S1:1989 (not modified).
IEC 60721-3-6 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60721-3-6:1993 + A2:1997 (not modified).
IEC 61162 (Series) NOTE Harmonized as EN 61162 (Series) (not modified).
IEC 61209 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61209:1999 (not modified).
IEC 61508-1 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61508-1:2001 (not modified).
- 3 - EN 60945:2002
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the
publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any
of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or
revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including
NOTE When an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant
EN/HD applies.
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 60050-161 1990 International Electrotechnical - -
A1 1997 Vocabulary (IEV) - -
A2 1998 Chapter 161: Electromagnetic - -
IEC 60068-2-1 1990 Environmental testing EN 60068-2-1 1993
A1 1993 Part 2: Tests - Tests A: Cold A1 1993
A2 1994 A2 1994
IEC 60068-2-2 1974 Part 2: Tests - Tests B: Dry heat EN 60068-2-2 1993
A1 1993 A1 1993
A2 1994 A2 1994
IEC 60068-2-5 1975 Part 2: Tests - Test Sa: Simulated EN 60068-2-5 1999
solar radiation at ground level

IEC 60068-2-6 1995 Part 2: Tests - Test Fc: Vibration EN 60068-2-6 1995
+ corr. March 1995 (sinusoidal)

IEC 60068-2-9 1975 Part 2: Tests - Guidance for solar
+ A1 1984 radiation testing EN 60068-2-9 1999
A1/corr. August 1989
IEC 60068-2-30 1980 Part 2: Tests - Test Db and guidance:
+ A1 1985 Damp heat, cyclic (12 + 12 hour cycle) EN 60068-2-30 1999

IEC 60068-2-48 1982 Part 2: Tests - Guidance on the EN 60068-2-48 1999
application of the tests of IEC 60068
to simulate the effects of storage

IEC 60068-2-52 1996 Part 2: Tests - Test Kb: Salt mist, - -
corr. July 1996 cyclic (sodium chloride solution)

IEC 60071-2 1996 Insulation co-ordination EN 60071-2 1997
Part 2: Application guide
EN 60068-2-2 includes supplement A:1976 to IEC 60068-2-2.

Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 60092-101 1994 Electrical installations in ships - -
A1 1995 Part 101: Definitions and general
A1/corr. November 1996 requirements

IEC 60417 Series Graphical symbols for use on EN 60417 Series
IEC 60529 1989 Degrees of protection provided by EN 60529 1991
enclosures (IP Code) + corr. May 1993
A1 1999 A1 2000
IEC 60533 1999 Electrical and electronic installations - -
in ships - Electromagnetic
IEC 60651 1979 Sound level meters EN 60651 1994
A1 1993 A1 1994
IEC 61000-4-2 1995 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) EN 61000-4-2 1995
Part 4-2: Testing and measurement
techniques - Electrostatic discharge
immunity test
IEC 61000-4-3 1995 Part 4-3: Testing and measurement EN 61000-4-3 1996
(mod) techniques - Radiated, radio-
frequency, electromagnetic field
immunity test
IEC 61000-4-4 1995 Part 4-4: Testing and measurement EN 61000-4-4 1995
techniques - Electrical fast
transient/burst immunity test
IEC 61000-4-5 1995 Part 4-5: Testing and measurement EN 61000-4-5 1995
techniques - Surge immunity test

IEC 61000-4-6 1996 Part 4-6: Testing and measurement EN 61000-4-6 1996
techniques - Immunity to conducted
disturbances, induced by radio-
frequency fields
IEC 61000-4-8 1993 Part 4-8: Testing and measurement EN 61000-4-8 1993
techniques - Power frequency
magnetic field immunity test
IEC 61000-4-11 1994 Part 4-11: Testing and measurement EN 61000-4-11 1994
techniques - Voltage dips, short
interruptions and voltage variations
immunity tests
CISPR 16-1 1999 Specification for radio disturbance and - -
immunity measuring apparatus and
Part 1: Radio disturbance and
immunity measuring apparatus
EN 61000-4-3:1996 is superseded by EN 61000-4-3:2002, which is based on IEC 61000-4-3:2002.

- 5 - EN 60945:2002
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
ISO 694 2000 Ships and marine technology - EN ISO 694 2001
Positioning of magnetic compasses in
ISO 3791 1976 Office machines and data processing - -
equipment - Keyboard layouts for
numeric applications
IMO SOLAS 1997 International Convention for the Safety - -
of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
IMO Torremolinos 1993 Modification of the Torremolinos - -
Protocol International Convention for the Safety
of Fishing Vessels:1977
IMO MSC/ 1997 Standard Marine Communication - -
Circular 794 Phrases (SMCPs)
IMO Resolution 1991 General requirements for shipborne - -
A.694 radio equipment forming part of the
global maritime distress and safety
system (GMDSS) and for electronic
navigational aids
IMO Resolution 1995 Performance standards for shipborne - -
A.803 VHF radio installations capable of
voice communication and digital
selective calling
IMO Resolution 1995 General requirements for - -
A.813 electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
for all electrical and electronic ship's
ITU-T 1993 Arrangement of digits, letters and - -
Recommendation symbols on telephones and other
E.161 devices that can be used for gaining
access to a telephone network
Fourth edition
Maritime navigation and radiocommunication
equipment and systems –
General requirements –
Methods of testing and required test results
 IEC 2002 Copyright - all rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varembé, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 22 919 02 11 Telefax: +41 22 919 03 00 E-mail:  Web:
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
International Electrotechnical Commission
Международная Электротехническая Комиссия
For price, see current catalogue

60945  IEC:2002 – 3 –
1 Scope .15
2 Normative references.17
3 Definitions and abbreviations .21
3.1 Definitions .21
3.2 Abbreviations used in this standard .23
3.3 IMO performance standards.23
4 Minimum performance requirements .27
4.1 General .27
4.2 Design and operation.29
4.3 Power supply.39
4.4 Durability and resistance to environmental conditions.39
4.5 Interference .41
4.6 Safety precautions.41
4.7 Maintenance.43
4.8 Equipment manuals .43
4.9 Marking and identification .45
5 Methods of testing and required test results.45
5.1 General .45
5.2 Test conditions .47
5.3 Test results.51
6 Operational checks (all equipment categories).51
6.1 Ergonomics and HMI .51
6.2 Hardware.59
6.3 Software .61
6.4 Inter-unit connection .63
7 Power supply – Methods of testing and required test results .63
7.1 Extreme power supply .63
7.2 Excessive conditions .63
7.3 Power supply short-term variation.65
7.4 Power supply failure .65
8 Durability and resistance to environmental conditions – Methods of testing and
required test results .65
8.1 General .

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