Fixed installations for railway applications - Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 1: Protective provisions against electric shock

This document specifies requirements for the protective provisions relating to electrical safety in fixed installations associated with AC and/or DC traction systems and to any installations that can be endangered by the electric traction power supply system. This also includes requirements applicable to vehicles on electrified lines. It also applies to all aspects of fixed installations which are necessary to ensure electrical safety during maintenance work within electric traction power supply systems. This document applies to new electric traction power supply systems and major revisions to electric traction power supply systems for: a) railways; b) guided mass transport systems such as 1) tramways, 2) elevated and underground railways, 3) mountain railways, 4) trolleybus systems, 5) electric traction power supply systems for road vehicles, which use an overhead contact line system, and 6) magnetically levitated systems, which use a contact line system; c) material transportation systems. This document does not apply to: a) electric traction power supply systems in underground mines, b) cranes, transportable platforms and similar transportation equipment on rails, temporary structures (e.g. exhibition structures) in so far as these are not supplied directly or via transformers from the contact line system and are not endangered by the electric traction power supply system, c) suspended cable cars, d) funicular railways, e) existing vehicles. This document does not specify working rules for maintenance. The requirements within this document related to protection against electric shock are applicable to persons only.

Ortsfeste Anlagen für Bahnanwendungen - Elektrische Sicherheit, Erdung und Rückleitung - Teil 1: Schutzmaßnahmen gegen elektrischen Schlag

Installations Fixes pour applications ferroviaires - Sécurité électrique, mise à la terre et circuit de retour - Partie 1: Mesures de protection contre les chocs électriques

Fiksni postroji za železniške naprave - Električna varnost, ozemljitev in povratni tokokrog - 1. del: Zaščitni ukrepi proti električnemu udaru - Dopolnilo A1

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5020 - Vote circulated - Formal Approval
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EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024
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SIST EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024
Fiksni postroji za železniške naprave - Električna varnost, ozemljitev in povratni
tokokrog - 1. del: Zaščitni ukrepi proti električnemu udaru
Fixed installations for railway applications - Electrical safety, earthing and the return
circuit - Part 1: Protective provisions against electric shock
Ortsfeste Anlagen für Bahnanwendungen - Elektrische Sicherheit, Erdung und
Rückleitung - Teil 1: Schutzmaßnahmen gegen elektrischen Schlag
Installations Fixes pour applications ferroviaires - Sécurité électrique, mise à la terre et
circuit de retour - Partie 1: Mesures de protection contre les chocs électriques
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50122-1:2022/prA1:2024
13.260 Varstvo pred električnim Protection against electric
udarom. Delo pod napetostjo shock. Live working
29.280 Električna vlečna oprema Electric traction equipment
SIST EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

SIST EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024

SIST EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024

EN 50122-1:2022
April 2024
ICS 29.280 -
English Version
Fixed installations for railway applications - Electrical safety,
earthing and the return circuit - Part 1: Protective provisions
against electric shock
Installations Fixes pour applications ferroviaires - Sécurité Ortsfeste Anlagen für Bahnanwendungen - Elektrische
électrique, mise à la terre et circuit de retour - Partie 1: Sicherheit, Erdung und Rückleitung - Teil 1:
Mesures de protection contre les chocs électriques Schutzmaßnahmen gegen elektrischen Schlag
This draft amendment prA1, if approved, will modify the European Standard EN 50122-1:2022; it is submitted to CENELEC members for
Deadline for CENELEC: 2024-07-12.

It has been drawn up by CLC/SC 9XC.

If this draft becomes an amendment, CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this amendment the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft amendment was established by CENELEC in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to
the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Project: 77507 Ref. No. EN 50122-1:2022/prA1:2024 E

SIST EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024
EN 50122-1:2022/prA1:2024 (E)
1 Contents Page
2 European foreword . 4
3 1 Modification to the Title . 5
4 2 Modification to 3.1, Electrical safety and hazards . 5
5 3 Modifications to 3.3, Return circuit . 5
6 4 Modifications to 3.4, Electric traction power supply system . 6
7 5 Modifications to 3.5, Contact line . 6
8 6 Modifications to 3.6, Corrosion and corrosion protection . 6
9 7 Modifications to 3.9, General terms . 6
10 8 Modification to 4.1, Overhead contact line . 6
11 9 Modification to 4.3, Trolleybuses and road vehicles using an overhead contact line . 7
12 10 Modification to 5.1.2, Design procedure . 7
13 11 Modification to 5.1.3, Electrical clearances . 8
14 12 Modification to 5.2.1, Calculation method for protection by clearance Electrical clearances . 8
15 13 Modification to 5.2.2, Dimensions of clearances . 9
16 14 Modification to 5.2.6, Clearances above standing surfaces on vehicles . 9
17 15 Modification to 5.3.2, Common requirements for electrically protective obstacles . 9
18 16 Modification to, Taut string line method . 9
19 17 Modification to, Taut string line method . 9
20 18 Modification to, Taut string line method . 9
21 19 Modification to 5.4, Protection against direct contact with live parts mounted on vehicles . 10
22 20 Modification to 5.6.5, Requirements for top contact ground level conductor rails in public areas
23 . 10
24 21 Modification to, Exceptions in tunnels . 10
25 22 Modification to, Exceptions in tunnels . 11
26 23 Modification to, Bonding of overhead contact line supporting structures to the return
27 circuit . 11
28 24 Modification to 7.1, General . 11
29 25 Modification to 7.2.1, Equipment of protection Class I . 11
30 26 Modification to 7.2.2, Equipment of protection Class II . 11
31 27 Modification to 7.2.3, Cables . 11
32 28 Modification to 7.2.4, Low voltage connected equipment . 11
33 29 Modification to 7.3.1, Design of low voltage non-traction power supply . 11
34 30 Modification to 7.3.2, Low voltage power supply by a TT system on the railway side . 12
35 31 Modification to 7.3.3, Low voltage power supply by TN system . 12
36 32 Modification to 7.3.4, Low voltage power supply by IT system . 12
37 33 Modification to, AC railways . 12
SIST EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024
EN 50122-1:2022/prA1:2024 (E)
38 34 Modification to, DC railways . 12
39 35 Modification to, Effective touch voltage limits . 12
40 36 Modification to, Effective touch voltage limits . 12
41 37 Modification to 10.3.1, General requirements . 12
42 38 Modification to 10.5, Means of achieving safe isolation between sections . 12
43 39 Modification to B.2, Examples . 12
SIST EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024
EN 50122-1:2022/prA1:2024 (E)
45 European foreword
46 This document (EN 50122-1:2022/prA1:2024) has been prepared by SC 9XC, “Electric supply and earthing
47 systems for public transport equipment and ancillary apparatus (fixed installations)”, of CLC/TC 9X, “Electrical
48 and electronic applications for railways”.
49 This document is currently submitted to the Enquiry.
50 The following dates are proposed:
• latest date by which the existence of this (doa) dor + 6 months
document has to be announced at national
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) dor + 12 months
implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) dor + 36 months
conflicting with this document have to be (to be confirmed or
withdrawn modified when voting)
51 This document has been prepared under a Standardization Request addressed to CENELEC by the European
52 Commission. The Standing Committee of the EFTA States subsequently approves these requests for its
53 Member States.
54 Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national committee. A complete
55 listing of these bodies can be found on the CENELEC website.
SIST EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024
EN 50122-1:2022/prA1:2024 (E)
56 1 Modification to the Title
57 Modify the first part of the title to read:
58 “Fixed installations for railway application - Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 1: Protective
59 provisions against electric shock”
60 2 Modification to 3.1, Electrical safety and hazards
61 Replace the definition of 3.1.11 exposed-conductive-part with the following:
62 “conductive part of equipment which can be touched and that is not normally live, but that can become energized
63 when basic insulation fails
64 Note 1 to entry: A conductive part of electrical equipment, which can become live only through contact with an exposed-
65 conductive-part which has become live, is not considered to be an exposed-conductive-part itself.
66 [SOURCE: IEC 60050-195:2021, 195-06-10, modified – the second term “live” was replaced by “energized”,
67 Note 1 to entry has been added.]”
68 In 3.1.17 delete the alternative terms “(identification: PE)” and “PE”.
69 Replace the definition of 3.1.17 protective conductor with the following:
70 “conductor provided for purposes of electrical safety
71 [SOURCE: IEC 60050-195:2021, 195-02-09]”.
72 Add a new subclause 3.1.18:
73 “protective earthing conductor
74 PE conductor
75 protective conductor provided for protective earthing
76 [SOURCE: IEC 60050-195:2021, 195-02-11, modified, “protective grounding conductor, US” was deleted]”.
77 Renumber subclauses:
78 — 3.1.18 in 3.1.19
79 — 3.1.19 in 3.1.20
80 — 3.1.20 in 3.1.21
81 3 Modifications to 3.3, Return circuit
82 Replace the definition of 3.3.1 extended return circuit with the following“
83 “part of the electric traction power supply system, which leads the current from loads such as vehicles or other
84 equipment to the source
86 — running rails;
87 — return conductor rails;
88 — return conductors;
89 — substation return conductors;
90 — booster transformer return conductors.
91 Note 1 to entry: The auto transformer system negative feeder is part of the feeding circuit.”
SIST EN 50122-1:2022/oprA1:2024
EN 50122-1:2022/prA1:2024 (E)
92 In 3.3.12 replace “per length of track” by “per length”.
93 4 Modifications to 3.4, Electric traction power supply system
94 In 3.4.7 replace “IEC 60050:441:1984” by ”IEC 60050-441:1984”.
95 In 3.4.8 and 3.4.9 replace “IEC 60050:601:1985” by ”IEC 60050-601:1985”.
96 5 Modifications to 3.5, Contact line
97 Replace the first line of the definition of 3.5.2 contact line with the following:
98 “conductor system for supplying electric energy to vehicles through current-collection equipment”
99 In 3.5.10 replace “broken overhead contact wire” by “broken contact wire”.
100 6 Modifications to 3.6, Corrosion and corrosion protection
101 Delete subclause 3.6.2
102 Renumber subclause 3.6.3 in 3.6.2, delete the specific use “” and replace the definition
103 by:
104 “unintended current in earth and/or in conductive structures
105 Note 1 to entry: In AC electric traction power supply systems, currents in earth are intended.”
106 Renumber subclause 3.6.4 in 3.6.3
107 7 Modifications to 3.9, General terms
108 In 3.9.7 replace “fault-free” by “normal”.
109 8 Modification to 4.1, Overhead contact line
110 In the first paragraph, the third paragraph, the Note 1 and the Note 2 replace “overhead contact wire” by “contact
111 wire” (four times).
112 In Figure 1, replace the Key by the following:
113 “
TOR top of rail level (cant to be neglected)
HP highest point of the catenary wire or contact wire above TOR
OCLZ overhead contact line zone
CCZ current collector zone
TCL track centre line
LL lower limit of CCZ, if OCLZ is not present
X max

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