Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes

IEC 61095:2023 is available as IEC 61095:2023 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61095:2023 applies to electromechanical air break contactors for household and similar purposes provided with main contacts intended to be connected to circuits the rated voltage of which does not exceed 440 V AC (between phases) with rated operational currents less than or equal to 63 A for utilization category AC-7a, and 32 A for utilization categories AC‑7b, AC‑7c and AC-7d (expressed in rated power), and rated conditional short-circuit current less than or equal to 6 kA. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) addition of requirements for screwless terminals; b) addition of requirements for the switching of LED lamps. Contactors for domestic and similar applications can be used for controlling lighting loads which is increasingly using LED lamp technology. A specific category for contactors is created: AC-7d. Requirements and tests are added to cover this market development, mainly for making and breaking and conventional operational performance; c) addition of requirements for contactors with electronically controlled electromagnet. Household contactors with electronically controlled electromagnet are available for years on the market. To fully cover such device, requirements and tests are added, dealing mainly with operating limits, behaviour in abnormal conditions, breakdown of components, EMC tests, etc. d) embedded software. More and more contactors are incorporating electronic circuits with embedded software. A reference is provided to guide the design of the software.

Elektromechanische Schütze für Hausinstallationen und ähnliche Zwecke

Contacteurs électromécaniques pour usages domestiques et analogues

IEC 61095:2023 est disponible sous forme de IEC 61095:2023 RLV qui contient la Norme internationale et sa version Redline, illustrant les modifications du contenu technique depuis l'édition précédente.L'IEC 61095:2023 s'applique aux contacteurs électromécaniques à air pour usages domestiques et analogues dont les contacts principaux sont destinés à être reliés à des circuits dont la tension assignée ne dépasse pas 440 V en courant alternatif (entre phases) et dont les courants assignés d'emploi sont inférieurs ou égaux à 63 A pour la catégorie d'emploi AC-7a et à 32 A pour les catégories d'emploi AC‑7b, AC‑7c et AC-7d (exprimés en puissance assignée), et le courant assigné de court-circuit conditionnel est inférieur ou égal à 6 kA. Cette troisième édition annule et remplace la deuxième édition parue en 2009. Cette édition constitue une révision technique. Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente: a) ajout des exigences relatives aux bornes sans vis; b) ajout des exigences relatives à la commande des lampes à LED. Les contacteurs pour applications domestiques et analogues peuvent être utilisés pour commander les charges d'éclairage, qui utilisent de plus en plus la technologie de lampe à LED. Création d'une catégorie spécifique pour les contacteurs: AC-7d. Des exigences et des essais ont été ajoutés pour couvrir cette évolution du marché, notamment en ce qui concerne la fermeture et la coupure et le fonctionnement conventionnel en service; c) ajout des exigences relatives aux contacteurs qui comportent un électroaimant commandé électroniquement. Les contacteurs domestiques qui comportent un électroaimant commandé électroniquement sont disponibles sur le marché depuis des années. Pour couvrir pleinement les appareils de ce types, des exigences et des essais ont été ajoutés, qui traitent notamment des limites de fonctionnement, du comportement en conditions anormales, du claquage des composants, des essais CEM, etc. d) concernant les logiciels intégrés, de plus en plus de contacteurs contiennent des circuits électroniques avec un logiciel intégré. Une référence est fournie à titre de guide pour la conception des logiciels.

Elektromehanski kontaktorji za gospodinjstva in podobne namene

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oSIST prEN IEC 61095:2022
Elektromehanski kontaktorji za gospodinjstva in podobne namene
Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes
Elektromechanische Schütze für Hausinstallationen und ähnliche Zwecke
Contacteurs électromécaniques pour usages domestiques et analogues
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN IEC 61095:2022
29.130.20 Nizkonapetostne stikalne in Low voltage switchgear and
krmilne naprave controlgear
oSIST prEN IEC 61095:2022 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

oSIST prEN IEC 61095:2022
oSIST prEN IEC 61095:2022
IEC 61095 ED3
2022-07-15 2022-10-07
121A/475/CD, 121A/490A/CC
France Mr Michaël LAHEURTE

SC 23B,SC 23E,TC 34
Other TC/SCs are requested to indicate their interest, if
any, in this CDV to the secretary.
Attention IEC-CENELEC parallel voting
The attention of IEC National Committees, members of
CENELEC, is drawn to the fact that this Committee Draft
for Vote (CDV) is submitted for parallel voting.
The CENELEC members are invited to vote through the
CENELEC online voting system.
This document is still under study and subject to change. It should not be used for reference purposes.
Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of
which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes

SC121A Officers support circulation of CDV for project IEC 61095 ED3.

download this electronic file, to make a copy and to print out the content for the sole purpose of preparing National
Committee positions. You may not copy or "mirror" the file or printed version of the document, or any part of it, for
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oSIST prEN IEC 61095:2022
IEC CDV 61095 © IEC 2022 2 121A/505/CDV

4 1 Scope . 11
5 2 Normative references . 11
6 3 Terms and definitions . 13
7 3.1 General terms . 13
8 3.2 Switching devices . 15
9 3.3 Parts of switching devices . 17
10 3.4 Operation of switching devices . 21
11 3.5 Characteristic quantities . 22
12 4 Classification . 27
13 5 Characteristics of contactors . 27
14 5.1 Summary of characteristics . 27
15 5.2 Type of contactor . 27
16 5.2.1 Number of poles . 27
17 5.2.2 Method of control . 27
18 5.3 Rated and limiting values for main circuits . 27
19 5.3.1 General . 27
20 5.3.2 Rated voltages . 27
21 5.3.3 Currents or powers . 28
22 5.3.4 Rated frequency . 29
23 5.3.5 Rated duties . 29
24 5.3.6 Normal load and overload characteristics . 30
25 5.3.7 Rated conditional short-circuit current. 31
26 5.4 Utilization category . 31
27 5.4.1 General . 31
28 5.4.2 Assignment of utilization categories based on the results of tests . 31
29 5.5 Control circuits . 32
30 5.6 Auxiliary circuits . 32
31 5.7 Co-ordination with short-circuit protective devices. 32
32 6 Product information . 32
33 6.1 Nature of information . 32
34 6.1.1 Identification . 33
35 6.1.2 Characteristics, basic rated values and utilization . 33
36 6.2 Marking . 33
37 6.3 Instructions for installation, operation and maintenance . 34
38 7 Normal service, mounting and transport conditions . 35
39 7.1 Normal service conditions . 35
40 7.1.1 Ambient air temperature . 35
41 7.1.2 Altitude . 35
42 7.1.3 Atmospheric conditions . 35
43 7.1.4 Normal electromagnetic environmental conditions . 36
44 7.2 Conditions during transport and storage . 36
45 7.3 Mounting . 36
46 8 Constructional and performance requirements . 36
47 8.1 Constructional requirements . 36

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IEC CDV 61095 © IEC 2022 3 121A/505/CDV

48 8.1.1 General . 36
49 8.1.2 Materials . 37
50 8.1.3 Strength of screws or nuts other than those on terminals which are
51 intended to be operated during installation or maintenance . 38
52 8.1.4 Vacant . 38
53 8.1.5 Actuator . 38
54 8.1.6 Indication of the OFF and ON positions . 39
55 8.1.7 Terminals . 39
56 8.1.8 Additional requirements for contactors provided with a neutral pole . 41
57 8.1.9 Provisions for earthing . 41
58 8.1.10 Enclosures . 42
59 8.1.11 Degrees of protection of enclosed contactors . 43
60 8.1.12 Resistance to impact . 43
61 8.1.13 Durability of markings . 43
62 8.1.14 Fault and abnormal conditions . 44
63 8.2 Performance requirements . 44
64 8.2.1 Operating conditions . 44
65 8.2.2 Temperature-rise . 45
66 8.2.3 Dielectric properties . 48
67 8.2.4 Normal load and overload performance requirements . 50
68 8.2.5 Co-ordination with short-circuit protective devices . 53
69 8.3 EMC Electromagnetic compatibility . 53
70 8.3.1 General . 53
71 8.3.2 Immunity . 53
72 8.3.3 Emission . 53
73 8.4 Embedded software . 54
74 9 Tests . 54
75 9.1 Types of test . 54
76 9.1.1 General . 54
77 9.1.2 Type tests. 54
78 9.1.3 Routine tests . 55
79 9.1.4 Sampling tests for clearance verification . 55
80 9.2 Compliance with constructional requirements . 55
81 9.2.1 General . 55
82 9.2.2 Materials . 55
83 9.2.3 Test on screws or nuts other than those on terminals which are
84 intended to be operated during installation or maintenance . 58
85 9.2.4 Verification of the degrees of protection of enclosed contactors . 58
86 9.2.5 Mechanical properties of terminals . 58
87 9.2.6 Test of resistance to impact . 64
88 9.2.7 Test of durability of marking. 66
89 9.2.8 Breakdown of components . 66
90 9.3 Compliance with performance requirements . 67
91 9.3.1 Test sequences . 67
92 9.3.2 General test conditions . 67
93 9.3.3 Performance under no load, normal load and overload conditions. 69
94 9.3.4 Performance under short-circuit conditions . 84
95 9.3.5 Overload current withstand capability . 88
96 9.3.6 Routine tests . 89

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IEC CDV 61095 © IEC 2022 4 121A/505/CDV

97 9.4 Tests for EMC . 89
98 9.4.1 General . 89
99 9.4.2 Immunity . 89
100 9.4.3 Emission . 90
101 Annex A (normative) Terminal marking and distinctive number .

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