Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-7: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Proximity devices with analogue output

IEC 60947-5-7:2024 states the requirements for proximity devices that correspond to the scope of IEC 60947-5-2:2019 with analog output (PDAO) and/or a digital output to transmit a corresponding digital value representing the detected sensing input. These devices can provide additional parameters. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) New structure; b) Update and expansion of definitions on analog output properties; c) Expanded performance requirements on analog output; d) Update and new normative references; e) Update of EMC requirements; f) Harmonization with IEC 62828 series; g) Harmonization with IEC 62683 and IEC 61987 definitions; h) Harmonization with IEC 61131-2 requirements; i) Update of the Annex A (former Annex G), Example of the determination of the conformity; j) New Annex B, Overview tests and influence quantities; k) New Annex C, Additional requirements for proximity switches with analog output incorporating a built-in communication interface complying with IEC 61131-9; l) New Annex D, Main characteristics for proximity devices with analog output.

Niederspannungsschaltgeräte - Teil 5-7: Steuergeräte und Schaltelemente - Anforderungen an Näherungssensoren mit Analogausgang

Appareillage à basse tension - Partie 5-7: Appareils et éléments de commutation pour circuits de commande - Détecteurs de proximité à sortie analogique

L'IEC 60947-5-7:2024 établit les exigences relatives aux détecteurs de proximité relevant du domaine d'application de l'IEC 60947-5-2:2019 qui comportent une sortie analogique (PDAO, Proximity Devices with Analog Output) et/ou une sortie numérique pour transmettre une valeur numérique correspondante qui représente l'entrée sensible détectée. Ces appareils peuvent fournir des paramètres supplémentaires. Cette seconde édition annule et remplace la première édition parue en 2003. Cette édition constitue une révision technique. Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente: a) nouvelle structure; b) mise à jour et développement des définitions relatives aux propriétés de sortie analogiques; c) développement des exigences relatives aux performances des sorties analogiques; d) mise à jour et ajout de nouvelles références normatives; e) mise à jour des exigences de CEM; f) harmonisation avec la série IEC 62828; g) harmonisation avec les définitions de l'IEC 62683 et l'IEC 61987; h) harmonisation avec les exigences de l'IEC 61131-2; i) mise à jour de l'Annexe A (ancienne Annexe G), Exemple de détermination de la conformité; j) ajout de l'Annexe B, Vue d'ensemble des essais et grandeurs d'influence; k) ajout de l'Annexe C, Exigences supplémentaires pour les détecteurs de proximité à sortie analogique qui comportent une interface de communication intégrée conforme à l'IEC 61131-9; l) ajout de l'Annexe D, Caractéristiques principales des détecteurs de proximité à sortie analogique.

Nizkonapetostne stikalne in krmilne naprave - 5-7. del: Krmilne naprave in stikalni elementi - Zahteve za bližinske naprave z analognim izhodom

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oSIST prEN IEC 60947-5-7:2022
Nizkonapetostne stikalne in krmilne naprave - 5-7. del: Krmilne naprave in stikalni
elementi - Zahteve za bližinske naprave z analognim izhodom
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-7: Control circuit devices and switching
elements - Requirements for proximity devices with analogue output
Niederspannungsschaltgeräte - Teil 5-7: Steuergeräte und Schaltelemente -
Anforderungen an Näherungssensoren mit Analogausgang
Appareillage à basse tension - Partie 5-7: Appareils et éléments de commutation pour
circuits de commande - Exigences pour les détecteurs de proximité à sortie analogique
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN IEC 60947-5-7:2022
29.130.20 Nizkonapetostne stikalne in Low voltage switchgear and
krmilne naprave controlgear
oSIST prEN IEC 60947-5-7:2022 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

oSIST prEN IEC 60947-5-7:2022
oSIST prEN IEC 60947-5-7:2022
IEC 60947-5-7 ED2
2022-08-19 2022-11-11
121A/460/CD, 121A/476A/CC
France Mr Michaël LAHEURTE

SC 65B
Other TC/SCs are requested to indicate their interest, if
any, in this CDV to the secretary.
Attention IEC-CENELEC parallel voting
The attention of IEC National Committees, members of
CENELEC, is drawn to the fact that this Committee Draft
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The CENELEC members are invited to vote through the
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This document is still under study and subject to change. It should not be used for reference purposes.
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Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-7: Control circuit devices and switching
elements - Requirements for proximity devices with analogue output

SC121A Officers support circulation of CDV for project IEC 60947-5-7 ED2.
Secretary Note: NC experts are kindly requested to refer their comments to line numbers.

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oSIST prEN IEC 60947-5-7:2022
IEC CDV 60947-5-7© IEC 2022 2 121A/514/CDV

4 1 Scope . 7
5 2 Normative references. 7
6 3 Terms, definitions and list of abbreviations . 8
7 3.1 Basic definitions . 8
8 3.2 Operation of a proximity device . 8
9 3.3 Output element characteristics . 11
10 3.4 List of abbreviations . 14
11 4 Classification . 14
12 4.1 General . 14
13 5 Analog Characteristics . 15
14 5.1 General . 15
15 5.3 Rated and limiting values for the proximity device and output elements . 15
16 5.3.1 Voltages . 15
17 5.3.2 Currents . 15
18 5.3.3 Load conditions . 15
19 5.3.4 Linearity . 16
20 6 Product information . 16
21 6.1 Identification . 16
22 6.1.1 Adding information . 16
23 6.1.2 Specific information of 6.1.1 bc) Output characteristics . 16
24 6.4 Environmental information . 17
25 6.4.1 Environmentally conscious design process (ECD process) . 17
26 6.4.2 Procedure to establish material declaration . 17
27 7 Normal service, mounting and transport conditions . 17
28 8 Constructional and performance requirements . 17
29 8.1 General . 17
30 8.1.1 Load conditions . 17
31 8.2 Performance requirements . 17
32 Acceptance criteria . 17
33 8.5 Analog output limit values. 17
34 8.5.1 Environmental test conditions . 18
35 Non-Repeatability . 18
36 9 Tests . 19
37 9.1 General . 19
38 9.3.1 Test sequences . 19
39 9.6 Verification of the electromagnetic compatibility . 19
40 9.6.1 General . 19
41 9.8 Additional requirements for proximity switches with analog output . 20
42 9.8.1 Requirements for test programs and proper functioning verification
43 procedures (PFVPs) . 20
44 9.8.2 Verification of analog output . 21
45 9.8.3 Accuracy and related factors . 22
46 9.9 Testing of detection capabilities of physical sizes like operating distance,
47 speed, rotation speed, frequency, … . 22

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IEC CDV 60947-5-7© IEC 2022 3 121A/514/CDV

48 9.9.1 General . 22
49 Annex G (informative) Example of the determination of the conformity . 24
50 G.1 Example 1 of the determination of the conformity of an angle sensor, with
51 linear output characteristics . 24
52 G.2 Example 2 of the determination of the conformity of a position sensor, with
53 nonlinear output characteristics . 27
54 G.3 Test report and technical documentation . 29
55 G.3.1 Test report . 29
56 G.3.2 Technical documentation . 29
57 G.3.3 Total probable error TPE . 29
58 Annex H (informative) Overview tests and influence quantities . 31
59 H.1 Tests at the standard reference conditions . 31
60 H.2 Tests at ambient and process reference conditions for influence quantities . 32
61 Annex I (normative) Additional requirements for proximity switches with analog output
62 incorporating a built-in communication interface complying with IEC 61131-9 . 34
63 I.1 Scope . 34
64 I.3 Terms and definitions . 34
65 I.3.1 Basic definitions . 34
66 I.3.3 Output element characteristics . 34
67 I.3.3.12 Single drop digital communication interface (SDCI) . 34
68 I.5 Analog Characteristics . 34
69 I.5.4 Rated and limiting values for SDCI . 34
70 I.6 Product information . 34
71 I.8 Constructional and performance requirements . 34
72 I.8.1 General . 34
73 I.8.2 Performance requirements . 35
74 I.9 Tests . 35
75 I.9.1 General . 35
76 Annex J (informative) Main characteristics for proximity devices with analog output . 36
77 J.1 Properties of proximity devices with analog output . 36
78 J.2 Library of product properties and value lists . 37
79 J.2.1 Library of properties used in the device classes . 38
80 J.2.2 Value lists of properties . 40
81 Bibliography . 42
83 Figure 1 – Proximity device with analog output (PDAO), schematic block diagram
84 structure . 7
85 Figure 2 – Principle diagram of time values and their meanings . 13
86 Figure 3 – Principle diagram of limit values and their ranges . 14
87 Figure 4 – limit values of analog output signals . 18
88 Figure G.1 – Output values diagram corresponding to example of Table G.1 . 25
89 Figure G.2 – Error curves corresponding to example of Table G.1 . 26
90 Figure G.3 – Non-linearity error curves corresponding to the example of Table G.1 . 27
91 Figure G.4 – Output values diagram corresponding to example of Table G.2 . 28
92 Figure G.5 –Error curves corresponding to example of Table G.2 . 29
94 Table 1 – Range of analog voltage signals . 15

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IEC CDV 60947-5-7© IEC 2022 4 121A/514/CDV

95 Table 2 – Range of analog current signals . 15
96 Table 3 – Load conditions . 15
97 Table 4 – Analog output signal static characteristics . 16
98 Table 5 – Analog output dynamic characteristics . 17
99 Table 6 – Analog output overload immunity test . 21
100 Table 7 – Number of measurement cycles and number and position of test points . 22
101 Table G.1 – Example table for the errors of a linear sensor . 24
102 Tab

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