Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 27: Product safety requirements

IEC 60255-27:2013 describes the product safety requirements for measuring relays and protection equipment having a rated a.c. voltage up to 1 000 V with a rated frequency up to 65 Hz, or a rated d.c. voltage up to 1 500 V. Above these limits, IEC 60664-1 is applicable for the determination of clearance, creepage distance and withstand test voltage. This standard details essential safety requirements to minimize the risk of fire and hazards caused by electric shock or injury to the user. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - the removal of tables and diagrams which are from other standards and referring instead directly to the source standard; - all aspects of IEC 60255-5 have been covered and this standard will be withdrawn.

Messrelais und Schutzeinrichtungen - Teil 27: Anforderungen an die Produktsicherheit

Relais de mesure et dispositifs de protection - Partie 27: Exigences de sécurité

La CEI 60255-27:2013 détaille les exigences de sécurité produit pour les relais de mesure et dispositifs de protection dont la tension assignée n'excède pas 1 000 V en courant alternatif avec une fréquence assignée jusqu'à 65 Hz ou 1 500 V en courant continu. Au-delà de ces limites, la CEI 60664-1 est applicable pour déterminer les distances dans l'air, les lignes de fuites et la valeur des tensions de tenue d'essai. Cette norme détaille les exigences fondamentales de sécurité pour minimiser le risque d'incendie et les dangers de choc électrique ou de blessure pour l'utilisateur. Cette nouvelle édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente: - le retrait des tableaux et diagrammes qui proviennent d'autres normes et référant plutôt directement à ces standards sources; - tous les aspects de la CEI 60255-5 ont été couvert et cette norme sera retirée.

Merilni releji in zaščitna oprema - 27. del: Zahteve za varnost izdelka (IEC 60255-27:2013)

EN IEC 60255-27 opisuje zahteve za varnost izdelka za merilne releje in zaščitno opremo z naznačeno izmenično napetostjo do 1000 V z naznačeno frekvenco 65 Hz ali z naznačeno enosmerno napetostjo do 1500 V. Nad temi omejitvami se standard IEC 60664-1 uporablja za ugotavljanje zevi, plazilne razdalje in napetostne trdnosti. Ta standard podrobneje določa bistvene varnostne zahteve za zmanjšanje nevarnosti požara in nevarnosti, ki jih povzroči električni udar, ali poškodb uporabnika. Ta standard ne zajema zahtev za varnost za naprave. Zajema vse načine, kako je mogoče opremo pritrditi in uporabiti v kabinah, stojalih in ploščah, ter ponovno preskušanje. Ta standard velja tudi za pomožne naprave, kot so prespojnice, serijski upori, transformatorji itd., ki se uporabljajo skupaj z merilnimi releji in zaščitno opremo ter se preskusijo skupaj. Pomožna oprema, uporabljena skupaj z merilnimi releji in zaščitno opremo, bo morda morala biti skladna z dodatnimi zahtevami za varnost. Ta mednarodni standard je namenjen samo opisovanju zahtev za varnost izdelka, zato funkcionalne lastnosti opreme niso zajete. Zahteve za funkcionalno varnost, vključno s funkcionalno varnostjo glede elektromagnetne združljivosti, niso zajete v tem standardu. Analiza tveganja za funkcionalno varnost ni zajeta v tem standardu o varnosti izdelka. Ta standard ne določa implementacije posamezne opreme, vezij in komponent. Namen tega standarda je celovit zajem vseh vidikov varnosti izdelka ter povezanih vrst in rutinskih preskusov za merilne releje in zaščitno opremo. Ta standard zajema opremo, oblikovano kot varno pod najmanj naslednjimi okoljskimi pogoji: – uporaba v prostoru; – višina do 2000 m, po IEC 60255-1; – razpon zunanje delovne temperature, po IEC 60255-1; – največja zunanja relativna vlaga 95 %, brez kondenza, po IEC 60255-1; – nihanja električne oskrbe, po IEC 60255-1; – ustrezna kategorija prenapetosti električne oskrbe; – zunanje onesnaženje stopnje 1 in zunanje onesnaženje stopnje 2. Oprema je običajno nameščena v območju z omejenim dostopom na električni centrali, napravah ali v industrijskem/maloprodajnem okolju. Upoštevajo se okoljski pogoji, navedeni za opremo v standardu IEC 60255-1. Ta standard obravnava običajne okoljske pogoje za korozijo, ki jo povzroči vlaga, vendar ne zajema korozije, ki jo povzroči onesnažen zrak. Predvideva, da je dostop do opreme med namestitvijo, vzdrževanjem, običajnimi pogoji uporabe in prenehanjem uporabe omejen na uporabnike, ki poznajo delovne postopke za zagotavljanje varnosti.

General Information

Publication Date
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6060 - Document made available - Publishing
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Due Date
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EN 60255-27:2014
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 60255-27:2006
SIST EN 60255-5:2002

Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 27: Product safety requirements
Messrelais und Schutzeinrichtungen - Teil 27: Anforderungen an die Produktsicherheit
Relais de mesure et dispositifs de protection - Partie 27: Exigences de sécurité
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60255-27:2014
29.120.70 Releji Relays
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 60255-27
March 2014
ICS 29.120.70 Supersedes EN 60255-27:2005

English version
Measuring relays and protection equipment -
Part 27: Product safety requirements
(IEC 60255-27:2013)
Relais de mesure et dispositifs de Messrelais und Schutzeinrichtungen -
protection - Teil 27: Anforderungen an die
Partie 27: Exigences de sécurité Produktsicherheit
(CEI 60255-27:2013) (IEC 60255-27:2013)

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2013-11-19. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified
to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2014 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 60255-27:2014 E
The text of document 95/316/FDIS, future edition 2 of IEC 60255-27, prepared by IEC/TC 95
"Measuring relays and protection equipment" was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and
approved by CENELEC as EN 60255-27:2014.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which the document has (dop) 2014-09-28
to be implemented at national level by
publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement
(dow) 2016-11-19
• latest date by which the national
standards conflicting with the
document have to be withdrawn
This document supersedes EN 60255-27:2005.
a) The removal of tables and diagrams which are from other standards and referring instead
directly to the source standard.
b) All aspects of EN 60255-5 have been covered and this standard can be withdrawn.
c) Ambiguity within the standard has been removed.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
This standard covers the Principle Elements of the Safety Objectives for Electrical Equipment
Designed for Use within Certain Voltage Limits (LVD - 2006/95/EC).
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 60255-27:2013 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards
IEC 60068-3-4:2001 NOTE  Harmonized in EN 60068-3-4:2001 (not modified)
IEC 60112:2003 NOTE  Harmonized in EN 60112:2003 (not modified)
IEC 60127-1 NOTE  Harmonized in EN 60127-1
IEC 60255-5:2000 NOTE  Harmonized in EN 60255-5:2000 (not modified)
IEC 60384-14:2013 NOTE  Harmonized in EN 60384-14:2013 (not modified)
IEC 60695-2-12 NOTE  Harmonized in EN 60695-2-12
IEC 60695-2-13:2010 NOTE  Harmonized in EN 60695-2-13:2010 (not modified)
IEC 61558 (series) NOTE  Harmonized in EN 61558 (series)
IEC 61810-1:2008 NOTE  Harmonized in EN 61810-1:2008 (not modified)

- 3 - EN 60255-27:2014
Annex ZA
Normative references to i nternational publications
with their corresponding European publications

The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

NOTE  When an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HD
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year

IEC 60050 (series) International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - -
Part 103: Mathematics - Functions

IEC 60085 Electrical insulation - Thermal evaluation and EN 60085
IEC 60255-1 Measuring relays and protection equipment - EN 60255-1
Part 1: Common requirements
IEC 60255-21-1 Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, EN 60255-21-1
bump and seismic tests on measuring relays
and protection equipment - Section 1:
Vibration tests (sinusoidal)
IEC 60255-21-2 Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, EN 60255-21-2
bump and seismic tests on measuring relays
and protection equipment - Section 2: Shock
and bump tests
IEC 60255-21-3 Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, EN 60255-21-3
bump and seismic tests on measuring relays
and protection equipment - Section 3: Seismic
IEC 60255-26 2013 Measuring relays and protection equipment - EN 60255-26 2013
Part 26: Electromagnetic compatibility + AC:2013
IEC 60352-1 Solderless connections - Part 1: Wrapped EN 60352-1
connections - General requirements, test
methods and practical guidance

IEC 60352-2 Solderless connections - Part 2: Crimped EN 60352-2
connections - General requirements, test
methods and practical guidance

IEC 60417 Data- Graphical symbols for use on equipment
IEC 60529 1989 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures EN 60529 1991
+A1 1999 (IP Code) + corr. May 1993
+A1 2000
IEC 60664-1 2007 Insulation coordination for equipment within EN 60664-1 2007
low-voltage systems - Part 1: Principles,
requirements and tests
IEC 60664-3 2003 Insulation coordination for equipment within EN 60664-3 2003
low-voltage systems - Part 3: Use of coating,
potting or moulding for protection against
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC/TS 60695-2-20 Fire hazard testing - Part 2-20: Glowing/hot - -
wire based test methods - Hot-wire coil
ignitability - Apparatus, test method and
IEC 60695-11-10 Fire hazard testing - Part 11-10: Test flames - EN 60695-11-10
50 W horizontal and vertical flame test
IEC 60825-1 Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment EN 60825-1
classification and requirements

IEC 60990 1999 Methods of measurement of touch current and EN 60990 1999
protective conductor current
IEC 61010-1 2010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment EN 61010-1 2010
for measurement, control and laboratory use -
Part 1: General requirements
IEC 61032 Protection of persons and equipment by EN 61032
enclosures - Probes for verification

IEC 61140 Protection against electric shock - Common EN 61140
aspects for installation and equipment

IEC 61180-1 1992 High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage EN 61180-1 1994
equipment - Part 1: Definitions, test and
procedure requirements
IEC 61180-2 High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage EN 61180-2
equipment - Part 2: Test equipment

IEC 62151 Safety of equipment electrically connected to - -
a telecommunication network
ISO 7000 Graphical symbols for use on equipment - - -
Registered symbols
IEC 60255-27 ®
Edition 2.0 2013-10
Measuring relays and protection equipment –

Part 27: Product safety requirements

Relais de mesure et dispositifs de protection –

Partie 27: Exigences de sécurité

ICS 29.120.70 ISBN 978-2-8322-1161-8

– 2 – 60255-27 © IEC:2013
1 Scope . 9
2 Normative references . 10
3 Terms and definitions . 11
4 General safety requirements . 19
4.1 General . 19
4.2 Earthing requirements . 20
5 Protection against electric shock . 20
5.1 General . 20
5.1.1 Introductory remark . 20
5.1.2 Protection from contact with hazardous live parts . 20
5.1.3 Discharge of capacitors . 21
5.1.4 Protective impedance . 22
5.1.5 Accessible parts . 22
5.1.6 Bonding to the protective conductor . 25
5.1.7 Protective conductor connection . 26
5.1.8 High leakage current . 26
5.1.9 Solid insulation . 26
5.1.10 Clearances and creepage distances . 27
5.1.11 Functional earthing . 29
5.2 Single-fault conditions . 29
5.2.1 Testing in single-fault condition . 29
5.2.2 Application of single-fault condition . 30
5.2.3 Duration of tests . 31
5.2.4 Compliance . 32
6 Mechanical aspects . 33
6.1 Protection against mechanical hazards . 33
6.1.1 Stability . 33
6.1.2 Moving parts . 33
6.1.3 Edges and corners . 33
6.2 Mechanical requirements . 33
6.3 Mechanical security of terminations . 33
7 Flammability and resistance to fire . 33
7.1 General . 33
7.2 Rationale . 34
7.3 General hazards from overheating and fire . 36
7.3.1 Equipment temperature limits . 36
7.3.2 Hazardous gases and chemicals. 36
7.4 Minimization of fire risk .

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